Thanks to WS'ers who Post During Hearings

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I want to thank everyone again. Reading your posts during jury selection was a relief for someone who just can't watch or hear it. I am very grateful to the posters and the mods who do their best to keep the hearing/jury/trial threads going. I almost scream at my computer when someone posts "thud", next poster goes "rut roh", next poster goes "aagghr"! I understand why you're posting like that but until someone actually says what is going on, I'm in limbo land and it's torture. :)

I have Monday off so I get to see the opening arguments. But I will be right back here on Tuesday during lunch and breaks to read.

THANK YOU! (and yes, I'm yelling).

They won't be until TUESDAY! Monday is for any last minutes clean up stuff.
They won't be until TUESDAY! Monday is for any last minutes clean up stuff.

I missed that! Will they do a hearing on what they can show for opening statements?? I too appreciate all the work and time everyone puts into keeping all of us informed when at work and unable to follow the proceedings. Huge thank yous and group hug!
I missed that! Will they do a hearing on what they can show for opening statements?? I too appreciate all the work and time everyone puts into keeping all of us informed when at work and unable to follow the proceedings. Huge thank yous and group hug!

There may be a hearing or two on Monday - the DT is moaning that the SA will not give them a witness list in advance for each court day. It appears they are unprepared - ahem - and their witness files are in disorder.

HHJP said there is no law that would compel the SA to do this, it would take a much higher power than him. :great: Baez suggesting there may be delays in the trials because they will need to run to retrieve files as the unknown witness or evidence come up. HHJP said Uh Uh, he would remind the Defense he runs a time focused courtroom. He suggested the SA and DT talk among themselves and come to an agreement if they can. But cannot compel. I'm sure JB is wishing he had not been quite so antagonistic towards the SA. LOL.

Also, HHJP was concerned about giving the jurors time to organize their affairs for the 6 - 8 weeks ahead, so he has ordered the extra day and a Tuesday start. And I expect at least an opening statement from the SA on Tuesday. Not sure if we will be blessed with Mr. Baez's long awaited "Aha" moment or not that day. If you will be watching - bring Kleenex - we will need it.
I am so appreciative of the WS'ers who post up to the minute, play-by-play updates about what is actually being said in the courtroom, almost in transcript-like fashion. I am not able to watch the feeds or listen from work.

Bless the mods for trying to keep the live threads on track but they move so darn fast, it seems impossible for them to keep up sometimes.

I'm already getting anxious about the trial and I don't want to miss a minute of testimony. Orlando is my community. All the pings, maps, apartments, stores, etc., are my stomping grounds. When Caylee was first reported missing (31 days!), I was always on alert, looking for her, racking my brain and trying to recall if I'd seen KC and Caylee at Target, Publix, Blockbuster, etc.

THANK YOU to those who keep real time updates moving along. When I step away from my desk, I know that I can find certain WS'ers posts and get caught up with what is happening in the courtroom. (I'm looking at YOU, Chiquita71!)
There are so many of you-- Chiquita, SOTS, LG, Panther, A news junkie, Lambchop, for the great play by play and screenshots, and Nursebeme for her juror tracking skills. There are more of you, for certain, I <3 you all and thank you for your fantastic efforts!

:heartbeat: :heartbeat: :heartbeat: :heartbeat: :heartbeat: :heartbeat:

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