Texas Equusearch Suing Casey Anthony

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I wonder what the Judge doesn't see that I do - to my eyes it's very straightforward. She asked for them to use all their resources to search for Caylee when she knew that she was already DEAD. They spent over $100K for that search. She owes them that money since she asked under false pretenses, simply to keep up the illusion that she was missing.......

right!!! not to mention the aspect of tying up TES time/resources for searching for REAL missing people, legit cases just to keep up the illusion and appearance of caylee being missing ( vs already dead, and more importantly FCA knew precisely where caylee was and the condition she left caylee in).FCA's wild goose chase took time from families in legit need IMO needing tim and his team/tes to find their loved ones who truly were missing. i am just so disgusted this teflon queen keeps on skating by...:banghead:
right!!! not to mention the aspect of tying up TES time/resources for searching for REAL missing people, legit cases just to keep up the illusion and appearance of caylee being missing ( vs already dead, and more importantly FCA knew precisely where caylee was and the condition she left caylee in).FCA's wild goose chase took time from families in legit need IMO needing tim and his team/tes to find their loved ones who truly were missing. i am just so disgusted this teflon queen keeps on skating by...:banghead:

AND not only that but remember all of the suspicions casted upon the TES searchers? Accusations were made that TES volunteers did search that area (and lied about it) but didn’t find anything. (This was to imply that Caylee’s body was placed there by the “kidnapper” while FCA was incarcerated, which means she couldn’t have put her there) Remember when Jose demanding all of the TES records to further the “mystery” of who put Caylee there? All of this because of a drowning? Are you kidding me? Who is buying this crap? (coco using banghead too):banghead:
AND not only that but remember all of the suspicions casted upon the TES searchers? Accusations were made that TES volunteers did search that area (and lied about it) but didn’t find anything. (This was to imply that Caylee’s body was placed there by the “kidnapper” while FCA was incarcerated, which means she couldn’t have put her there) Remember when Jose demanding all of the TES records to further the “mystery” of who put Caylee there? All of this because of a drowning? Are you kidding me? Who is buying this crap? (coco using banghead too):banghead:

I am still so angry about this. On Nov 17, 2010, I was called by one of the defense investigators as my son and I had been volunteers for the search. Has Jose ever revealed when Casey told him that Caylee had drowned story? Was it before all the records were handed over and people called or has he conveniently remained silent on the date of Casey's claim? Anyone know?
I am still so angry about this. On Nov 17, 2010, I was called by one of the defense investigators as my son and I had been volunteers for the search. Has Jose ever revealed when Casey told him that Caylee had drowned story? Was it before all the records were handed over and people called or has he conveniently remained silent on the date of Casey's claim? Anyone know?

In JB's book, I recall he said OCA told him the "drowned" claim in January 2009.
I am still so angry about this. On Nov 17, 2010, I was called by one of the defense investigators as my son and I had been volunteers for the search. Has Jose ever revealed when Casey told him that Caylee had drowned story? Was it before all the records were handed over and people called or has he conveniently remained silent on the date of Casey's claim? Anyone know?

I'm sorry that your efforts went unappreciated. Every time Jose was asked about that little minor detail of when he found out the "truth" he hides behind attorney client confidentiality. Right. So convenient. He is simply a snake.

ETA. I did not know that zippitydoda. In interviews he has not said that but then again it would not be the first time his stories change.
page 174.......The day I had a major breakthrough with OCA came in the early months of 2009...

He then goes into details on what he claims OCA told him about what happened on June 16th.
page 174.......The day I had a major breakthrough with OCA came in the early months of 2009...

He then goes into details on what he claims OCA told him about what happened on June 16th.

Okay, so is what JB did legal then? If he knew, from his client, in early 2009 that Caylee drowned and was disposed of by her father, then wouldn't it be illegal to try to implicate anyone else after that date? Like thousands of people, a year and a half later? Not even mentioning that he continued to make personal accusations, after that date, about Kronk.
Shouldn't this be against some law?
Okay, so is what JB did legal then? If he knew, from his client, in early 2009 that Caylee drowned and was disposed of by her father, then wouldn't it be illegal to try to implicate anyone else after that date? Like thousands of people, a year and a half later? Not even mentioning that he continued to make personal accusations, after that date, about Kronk.
Shouldn't this be against some law?
It should be, now shouldn't it? But, I think at best (or worst) it's unethical, IMO. But the State of Florida seems not to care.
For goodness sake, after Jose Baez and Casey Anthony had used, abused and put a financial drain on Tim Miller ~ they then had the nerve to further harass him through the court system to reveal all the personal information of his searchers. When, according their own "story," they could have just turned around and asked George what he did with the body.

