Terry Hobbs - My Story

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DNA Solves
They're feelings get focused on the WM3 instead of the victims.
That's the impression I get from people who refer to this case as that of the WM3 meaning Baldwin, Echols, and Misskelley rather than Stevie Branch, Christoper Byers, and Michael Moore, and particularly those who put pictures of the three who were convicted rather than the three who were murder on banners and tee-shirts and carelessly go from blaming one parent of a victim to another.
That's the impression I get from people who refer to this case as that of the WM3 meaning Baldwin, Echols, and Misskelley rather than Stevie Branch, Christoper Byers, and Michael Moore, and particularly those who put pictures of the three who were convicted rather than the three who were murder on banners and tee-shirts who carelessly go from blaming one parent of a victim to another.

Kyleb...we agree on the bolded by me portion 100%. When I first started posting here I almost started referring to Stevie, Christopher and Michael as the WM3 because that is who it is about first and foremost but I figured after 20 years of people referring to Echols, Baldwin and Misskelley as the WM3 all I would do is confuse people. I also try to avoid referring to people as nons and supporters. For whatever reason, I don't care for the labels.
I agree Kyleb, they should have put the victims photos on t-shirts and posters instead of the convicted. I guess you couldn't make as much money doing that though. I'm surprised that some supporters would blame the victim's families and accuse them when there is no reason for it. I have seen some of the supporters on this board posting on other subjects and they are not pro defendant, but here makes me wonder about them. I guess they just watched the movies and never really did any research
I agree Kyleb, they should have put the victims photos on t-shirts and posters instead of the convicted. I guess you couldn't make as much money doing that though. I'm surprised that some supporters would blame the victim's families and accuse them when there is no reason for it. I have seen some of the supporters on this board posting on other subjects and they are not pro defendant, but here makes me wonder about them. I guess they just watched the movies and never really did any research

I cannot speak for all supporters, but I and many that I know burn candles every May 5th in memory of Christopher, Michael and Steven. Their deaths were tragic, but what is almost as tragic is that their murderer has not served one day in prison for his crime.

As to blaming a family member for the crime, statistics support the probability that, when the death of a child under 12 is involved, the most common perpetrator is a family member or a friend of the family. Although the perpetrator being a random stranger is possible, it is not as probable as the perpetrator being a family member or friend of the family.

My problem with the original investigation is that one particular family member was never fully investigated although the police freely state that he is not now and never was a suspect. It begs the question, why? Finally, if he is innocent, what does he have to fear?

And, as reedus23 opined, shouldn't we all want to be assured that the killer is punished? Shouldn't we be primarily concerned about true justice in this case? IMO, too many people have simply taken the word of the juries instead of properly investigating the case and discovering the truth.

I believe Damien, Jason and Jessie are innocent. However, if they were my primary concern, why would I still be commenting on this case? The fact that I am still commenting is proof that my focus is on justice.

OTOH, those that believe Damien, Jason and Jessie to be guilty should be satisfied. Those three have been adjudged (albeit it falsely) to be guilty, have served over eighteen years for that crime and are still living with the stigma of three murder convictions on their record. Why would those people still be commenting on this case?

Answering my own question, IMO, it is because they know in their heart of hearts that they were initially wrong, but feel compelled to hold onto their original beliefs and, like Ellington and the State of Arkansas, just want this case to go away. Speaking for myself, I will not give up until the real killer is paying for his crime. Then, and only then, will Justice be served.
Going back to the documentary...

I wish someone would just confess to this murder. I know some people will say that Jessie already did...but there are people out there that acted WAY more guilty than the WM3 EVER came off (probably because they aren't guilty).

I think that David Jacoby would be the first to snap. I still don't know about him (I still don't know about the WM3 honestly) but I'm pretty honest he knows something about this whether he helped kill the 3 boys or he helped set up the crime scene.
I agree Kyleb, they should have put the victims photos on t-shirts and posters instead of the convicted. I guess you couldn't make as much money doing that though. I'm surprised that some supporters would blame the victim's families and accuse them when there is no reason for it. I have seen some of the supporters on this board posting on other subjects and they are not pro defendant, but here makes me wonder about them. I guess they just watched the movies and never really did any research

