Th Denies having anything to do with Kyron's disappearance...??

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She spoke to a WW reporter. Sat with him on her property and chatted. Didn't run him off. The next day, 'no trespassing' signs were up.

Wonder who did that?

Me thinks the control freak did it.:waitasec:
Honestly, I look at some of the pictures the media doesn't publish with their Terri-skewering articles, the pics they have on that FB page that show a happy, serene and content Terri holding an unbelievably gorgeous and smiling baby K. And I want that woman in that picture to tell me she didn't do this terrible thing. That mother in the picture looks like a nurturer, and I want her to really be one, to not live in a world where a woman who looks content could abduct or kill or stash a child.

I guess part of my issue is that as a mother, I'm angry at Terri for acting so irresponsibly after Kyron vanished (sexting) and for not not caring what we the public think and not saying to hell with us and going about the business of leading searches and organizing picture drives and fundraisers for reward money. And yes I know that each of these things people would mock and deride and twist into something guilty-seeming, but I want her to be the sort of mother who is heartbroken by that and yet still marches forward doing what she can in spite of that.

I know I have unrealistic expectations... !! I know that would take backbone I myself might not have. But that's how I feel when I see those happy pictures of Terri the mother, and it's part of what makes me so upset by her actions after Kyron went missing. :(
Ami, and I agree with you--especially on the trying to get her baby back or at least confront Kaine. It's ironic that those who claim that she didn't care about her baby because she didn't "fight back" also thwack her for doing something very active to see her baby, and possibly get her back, right then. (Note: remember, at that point she did not know about the RO coming.)

And no, we don't all keep media advisors at hand! But most folks don't realize how hard it is to speak in public, especially in a time of crisis, and especially so when one is at risk in a criminal case.

In today's world, where everyone seems to have a video camera and be putting stuff online, it may seem simple stuff to make a statement. But there's a world of difference between "I looked up and there was the tornado" or "I heard shots and screaming and I hid" and being in the middle of a missing child crisis.

And, it's also more stressful than most people realize when the cameras, those bright lights, the still cameras, those mikes are all focused on you. KH seems to thrive on it; DY is holding herself together for her son's sake. And they're on the "up river" part of this in comparison to TH, who's been painted as the Mistress of all Evil.

Most people don't know how to deal with the media. Nor with LE. And both professions take advantage of that fact. So best to get help in what you say and how you say it to media, and also best to lawyer up to deal with LE. (I know that's not a popular stance, but sorry!)

I sometimes wonder if KH didn't get advice from the PR folks at his company.
Steadfast, another perspective. Right now, I'm discounting FB stuff 'cause 'net junkies tend to run to their comfy online communities almost automatically. (Don't we all do that?) And if in shock, she might have just posted...anything. Especially normal stuff. Like that "poke" people have seized on. I hate those things and try to ignore them. But the fastest way to deal with 'em is just with one click to do a poke back. And it's not clear if she was initiating or responding. And it's a little thing.

That's just one example of the tsunami of stuff about her that's been publicized, criticized, analyzed, amateur pscyhoanalyzed, etc. etc.

Early on, she was working on getting flyers picked up and out. She did family stuff with media. Then suddenly--wham! The alleged MFH plot rears up, and suddenly her husband and baby are gone, and she's slapped with an RO, and oh yes, there's that stupid sting. Plus whatever happened on the LDTs. And being ambushed by media even at her own front door.

She's now a stranger in a very strange land.

The way I see it, at first she followed KH's lead. Then she was voted off the island, left adrift, and found herself questioned and maligned in the media.

Frankly, only an idiot at that point would go to the media and say "Hey! I'm innocent!" Because that opens the door. If she has her own press conference, there'll be tons of questions that she's best off not answering as any answers can be manipulated, wrongly analyzed, misquoted, etc. Let alone everyone's interpretation. Referece: see Bean's links to the "why you shouldn't talk to the cops" videos.