I don't understand how this is legal?
JB has said he hired an ethics attorney early to review everything - so he appears to have received excellent advice on just how far he could push envelopes.

The one thing they can't control now is what comes out of OCA's mouth. She remains the only one on "Team OCA" with a get out of jail card. If OCA is compelled to testify, I'd say she is the fool-proof way to bring down this house of cards. All M&M has to do is tell OCA she looks fat and her mouth will be unstoppable.
I don't see how TES can win this... The whole world knew CA was lying. would you have spent $100,000 of your money on something CA said? The truth is TES probably wanted exposure, well you got and are continuing to get it. Also, the truth is... I'm sure she didn't want anyone searching!
I don't see how TES can win this... The whole world knew CA was lying. would you have spent $100,000 of your money on something CA said? The truth is TES probably wanted exposure, well you got and are continuing to get it. Also, the truth is... I'm sure she didn't want anyone searching!
Actually, if you were here during that time, you might remember there were a lot of folks reaching out to them to get involved. They didn't get involved for the "exposure", IMO. They didn't need it...and had nothing to gain, except bringing closure to the family...one way or the other.
I don't see how TES can win this... The whole world knew CA was lying. would you have spent $100,000 of your money on something CA said? The truth is TES probably wanted exposure, well you got and are continuing to get it. Also, the truth is... I'm sure she didn't want anyone searching!

I sent money to help TES search for Caylee and I knew they weren't telling the truth, but you can't just not do anything to find that poor baby. So I completely disagree about Tim Millers desire for exposure. Of course she didn't want anyone searching for Caylee but if she sent an entire volunteer search team away, she would look very very guilty of dumping her dead child in the woods. hmmmmm
Response to Debtor's Motion to Dismiss Texas Equusearchs Complaint Objecting to Dischargeability of Debt
Filed by Peter D. Russin on behalf of Plaintiff Texas Equusearch Mounted Search and Recovery
Entered: 06/26/2013


page 5 - ... Mr. Miller met with the Debtor [Casey Anthony] and her parents, Cindy and George Anthony, at Cindy and George's Orange County, Florida residence on at least two occasions in August and September 2008.
First, during these meetings, the Debtor [Casey Anthony] stated directly to Mr. Miller that Caylee had been abducted and was still alive.

page 6 - In fact, the Debtor [Casey Anthony] thanked Mr. Miller and the Plaintiff [TexasEquuSearch] for assisting in the search for Caylee.
These statements later proved to be blatantly false as the Debtor knew at the time she made these statements that Caylee had actually died in the family swimming pool at the Residence on June 16, 2008.

Third, the Debtor [Casey Anthony] willfully concealed and omitted the truth to the Plaintiff [TexasEquuSearch] that Caylee in fact drowned in the Swimming Pool on June 16, 2008.

The Debtor knew of the falsity of these misrepresentations at the time they were made, yet at no point during the Meetings or the Plaintiff's searches for Caylee did the Debtor ever correct or otherwise disagree with these misrepresentations.

Indeed, the Complaint specifically pleads that the Debtor [Casey Anthony] intentionally made these fraudulent misrepresentations and omission to the Plaintiff [TES] to deceive the Plaintiff and induce it to conduct its search operation for Caylee.

page 8 - Both the Debtor and her parents insisted that Caylee had been abducted and was still alive, and the Debtor never once offered any rebuke to the contrary.

The Debtor [Casey Anthony] certainly received a direct benefit from the Plaintiff's [TES] searches for Caylee.
By not alerting the Plaintiff that Caylee was not missing and had actually died in the Swimming Pool on June 16, 2008, the Debtor was able to maintain the appearance of ignorance and innocence as to Caylee's disappearance and death. The Plaintiff's searches for Caylee allowed the Debtor to continue to portray herself as the worried mother desperately hoping that her daughter was still alive and would be safely returned to her family.

The Plaintiff's [TES] searches for Caylee also provided the Debtor a means to deflect attention away from her, and focus on the searches for Caylee. Therefore, the Debtor received a direct benefit from the Plaintiff's searches for Caylee.