I don't know who you're talking about, but it seems to me it would be kind of silly to be pro-defendant or pro-state in a blanket kind of way. It seems to me the better thing to do is review the facts of each case and draw your conclusions from them on an individual basis. Frankly, I don't find myself being pro-defendant, when I'm of the belief that the defendant did it.
If it weren't for the knots in the shoe-laces I'd also think that TH might have been the sole person involved. I've also wondered if Christopher Byers was the actual main victim and not his step-son. If it's true that Christopher had a little crush on Amanda then what if that irked TH on the day of the murder? I think there was a time on that day when Christopher was at their home watching TV with Amanda, so that's when it could have set in if TH was there too. He just seems like the type of guy who'd blow up at something small after festering over other things.
If it weren't for the knots in the shoe-laces I'd also think that TH might have been the sole person involved. I've also wondered if Christopher Byers was the actual main victim and not his step-son. If it's true that Christopher had a little crush on Amanda then what if that irked TH on the day of the murder? I think there was a time on that day when Christopher was at their home watching TV with Amanda, so that's when it could have set in if TH was there too. He just seems like the type of guy who'd blow up at something small after festering over other things.

I believe there was definitely more than one person.

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If there weren't more than one killer, then others were at least involved in the cover-up! That there was a cover-up I have no doubt. It's only a matter of who covered up what. JMO
I believe there was definitely more than one person.

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I think this is one of those cases in which there are more possible suspects than what you can shake a stick at. I can also believe that any of them could be guilty. I just hope that one day that this crime will be solved and justice finally served for those three boys.
Just an idea here, but to me, it feels like it could've been a shoe print, belt buckle or something along that line. I believe that a specialist suggested that biting was more of a female offenders way than a males. Idk I'm just throwing ideas out there that have popped into my head. It's just crazy that if they had just did their job right to begin with, instead of their wild theories, the real murderer would've been caught or at the least, the case would make more sense.....
This is what I mean by a boot print, see the bottom part? A boot that has that pattern(on his eye) would match the print above his eye.,.


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Well, I agree they should have more attention on the victims, but I don't think that those three boys, I mean, they were victims too. I'm sorry you don't see it that way, but they were. And the statistics are overwhelming as to who the offender would be. It is 100 times more likely that it was a family member, rather than a satanic cult of teenagers because they wore black and we're different. And you should also study the laws of fake or made up confessions, they or more common than you think. If the case had been done right to begin with, instead of the moronic beliefs that the boys were in a satanic cult, were most likely would be having a different conversation. To me, there are six victims in this case. The three boys and the three teens. Whether or not the street t father did it, is another story. But it is much more likely that they did, vs that a stranger did it.....
I cannot speak for all supporters, but I and many that I know burn candles every May 5th in memory of Christopher, Michael and Steven. Their deaths were tragic, but what is almost as tragic is that their murderer has not served one day in prison for his crime.

As to blaming a family member for the crime, statistics support the probability that, when the death of a child under 12 is involved, the most common perpetrator is a family member or a friend of the family. Although the perpetrator being a random stranger is possible, it is not as probable as the perpetrator being a family member or friend of the family.

My problem with the original investigation is that one particular family member was never fully investigated although the police freely state that he is not now and never was a suspect. It begs the question, why? Finally, if he is innocent, what does he have to fear?

And, as reedus23 opined, shouldn't we all want to be assured that the killer is punished? Shouldn't we be primarily concerned about true justice in this case? IMO, too many people have simply taken the word of the juries instead of properly investigating the case and discovering the truth.

I believe Damien, Jason and Jessie are innocent. However, if they were my primary concern, why would I still be commenting on this case? The fact that I am still commenting is proof that my focus is on justice.

OTOH, those that believe Damien, Jason and Jessie to be guilty should be satisfied. Those three have been adjudged (albeit it falsely) to be guilty, have served over eighteen years for that crime and are still living with the stigma of three murder convictions on their record. Why would those people still be commenting on this case?

Answering my own question, IMO, it is because they know in their heart of hearts that they were initially wrong, but feel compelled to hold onto their original beliefs and, like Ellington and the State of Arkansas, just want this case to go away. Speaking for myself, I will not give up until the real killer is paying for his crime. Then, and only then, will Justice be served.
I've always said from the beginning whomever killed those kids were close to them. There is no way a total stranger would have been able to lure those three babies into the woods. Those babies knew their killer. I have also believed they were murdered somewhere else and not in the woods. It looks to me like if Hobbs was innocent he would push the DA to re-test the DNA on the shoe strings that were used to prove his innocence.
This is some good news,the Arkansas Supreme Court ruled in favor of Damien's petition to have the DNA tests. Maybe we will finally find out who really killed those babies.

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