TES and BH Padilla Returning To Orlando 11/8/08 To Continue Search

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I really like Leonard Padilla. I think his main agenda is to find Caylee. He's become obsessed like so many of us. I think the man only wants to help. He has a heart of gold!

I agree Sweet!

I can get cynical on occasion (no reeeeely???) and I honestly do not think LP has a big hidden agenda related to his involvement with the case or as now, with TES.
He wants to find Caylee.
Sometimes he gets a little over anxious in his predictions, but I write that off as wishful thinking and not deliberate, calculated, misrepresentations.
Great......more of Padilla's big talk. His track record so far has been pretty pathetic, to put it mildly.

I guess being one of the nightly blowhards on NG is not enough.

How do we even know what his track record is since we don't have the evidence?

He may have some different ideas but they are no more wild or ludicrious than the theories posted here by some!!

I respect LP a lot. I think he is *quite* sincere. He's putting his money where his mouth is, that's for certain.
This was from yesterday:


ORANGE COUNTY - Bounty hunter Leonard Padilla will help Texas EquuSearch conduct its search for Caylee Marie Anthony, who disappeared in June when she was 2 years old. Mandy Albritton, search director for EquuSearch, told the Orlando Sentinel on Saturday that the California-based bounty hunter will join the group when it returns to Orlando on Nov. 8. Padilla has organized a group of other bounty hunters who are going to join the search and have also helped raise money to finance it.

I am so happy LP is coming back!

LP may love the national attention he is getting from this case, but you can tell he really has taken this case to heart and wants to find Caylee. He may have come up with a lot of wacky theories in the past as to what happened to Caylee, but so have we all. Think about how ridiculous some of us would look if we spouted off some of our theories on a national news show. The truth is, no one really knows what happened to Caylee, and the person that does know, is sitting on her you know what in a jail cell and her lips are sealed.
Mabey he will bring Dog & his wife Beth. Then Beth could pull out a can of woop-azz on Cindy and stop the madness!!

What a great idea, the best I've heard so far....and God bless TM and TES. It's so sad that a group of strangers care more for a child than her own blood relatives. I wish the media would quit showing the A's, or giving any more time to their madness.
LP may love the national attention he is getting from this case, but you can tell he really has taken this case to heart and wants to find Caylee. He may have come up with a lot of wacky theories in the past as to what happened to Caylee, but so have we all. Think about how ridiculous some of us would look if we spouted off some of our theories on a national news show. The truth is, no one really knows what happened to Caylee, and the person that does know, is sitting on her you know what in a jail cell and her lips are sealed.

You're exactly right. I have nothing but respect for any person that is willing to invest time and money to the cause. That's much more than some are doing. Leonard's high profile is getting attention... and he's getting the job done. He's got connections that many of us do not. That alone will draw more attention and money for the largest search in TES history.

I'm anxious to see the turn-out BECAUSE of Leonard and his crew.
Sorry, liltigress. I wasn't attacking your post earlier. I quoted the wrong post. :)
TES will be back on the 4th.
Cindy says: I will never work with Tim Miller again.
Ah well....

and Holly will never get another exclusive.

It's amazing to me to see the Anthony family tactics of bullying, intimidation etc upon anyone & everyone who doesn't tow the family line
Great......more of Padilla's big talk. His track record so far has been pretty pathetic, to put it mildly.

I guess being one of the nightly blowhards on NG is not enough.

Why don't you tell us how you really feel about LP now?! :confused:

In any case he's doing alot more and a huge contributor compared to Caylee's own family members when it comes to finding her, for real. I am not talking about imaginary sightings of a dead child. Also LP does mean well and it has been said that his word is as good as gold by a former FBI guy whose worked for many years prior to retiring!
How do we even know what his track record is since we don't have the evidence?

He may have some different ideas but they are no more wild or ludicrious than the theories posted here by some!!

I respect LP a lot. I think he is *quite* sincere. He's putting his money where his mouth is, that's for certain.