... the Debtor [Casey Anthony], directly (and through her parents) told Mr. Miller that Caylee had been abducted and was still alive, and thanked him and the Plaintiff for assisting in the search for Caylee. Moreover, Casey never once corrected or otherwise disagreed with these false statements and alerted the Plaintiff that Caylee was not actually missing, but in fact she had died in the Swimming Pool on June 16, 2008.

Here, the Plaintiff's claims against the Debtor are based on the Debtor [Casey Anthony] intentionally, not recklessly or negligently, making false statements and omissions to the Plaintiff concerning the whereabouts and living status of Caylee, which directly caused the Plaintiff to expend its limited funds and resources in conducting it searches for Caylee.
Agreed Motion to Continue/Reschedule On Pretrial Conference
Filed by Peter D. Russin on behalf of Plaintiff Texas Equusearch Mounted Search and Recovery
(Entered: 09/13/2013)


May 3, 2013 – TES filed Complaint
May 14, 2013 – Court set Pre-Trial Conference for July 2, 2013 at 10:30am
June 3, 2013 – Casey filed Motion to Dismiss TES’ Complaint
July 2, 2013 – HEARING held – Court moved Hearing to Sept 17, 2013 at 2:00pm

Page 2 – “The parties have come to a consensual resolution of the Plaintiff’s claims [TES] against the Debtor [Casey Anthony], including the Plaintiff’s [TES] unsecured proof of claim number 5 filed in the Debtor’s [Casey Anthony] bankruptcy estate, and are in the process of finalizing and executing the settlement agreement. The extension requested herein will allow the parties to do so, and as such, good cause exists to grant such relief.”

Plaintiff [TES] requests the Court continue the Pretrial Conference for sixty (60) days in accordance with the Court’s availability, or to such other date as may be deemed appropriate by the Court.

“Undersigned counsel [Peter Russin for TES] has conferred with the Debtor’s counsel [David Schrader, Debra Ferwerda, and Charles Greene, for Casey Anthony] concerning the requested continuance, and the Debtor’s counsel informed undersigned counsel that the Debtor [Casey Anthony] agrees with the relief requested herein.”
Agreed Motion to Continue/Reschedule On Pretrial Conference
Filed by Peter D. Russin on behalf of Plaintiff Texas Equusearch Mounted Search and Recovery
(Entered: 09/13/2013)


May 3, 2013 – TES filed Complaint
May 14, 2013 – Court set Pre-Trial Conference for July 2, 2013 at 10:30am
June 3, 2013 – Casey filed Motion to Dismiss TES’ Complaint
July 2, 2013 – HEARING held – Court moved Hearing to Sept 17, 2013 at 2:00pm

Page 2 – “The parties have come to a consensual resolution of the Plaintiff’s claims [TES] against the Debtor [Casey Anthony], including the Plaintiff’s [TES] unsecured proof of claim number 5 filed in the Debtor’s [Casey Anthony] bankruptcy estate, and are in the process of finalizing and executing the settlement agreement. The extension requested herein will allow the parties to do so, and as such, good cause exists to grant such relief.”

Plaintiff [TES] requests the Court continue the Pretrial Conference for sixty (60) days in accordance with the Court’s availability, or to such other date as may be deemed appropriate by the Court.

“Undersigned counsel [Peter Russin for TES] has conferred with the Debtor’s counsel [David Schrader, Debra Ferwerda, and Charles Greene, for Casey Anthony] concerning the requested continuance, and the Debtor’s counsel informed undersigned counsel that the Debtor [Casey Anthony] agrees with the relief requested herein.”

How does someone with assets of less than $1000 come up with a financial settlement in a law suit of this magnitude?
I wonder if the Bankruptcy Judge is aware of this? :stormingmad:
How does someone with assets of less than $1000 come up with a financial settlement in a law suit of this magnitude?
I wonder if the Bankruptcy Judge is aware of this? :stormingmad:

I bet the final settlement documents will be sealed so the public never knows how much she paid.

TES said their case was exceeding $ 100,000 ...

And how does she suddenly have $ 25,000 to pay the trustee for rights to her story?

The bankruptcy judge will probably just be glad that both sides settled and he is done with the TES case.

To the average tax-paying, hard-working Joe and Jane, though, this is tough to understand. How they all overlook her potential to come up with LOTS of money, but still claim she is destitute and still grant her bankruptcy!
Does anyone remember the names of the Bankruptcy Trustee and his colleague? I sent emails at the start of this fiasco but have not saved them.
I feel an email coming on....

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