Terry Hobbs - My Story

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Oct 27, 2010
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Here is something new on youtube. I don't know anything about this movie. I guess we'll all just have to wait and see what it ends up being.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7KVmkwfUJM]Terry Hobbs - My Story[/ame]
hmm. this looks extremely amateurish. why pose him against the artificial backgrounds? are they at olan mills in 1974? this looks shady at best. jmo.
I have no clue about this film! I just thought everyone would find it interesting. Guess we'll just have to wait to see what happens. And, yes, he's supposedly publishing a book, too.:sick:
I have no clue about this film! I just thought everyone would find it interesting. Guess we'll just have to wait to see what happens. And, yes, he's supposedly publishing a book, too.:sick:

The more he talks the better. The more everyone talks the better because it increases the likelihood that the truth will come out or things will be said that blow holes in stories.
Here is something new on youtube. I don't know anything about this movie. I guess we'll all just have to wait and see what it ends up being.

Terry Hobbs - My Story

I was just going back through some of the notes. I always found it extremely troubling that LE never interviewed Hobbs at the time simply based on the familial relationship. Now I'm even sickened more as Damien's cell mate, Hurst, placed Branch's Step-dad(Hobbs) at the scene and as having murdered 2 of the boys. Now, Hurst's statement may be full of BS and have major problems with it, but it's not the truth of what he's saying that's important. What's important is that he is placing LE on notice of Hobb's involvement. Now how you couple that with the familial relationship and STILL don't question him is beyond negligent and incompetent in my mind. Sick.
Hurst said Echols described the stepfather as having "long blonde hair in a ponytail" and as having been "on tv and he was saying that Damien was such a animal and he deserved to die for this crime", both of which describe Byers, not Hobbs.

You completely miss the point. It's not about whether or not Hobbs was who he was talking about or Byers or whether or not Hurst's statements tend to incriminate Hobbs. It's about whether or not LE should have interviewed Hobbs right off. His relationship alone is reason enough to have interviewed him. The fact that this guy references Branch's stepdad and they specifically question him about it is all that much more reason they should have interviewed him immediately. Go on and defend LE for not interviewing Hobbs right away. Doing so is no different than the blinders LE wore so many years ago.
Oh really, so is Hobbs still being dropped into the frame as the 'real killer' .. I wonder how long they'll continue with this, I'm surprised another likely suspect hasn't come along for them all to bother with, although now they are free they may not feel they need to. Absolutely ridiculous and transparent attempt to shift blame. I hope they all get sued.
Sued by whom? Terry Hobbs? His last attempt to sue didn't end too well for him, so I doubt that's going to happen.
The fact that this guy references Branch's stepdad
Rather, Hurst only said things along the lines of "[Echols] thought [the stepdad's] last name was Branch", while in fact not mentioning Hobbs at all and rather describing Mark Byers as the one Echols claimed he and Misskelley witnessed committing the murders along side Jason Baldwin. I understand the point you're attempting to push, I'm just rejecting the false premises it's based on.
The point remains that LE should have interviewed Hobbs early on and they did not. Every time they went by the house to interview Hobbs,at least according to the notes on file at Cally's, he was not at home. Something tells me that they should have tried harder. After all, those little boys were murdered.

So, the "lame" excuse of Hobbs not being interviewed because they could never find him at home (until "Damien Echols tunnel vision" set in) is simply ridiculous. The fact that LE still insists that Hobbs is not a suspect, never was, etc., is beyond ridiculous. It borders on criminally negligent, IMO. Certain people simply won't address this error.
Oh really, so is Hobbs still being dropped into the frame as the 'real killer' .. I wonder how long they'll continue with this, I'm surprised another likely suspect hasn't come along for them all to bother with, although now they are free they may not feel they need to. Absolutely ridiculous and transparent attempt to shift blame. I hope they all get sued.

First, if you're responding to me, I never claimed anyone is the real killer. I have no idea who the real killer is. That is what I'd like LE to find out some day. What I can do is form opinions as to who I might think is involved based on the released evidence(whether you think its the WM3 or someone else, you do this too). One cannot be sued for opinions. Beyond that, my opinion was that it was a travesty that Hobbs was not interviewed immediately after the crime. Even if he was 100% innocent, that interview should have taken place. How one can deny that is beyond me both because of his familial relationship to one victim and because of Hurst correctly or incorrectly referencing him.

As for them getting sued, my one word of caution would be that truth is an absolute defense to a libel or slander lawsuit. It would be very interesting to see all of the evidence against him presented in a courtroom however. I think it could make for an interesting case.

All just my very humble opinion.
The point remains that LE should have interviewed Hobbs early on and they did not. Every time they went by the house to interview Hobbs,at least according to the notes on file at Cally's, he was not at home. Something tells me that they should have tried harder. After all, those little boys were murdered.

