Tes search for caylee is over

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All this hoo-ha....the past MONTH worth of looking for volunteers and donations, and they quit the search after a day and a half?

I respect the efforts, but their half-assing it if they've just up and quit today. I'm stunned....and disapointed.

Exactly, I couldn't agree more.
My heart is broken. I hope Casey is not as comfy in jail as it appears she is.

Completely heartbroken. I've never been this sad.
Thank you GirlinCentralFL and Intermezzo for clarifying that.
Don't get upset with TES or Tim... get upset with Casey. SHE failed Caylee and contributed to her going missing. Tim is only human and can only do as much as he can. Tim and TES has put so much out there... the volunteers have put so much out there... at this very moment, they deserve nothing but praise. Tim has worked on loads of cases... if he feels a certain way, he has the experience to back up how he feels and deals with these searches.

:blowkiss: exactly how I feel. ONE person to blame, Casey and Casey only.

**never thought it was possible to hate/detest another human being as much as I do towards KC**
It looks to me that KC will get away with MURDER!! she will only get jail time for the stolen money (checks from AH), and they will have to try her for child neglect. maybe she will get hers in the end while in prison !! im sick to my stomach right now

She had better move far away. There are a lot of people out there that want to hurt her.
This is crazy. I bet Cindy Anthony is happy, now she can start saying " see, I TOLD YOU PEOPLE SHE IS ALIVE, even TES didn't find her".

Now she will never be found. This just makes more doubt in the case, and KC will likely not be charged with very much. JMO.

In my world KC would get the DP and it would be televised! Not the actual death part but the rest! Does anyone know if the trial will be televised? Sorry for rambling, I am just so sad.
It was more of LP pushing the 'we won't give up' than it was TM. More BS from LP ... predictable!

I agree 100%. LP was the one who said he had 500 bounty hunters lined up to come. Do we know if they showed? LP was the one who said there was going to be over 7500 searchers showing up. Did they all show up? No. I think that number scared away alot of people. It was not all TM talking about the search it was LP hyping it up. I really hope the gag order is in place because he definitely has too much to say and after this weekend i look at LP differently and really won't beleive what he says anymore. I am rather disappointed in him.
It was more of LP pushing the 'we won't give up' than it was TM. More BS from LP ... predictable!
I so agree and what happened to all those bounty hunters that LP promised would be at the search this weekend? I don't blame Tim at all. He really has no more of an idea where Caylee is than we do and it's like searching for a needle in a haystack. Plus he's getting zero cooperation from the family. Bless Tim for even trying ~ that's a lot more than Caylee's family has done. MOO
I just hate the message ending this search sends - kill your child, hold out as long as you can reporting it to the authorities, lie to friend's & family as to the child's whereabouts when asked - Congratulations, Your home free!!

I'm a grown adult but at this moment I just want to throw a royal temper tantrum!!!
I am not going to believe it until TES says it themselves becuase this info was asked to be kept confidential until it was ok'd by TES to put it out there. I think it was wrong that this guy put it out as soon as it was told to him.

If the search is cancelled it is all because of KC who is probably sitting there smiling along with CA.

Your are incorrect. I did hold the info and - you can ask his executive assistant if you want - did not post it untill the press conference was in progress.
Update from David Lohr's blog:

Re: Caylee Anthony Search is Over
I have just been informed that EquuSearch has decided to continue to search for Caylee Anthony tomorrow while they break down the command center for the North Carolina trip. Volunteers are still welcome and encouraged to come out and look for Caylee during that time.
Thank you GirlInCentralFL and Intermezzo for clarifying about the search location(s.) How fortunate you are to be able to hear the local news on TV.
I am heartbroken as well but those of you critisizing hurt too - I have nothing but love and respect for TM, TES, the searchers...and I wont stop donating to TES for as long as I am alive or TES exists because I am proud of them for what they do for ALL missing, who are all equally important.
This is all so strange. I really believe there is something else that we are not privy to. I think there is more going on. There is one word that you all use that I had never heard until I started visiting this website. "hinky" . Well, my hinky meter is up!!!

Gosh, I really wanted them to find her.

I will not give up faith. I believe in a higher power. And if KC thinks she is going to wage war with God, she is not going to win. He will take her down, so to speak. I believe that. It might not be today, but it will happen. And I believe that TM is a gift, as many others, from God. I am thankful for that.

I am thankful for this website, where we all can grieve together. Thank you all. It is okay to be sad and disappointed about today. We can all be sad together.

I just know something else is going on.

Your are incorrect. I did hold the info and - you can ask his executive assistant if you want - did not post it untill the press conference was in progress.

CW are you the true crime reporter that Tricia referenced as being well sourced and upstanding?

If so, Welcome. Thank you for your knowlege and information-please ignore those who are killing the messenger, so to speak; I am sure it is disappointment talking at not seeing the outcome they wanted right now.
It was more of LP pushing the 'we won't give up' than it was TM. More BS from LP ... predictable!

LP and TM are not at fault here. They did the best they could (under the circumstances.) I hold them both in high esteem.
There's still a couple of hours of daylight left, why stop now?
I don't get it, this seems such a turnabout from TM's statements yesterday.

No disrespect to TM but he has been very wishy-washy in this case. First he's gonna search, they go out then call it off. It's just back and forth. :waitasec: There has to be more to the story.
By any chance did they stop the search because they found something? Why does KC always get all the breaks and end up smelling like a rose? Makes me so mad...:confused:

Lets not give up hope. There could be a variety of reasons for TES to stop the search, and so abruptly. We have to remember "IF" they did find Caylee "WE" would not be the first to find out, they MUST keep that quiet, out of respect for the family. As much as the Anthony family has disgusted many of us, they deserve NOT to hear that their little Caylee has been found via a News Reporter or a Blogger. Keep the Faith.

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