TES might pull out of Caylee search for good...

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I do know where Balsam is. Hubby and I went for an anniversay week end over there a while back and stayed at the Inn. Beautiful country over that way! I'm in Hendersonville NC, close to Asheville.:)

We have a family cabin there! Small world.
I'm not surprised that Tim is pulling out. He had no clue where little Caylee's body is. It's not possible to search the entire state of Florida.

Looks like LP's assertions that Tim would be finding the body within a couple more days were just more LP BS.
If money is the issue then I wonder why he went back to Orlando to begin with. Wasn't he aware of his financial status before he came? There has to be more to the story.

Texas Search Team To Help With Kesse Case
Equusearch Juggles Caylee Anthony, Jennifer Kesse Search Efforts

POSTED: 6:09 pm EDT October 10, 2008
UPDATED: 6:42 pm EDT October 10, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- A Texas search team arrived in Central Florida on Friday to help search for Jennifer Kesse nearly three years after her disappearance.

Kesse disappeared nearly three years ago from her Orlando condominium.

On Thursday, Texas Equusearch came to assist in the search.

And then suddenly...

Equusearch may pull out of Caylee search

Last Edited: Sunday, 12 Oct 2008, 11:50 PM EDT
Created: Sunday, 12 Oct 2008, 11:50 PM EDT

Miller flew into Orlando on Thursday with a few members of the group and a board director. New York Times bestselling author Judith McNaught is helping with the financing and came to support Tim in what she calls "a draining case."

"I'm out here to write checks, that's what the Board of Directors does, because we all want it to turn out so well," said McNaught. "

I agree, there's got to be more to this!
The Anthony family has far more information to shield I think and not cooperating with Tim is their only hope.

Anyway, would love to see Padilla put some more money where his mouth is and pony up 50000 to the search.

I would think because of WS and others that support TM, that TES has received a high number of donations that send the message that we want to help find Caylee. I never knew of or donated to TES before this case, and have now donated twice, and I'm sure I am one of many. There is definitely more to this than $$, especially since TM changed his tune from when he was on NG. I guess, as with everything else in this case, I'm going to have to try patiently wait to see how all this plays out and hope it makes sense at some point. :confused:
Friday night on NG, TM praised MN several times. I found it to be interesting especially now that he may call off the search. I went back to the show's transcript and this is what the exchange included......(taken from NG transcript of 10/10 show)

Tim, I understand you had a meeting today involving the Anthony family. Tell us about it.

TIM MILLER, HEAD OF EQUUSEARCH, RESUMING SEARCH FOR MISSING TOT CAYLEE ANTHONY: You know, Mark is just an incredible man, an incredible attorney, I would only hope that the Anthonys would take advantage of what he has got to offer. He certainly -- our meeting lasted for three hours.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: What did you discuss, though?

MILLER: We discussed the possibility of what`s going to happen in the future. We discussed where -- you know, how our hearts are broken for the Anthony family. I mean they`re going through something they never chose to go through.

Mark`s actually gotten with the Never Give up Hope Foundation to help us fund a continued search. And, you know what, Mark is just an incredible man and has a lot of compassion for this family.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes, I understand that. But was there any news -- was there any news that came out of it?

MILLER: The news that came out of it was actually supposed to be meeting with the Anthony family and discuss future searches. You know, let them know that we`re not the enemy, we`re by their side.

And you know, I understand there`s a lot of emotions right now, and we hope maybe that meeting is going to happen tomorrow, so we can meet with George and Cindy and let them know what it looks like the future is going to bring to them.

And unfortunately, it doesn`t look good. But, again, this is not something that they chose, and my god, who would want to be in their shoes? And I think they got a lot more support than they understand.
There has to be way more going on. LE must be pretty sure they have a good case against her. Going before the GJ here in Flordia from what I understand, you bring your case before them for captial cases that could result in the death penalty. If that is true, they are going for the big guns, not going for lesser charges that would not invole the DP. It would seem to me they feel they have quite a bit of evidence then. JMO.

Maybe they will have TM go before the GJ with something. Like a poster stated already surely TM knows what his financial situation was before he got to town.
I realize that it seems very convoluted right now, I agree.

What I know, is that I trust Man-Saint and team TES implicitely, without reservation.

There are reasons for the way this is playing out right now and when it is possible we will all be clear on what those are; please keep the faith.

