TH and potential evidence

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What you don't seem to understand, Mrs G Norris, is that none of that has anything to do with the wm3, their defense, or even the large majority of wm3 supporters. That was merely Ken Swindle's attempt to prove to a court that the investigation was closed, and therefore his clients should be allowed to view the evidence.

With West Memphis Three member Jason Baldwin a spectator in the Marion, Ark., courtroom, attorney Ken Swindle presented sworn statements that he says implicate Terry Hobbs, David Jacoby, Buddy Lucas and the now deceased L.G. Hollingsworth in the killings. Although all four were involved in the case over the past 20 years, none ever faced any charges.

“He murdered those boys,” Swindle said, indicating Jacoby, who was standing in the back of the courtroom Wednesday after he was subpoenaed to appear.
I'm shocked this goes on in this forum given the rules regarding rumors:

Meh. If you think there's a problem with a post, I think it's the little triangle button on the post and I'm sure the mods will remove if inappropriate. In the meantime, where are the rumors?

1. Hair with same mtDNA. This fact has been reported
2. Mildred French incident There is a police report
3. Child physical abuse Witnesses have been documented stating this
4. Child sexual abuse Witnesses have been documented stating this
5. No alibi for the night in question. If there is one, I'll listen
6. Inconsistent statements concerning the night in question. Fact
7. Pocket knife found in his possession. It has been reported
8. Never called LE to report missing until after picking Pam up. Fact
9. The statements/affidavits concerning "The Hobb's Family Secret". They were made
10. Inmate statements/affidavits They were made
11. His avoidance of answering questions. Fact
12. Potential lies (i.e. never saw kids that day though other witnesses say otherwise). Fact
13. Fibers in knife that could be consistent with the shoe laces(read this somewhere I believe) It has been reported
14. Questionable behavior following the murders. Has been reported
15. No search to exclude TH in the first place (will include lack of investigation into Hobbs at all here instead of breaking out every thing the WMPD failed to do as it relates to TH). Fact.
16. Jackie Hicks Jr. incident. Not a rumor. Guy got shot
17. Demeanor (separated this from inconsistent statements as it's a bit different and refers to how he reacts to different stimuli and his apparent belief that he is above the law by not answering questions posed). Interpretation but not rumor.
18. Never informed Pam that Stevie could not be found. Fact
19. Worked in a slaughterhouse. Rumor? Don't think so.
20. TH places himself at the scene in and around the time the murders would have occurred. Been stated.
21. Treasures or trophies? He had possessions in a lock box. Fact.
22. Relation to the deceased. How is this a rumor?
23. Residence in proximity to murder scene. Fact.
24. Alleged substance abuser. Heck, I think he admitted as much.
With West Memphis Three member Jason Baldwin a spectator in the Marion, Ark., courtroom, attorney Ken Swindle presented sworn statements that he says implicate Terry Hobbs, David Jacoby, Buddy Lucas and the now deceased L.G. Hollingsworth in the killings. Although all four were involved in the case over the past 20 years, none ever faced any charges.

“He murdered those boys,” Swindle said, indicating Jacoby, who was standing in the back of the courtroom Wednesday after he was subpoenaed to appear.

And I can remember Jason's comment on the whole affair afterwards - "None of this is real evidence because people can say anything."
The only reason that TH is not a legal suspect is because the DA can not stand to choke down the fact they got the wrong people. If they call TH a suspect they have to then admit they were wrong about The WM3 and clear them.

It's worse than that. They don't even have to call him a suspect. Just investigate him thoroughly. Lots of people get investigated that never turn into suspects, but they haven't even done that.
It's worse than that. They don't even have to call him a suspect. Just investigate him thoroughly. Lots of people get investigated that never turn into suspects, but they haven't even done that.

Yes. Thank you.. So true. Just look into him fully. Add the evidence all up. I bet more points to him than the WM3 making him at least a decent person of interest.
With West Memphis Three member Jason Baldwin a spectator in the Marion, Ark., courtroom, attorney Ken Swindle presented sworn statements that he says implicate Terry Hobbs, David Jacoby, Buddy Lucas and the now deceased L.G. Hollingsworth in the killings. Although all four were involved in the case over the past 20 years, none ever faced any charges.

“He murdered those boys,” Swindle said, indicating Jacoby, who was standing in the back of the courtroom Wednesday after he was subpoenaed to appear.

