TES might pull out of Caylee search for good...

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I was thinking the same thing. There are countless others who would fall into this same category who could be summoned to help. Arnold Palmer (Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children/Winnie Palmer Hopital for Women and Babies), Hotelier Harris Rosen, time share mogul David Siegel (Jennifer Kesse worked for his company), just to name a few. Maybe these folks are already giving - lets hope. I'll give what I can.

Yes............Why do these people NOT donate? If the funds were available maybe Caylee and Jennifer could be found................... I do understand TES is heavily requested in other cases as well and needs to do what is in his highest and best good, but please COMMUNITY, do not allow TIM to leave at this time. And please DONATE to TES so he can complete his efforts here. Please donate all the time to this wonderful organization that unfortunately his efforts are in high demand. What is wrong with this picture?

TES has suffered from Hurricane IKE, we need his help, HE NEEDS OUR HELP. Step up to the plate..........................
Something that baffles me about Tim pulling out.......the news article states:

"We gotta think about what's good for Equusearch in these tough economic times, because people who donate money may not donate again if all our money goes to one person when there are more (missing persons) out there,"

No disrespect intended, but Equusearch has spent years and probably much more money on the Natalie Holloway search.
Here's my thought....people do not like the fact that Tim is wasting time on a family that does not want her to be found and they are not donating. People wanted to help Natalie's family...they don't want to help the Anthony family.
This is my first post on this case because you guys are so fast and so far ahead of me that it has taken me forever to get this far. That being said, this morning I start reading this and I am sitting here so damned mad that my eyes are burning. None of know what has really happened, but we do know that KC has some involvement. Her mother knows something or is in on it. I truly believe that CA knows something. I know she loves her daughter, but for the love of all that is good, DO THE RIGHT THING! KC is an adult and failed to protect that innocent sweet baby. My daughter has a four year old daughter. We have discussed this trying to get a grasp for how CA is acting. As much as I love my daughter, I really feel with all of my heart that if this were my family, I would take her to the jail myself. All I can say, Is there but by the Grace of God go I.
I am so pi$$ed at CA right now, if I were anywhere near her, you guys would be taking donations for my bail, I would be in jail for assault.
CA, adult or not, make your child cooperate. YOu seem to have some sort of control over her.
OMG, I just cannot get over this.
I missed something?? Who is MN??

The "A's" HIGH PROFILE/HIGH POWERFUL PUBLIC RELATIONS DEFENSE ATTORNEY..................... Why would they need one and how is he getting paid...............hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
I really think all the wrong people are rich (save a few...). It's just sad. Reading this thread, many lower income, unemployed, fixed income Folks, would give happily, if they had it...

I pray some wealthy citizen sees this need and steps up, even anonymously, if need be...one less designer dress could bring this Baby home...just sad.
It's not wasting anyone's resources. Even in a kidnapping scenario there is a possibility, after this amount of time, that Caylee could be dead. TES is using their own money & resources and not wasting LE resources (like KC has), so why not let them explore those possibilities?

TES has resources that can be wasted. If Cindy sincerely believes Caylee is alive, regardless of any kidnapping scenario, why would she ask them to continue looking for a body? That would be wasteful of TES resources on her part.
I would think that MN would ask Tim to hold off a statement until Casey is back in Jail, so that her family can be better protected, and that the focus didn't have to be on Casey in the home with her parents..Maybe with reasoning people will feel sorry for Cindy and George, but will not if Casey is still there.

I for one will never feel sorry for them, I am sorry for their loss, but their LIES, mistruths and finger pointing to everyone else besides the real perp in this case, will never get an ounce of sympathy from me.
This is my first post on this case because you guys are so fast and so far ahead of me that it has taken me forever to get this far. That being said, this morning I start reading this and I am sitting here so damned mad that my eyes are burning. None of know what has really happened, but we do know that KC has some involvement. Her mother knows something or is in on it. I truly believe that CA knows something. I know she loves her daughter, but for the love of all that is good, DO THE RIGHT THING! KC is an adult and failed to protect that innocent sweet baby. My daughter has a four year old daughter. We have discussed this trying to get a grasp for how CA is acting. As much as I love my daughter, I really feel with all of my heart that if this were my family, I would take her to the jail myself. All I can say, Is there but by the Grace of God go I.
I am so pi$$ed at CA right now, if I were anywhere near her, you guys would be taking donations for my bail, I would be in jail for assault.
CA, adult or not, make your child cooperate. YOu seem to have some sort of control over her.
OMG, I just cannot get over this.

My thoughts exactly!
My hopes for them pulling out is because something was already found. Tim couldn't make the family aware, nor could LE because they have not received confirmation yet on an identity. Just maybe, they are assured those results today, and will take the Grand Jury. Maybe that is why he was with Nejame. Someone in another post said something to the affects of "how the media would be handled when her body is found", and "the safety of the family", (sorry don't have the link). LP kept insisting that Tim would find the body before the GJ hearing. Something just keeps sending up a sign that they have her, found her the day they abruptly called off the search, and are waiting for confirmation. I am sure if this is the case, then LE asked Tim to wait until final word was in before making a statement, or contacting the family to keep from giving them false hope.
LOL a girl can wish can't she?