As hard as that may be at times in this case:blowkiss:

Thank you, Blink for the encouragement. I almost started to cry when I saw this thread. I have been praying that the Good Lord will guide TM and TES in their search for this precious baby. I trust your words.
There is no doubt that Tim's work is emotional and intensely personal on many levels. He's not out there merely searching for bodies. He is a trusted liaison not just to LE, but to grieving families. He is committed to bringing a sense of peace to those who want so desperately for their loved one to come home.

I am sure the bond created and shared between himself and victims' families...not to mention the level of unity and trust that develops is a big part of the work he does. And when he does not have that sense of unity and trust with a family, it has got to make this extremely sensitive work very, very difficult to do on a personal and emotional level.

The last time Tim wanted to back out because CA was so against him looking for Caylee's body, the OCSO opened their hearts and their drug bust fund and convinced him to stay. I'm convinced he stayed for Caylee, no one else.

I just hope and pray Tim once again gets the support HE needs both monetarily and personally to stay and continue his search for Caylee. She deserves the dignity of being recovered.
I'm not surprised that Tim is pulling out. He had no clue where little Caylee's body is. It's not possible to search the entire state of Florida.

Looks like LP's assertions that Tim would be finding the body within a couple more days were just more LP BS.

That is not fair, CW!! LP has nothing to do with Tim's decision to pull out.
Using common sense, I can assume that when the family refuses to cooperate with searchers, it makes it very difficult, if not impossible... to continue to search. I don't know their guidelines, but it makes sense to me that they have to have the family's approval, and if that is withdrawn at any time... he has no choice.
This is depressing news. But I have to believe in my heart that TM and TES have good reasons if they indeed pull out. He is still a saint in my book.
Just on channel 6 news they are going to start the search again on wed!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy!!!!!!!! They start after the GJ on Tues out of respect so as not to influence anything there. They will start WED by the airport!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just on channel 6 news they are going to start the search again on wed!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy!!!!!!!! They start after the GJ on Tues out of respect so as not to influence anything there. They will start WED by the airport!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes Yes I heard it too! :clap:
Everyone better brace for the following.

1. No body will ever be found...it was eaten by an alligator.

2. No body = weaker case...weaker case = lesser charges.

3. Cassy will serve a few years on lesser charges.

4. The Anthony family will become multi millionaires from the books and movies.

5. When Cassy gets out of jail in just a few years she will party like a rock star...free...famous...and rich.

Sad to say....but in this case....crime pays...and seems to pay very...very well.

Sad....but true.

As upsetting and unsettling as it is I can learn to live with the above HOWEVER what you failed to mention is what scares me the most....after #5 above she will more than likely end up having more children in the future!
Just on channel 6 news they are going to start the search again on wed!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy!!!!!!!! They start after the GJ on Tues out of respect so as not to influence anything there. They will start WED by the airport!!!!!!!!!!!!
S do you have a link. I just went to their web site and could find nothing. TIA
Just on channel 6 news they are going to start the search again on wed!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy!!!!!!!! They start after the GJ on Tues out of respect so as not to influence anything there. They will start WED by the airport!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have on WESH and they said there's no word on when they'll resume the search. Maybe they're behind, lol.
Just on channel 6 news they are going to start the search again on wed!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy!!!!!!!! They start after the GJ on Tues out of respect so as not to influence anything there. They will start WED by the airport!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yipppeeee...thank you for posting!!!!!:woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:
Just on channel 6 news they are going to start the search again on wed!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy!!!!!!!! They start after the GJ on Tues out of respect so as not to influence anything there. They will start WED by the airport!!!!!!!!!!!!

WOW - fantastic news!! Thanks for letting us know...what a rollercoaster!
Sooo...besides the money.....TM needs cooperation and blessing from George and Cindy? If that's the case, his being in Orlando is a HUGE WASTE. Unless, he decides to search for JK. Her parents will support him. Not sure they have a lot of money, though.

The article mentions how exhausted Tim is. I wish that LE and others, like the FBI, etc. would hire TM to train others to do what he does.

As for this case, I'm not sure why Tim returned.
Yes, Local6 just reported Search will start Wednesday! they are supposed to interview TM during this broadcast - if they do and no one gets here first, I will try to recap what he says!
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