TES might pull out of Caylee search for good...

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Is LP in Or-lawn-do? Anyone know? Thanks in advance...:blowkiss:

He is in Cali. I woke him up and at 1st I was going to call him back but he told me not to worry about it. Here is how the conversation went: I asked him if he had heard the news about TM pulling out of the search and he replied Yes he heard last night. He asked me where I heard it and I told him myfoxorlando.com. I then asked if he would donate to TES since I heard him on scared monkey's that he was going to stay with this case til the end since he has spent so much money. He replied that money wasn't the issue. I then asked if the meeting with GA & CA attorney had anything to do with it and he said yes. I then asked if they had found anything and are keeping it hush hush for the safety of the A's. He said Yes. He then asked me to repeat my question which I did and he said yes that he isn't really allowed to say everything but enough of the remains were found. I then chit chatted with him about his appearance on NG about the DNA and LA. I agreed with him and told him from the beginning I've always thought it was either GA or LA that fathered her. I once again apologized about waking him up and told him thanks for all he does and let him go.

This is truly a crazy day so far. I believe this week is going to hold a lot.

I just hugged my 2 1/2 year old little boy and thanked god for him.
Shame on KA for taking Caylee out of this world. There were always options. Unfort, she choose one that no one should.
Just had another thought here. Perhaps they want to wait for announcing Caylee's remains being found, after Casey is sittin in her jail cell!!!:behindbar For her safety, maybe?

Who gives a rat's azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz about KC safety?
Is LP in Or-lawn-do? Anyone know? Thanks in advance...:blowkiss:

That is what I was wondering. It's awfully early in Calif to be taking calls and giving information. But, who knows, maybe LP is an early riser. LOL

Hello EV1! I haven't posted in a long time. Mostly read here.
I don't understand. One minute he is sure he is going to find her, and then the next he may give up for good? What in the world is going on? I have a feeling there is alot going on that we don't know about.
I have the same "feeling". Something is going on that we are unaware of. One minute he's on NG saying that he will find her and LP is saying the same and now they don't have the finances.:waitasec: I understand that finances are a big problem for everyone these days but I would think they would have known this before. I am baffled.
Enough of "The Body" could mean hair, scalp, fluids, etc they are, part of a body JMO


Originally Posted by Coley
Ok, I just got off the phone with LP. Now if LP is to believed MONEY IS NOT AN ISSUE. The meeting with MN is what has made him prompt this decision. I also posed the question if the body has been found and they are waiting to release it because of the families safety and LP answered that he believes enough of the body has been found. Remember that this is what LP just told me. If you believe everything he has said to be true then take it for what it is worth. LP also stated that if money was an issue then he would donate.
Who gives a rat's azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz about KC safety?

As sick as it makes me feel to say it, Right now I do, because I want to see justice served for Caylee. I wish I could have 5 minutes alone with this chick, but honestly whats a busted lip and black eye going to accomplish with her? Nothing..
Also, if in fact Cindy and George had nothing to do with Caylee's death, or coverup, I want them to hear the evidence of what their daughter did to Caylee. I want them to hear it now because Casey will never tell the truth. I want them to hear it so that somehow in their lifetime, they will apologies to the people who tried to help them, and move on with their lives.
He is in Cali. I woke him up and at 1st I was going to call him back but he told me not to worry about it. Here is how the conversation went: I asked him if he had heard the news about TM pulling out of the search and he replied Yes he heard last night. He asked me where I heard it and I told him myfoxorlando.com. I then asked if he would donate to TES since I heard him on scared monkey's that he was going to stay with this case til the end since he has spent so much money. He replied that money wasn't the issue. I then asked if the meeting with GA & CA attorney had anything to do with it and he said yes. I then asked if they had found anything and are keeping it hush hush for the safety of the A's. He said Yes. He then asked me to repeat my question which I did and he said yes that he isn't really allowed to say everything but enough of the remains were found. I then chit chatted with him about his appearance on NG about the DNA and LA. I agreed with him and told him from the beginning I've always thought it was either GA or LA that fathered her. I once again apologized about waking him up and told him thanks for all he does and let him go.

This is truly a crazy day so far. I believe this week is going to hold a lot.

I just hugged my 2 1/2 year old little boy and thanked god for him.
Shame on KA for taking Caylee out of this world. There were always options. Unfort, she choose one that no one should.

Thanks Coley, thanks so much !:blowkiss:
Ok, I just got off the phone with LP. Now if LP is to believed MONEY IS NOT AN ISSUE. The meeting with MN is what has made him prompt this decision. I also posed the question if the body has been found and they are waiting to release it because of the families safety and LP answered that he believes enough of the body has been found. Remember that this is what LP just told me. If you believe everything he has said to be true then take it for what it is worth. LP also stated that if money was an issue then he would donate.