Just to add that this is a civil case with Swindle not a criminal case and it's absurd.
TH should have been a suspect for no other reason that he was one of the victims' step father. All the other parents had their alibis checked, even Ricky Lee Murray who lived in another state. The other two victims' homes were searched for exclusionary fibres. The neighbours of the other two also seem to have been more carefully canvassed, because the WMPD missed the neighbours three doors down from the Hobbs home.

Terry Hobbs was never questioned, his main alibi witness was never questioned and his home never searched. If that had been done 20 years ago, and if he'd been eliminated from suspicion then, anyone who was accusing him now would be taken about as seriously as the nons who accuse Domini Teer of involvement, ie, a small minority who nobody really takes any notice of on either side.

As it is, 14 years had passed before his movements that night were questioned, before David Jacoby was questioned, before the neighbours came forward with their story about seeing Hobbs with the three children that evening. And memories get fuzzy after 14 years, so his chances of clearing himself now are very low. If Hobbs is innocent, he should be very annoyed with the WMPD over that.

How about Bobbi Jacoby? Unless I missed it, I don't see where she was ever questioned. Seems like she would have been a logical person to ask some questions too as well.
Just to add that this is a civil case with Swindle not a criminal case and it's absurd.

What is absurd? That he knows his clients did not do it, but sees evidence that links others and won't be quiet about it?

Isn't it time the real killers were prosecuted for this crime?
What is absurd? That he knows his clients did not do it, but sees evidence that links others and won't be quiet about it?

Isn't it time the real killers were prosecuted for this crime?

Now, you've lost me and I have no idea what you are talking about here with
'his clients did not do it'.

Do what?

You may not have had a chance to read about Mr. Swindle but he does not represent WM3 and he is an attorney in a civil case not a criminal case.
What is absurd? That he knows his clients did not do it, but sees evidence that links others and won't be quiet about it?

Isn't it time the real killers were prosecuted for this crime?

Swindle has nothing to do with the wm3. He was representing Pam Hicks and JMB in a civil case to allow them the right to view the evidence. To that end, he pulled up a letter sent to the prosecutor's office making the allegations against Jacoby, Hollingsworth et al, and presented it as evidence that new leads were not being followed up, ergo the case is closed, ergo the parents should be allowed to see the evidence.
All the other parents had their alibis checked
No, the police took notes about where the parents were, but there was no notable alibi investigation into anyone but Byers, which again was ignored by the many who spent a decade an a half trying to scapegoat him before sinking their teeth into Hobbs. Also, please look up the term exclusionary and ponder on that for a while, and I also recommend checking the Moyer's recent claims against the witnesses who actually did come forward back then.
Swindle has nothing to do with the wm3. He was representing Pam Hicks and JMB in a civil case to allow them the right to view the evidence. To that end, he pulled up a letter sent to the prosecutor's office making the allegations against Jacoby, Hollingsworth et al, and presented it as evidence that new leads were not being followed up, ergo the case is closed, ergo the parents should be allowed to see the evidence.

Sorry.. That is my bad..

I read this too quickly..
With West Memphis Three member Jason Baldwin a spectator in the Marion, Ark., courtroom, attorney Ken Swindle presented sworn statements that he says implicate Terry Hobbs, David Jacoby, Buddy Lucas and the now deceased L.G. Hollingsworth in the killings. Although all four were involved in the case over the past 20 years, none ever faced any charges.

“He murdered those boys,” Swindle said, indicating Jacoby, who was standing in the back of the courtroom Wednesday after he was subpoenaed to appear.

For some reason it read to me as Jason's atty.. I need much more coffee today!! Sorry!!! My bad!
No, the police took notes about where the parents were, but there was no notable alibi investigation into anyone but Byers, which again was ignored by the many who spent a decade an a half trying to scapegoat him before sinking their teeth into Hobbs. Also, please look up the term exclusionary and ponder on that for a while, and I also recommend checking the Moyer's recent claims against the witnesses who actually did come forward back then.

Hmm But the fact that TH lied about his whereabouts and seeing the boys that day??
Please present whatever evidence establishes that claim as fact?
I'm assuming you're talking about someone else. I am neither a supporter nor a non. Suspect is probably too strong of a word, but investigated or potential suspect I would agree with, as is the case in nearly every murder. Look into and investigate those close to the victim and work your way out.

Shouldn't that be the job of LE instead of citizens?
It's actually three women, and their statements can be read on this page which I linked previously, which explains how given the body of evidence as a whole, those three are obviously mistaken in what they've come forward claiming to have seen.

Not clicking a link unless you can assure me it's not to a spin site. I have no interest in giving them more traffic.

Never mind. I can see after hitting reply that it is, in fact, to a spin site.

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