The ‘Belle 8-3-11’ mystery grows

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^ mentioning 4chan means that blogger won't get a response. Most people don't want to touch b/anonymous. I also don't think this is anonymous - it doesn't quite have their style, but perhaps they've evolved since their fight against Scientology. I've not really followed them closely since then.
Okay, so according to the Official Belle 8.3.11 site Belle is currently 83 and alive. If this is about the girl "Belle" referred to in the Holocaust site, she would have been somewhere around 16 in 1944. Since the photo is actually two different photos put together in Photoshop of a young Belle and an older Belle, this theory still makes sense as a possible solution to the mystery.

Wow. They have really put a lot of time and energy into figuring this thing out! Not to mention the time and energy that has gone into orchestrating it. I'm glad I just learned about it so that I'll (hopefully) have the answer soon. I have a love/hate relationship with stuff like this. I love the mystery and puzzle-solving, but I hate waiting for the answers. I'm just a tad bit impatient....
Is this maybe some campaign to raise awareness about the Holocaust among the younger generation via the Internet?
I'm wondering if the creators of the site are the same people that made This Man but, with a better story.
Yeah a lot of people are thinking it is viral marketing for the upcoming movie 11-11-11.

I hope not. I hear the 11-11-11 movie coming out in November is disgusting. I have always had a very good spiritual connection with the numbers 11-11.
Uri Geller has a good book all about it if you believe in such things..(Not religious, spirit) Has to do with guardians. For over 10 years now I can stop what I'm doing..look straight at a clock and it is 11:11 or 2:22.
Trailer for 11.11.11. (and 8 + 3 does equal 11).
[ame=""]‪11.11.11 - Official Trailer‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
I'm wondering if the creators of the site are the same people that made This Man but, with a better story.

Indeed! Interesting.

I wondered if it was like the campaign for cloverfield movie. They put stuff up on a website but it was obscured like the belle one until after release of movie.

I couldn't sleep last night and so I had a dig through the internet and stumbled across a website that has members that are computer geeks and alternate reality game enthusiasts. They've been working on it for about a month IIRC and these people couldn't figure it out and pretty much lost interest in trying to do so.

From that forum I could tell that this was probably set up as a game or what they called a trailhead. (website called unfiction if you want to have a look), which a trailhead is defined as this:

"A deliberate clue which enables a player to discover a way into the game. Most ARGs employ a number of trailheads in several media, to maximise the probability of people discovering the game. Some trailheads may be covert, others may be thinly-disguised adverts." (from wikipedia, I don't like to link because I don't like how wiki links look on WS posts).

IMHO they are probably correct. And that is their thing like crime is ours. So they became fairly disgruntled early on because either whoever put this trailhead together isn't very skilled or they are just POA's and pulling a prank.

Because the owners of that Belle site aren't providing enough clues in order for there to be a sustained interest and for those trying to figure it out to move forward to the next clue in order to unravel the mystery. The owners had set up a website on formspring where they were answering questions but the answers were vague and the questioners couldn't get anywhere.

The fact the owners are playing the "20 questions" game implies this is a trailhead and a game. JMHO

As for the website I don't find it creepy. The owners said that the picture of the girl is not directly related to the what they plan to reveal.

This isn't my thing. I prefer to dig and sleuth with crime not ARG's. But to each his own. I'll check it out when they reveal what ever message they say they have or whatever event...might just be a big ol' flash mob thingy. Who knows? LOL

Just sharing what I saw last night, having a hard time sleeping lately and was up late entertaining myself with the internet.:)

ETA: oh yeah I forgot this one from several years ago, there is no magic word. It's a ruse. A prank.
and I was already familiar with numbers stations and the conet project because I once had 4 intellectually precocious teenagers in this house at one time. Each with different but very unique interests, who shared with me their interests. I'm down to three now LOL.
I really don't care what it is now as long as we know it wasnt some real sick game that some real sick killer was gonna do to this little girl maybe live on the net and put up the posters for people to tune into it and everyone see a little girl get killed that was my first thought i was really hoping it wasn't something like that so even though i dont much care what about what it is now a movie or what not just glad my original thought was just never know now adays...
Indeed! Interesting.

I wondered if it was like the campaign for cloverfield movie. They put stuff up on a website but it was obscured like the belle one until after release of movie.

I couldn't sleep last night and so I had a dig through the internet and stumbled across a website that has members that are computer geeks and alternate reality game enthusiasts. They've been working on it for about a month IIRC and these people couldn't figure it out and pretty much lost interest in trying to do so.

From that forum I could tell that this was probably set up as a game or what they called a trailhead. (website called unfiction if you want to have a look), which a trailhead is defined as this:

"A deliberate clue which enables a player to discover a way into the game. Most ARGs employ a number of trailheads in several media, to maximise the probability of people discovering the game. Some trailheads may be covert, others may be thinly-disguised adverts." (from wikipedia, I don't like to link because I don't like how wiki links look on WS posts).