I'm hoping that between the evidence found in the trunk and possibly something being found in the 1st TES search, (maybe something that belonged to KC or Caylee, I have no idea) that they have enough evidence. Maybe they know that there isn't anything left to find. Who knows??? I cannot even begin to speculate. I do know that I have never been so sickened by an entire family. There isn't a good egg in the bunch. CA clearly never loved Caylee either. She was just a pawn in her twisted relationship w/ her daughter. The ultimate trophy child and grandchild for KC and CA. This family doesn't know what love is. They are sick-when the skeletons come out, I think we are going to be shocked by just how awful this family is. :furious:
I could picture LP saying Or-lawn-do as I read this. you know it is bad when not only do we know WHAT is being said about this case, we know HOW they say it.:rolleyes:

So true. We also know their wardrobes and what their choices might be on any given day.:)
"people do not like the fact that Tim is wasting time on a family that does not want her to be found"

It shouldnt be about the family, searching for this girl is not wasting time in any way shape or form, SHE deserves to be found, and laid to rest. Screw her 'family' if they dont feel the same. Thats what I was trying to say earlier, he doesnt need the A's permission to look for a murdered child, they have no say.
It disgusts me everytime I hear about how the A's are not cooperative about finding Caylee. So, I understand TM possibly pulling out. And he is CORRECT in wanting to use the resources to help find other missing children. Caylee is certainly not the only missing child and other missing children's family are probably a heck of a lot more cooperative and are probably begging for TM's help. So I get where he's coming from and, even tho I want Caylee found, I agree with him on this. But it does sadden me.

As far as TM being Caylee's only hope, I do not agree with that statement. I think that the legal system is Caylee's biggest hope right now. Isn't justice what she truly needs right now? The body doesn't really matter that much, it's just a shell. Sure WE would like some closure on this but obviously her family doesn't want closure. So let them suffer with the question of what really happened to Caylee in the back of their minds for the rest of their lives. Let their minds run wild with 'what if's" and guilt. We know that the way the Anthony family is behaving is disgraceful, disgusting and wrong.

Now it is time for the justice system to do its part and perform as our founding fathers intended. The GJ meets tomorrow. I would expect KC to be arrested sometime this week and I fully expect her to go away to prison for the rest of her life. I am sure that there are many details about what really happened to Caylee that we have not heard. Perhaps during KC's trial we will hear things that will be shocking and sickening but I have a feeling that we will get the closure that we want and that Caylee DESERVES, regardless of whether or not her Grandparents and Uncle think she does.

Friday night on NG, TM was praising MN but of course JVM interrupted him/cut him off. Each time TM was asked a question he began by mentioning MN as a stand up guy. That was the first I have heard ANYONE say MN was a stand up guy, etc. Why would TM try to make that point over and over? Inquiring minds want to know!

Because he IS a stand up guy. There were quite a few threads about him, particularly when he was first hired by the A's. He is a well-known criminal defense attorney and a philanthropist in the Orlando area. He is very well respected in the legal field.
Just had another thought here. Perhaps they want to wait for announcing Caylee's remains being found, after Casey is sittin in her jail cell!!!:behindbar For her safety, maybe?

I hope so...I hope you're right.
Thanks so much for sharing with us Coley. I do have faith in what Leonard Padilla says. Yes, I do! :clap:

Ok LP says "he believes enough of the body has been found." Did he specify if this was obtained from KCs car trunk, or from the buriel place?(outdoors or where ever KC dumped Caylee)
I have faith here, and eventually we will hear the 'rest of this chapter'.

Thank you again Coley.:blowkiss:


I was so nervous to be talking to him I did not get into details thinking he would prob not tell me. I'm so new at this I felt as if I were going to have a panic attack. Ever since reading the news about TES pulling out I have had a horrible feeling. I do apologize for freezing up and not asking the right questions.
I am sorry...but I do not understand. There just has to be more to the story than what we are hearing. He has gone to Aruba many times right?, and also has returned to other search locations more than once or twice. Do you think he has been pressured in to not searching for Caylee? If so by who ?????? None of this makes sense. I remember when he first spoke about the case and he said that he would only get involved if the family wanted him to...does anyone think this is the reason?

IMO he went to Aruba many times and will go ANYWHERE many times when the family wants to rule out or find their loved one missing. Key words to me.... Wants to find them...:mad:
TES has resources that can be wasted. If Cindy sincerely believes Caylee is alive, regardless of any kidnapping scenario, why would she ask them to continue looking for a body? That would be wasteful of TES resources on her part.

No offense to you Seranade, but I could give two chits about what Cindy believes at this point, Caylee needs to be brought home and while I am sure that Cindy is heartbroken, it appears to many (although I speak only for myself) that her #1 priority is protecting Casey. IMHO
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