Testimony from neighbor - attempted break-in

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I'm so excited and proud of myself.
I didn't even have to call one of my kids to find a reader and install it.
O.K. now I'm not limited to transcripts and such only.:):clap:

I must admit you are funny...:) and congrad's :clap:, these computers are getting better and better everyday while we do the opposite.:mad:
I'm really getting old. I posted something about mother in laws on a thread that was maybe 5 years old.

Remember when you wear bifocals you must raise your chin to see with the bifocal.
I never noticed the dates on the posts as the are in small print.
I just noticed the dates because my dog jumped in my lap to remind me she needs to go out.
Considering I'm an ABO Certified Optician this is very embarassing to admit.:laugh:
You mean like this?

Jane: "The silly string party did her in. The jurors stated so after the trial."

Ha-ha-ha. That's all I can say. Your statement deserves no more than a belly laugh and a a big eye-roll.

Proper information, my a$$.

ROFL!!! For the record the necklace WAS NOT IMBEDDED in her neck. It is another ploy by the defense. :rolleyes:
ROFL!!! For the record the necklace WAS NOT IMBEDDED in her neck. It is another ploy by the defense. :rolleyes:

Are you saying Darin Lied about the embedded necklace on the stand under oath!!!!!!!

I hope, I wish, I PRAY someone indict him for PERJURY PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6 Q. Okay. Let me show you what's been
7 marked as State's Exhibit 26. Does this appear to be the
8 necklace?
9 A. This looks similar to the necklace. I
10 couldn't tell you if it was exactly the same one or not.
11 Q. Okay. And it was unattached?
12 A. It was unattached.
13 Q. Okay.
14 A. I didn't have to undo it.
15 Q. Okay.

Didn't he state that he DID NOT have to unclasp the necklace?
Are you saying Darin Lied about the embedded necklace on the stand under oath!!!!!!!

I hope, I wish, I PRAY someone indict him for PERJURY PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May be a stupid question but are there time limits on charging someone with perjury?
I don't think so. It may take more than 7 years (the statute of limitations for other crimes) for someone to confess the lied or reverse their testimony.
I think this is why a lot of lawyers are taught that even eye witness testimony is not 100% reliable.
Example in this case.
Darin says he saw the necklace embedded in her wound.

Nurse Judy says she removed necklace from patient, doesn't elaborate as to embedded or not but that it wasn't difficult to remove, required no special skills.

At time shortly after funeral when I talked to Mama Darlie she told me Dr. had said they had to remove necklace from her wound when she talked to him after Darlie came out of surgery.

Darin is not an expert and his opinion of what he saw cannot be impeached unless he reverses his testimony.

Nurse Judy cannot be charged with perjury unless she reverses her testimony or another 2 witnesses testifies they saw Dr. or someone else besides Nurse Judy remove necklace. Without 2 it is a matter of he said she said.

Mama Darlie did not tape conversation with Dr. after surgery so she cannot prove he said what she says he said.

Dr doesn't testify to anything more than the necklace had to be removed in order to do surgery. BTW they always remove your jewelry prior to any surgery, no metal that is removable is allowed in a surgical setting anyway.

Another example of eye witness testimony being not 100% reliable because they are not an expert.
A plane had to do a crash landing because of engine failure. The plane ended up near a Taco Bell.
A plane passenger told the news reporter that the pilot handled the situation very well.

If he had died in a crash he would not have been able to render his opinion which might have been different.
What is not handling the situation well- the pilot running thru the aisle and screaming we are all dead I'm bailing out I have a parachute forget the rest of you.
The FFA will investigate even if every passenger says our pilot was GREAT.
None of them are experts and if they are they didn't have access to all the facts while sitting in the plane as a passenger. Even if all the passengers aboard were experienced pilots, flight engineers, etc. I'm sure at least one of them would have wished they landed closer to the McDonald's as his stomach won't allow him to eat mexican food.:rolleyes:

