TES might pull out of Caylee search for good...

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Ok, I just got off the phone with LP. Now if LP is to believed MONEY IS NOT AN ISSUE. The meeting with MN is what has made him prompt this decision. I also posed the question if the body has been found and they are waiting to release it because of the families safety and LP answered that he believes enough of the body has been found. Remember that this is what LP just told me. If you believe everything he has said to be true then take it for what it is worth. LP also stated that if money was an issue then he would donate.

So what did MN say I wonder? I don't get it.
Ok, I just got off the phone with LP. Now if LP is to believed MONEY IS NOT AN ISSUE. The meeting with MN is what has made him prompt this decision. I also posed the question if the body has been found and they are waiting to release it because of the families safety and LP answered that he believes enough of the body has been found. Remember that this is what LP just told me. If you believe everything he has said to be true then take it for what it is worth. LP also stated that if money was an issue then he would donate.

I believe in LP, and Tim..There is more to all of this than what is being said, or leaked..
I am going to believe in my faith that this baby deserves peace..and anxiously wait this week for what is to be told..
I do certainly think that they found something..and are waiting for results, or for Casey herself to go back to jail..
If Cindy sincerely believes her grandbaby is alive, why would she ask them to waste resources trying to locate a body?

If part of the remains have been found, why would a meeting with MN prompt the decision to pull out?

I missed something?? Who is MN??
If part of the remains have been found, why would a meeting with MN prompt the decision to pull out?[/QUOTE]

If this is true and everyone finds out the A's would be in a world of danger. I'm sure they are trying to protect themselves. At this point I do not want anything happening to them so they can pay til the end for this terrible crime.
Tim says the family has to want him there - does it have to be the immediate family? Couldn't someone like great grandma or Cindy's brother Rick consult with Tim. That would be cool.
I realize that it seems very convoluted right now, I agree.

What I know, is that I trust Man-Saint and team TES implicitely, without reservation.

There are reasons for the way this is playing out right now and when it is possible we will all be clear on what those are; please keep the faith.

As hard as that may be at times in this case:blowkiss:


Very well said - I totally agree.

Keep the faith ladies - there is a reason for everything. We may not understand it now but we will when the time is right.
I'm sorry to ask this.... What is "MN"?

Note above states LP "believes" enough of the body has been found. One could theorize this could be body fluids in the trunk even.
If Cindy sincerely believes her grandbaby is alive, why would she ask them to waste resources trying to locate a body?

It's not wasting anyone's resources. Even in a kidnapping scenario there is a possibility, after this amount of time, that Caylee could be dead. TES is using their own money & resources and not wasting LE resources (like KC has), so why not let them explore those possibilities?
Ok, I just got off the phone with LP. Now if LP is to believed MONEY IS NOT AN ISSUE. The meeting with MN is what has made him prompt this decision. I also posed the question if the body has been found and they are waiting to release it because of the families safety and LP answered that he believes enough of the body has been found. Remember that this is what LP just told me. If you believe everything he has said to be true then take it for what it is worth. LP also stated that if money was an issue then he would donate.

Thank you for calling.:blowkiss: If you remember anything else he said, please post it, no matter how insignificant it appears. Again, THANK YOU!:)
If Cindy sincerely believes her grandbaby is alive, why would she ask them to waste resources trying to locate a body?

TES also looks for live people who are missing..Check out their website, it will amaze you! I honestly don't think that Cindy thought that Tim was more than just about finding dead bodies..maybe by now she knows, but at first, I don't think she did. Not defending Cindy or anything..but If it were my child, the last thing I would be thinking of is who's resources were being wasted..but then, I wouldn't handle it as Cindy has either. (Bolded is My Statement)

If part of the remains have been found, why would a meeting with MN prompt the decision to pull out?

I would think that MN would ask Tim to hold off a statement until Casey is back in Jail, so that her family can be better protected, and that the focus didn't have to be on Casey in the home with her parents..Maybe with reasoning people will feel sorry for Cindy and George, but will not if Casey is still there.
With all due respect...it is not about what Cindy believes or wants. It is about where the evidence leads rational people. Sure she wants Caylee to be alive...for more than one reason. Everyone wants Caylee to be alive. Do you think the LE are just making this up? We need Tim to find her. Caylee needs justice.
Tim acted real down and, imho, more than a little strange when he appeared on NG last week (Friday?) and I wondered if something was up then. He had spoken to the A's that day, I believe, and suddenly he looked sad and said things on NG that, to me, didn't sound like him. Then, on Sat, news sources said he was delaying the search because he'd been too tied up talking with people on Fri. And now he's pulling out? Strange. I was sure surprised to hear this on the news this morning!
OMG, I am so confused but, I have always felt this was about money to the Anthony's, They know their granddaughter is dead, they can keep playing all the games they want, The bigger the mystery the more money they will make, I guess in todays world the bigger the crime the bigger the paycheck, If they thought for one minute that caylee was alive , they would not stop anyone from helping to find her, but they know, my god they know. They probally dont even really care if casey goes to prison they just want to reap the money, they are one twisted sick family and if Tim finds any evidence then they cant keep putting on this front that they are putting on, They would rather turn away good help, what a god awfull position Tim must be in. I guess he has to move to help those families that really want their loved ones brought home. If the anthony recieve one dime I hope it burns their hands.I hope I live long enough to see the anthonys pay for this crime, even hell is to good for them..........:furious:
I sure hope he decides to continue. I feel without it Caylee will never be found.
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