Terrorist Attack on the Boston Marathon - MEDIA/TIMELINE REFERENCE **NO DISCUSSION**

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Citing its sources in the Russian security services, Novaya Gazeta also reported that Tsarnaev had met multiple times in Dagestan with a suspected Islamist named Mahmud Mansur Nidal, an 18-year-old with mixed Kumyk and Palestinian ancestry. Russian operatives had been watching Nidal for a year as a suspected recruiter for local Islamist groups, according to Novaya Gazeta. That was why the FSB sent further requests to U.S. law-enforcement agencies after Tsarnaev’s alleged meetings with Nidal in Dagestan last year. Nidal was killed in a shootout with Russian police in May 2012, about two months before Tsarnaev went back to Boston from Dagestan.
Read more: http://world.time.com/2013/04/29/picking-up-the-boston-bomber-trail-in-utamysh-russia/#ixzz2Rt7CLfws
One official familiar with the case said agents went to the house Monday to collect a DNA sample from Ms. Russell, the culmination of days of negotiations. FBI officials also have been negotiating with Ms. Russell's attorney in recent days to get fuller access to question her, the officials familiar with the case said. The officials briefed on the investigation said the DNA request was needed to determine whether it matched the DNA found on the bomb remnants.

Could Boston bombing suspect avoid death penalty? Talks have startedAs details of the nascent negotiations emerged, a lawyer who has helped other high-profile suspects cut deals that kept them out of the execution chamber got permission to join Tsarnaev's defense team.
Attorney Judy Clarke's past clients have included Unabomber Ted Kaczynski and, more recently, Jared Loughner, who was spared facing the death penalty for the Tucson, Ariz., shooting that nearly killed former U.S. Rep. Gabby Giffords in 2011.
Article on the new attorney Judy Clarke, added to DT's defense team:

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Judy Clarke is in the business of cheating death, but she rarely talks about it.
Clarke, one of the nation's top lawyers and defender of the despised, broke her silence Friday in a speech at a legal conference, where she spoke about her work saving notorious criminal defendants from execution.

Tamerlan Tsarnaev's body has been at the medical examiner's office in Massachusetts since he died after a gunfight with authorities more than a week ago.
Amato DeLuca, the Rhode Island attorney for his widow, Katherine Russell, said in a statement Tuesday that his client had just learned that the medical examiner was ready to release Tsarnaev's body and that she wants it released to the Tsarnaev family.

His cause of death has been determined but will not be made public until his remains are claimed.
"Of course, family members will take possession of the body," uncle Ruslan Tsarni of Montgomery Village, Md., told The Associated Press on Tuesday night. "We'll do it. We will do it. A family is a family."
Robel Phillipos,Who is He?


Phillipos, 19, of Cambridge, was studying marketing, but the university said Wednesday he is not currently enrolled.

With Tsarnaev, he was a 2011 graduate of the prestigious Cambridge Rindge and Latin School, the city schools' superintendent's office said.

Their (the student and his mother's) Cambridge apartment is next to the gas station where the Tsarnaev brothers carjacked a vehicle before getting into the shootout with police in which 26-year-old Tamerlan Tsarnaev was killed.
Bomb suspect's buddies covered for him, feds say
A laptop, some empty fireworks and a jar of Vaseline landed three friends of Boston Marathon bomb suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev in jail Wednesday, charged with trying to throw investigators off their buddy's trail.
Those are the items federal prosecutors say Azamat Tazhayakov, Dias Kadyrbayev and Robel Phillipos took from Tsarnaev's dorm room at the University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth in the hours after the FBI released photos of Tsarnaev and his brother Tamerlan, the suspects in the marathon bombings. According to FBI affidavits, they quickly recognized their friend from the pictures.
When Kadyrbayev texted his friend to tell him "he looked like the suspect on television," Tsarnaev texted back "lol" and added, "come to my room and take whatever you want," the affidavit states. Phillipos, Tazhayakov and Kadyrbayev went to the room, where Kadyrbayev noticed a backpack containing fireworks that had been "opened and emptied of powder," according to the affidavit.
Kadyrbayev and Tazhayakov, both from Kazakhstan, were already in federal custody on immigration charges. They're charged with obstruction of justice, while Phillipos, a U.S. citizen, is charged with lying to federal agents probing the bombing.