Any LE or legal minds correct me if I'm wrong about perjury or eyewitness testimony.
I really don't believe that any medical personnel would lie about something so crucial given the circumstances. I know personally as I work in the medical profession and we take these matters quite seriously when any life is at stake. (In or out of the hospital!)
I once read through some of Darlie's trial transcripts and came across something VERY interesting. The night of the murders, in fact less than an hour before, a woman who lived 1/3 of a mile from Darlie (I mapquested the addresses and found that they lived 0.39 miles from each other) experienced two attempted breakins. She and her daughter were up late watching a movie. She heard what sounded like tapping at her front door. When she looked through the peephole, she saw two men there both dressed in black (matching Darlie's description of her assailant(s)). She turned on the porch light and they left. Just a little while later, she heard tapping again, but this time it was coming from an empty bedroom. She looked out the window and saw the same two men and I think I remember that she said one of them had a knife. She scared them away again but didn't report it to the police. The 911 call from Darlie happened 30 minutes later. I think it is reasonable to propose that they had time to walk or drive less than half a mile away and commit the murders at Darlie's house.
I have heard that also. But let me ask you, two men are outside your house tapping on your door and window, you see that one has a knife and you do not call 911? I'll have to go back and read but I dont think that her story panned out.
I once read through some of Darlie's trial transcripts and came across something VERY interesting. The night of the murders, in fact less than an hour before, a woman who lived 1/3 of a mile from Darlie (I mapquested the addresses and found that they lived 0.39 miles from each other) experienced two attempted breakins. She and her daughter were up late watching a movie. She heard what sounded like tapping at her front door. When she looked through the peephole, she saw two men there both dressed in black (matching Darlie's description of her assailant(s)). She turned on the porch light and they left. Just a little while later, she heard tapping again, but this time it was coming from an empty bedroom. She looked out the window and saw the same two men and I think I remember that she said one of them had a knife. She scared them away again but didn't report it to the police. The 911 call from Darlie happened 30 minutes later. I think it is reasonable to propose that they had time to walk or drive less than half a mile away and commit the murders at Darlie's house.

Neither of the men she described matched the description Darlie gave of the alleged intruder. Which wasn't much of a descriiption anyway since she says she didn't see his face.

I agree with Tx, why didn't she call 911? Her story didn't pan out at all.
Also, why would intruders tap on the window? Criminals that usually want to rob a house watch the house and do it when everyone is gone. If someone wants to kill you, they're going to come into your house quietly. Sounds like another Darlie supporter.
I never could believe that story because if I were in her shoes I would have called 911 as soon as I knew someone was outside my house. On top of strangers dressed in all black being seen outside her house....she stated she was watching a scary movie at that time she heard the noise. That would have made me grab the phone even faster if I were already scared from watching a scary movie. Never thought her story panned out.
no real reason to post since everyone said what i was thinking. 2 men..at your house...dressed in black....visible knife...NO CALL TO 911! the light scared them off and they came back to the window and still no call to 911? that's just insane. someone was on her property possibly attempting to gain entry and she shrugs it off? good point about the scary movie jenniferTX, she would have had a heightened sense of the creeps.

also if we are going with the 2 intruder theory for darlie's case that just makes it TWICE as unlikely that darin didn't hear anything and no evidence was left at the scene.

i would be interested to know when this woman spoke out and gave her story. anyone know?

and aerow, thanks for posting. just because i have a hard time tying it to darlie's case doesn't mean i don't appreciate the post and something else to think about. if you believe her story it is food for thought for sure. it's just personally for me i cant find anything in this case that leads me to an intruder, let alone 2 in the house that night.
what are your thoughts? do you believe there could have been an intruder that night? and what are your thoughts on 2? would one be in the getaway car why the other went in? not being snarky, just curious.
From an interview with Ann Zimmerman in the Dallas Observer in Aug. '98, Darlie said hypnosis helped her remember that there were two intruders, although she saw only one leave. One had darker skin. Brian Pardo arranged for the hypnosis, although now Darlie and her family have severed ties with him. If anyone wants to Google 'Darlie's hypnosis' there are several versions of the story. It keeps changing, as usual.
From an interview with Ann Zimmerman in the Dallas Observer in Aug. '98, Darlie said hypnosis helped her remember that there were two intruders, although she saw only one leave. One had darker skin. Brian Pardo arranged for the hypnosis, although now Darlie and her family have severed ties with him. If anyone wants to Google 'Darlie's hypnosis' there are several versions of the story. It keeps changing, as usual.

they don't want anything to do with Pardo because he believes Darin committed the murders.

Yeah two intruders who made no noise, never spoke and Darlie didn't scream to get Darin. Sure
I'm reading the transcripts right now actually and the story about the 2 intruders outside stuck out to me because it sounded like a lie. You would have to be insane to see 2 men outside your house weapons, prying at the doors / windows and not call police.
I’m not saying Darlie or her defence necessarily had anything to do with this lie by the way . I’ve no idea about that. But it sounds like a lie.

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