TES might pull out of Caylee search for good...

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I can undserstand his point of view but I swear I hope he and the group do not leave. I wouldn't want to be in his shoes right now.
I can undserstand his point of view but I swear I hope he and the group do not leave. I wouldn't want to be in his shoes right now.

I understand to but it almost makes me feel like the Anthony's will feel like they have won since they ended up not cooperating with Tim. If only they had some compassion for their daughter, granddaughter, niece-Caylee.:furious:
This news is just terrible!:cry::cry: I understand why he is considering it but it doesnt take away the fact that little Caylee is still out there all alone and wait to be found.
I can undserstand his point of view but I swear I hope he and the group do not leave. I wouldn't want to be in his shoes right now.

I so agree, I love TM and he needs to do what is good for everyone. While I would love to see Caylee found, there are missing loved ones that deserve the same and want to help.
How depressing but I understand his reasoning, particularly when considering the A family's failure to cooperate with them, when the only goal of TES is to find Caylee.
I don't understand. One minute he is sure he is going to find her, and then the next he may give up for good? What in the world is going on? I have a feeling there is alot going on that we don't know about.
IMO this family is starting to think they can beat the system. In their sick mind they are probably cheering that Tim might leave so now it'll be harder to find her. If I wasn't unemployed I would donate all of my money right now.
I can completely understand Tim's reasoning for calling off the serch for good.
But in my heart I feel Tim is Caylee's only hope of ever being found and laid to rest like she deserves. :(
Did TM meet with Nejame on Friday? If so, could something in that meeting have been said and that is why TM is hesitant about searching? He seemed so sure last week that it almost makes me thing soemthing had to of happened.
I understand why Tim is considering pulling out but I sooo hope he doesnt. I can just see the smug look on CA & KC's face now. That "we showed him....we ran him off" look! It makes me so mad just thinking about it~!
"I don't understand. One minute he is sure he is going to find her, and then the next he may give up for good?"

I feel the same way, I dont understand it, just Thur and Fri he was on NG restoring alot of faith, headstrong that they werent giving up on Caylee and assuring that they would find her and not even a few days later its a completely different outlook.
I don't know how I feel about this. In a way I don't blame him, they have been in this business for a long time so maybe in their experience they know when to fold up. But someone needs to find the little girl whose job is it?
IMO I think KC is too lazy to have hid the child deep in the woods, she probably just left her in a place that wouldn't put her out too much.
That just made me sad writing that. :(
I don't understand. One minute he is sure he is going to find her, and then the next he may give up for good? What in the world is going on? I have a feeling there is alot going on that we don't know about.

I suspect it's spelled C-i-n-d-y.


Why would Cindy not want TES to search for Caylee's body? Easy. She knows it's out there, and Tim's likely to find it.

If she truly believed Caylee was alive, she'd tell them to go ahead and search, so she could then go to LE and say "See? Caylee's body isn't out there. TES can't even find her body. I told you so. NOW will you please help me with the tips for a live Caylee."

But... Cindy KNOWS Caylee is dead. She just doesn't want Casey to get the death penalty or a long prison sentence. Period.
This is very sad news to read first thing this morning.
Tim and team was the only hope for finding Caylee Marie.

I think the Anthony family will regret not being cooperative with this man and his search team a few months down the road.
Very very sad!
I wish I could believe everything the news people tell me but, I hesitate to say that I do. For Tim to pull out "for good" as they tell it, at this particular time, is surprising. Why, "for good". Am I misinterpreting that? Does that mean he's not coming back, EVER, to try to locate little Caylee? What happened besides rain that caused that consideration to even be put on the table. I'm not getting it. Is it money? Is it the A's? Why would TES be pulling out "FOR GOOD"?
The A's will probably ask Tim to come back after Little Miss Fusian is convicted and sent to the big house.
The A's will probably ask Tim to come back after Little Miss Fusian is convicted and sent to the big house.

This comment triggered a thought in my head that it's just possible the A's have put this burden on TM. If you find her, you take away all reasonable doubt. Maybe?
though I completely understand why TM would want to pull out.. needing to spend time on other cases where the family actually gives 2 cents about his time and effort... it just doesn't make it any less heartbreaking if he goes. To me, he is Caylee's only hope.

it speaks volumes as to how much TES has been given by donations compared to the A's, but they should still be giving every penny to TES considering they aren't getting off their hinds to look for their own family member.
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