Had she had a competent media advisor, it would have been good to issue one single statement something like this: "My heart is broken over the loss of Kyron. I'm also grieving over the fact that my husband chose to steal my baby, get a restraining order against me, and that he also chose to believe a story LE got out of some guy I hired for yard work months ago. After years of working to be the best parent I could be to Kyron and my other children, now I find that Kyron's biological mother, who I kept well-informed, has always believed me to be a liar. There is so much coming at me that I barely know which way to turn. But I do know this: I did not harm Kyron. And long-term, that truth will be revealed. Kyron is the most important thing here. And I hope that LE continues to investigate the possibility of a predator loose among our children. (Insert one-sentence ref to attempt to grab another child right around the time Kyron went missing, can't recall exact details right now, peeps). This country seems to be suffering from increased child abuse and predators, and like you, I never thought that I or my family would wind up in a situation like this. To whoever took or has Kyron--please, let us bring him home. Please."

That's very rough draft, folks, and needs editing. But if she had issued one written statement like that before she'd gotten an attorney--who then told her to be silent if he's as good as he's made out to be--she would have fulfilled a public-perceived need to speak out.

Again, the draft above would receive extreme editing if it were mine to follow on and do. And in no way would I ever recommend that she do a press conference, interviews, etc. I've literally trained a very smart first-time candidate with lots of community work and experience, on how to handle the media and questions from the public at debates. Even given her expertise with public works, she was easy prey when we started. (She wasn't when we finished!).

The fact that TH didn't have a media advisor and didn't issue one written statement shouldn't, IMHO, count against her. Especially not when her husband and Kyron's other parents were doing the TH bash--and at that point, throwing around phrases like "LE told us this and that". Notice that now they're backing off from that and they've had to say that their info didn't come from LE?

Please note: I'm not saying that TH is innocent. I am looking at this "in theory" of what she could have done better to appease public demands for another act in this circus. (Ahem--let alone the idiot stuff of bat phones, sexting, etc.)

If she wanted to snap back, the statement could have read something like "My heart is broken at Kyron's loss. But the focus should not be on me, or any parent. We have suffered a terrible blow, and the focus should be on Kyron and bringing him home. I intend to keep the focus on Kyron, and one way to do that is to stay out of the liimelight and therefore, out of LE's way. To whoever took Kyron--please, please let us know where he is. Send a note to the principal, call anonymously, do something, Kyron, I love you. We all love you."

See, and that's exactly what she DIDN'T do. She was busy filling her time sexting and buying batphones. Lots of parents of missing children reach out to the media without having a media advisor, and they do a great job.
Honestly, I look at some of the pictures the media doesn't publish with their Terri-skewering articles, the pics they have on that FB page that show a happy, serene and content Terri holding an unbelievably gorgeous and smiling baby K. And I want that woman in that picture to tell me she didn't do this terrible thing. That mother in the picture looks like a nurturer, and I want her to really be one, to not live in a world where a woman who looks content could abduct or kill or stash a child.

I guess part of my issue is that as a mother, I'm angry at Terri for acting so irresponsibly after Kyron vanished (sexting) and for not not caring what we the public think and not saying to hell with us and going about the business of leading searches and organizing picture drives and fundraisers for reward money. And yes I know that each of these things people would mock and deride and twist into something guilty-seeming, but I want her to be the sort of mother who is heartbroken by that and yet still marches forward doing what she can in spite of that.

I know I have unrealistic expectations... !! I know that would take backbone I myself might not have. But that's how I feel when I see those happy pictures of Terri the mother, and it's part of what makes me so upset by her actions after Kyron went missing. :(

I'm quoting this post (another excellent one) to make sure it's clear which one I'm replying to here.

I so agree with you. And the manipulation of public opinion via careful selection of imagery is a very valid concern. Sadly, media in this new age now seems to use their choice of imagery to convey a message--which makes that propaganda and not reporting.

Like you, I've looked at those pictures, and I've wondered how they can all lie. But pictures lie--we all know that. Yet, how is it that a woman who took so many family pictures for everyone to enjoy, could suddenly become someone who set out to destroy that world?

If she is innocent and is vindicated, there will be a whole lot of 'splaining to do for many, many people, starting with LE and KH.

