THC in Trayvon's system

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There are a lot of criminals walking amongst us.

Since pot is illegal, smoking pot is a crime.

Here in my state it is just a traffic ticket as it has been decriminalized. So if you're walking amongst us out here in Cali- it's all good.

IMO, having to pay a fine for doing something doesn't qualify as "all good".
HI Rossva, if you take my comment out of context you could be correct. "All good" is in reference to being a criminal. Point was it has been decriminalized in CA so one would not be a "criminal walking amongst us." Here it is like getting a speeding ticket which is also decriminalized.
But it really has no bearing on the case, since this did not happen in CA. so I probably should have left it offboard.
The effects of smoking marijuana fade quickly, but the drug, known affectionately as "weed," can be detected in the body for weeks and sometimes longer. How long it remains in the system depends on how often or how much marijuana the user has been smoking.

Most users I know, when faced with an upcoming test, will abstain for at least a month prior, to be on the safe side.

As to it being relevant, IMO it is not. Plain old marijuana is not the same thing as PCP or other drugs which can cause agitation, delusions, aggression, etc. IMO he smoked weed at some point in the weeks prior to the attack. That much is clear from the autopsy report. Whether he did so that day or a week prior, makes no difference to me.

He had no drugs or paraphenalia on him and it was not IMO a factor in the tragic events of that evening.
Yes,honestly ,like so many others this whole thread makes me lol,I mean seriously? If you haven't smoked at one point in your life I'm sorry to say,doesn't mean your kids aren't smoking right's just sooo not a big deal to me at all and I hope trayvon's parents are not mad or sad about this and I'm sure they're not.
Only parent that should be mad is Gz's,IMO ,for their son is a MURDERER

I disagree. It is a big deal.
As a parent, I teach my daughter to respect authority and follow rules and laws.
If something is illegal, you just don't do it.
It's illegal for a reason.

The attitude that it's no big deal is just a wrong lesson to teach our kids IMO.
I was suprised to hear It is a crime to possess any amount of marijuana in Florida and, depending on the amount, you can be charged with either a misdemeanor or a felony.

In San Diego it's often perscribed for those with ADHD- yes minors too with parents permission (you see a lot of stoned kids around these days, and none of them get arrested). The only problem we have is those same kids try to sell their stash and that gets them booted out of school.

I personally don't have a problem with TM having traces of THC in his system. and don't see how it effects this case. Unlike booze, Marijuana is far less likely to make one violent (save for the cases of chronic marijuana abuse -- which we don't know to be the case here).

IMHO, it tends to mellow people out (thus the reason it's perscribed for ADHD) and doesn't turn one into a raging lunatic.

Just my opinion --

I think it would surprise some of you to find out that many of those professional people you deal with actually smoke a little weed. I know I was.

For years I advocated against pot and then MS struck. The pain, not being able to sleep at night, my nerves sending signals throughout my body. For the first 2 years I spent it in a fog because of pain medication I was put on. But those were OK to take because they were legal and I have a prescription for them.

My neice is the one who convinced me to try it. I argued and fought it then I had a huge flare and decided to give it a try. It worked and I was not in a fog, the pain was a lot less but most of all my nervous system was not sending signals throughout my body. I don't smoke a whole joint at a time but a few hits every 3-4 hours works for me. I am mellow and can complete my activities of daily living. The biggest thing? I take 3/4 less of the pain medication than I did! That to me is huge.

Call me whatever you want but it has saved my life. If I am breaking the law so be it.

The amount that TM had in his system is very very small. I know this because one of my urine test came back with THC and I stopped smoking it 4 days before I had to go. Sad really because when I stop I have to take more pain medication to just get out of bed for those days but it's ok for that to show up in my test. Go figure.

IMO drinking/drugs are 100 times worse but they are OK because they are legal. Pot had nothing to do with TM getting shot that evening IMO now if they found percs, adderall, meth I would change my opinion.
My few thoughts:
Marijuana does not make people violent, it slows your reflexes. Someone high on THC does not have the pump to break your nose, smash your head yada yada yada.

My few thoughts:
Marijuana does not make people violent, it slows your reflexes. Someone high on THC does not have the pump to break your nose, smash your head yada yada yada.