You are not the only one. That has been my belief since that same day. She may still be out of their reach while preserving the scene or they already have her remains. Remember the rumours about staff from the Body Farm going to Orlando? Does anyone know if that really happened or not? I have not felt the need to "shine a light for Caylee" since that day. There is a lot we don't know. What would Nejame have said to Tim? Regardless of the family, if LE and the community are behind him, why won't he try again? He cannot tell us what is going on? We will have to continue to be patient and wait til Tues or Wed to see what happens.

It is so hard to be patient...
Thier could be a number of factors in play here. Enough of a body could be what was found in the trunk. Enough to prove it was Caylee and she is no longer alive. (That same scenario is in play with Brooke Wilburgers case.) The body could be considered unlocatable, ie; in a landfill. That's safety and cost prohibitive (hundreds of thousands and OSHA approval needed, Hazmat, etc).

IMO, while finding Caylee would be the best thing for lots of reasons, to give her a decent burial for one, it might not be possible. Everyone might be waiting on seeing what the GJ will do with the evidence at hand right now. Then decide how to proceed from there.
The "A's" HIGH PROFILE/HIGH POWERFUL PUBLIC RELATIONS DEFENSE ATTORNEY..................... Why would they need one and how is he getting paid...............hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

From what I recall he took their case at a "reduced rate"(whatever THAT means) but as for who is footing the bill? No idea-maybe Caylee donations for all anyone knows...

Let's donate and donate and donate to TIM so we are assured the money will be used in an appropriate manner. Tim helps find lost people-so let's help him do that!
All I can think about is the $100K that has been spent to get KC out of jail. Just think of the good use that Tim and TES could have done with those funds!!!

Where are all those wealthly strangers now???? :furious:

OFF to make my small donation to TES...............

This is my beef, too. Why not let KC sit and wait it out in jail, since she isn't going to tell us where Caylee is? Use that money to fund the search. I just don't get it. Also, isn't it a shame that the almighty dollar has to stand in the way of searching for this precious, innocent child?
Ok, I just got off the phone with LP. Now if LP is to believed MONEY IS NOT AN ISSUE. The meeting with MN is what has made him prompt this decision. I also posed the question if the body has been found and they are waiting to release it because of the families safety and LP answered that he believes enough of the body has been found. Remember that this is what LP just told me. If you believe everything he has said to be true then take it for what it is worth. LP also stated that if money was an issue then he would donate.
Thanks so much for sharing with us Coley. I do have faith in what Leonard Padilla says. Yes, I do! :clap:

Ok LP says "he believes enough of the body has been found." Did he specify if this was obtained from KCs car trunk, or from the buriel place?(outdoors or where ever KC dumped Caylee)
I have faith here, and eventually we will hear the 'rest of this chapter'.

Thank you again Coley.:blowkiss:
The "A's" HIGH PROFILE/HIGH POWERFUL PUBLIC RELATIONS DEFENSE ATTORNEY..................... Why would they need one and how is he getting paid...............hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Friday night on NG, TM was praising MN but of course JVM interrupted him/cut him off. Each time TM was asked a question he began by mentioning MN as a stand up guy. That was the first I have heard ANYONE say MN was a stand up guy, etc. Why would TM try to make that point over and over? Inquiring minds want to know!
TES has resources that can be wasted. If Cindy sincerely believes Caylee is alive, regardless of any kidnapping scenario, why would she ask them to continue looking for a body? That would be wasteful of TES resources on her part.

Sernade, Tim does more than search for dead bodies. If he were solely a man who searched for the dead, then I would understand your point. This man though and his team go out looking for the "missing"
On his site, there are several people with mental illnesses that have been found because the family offered clothing with the person's smell and dogs were able to track them down. If Caylee were still alive, having her scent could have at the very least led a dog to the place where the last scent would have been. I think honestly that Cindy didn't understand that Tim's team does so much more than only look for dead bodies. If there was the chance of Caylee being alive, his resources would have been just as valuable.
Like I said before, not defending anything Cindy has done, I just don't think she was made aware that Tim's team did more than search for dead bodies, had she known, I think the whole thing may have been different.
Just had another thought here. Perhaps they want to wait for announcing Caylee's remains being found, after Casey is sittin in her jail cell!!!:behindbar For her safety, maybe?
I would think that MN would ask Tim to hold off a statement until Casey is back in Jail, so that her family can be better protected, and that the focus didn't have to be on Casey in the home with her parents..Maybe with reasoning people will feel sorry for Cindy and George, but will not if Casey is still there.

I agree MDO.....I have believed for weeks that something important was recovered.
Makes sense not to release what they have yet for many reasons.
I believe the test results of the remains will be released to the grand jury.
It is for the protection of the family as well as the multitude of protestors who would show up and possibly take justice into their own hands.
As LP has stated so many times: It is a safety issue.
Is LP in Or-lawn-do? Anyone know? Thanks in advance...:blowkiss:

I could picture LP saying Or-lawn-do as I read this. you know it is bad when not only do we know WHAT is being said about this case, we know HOW they say it.:rolleyes:
Just had another thought here. Perhaps they want to wait for announcing Caylee's remains being found, after Casey is sittin in her jail cell!!!:behindbar For her safety, maybe?

That is my thought..I think this was why Tim and MN met last week..To try to keep Cindy and George out of danger. And waiting to make the announcement because of their safety..and both of them know, Cindy and George will not be safe at home with the news coming out, as long as Casey is there.
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