Exactly!! His heart is in the right place. I don't think he has any ulterior motive, he just wants to find Caylee so she can be laid to rest, and so that Cindy and George can finally accept that she is gone. I admire ANYONE that wants to aid in the search... but I can fully understand why the A's don't want to search for a dead Caylee... I couldn't do it!
And I fully agree also with your 2nd statement above!
Sorry mods I did search several pages for any posts on this :( apparently I missed at least 2 others! lol
How do we even know what his track record is since we don't have the evidence?

He may have some different ideas but they are no more wild or ludicrious than the theories posted here by some!!

I respect LP a lot. I think he is *quite* sincere. He's putting his money where his mouth is, that's for certain.

His track record regarding this case has been made quite clear (and VERY public).

As far as wild and ludicrous claims, you are right, they are running rampant on WS and LP has helped stoke the fire. I do respect his right to have an opinion, no matter how ridiculous, but the bottom line is he is NOT a 'spokesman' for LE or anyone else. The fact that NG has him on every night gives a lot of curious watchers seeking updates on this case the impression that he is somehow "in the know" and holding "bombshell evidence".

Bottom line, why did he not help search when he was here? Why did he not 'crack the case' like he promised. Why did/does he jump in front of a camera every chance he gets. And on a final note, I just don't like the fact that he can never look anyone in the eye. :rolleyes:

This was not meant as a flame post for anyone BTW. Just my opinion as I am really sick and tired or all the media ho's trying to inject themselves into this case and offering nothing.
Mabey he will bring Dog & his wife Beth. Then Beth could pull out a can of woop-azz on Cindy and stop the madness!!

I would LOVE to see Beth get a hold of CA.....I'd almost pay money to see that.
Just my opinion as I am really sick and tired or all the media ho's trying to inject themselves into this case and offering nothing.

Respectfully snipped...

We're going to see plenty more bounty hunters "injecting themselves" in this case as Leonard has rounded up nationwide bounty hunters to help in the search for Caylee's body.

Call it what you will, but this is how results are produced and how money is placed in the hands of those who need it most.

His track record regarding this case has been made quite clear (and VERY public).

***(snipped)***. Just my opinion as I am really sick and tired or all the media ho's trying to inject themselves into this case and offering nothing.

The link is to an article about LP's returning to Florida to assist the TES search beginning 11-08-08. The article tells us:. Padilla has organized a group of other bounty hunters who are going to join the search and have also helped raise money to finance it.

I have respect for that.

No LP has not located Caylee but as far as we know, neither has the OCSO nor the FBI...He's in good company.
Bless LP for donating his time and abilities to help out TES. If LP were in fact a despicable media ho, Tim M would not be so readily associated with him.
They are both to be admired.
jmhumble o:)

The link is to an article about LP's returning to Florida to assist the TES search beginning 11-08-08. The article tells us:. Padilla has organized a group of other bounty hunters who are going to join the search and have also helped raise money to finance it.

I have respect for that.

No LP has not located Caylee but as far as we know, neither has the OCSO nor the FBI...He's in good company.
Bless LP for donating his time and abilities to help out TES. If LP were in fact a despicable media ho, Tim M would not be so readily associated with him.
They are both to be admired.
jmhumble o:)

I agree, Tim Miller needs the support and resources that wealthy bounty hunters can provide; in addition the numerous volunteers to scour the areas listed.

LP has frequently said the body will be found. I like the fact he sticks to his word.
Mabey he will bring Dog & his wife Beth. Then Beth could pull out a can of woop-azz on Cindy and stop the madness!!

Wouldn't that be a sight to see!! I wish Beth and Cindy would get together.
I just wandered how many searches were going on, if LE is still doing ground searches or what......I seems we don't get a lot of info in this department....
I just wandered how many searches were going on, if LE is still doing ground searches or what......I seems we don't get a lot of info in this department....

Tim Miller with TES and the bounty hunters will be doing a massive search in a couple of weeks with the help of some FBI experts. I think they will finally find her remains. (fingers crossed)

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