And if she isn't innocent, then there's a whole lot of psychological stuff that will need looking into.
Steadfast, I agree. But I'm offering these caveats: a) KH was clearly in charge at first. b)after that, TH was isolated and maligned. So she wasn't in the category of "distraught parents speak to media to plead for child."

She had knockout punches one after the other.

I really can't recall any other similar case where one spouse (KH) so clearly runs the show, and where then one spouse is cast in the role of Mistress of all Evil and clarly ostracized from the "grieving family" circle.

KH snatched that opportunity. There wasn't much left for her to say, IMHO.

And I bet he had media advice. He's been working the loops very adroitly. I haven't said that out loud before.
I just came across this in an ABC news story. But I haven't seen TH's denial elsewhere.

"Terri Horman has remained steadfastly silent through most of the investigation, only releasing brief statements through her attorney that she did not have anything to do with Kyron's disappearance. "

Interestingly enough, at the end of the video, the presenter says that TH has neither admitted nor denied that she's involved, but that her attorney calls this a witch hunt.

So their text says one thing, and it seems that their video says another.

Has anyone else heard of any MSM saying that TH has denied being involved, via her attorney? To me, "witch hunt" does not equal "TH says she didn't do this."

Stay on topic - comment about where we've heard TH deny that she isn't involved please.
Ooops, sorry Kimster. My bad. We did veer off into "should she and how" comment type discussion.

Train back on track.Choo! Choo!
Ooops, sorry Kimster. My bad. We did veer off into "should she and how" comment type discussion.

Train back on track.Choo! Choo!


That is the most common way a thread gets off track. :) There is a thread about TH's involvement already. If this thread becomes another one of the same topic, it ends up getting merged.

Kat, just say "SAVE MY THREAD, STAY ON TOPIC". LOL :dance:

(Especially because I'll wander off into the gardens of theory and good/bad journalism at the drop of a bit and a byte...)

I found this interesting link from July, in which sources say that TH denied the MFH plot. It references the Oregonian, but I can't tell quickly if it's just a reprint of their story:
It might depend on what she said and how she said it. I'd be more inclined to believe someone who is vehemently proclaiming their innocence than someone who has done everything (imho) to avoid discussing the situation at all.
No matter how much she ignores it, there's a HUGE elephant in the room, and it's not going to go away.

But she doesn't have to clean up the elephant's poo if it isn't her elephant. Just saying.
And, it's also more stressful than most people realize when the cameras, those bright lights, the still cameras, those mikes are all focused on you. KH seems to thrive on it...

Respectfully snipped and bolded by me.

I don't see that at all. I see a man who is also barely holding it together. I believe he talks to the media in the (possibly vain) belief that something he says may help to bring his son back. That is all I see.

ETA: staying on topic....I really think she should have said something in the beginning. It's probably a case of too little too late now if she does speak.
But she doesn't have to clean up the elephant's poo if it isn't her elephant. Just saying.

That elephant's in HER living room, (whether she brought it in there or not) so she may want to consider doing something with all that...mess...:crazy:
That elephant's in HER living room, (whether she brought it in there or not) so she may want to consider doing something with all that...mess...:crazy:

Respectfully, kaine kicked her out of that living room
Steadfast, I agree. But I'm offering these caveats: a) KH was clearly in charge at first. b)after that, TH was isolated and maligned. So she wasn't in the category of "distraught parents speak to media to plead for child."

She had knockout punches one after the other.

I really can't recall any other similar case where one spouse (KH) so clearly runs the show, and where then one spouse is cast in the role of Mistress of all Evil and clarly ostracized from the "grieving family" circle.

KH snatched that opportunity. There wasn't much left for her to say, IMHO.

And I bet he had media advice. He's been working the loops very adroitly. I haven't said that out loud before.

I don't think KH was "clearly in charge" of Terri, especially to the point that she couldn't deny her guilt publicly. In fact, everything I've seen points to Terri doing whatever she feels like, which apparently does not extend to proclaiming her innocence. Terri supposedly has a masters degree in Education, so she is well practiced in speaking before groups of people -- professors, fellow grad students, etc.

It's not as if Kaine has kept her tied to home. She was a competitive body-builder, went to grad school, and had a group of close friends apart from Kaine while she was with him; why couldn't she also be proactive in getting the message out about her innocence and help more to spread the word about Kyron being missing?