So, the "lame" excuse of Hobbs not being interviewed because they could never find him at home (until "Damien Echols tunnel vision" set in) is simply ridiculous. The fact that LE still insists that Hobbs is not a suspect, never was, etc., is beyond ridiculous. It borders on criminally negligent, IMO. Certain people simply won't address this error.

Some simply have the same blinders or tunnel vision. To deny that it was a mistake to interview Hobbs right away is absurd. Again, I don't care if he was 100% innocent, it was a mistake still. I understand LE plays games with the labels they use (suspect, person of interest, material witness, etc...) so it doesn't bother me if they ever labelled him a suspect or not. What bothers me are the actions, or inaction as it were, that took place in this case. The familial relationship is enough alone. Hurst's statements that Damien said Branch's step dad was there is all the more reason. As to him referencing Branch's step dad(which would be Hobbs) but describing Byers makes little difference. All that means is they sure as hell should have interviewed both. I believe they did as to one but not as to the other.
Oh really, so is Hobbs still being dropped into the frame as the 'real killer' .. I wonder how long they'll continue with this, I'm surprised another likely suspect hasn't come along for them all to bother with, although now they are free they may not feel they need to. Absolutely ridiculous and transparent attempt to shift blame. I hope they all get sued.

I am curious. Regardless of guilt, do you believe the WMPD acted within customary standards or guidelines when they failed to interview Hobbs initially?
Some simply have the same blinders or tunnel vision. To deny that it was a mistake to interview Hobbs right away is absurd. Again, I don't care if he was 100% innocent, it was a mistake still. I understand LE plays games with the labels they use (suspect, person of interest, material witness, etc...) so it doesn't bother me if they ever labelled him a suspect or not. What bothers me are the actions, or inaction as it were, that took place in this case. The familial relationship is enough alone. Hurst's statements that Damien said Branch's step dad was there is all the more reason. As to him referencing Branch's step dad(which would be Hobbs) but describing Byers makes little difference. All that means is they sure as hell should have interviewed both. I believe they did as to one but not as to the other.

Yes, JMB was put through the proverbial wringer - both on and off the stand. He was assured that all other parents would be treated the same way. They weren't. I understand about TM (Michael's father) because he was out of town (verifiable by truckers' logs) and therefore above suspicion. Hobbs is another story altogether. The fact that LE allowed Hobbs to escape scrutiny because he "wasn't there" when they went to interview him is, as I said before, simply unbelievably incompetent!
When and by who exactly was Mark Byers "assured that all other parents would be treated the same way". Also, do you realize that it was the defense who put him through the ringer on the stand, and the bulk of the scrutiny he received outside of the courtroom was from supporters of the convicted?
Oh really, so is Hobbs still being dropped into the frame as the 'real killer' .. I wonder how long they'll continue with this, I'm surprised another likely suspect hasn't come along for them all to bother with, although now they are free they may not feel they need to. Absolutely ridiculous and transparent attempt to shift blame. I hope they all get sued.

Terry Hobbs' hair was found in the actual knot of the ligature that was used to bind Byers. Hard to explain how someone's hair got entwined in the very knot. Important to note that the hair wasn't found on Hobbs' own stepson, so the likelihood that it was innocently transferred is very slim.

Less evidence than this got the West Memphis 3 almost put to death.
MadamReporter, I've read the Bode DNA reports, and the closest thing to your claim I'm familiar with with is a hair which could be Terry Hobbs' or one of the many other people who share his mDNA, and which is labeled ""Hair from M. Moore ligature" documented here with no mention of if it was "found in the actual knot" or otherwise. Is there another hair which matches your description, or have you misunderstood the facts regarding the hair in the report I linked? Also, I recommend familiarizing yourself with the phenomena known as secondary transfer, and noting the variety of hairs with different mDNA noted in the the Bode report I linked that likely came other parents, friends, teachers and such people who traveled in the same circles as the children.
MadamReporter, I've read the Bode DNA reports, and the closest thing to your claim I'm familiar with with is a hair which could be Terry Hobbs' or one of the many other people who share his mDNA, and which is labeled ""Hair from M. Moore ligature" documented here with no mention of if it was "found in the actual knot" or otherwise. Is there another hair which matches your description, or have you misunderstood the facts regarding the hair in the report I linked? Also, I recommend familiarizing yourself with the phenomena known as secondary transfer, and noting the variety of hairs with different mDNA noted in the the Bode report I linked that likely came other parents, friends, teachers and such people who traveled in the same circles as the children.

Well, I found something closer, from an article, which states:
Two hairs from the crime scene were identified in 2007, after DNA advancements since the initial trial.
An independent lab paid by the defense concluded that a hair found in a shoelace used to bind Michael Moore's wrists to his ankles is consistent with Terry Hobbs' DNA. The other hair is consistent with the DNA of David Jacoby, whom Hobbs visited about an hour before the boys' disappearance. http://www.commercialappeal.com/news/2012/jan/20/new-sworn-statements-implicate-hobbs-west-memphis/
Emphasis by me.

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