IMHO they are probably correct. And that is their thing like crime is ours. So they became fairly disgruntled early on because either whoever put this trailhead together isn't very skilled or they are just POA's and pulling a prank.

Because the owners of that Belle site aren't providing enough clues in order for there to be a sustained interest and for those trying to figure it out to move forward to the next clue in order to unravel the mystery. The owners had set up a website on formspring where they were answering questions but the answers were vague and the questioners couldn't get anywhere.

The fact the owners are playing the "20 questions" game implies this is a trailhead and a game. JMHO

As for the website I don't find it creepy. The owners said that the picture of the girl is not directly related to the what they plan to reveal.

This isn't my thing. I prefer to dig and sleuth with crime not ARG's. But to each his own. I'll check it out when they reveal what ever message they say they have or whatever event...might just be a big ol' flash mob thingy. Who knows? LOL

Just sharing what I saw last night, having a hard time sleeping lately and was up late entertaining myself with the internet.:)

ETA: oh yeah I forgot this one from several years ago, there is no magic word. It's a ruse. A prank.
and I was already familiar with numbers stations and the conet project because I once had 4 intellectually precocious teenagers in this house at one time. Each with different but very unique interests, who shared with me their interests. I'm down to three now LOL.

Yeah it seemed interesting but, there are too many gaps in the clues to make much sense of it. I hear a lot of theories and I could make up my own but, it is no closer to the truth. Some believe it to be a sociology experiment for some college students (not for profit etc.). I'm going to give it a rest and wait on better clues or I'll see what comes up Aug. 3, 2011.
Yup I'm curious to see what they intend to do with this if anything.

I don't think it's anything nefarious IMHO.
For some reason, this really really scares me! I wonder if Belle was hidden as a boy some where or is it her brother looking for her...looking at that pic makes me want to hide under the blanket, but I'm too scared! hahaha
The "secret" has been revealed.


It started as just a summer project. A way to have a little fun. Admittedly it got way bigger than I ever could have imagined. Honestly I didn’t think it would make it out of Houston. Some of my friends and I were just going to post the flyer around the town and that was it. In retrospect I probably should have left it there.


But it would have been an interesting experiment (sociology..psychology...cognitive dissonance) in that when I first looked at the few websites that had threads (about this particular prank before it was revealed it was a prank) was that the conclusions drawn were filtered by the interest of the group looking at the data provided. (mental filters fascinate me).

For example:

1. here at WS a few stated that they were concerned that someone might be or was going to be a victim of a crime.

2. On the ARG thread they thought it was for a ARG game, or viral marketing.

3. On the conspiracy theorists websites they thought it was an indication that the Govn had covered up info that the owners of that website would reveal.

4. On another site that the focus is on UFO's and paranormal experiences it was theorized that the clues given were indicating a celestral happening.

and on and on.

That was quite interesting to me. Just some thoughts I made note of when I read about this. JMHO
So, what skin disease did she have?


I couldn't come up with a reason, and anytime I thought about it, I just got the creeps...didn't like it, I am.

How bizarre...but a great data source about how people think, and, well, how they react to unknowns and mysteries. It's intriguing, to say the least, and would make an interesting thesis premise.

Me? Meh. It is what it is...

Herding Cats
Psoriasis is what the owner of the website posted when explaining about this on his/her formspring account HC.
Well, that was silly....

Belle 8/11/2011 - An Explanation

It started as just a summer project. A way to have a little fun. Admittedly it got way bigger than I ever could have imagined. Honestly I didn’t think it would make it out of Houston. Some of my friends and I were just going to post the flyer around the town and that was it. In retrospect I probably should have left it there.
Well all I can say now is I feel dumb and will not be going to see that!!! Too scary looking for me!
For some reason, this really really scares me! I wonder if Belle was hidden as a boy some where or is it her brother looking for her...looking at that pic makes me want to hide under the blanket, but I'm too scared! hahaha
ummm, yeah ... so who is the freakin picture of?! I still want to know. lol
I just read this thread now, well after the so-called explanation was given...and it still doesn't seem to make any sense to me. I guess it's always possible that it could've been as it was described, but IMO it seems like maybe these teens were being told by someone else to say it was just a prank of theirs? Something inside me just says that this was a bit of an odd thing for teens to do, and even if they did, for it to grow to such huge levels, and over different countries, so quickly...?

I don't know, it's just a feeling, I guess...
I never see numbers like this, but I remembered something after going to the link.

About 2 or 3 years ago one particular street light always went off when I walked by. I kept trying to logically figure out why the light would go off, like maybe the bulb was flickering and needed to be replaced. But for months it did the same thing whenever I was there, in front of a neighbor's house. It was creepy, but since I couldn't figure out what was going on, I had to accept that it was somehow coincidental. But I never really believed that, either. There was simply no explanation.

I haven't been out there after dark in a long time. I forgot all about it until I went to the link. Now I'm sitting here alone in the dark and am rattled remembering this ... and reading about a ghostly explanation.

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