IMO, she hasn't done it because (1) she has told different stories to different people and doesn't want them to compare notes, (2) she has a stake in Kyron not being found, (3) her attorney has advised her not to say anything, (4) she's not confident, since the early presser, in her ability to fool everyone with fake grief.
Sorry, Steadfast, I meant KH was clearly in charge of his family's contact with the media. Not in charge of her.
Sorry, Steadfast, I meant KH was clearly in charge of his family's contact with the media. Not in charge of her.

Now that could be true. But if I were innocent of a crime and people were pointing at me, and my husband wanted me to keep quiet, I would ignore his wishes.

To tell you the truth, I've always had the feeling that it was Terri who was encouraging Kaine in their early media silence. It wasn't until he left Terri that Kaine began to speak out.
We haven't heard Terri say publicly that she had nothing to do with Kyron's disappearance that I know of, however, I don't recall hearing denial from KH, DS or TY, or any other family member for that matter either.

If you recall, in the beginning no one from the family was saying anything publicly. There is this email from KH to Intel on June 6, where he tells his Intel co-workers: " Do not speak to any media if contacted; I am trying to contact Intel legal to give them the heads up and help with this situation" .

The first time I saw that, I thought that was a very weird thing to tell your co-workers. What on earth would any of them have to say to the media in regard to Kyron's disappearance?

Anyway, if KH was telling them not to talk, I'm sure he was telling the rest of his family not to talk.

The first public statement from the family was Friday, June 11 and even then only the men spoke. Not DS, not TH. (Which I also found unusual.) Does that make DS guilty because she didn't say she had nothing to do with it?

It is my guess that TH has denied involvement in Kyron's disappearance from the get go, and I'm guessing she's stated that a gazillion times or so as she was being questioned by LE. At some point, I think she realized, probably after the first LDT failure, that people were not believing her. And frankly, I think that made her very, very angry. Angry at all the people she thought loved her. TH's body language after that point has been never looked like anything to me but ticked off. Ask yourself, if you were innocent, (and I'm not saying she is) but everything and everyone you loved was pointing fingers at you, and you'd already denied over and over and over any involvement, wouldn't you get an attorney and quit talking to the people who obviously don't believe you. Yep, and I'm sure her attorney also doesn't want her talking.

Anyway, because of the way this case came down and all the (IMHO) controlling that was being done by KH in the very beginning about the talking to the media issues, I'm not at all surprised we haven't heard TH deny anything, I think she's beyond that at this point and she's leaving that up to her attorney, which IMHO is smart, whether she was involved or not.

Intel email link:
Isn't this an OLD article? And to be clear, Kaine Horman sent out an email to many of his friends and co-workers early on telling them NOT to talk to the media. This statement from Terri does coincide with what he had asked others to do.

Yes, only the first paragraph is mine. The rest is from an old post on WS with a snip from the article. I was just providing the link that Grandma J asked for with an msm reference stating that KH told TH to stay quiet. That is all :)
BillyLee said:
Ask yourself, if you were innocent, (and I'm not saying she is) but everything and everyone you loved was pointing fingers at you, and you'd already denied over and over and over any involvement, wouldn't you get an attorney and quit talking to the people who obviously don't believe you. Yep, and I'm sure her attorney also doesn't want her talking.
No, that isn't really true, and my evidence is the Elizabeth Smart case.

The Smart family was under the gun, every man in the family young and old was being blamed all over the internet and the media, and the mother was a basket case.

But guess what? They banded together and kept going on the news week after week, and the father who was suspected of foul play kept talking about his daughter until she came home.

I was someone who thought many people in the Smart family might be guilty of something. But I was wrong and I feel bad about that.

However, in hindsight, a major clue to their innocence was that they never lawyered up and stopped talking. They let their emotions show and they didn't care what the world thought.

So no, I don't think it's wise of Terri to clam up when her stepson is missing, especially now that she is under the gun. I've been wondering for weeks why she doesn't speak out and at least try to show her feelings for Kyron. The longer she stays silent the worse it will be in front of a jury.

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