I find the idea that someone high on THC does not have the pump to break your nose or smash your head absurd. To what degree do you think THC slows reflexes?
My few thoughts:
Marijuana does not make people violent, it slows your reflexes. Someone high on THC does not have the pump to break your nose, smash your head yada yada yada.


Well, looking at the lab numbers, it seems pretty clear he wasn't high at the time of his death. That's residual, from past use.
I was suprised to hear It is a crime to possess any amount of marijuana in Florida and, depending on the amount, you can be charged with either a misdemeanor or a felony.

In San Diego it's often perscribed for those with ADHD- yes minors too with parents permission (you see a lot of stoned kids around these days, and none of them get arrested). The only problem we have is those same kids try to sell their stash and that gets them booted out of school.

I personally don't have a problem with TM having traces of THC in his system. and don't see how it effects this case. Unlike booze, Marijuana is far less likely to make one violent (save for the cases of chronic marijuana abuse -- which we don't know to be the case here).

IMHO, it tends to mellow people out (thus the reason it's perscribed for ADHD) and doesn't turn one into a raging lunatic.

Just my opinion --


In Texas, what Trayvon did is a Class B misdemeanor. Paraphernalia in a protected zone (public school campus).
I was suprised to hear It is a crime to possess any amount of marijuana in Florida and, depending on the amount, you can be charged with either a misdemeanor or a felony.

In San Diego it's often perscribed for those with ADHD- yes minors too with parents permission (you see a lot of stoned kids around these days, and none of them get arrested). The only problem we have is those same kids try to sell their stash and that gets them booted out of school.

I personally don't have a problem with TM having traces of THC in his system. and don't see how it effects this case. Unlike booze, Marijuana is far less likely to make one violent (save for the cases of chronic marijuana abuse -- which we don't know to be the case here).

IMHO, it tends to mellow people out (thus the reason it's perscribed for ADHD) and doesn't turn one into a raging lunatic.

Just my opinion --


~Hi Mel~ There is a prescription out now that contains the same thing pot does. A friend of mine who has cancer is taking it.

People think you have to smoke it but you don't. I can buy cookies, brownies, stews, soups etc that pot is added to. I do this once in awhile however you can get pretty fat :).

I had the same attitude as many here for years until it happened to ME. Funny how that changes your opinion about things.

The only people that don't want pot legal are the pharmaceutical companies and the US government because of the money they would lose. I think within the next five years every State will have some kind of medical marijuana laws in place. The Indians used it for years for healing and other things. The history is pretty interesting if you read up on it IMO.

IMO it's a moot point in this case
I find the idea that someone high on THC does not have the pump to break your nose or smash your head absurd. To what degree do you think THC slows reflexes?

To the degree that I have smoked marijuana in the past. It makes you woozy and calm, hence why it is used in cancer patients to ease the pain. It is not a stimulant like say, cocaine, ecstasy, etc. :)
To the degree that I have smoked marijuana in the past. It makes you woozy and calm, hence why it is used in cancer patients to ease the pain. It is not a stimulant like say, cocaine, ecstasy, etc. :)

Every person is not going to respond to it the exact same way.

Here are some facts. Although concentration in TM's system was low enough to indicate the use of marijuana was not in very recent, in general, just because marijuana has a mellowing effect on most people doesn't mean it has the same effect on everybody.

"However, sometimes when marijuana is used it can cause fear, anxiety, panic or paranoia, which can result in an aggressive outburst. For most people, however, once the effects of the drug wear off, their behaviour gradually improves."
~Hi Mel~ There is a prescription out now that contains the same thing pot does. A friend of mine who has cancer is taking it.

People think you have to smoke it but you don't. I can buy cookies, brownies, stews, soups etc that pot is added to. I do this once in awhile however you can get pretty fat :).

I had the same attitude as many here for years until it happened to ME. Funny how that changes your opinion about things.

The only people that don't want pot legal are the pharmaceutical companies and the US government because of the money they would lose. I think within the next five years every State will have some kind of medical marijuana laws in place. The Indians used it for years for healing and other things. The history is pretty interesting if you read up on it IMO.

IMO it's a moot point in this case

Well, if stoners voted, it would probably be legal. Stoners don't typically vote, though, and a politician would have a HUGE uphill battle trying to legalize marijuana when the folks who reliably vote are against it.