The widow of Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev reportedly faced shoplifting charges in 2007.

Newly released mug shots show Katherine Russell after her arrest at age 18.


The American suspect, Robel Phillipos, grew up in Cambridge and attended high school with Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.

Next to Phillipos' Memorial Drive apartment building is the Mobil gas station where the man only known as "Danny" escaped after he was allegedly carjacked by the Tsarnaev brothers. Right now, there is no connection, but it's all part of the investigation.
Read more: http://www.myfoxboston.com/story/22...ended-high-school-with-dzhokhar#ixzz2S8twLJhZ
After Boston Attack, 3 Friends Covered It Up, Prosecutors Say


2 students from Kazakstan on left, and DT on right, earlier this year photo taken in Times Square.

The two Kazakhs, Dias Kadyrbayev and Azamat Tazhayakov, were charged on Wednesday with concealing evidence to obstruct the federal inquiry into the marathon bombings.

Robel Phillipos

Despite dropping out of school and returning to Cambridge, Mr. Phillipos also appears to have become fast friends with the Kazakh students, visiting them frequently in the apartment they shared in New Bedford, about three miles from the Dartmouth campus.

Dzhokhar allegedly told his interrogators the weekend after he was arrested that he and his brother originally intended to set off their bombs somewhere on the Fourth of July, officials said.
July 4 was the original date planned for the bombings
Dzhokhar allegedly told his interrogators the weekend after he was arrested that he and his brother originally intended to set off their bombs somewhere on the Fourth of July, officials said.
Slain bomber's body claimed by relatives
Friday, May 3, 2013
by Matt Stout, Richard Weir
The Boston Herald
The state medical exam*iner’s office last night transferred the remains of 26-year-old 
Tamerlan Tsarnaev — killed April 19 in a gunfight in Watertown — to a funeral home retained by his family, though spokesman Terrel Harris declined to say which one.
Who's Who in the Boston Marathon Bombing

May 2, 2013
by Erin McClam, Staff Writer
NBC News

Martin Richard: Eight-year-old boy killed near the marathon finish line. He was remembered as soft-spoken and sweet, and was pictured in a heartbreaking photo from school holding a poster that said “No More Hurting People.”

Krystle Campbell: Restaurant manager killed in the attack. Remembered by President Barack Obama this way at the prayer service: “Those who knew her said that with her red hair and her freckles and her ever-eager willingness to speak her mind, she was beautiful, sometimes she could be a little noisy, and everybody loved her for it.”

Lingzi Lu: Boston University graduate student killed in the attack. She was watching the race with two friends, and the day before had learned that she passed the first half of her master’s degree exams. The chairman of the BU math and statistics department recalled: “She’s a very bright young scientist. Enthusiastic, very bubbly, talkative. Her friends are going to miss her deeply.”

The New Bedford Standard Times reports Azamat Tazhayakov and Dias Kadyrbayev were evicted by a housing court judge because they had not paid rent since January.

http://www.southcoasttoday.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20130503/NEWS/305030329 Judge had ordered them evicted "weeks ago"
On April 8, the Housing Court judge gave Tazhayakov and Kadyrbayev, both 19, 14 days to leave the apartment after their property manager sent them an eviction notice on March 1, according to court documents. Their failure to comply is what started the court proceedings.
There are {were}Ties b/t TT and 2 jihadists, Nidal and Plotnikov, according to the Boston Herald, and Rep. William Keating.


U.S. Rep William Keating (D-Bourne), a member of the House Homeland Security Committee, was briefed by his staff on the link between Tsarnaev and William Plotnikov, after his team traveled to Russia to meet with nongovernmental sources this week.

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