I wish it were legal too, but I don't see any politicians who believe that way successfully getting in to office.
Every person is not going to respond to it the exact same way.

Well that's true. It makes some people terribly paranoid. Some people can either be relaxed or paranoid, depending on . . . I don't know what.
Every person is not going to respond to it the exact same way.

Ok then. I am only talking from personal experience. Which in this case matters not, since the amounts found on the murder victim were residual.
Well, if stoners voted, it would probably be legal. Stoners don't typically vote, though, and a politician would have a HUGE uphill battle trying to legalize marijuana when the folks who reliably vote are against it.

I wish it were legal too, but I don't see any politicians who believe that way successfully getting in to office.

OMG here in Seattle medical marijuana is a huge business. I live close to the UW campus and holy cow Batman, there is a dispensary every block. I kid you not. I am happy that folks have access to it in an open, non judgmental way.

There has been a big push for legalizing it in WA, but I doubt that it will happen.
Well, if stoners voted, it would probably be legal. Stoners don't typically vote, though, and a politician would have a HUGE uphill battle trying to legalize marijuana when the folks who reliably vote are against it.

I wish it were legal too, but I don't see any politicians who believe that way successfully getting in to office.

You are way off base here. Stoners? That's from the 60's. It's actually Rep vs Dem and the Reps want to make it legal but the Dems don't. These are probably the same people that helped approve Percs, Oxys and the rest of those wonderful legal drugs. Why? $$ so they can be elected to approve these wonderful drugs...

I know of at least 3 of my Dr. that advocate to legalize it and I am sure there are many more and they are not "stoners".

Anyhoo this is about TM and very little THC he had in his system at the time which IMO was very little.
In Texas, what Trayvon did is a Class B misdemeanor. Paraphernalia in a protected zone (public school campus).

Still trying to connect the dots to how being caught at school with paraphernalia months prior to the night of his death is relevant in any way to his being killed by GZ while walking in an area he was authorized to be doing nothing criminal. So the THC levels in TM's system align with him having used pot at some point, maybe even more than once. No shocker as we were all aware of the school incident well before these tox results were released.

and yes, that paraphernalia at school was a Class B misdemeanor but the school apparently didn't pursue this, LE didn't pursue it. My only thought as to why is that someone or someones in those agencies did not feel it worth making a federal case over so I wish it were not being given such scrutiny now, months and months after the fact.

Again, I just don't see the relevance.

Some might say - it goes to state of mind, proves he is a criminal and GZ was right in his assessment (profile) of TM. I say baloney. I do not expect the same maturity and decision making ability from a 17 year old that I do from an adult man. GZ's prior actions, I DO feel are relevant. GZ is an adult, and not a new one. His pattern of behaviors, brushes with the law and treatment of others can show us this man's thought process.

GZ's thought process is what is going to be examined in this trial, as well it should, HIS state of mind is relevant. IMO TM's is not because he did not shoot anyone or engage in any criminal activity that fateful night that is supported by evidence. (I am not going into the much debated scuffle as no one can show me that TM was the aggressor, to me it is just as likely that GZ was)

ETA This reply is not aimed at JeannaT or argumentative but simply jumping off her post regarding the criminality of TM's pot situation.
You are way off base here. Stoners? That's from the 60's. It's actually Rep vs Dem and the Reps want to make it legal but the Dems don't. These are probably the same people that helped approve Percs, Oxys and the rest of those wonderful legal drugs. Why? $$ so they can be elected to approve these wonderful drugs...

I know of at least 3 of my Dr. that advocate to legalize it and I am sure there are many more and they are not "stoners".

Anyhoo this is about TM and very little THC he had in his system at the time which IMO was very little.

I guess we all live in different areas - "Stoner" is a term used here by young adults who are stoners. Go figure.

And we've had many politicians who openly say they are for legalization, and they don't have a prayer of winning. Presidential Candidate Ron Paul, for one. I could go on and on, but it would be boring. . .

Can you think of a reason it's not legal? Besides what I firmly believe, that a politician who openly states it should be legal hasn't a prayer.
Please leave the political debate/references regarding the legalization of marijuana out of this thread. It is spiraling way off topic and has zero relevance to the case.

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