The 90 minutes Terri spent driving around--Do you believe it?

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Do you believe Terri drove around for 90 minutes strictly to calm a fussy baby?

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A nice girl with a disturbing hobby
Jan 10, 2010
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I would like to discuss the 90 minute time period Terri reported she spent driving around rural roads trying to calm the baby who was fussy.

From a local point of view, I am just not buying it. Speaking as a Portlander, I find the whole idea of driving around random roads for 90 minutes for that purpose very unlikely.

Let me give you some background. Portland is known as one of the most Green cities in the nation--maybe even "the" most green. Oregon had the first bottle bill, and we are usually at the forefront of other green ideas. Right now the legislature is working on law that would ban the use of plastic grocery bags, for one small example.

The Portland Metro area has a very strict growth boundary and zoning laws. We are big on in-filling and creating greater density within the city rather than creating suburban sprawl. We spend extra money on our electric bill to support alternative clean electricity. We recycle like nobody's business. We have many forms of public transportation. We have strict auto emissions regulations to prevent air pollution. You get the idea.

So, from this lens, it is nearly unconscionable to contemplate driving that behemoth extra long pick up truck around for an hour and a half, wasting all that $3.00 gallon gasoline, simply to calm a fussy child that could be calmed much more quickly and successfully at home in a rocking chair. It just does not fit our Portland area mindset. Not at all.

I think she was up to no good during that 90 minutes. Driving around to calm the baby is a big fat lie.

I've driven around fussy babies... I have twins... but not for 90 minutes. lol

I picked "no."

ETA: Oh! And I'm in WA...
(New here, first post.)

I am an Oregon native, and while I think it's generally true that we are environmentally conscious, I don't think it's reasonable to assume that every citizen would be, especially not when under emotional stress. Whatever Terri's actions that day, it sounds as if her life had become difficult for her, and I can see driving for a while, music on, baby quiet, mulling thoughts (nefarious or just troubled). I've done it myself when feeling down, and felt the cost was worth the comfort. So I don't think her actions are unbelievable or even unlikely, except when considered in the context of the day's other events and coincidences.
The most compelling reason for me to not believe her story is the fact that LE doesn't believe it. Obviously they think she went to DeDe's workplace and Sauvie Island, or somewhere near it. If this does go to trial without a body, and if DeDe doesn't turn state's witness and provide incriminating testimony, the case could be decided by very technical discussions of cell phone pings.
Cool thread. Thanks for it. I just posted something on this topic in the other thread, but am bringing it here because I'd like to hear what locals think.

I don't know about rural roads in the PNE, but rural roads in the deep south are not where you want to be driving a sick/fussy baby around to calm her. I'd think it'd be worse in the PNE, with elevation changes and such, especially if the kiddo is sick with an earache.
I'm not convinced she was driving around for 90 minutes.

We know Terri went to the two FMs. Some employees from Starbucks testified in front of the GJ as well. When was she there? After the second FM? If so, more time is accounted for, and that takes time off the 90 minute driving time. Terri's e-mail puts her at the gym earlier than has been reported by the media. I'm not sure if she was exactly sure of her time in and out of the gym or not, but so far the rest of her alibi is checking out.

The reason she gives for driving around is plausible; the time is a bit lengthy, but if she had nothing else to do and was trying to calm her before she went to the gym, then it's plausible.
I'm from Portland, and I know plenty of people who don't ascribe to green living philosophies or think the planet will be fine. I even know people in Portland who don't recycle! And I've seen Humvees in Portland (not to mention Escalades and Suburbans, and stretch limos).

But I do find it a bit unlikely that she drove for 90 minutes to sooth a fussy baby because that is a lot of driving in that area that she was talking about.
I have four children and I can say with all honesty that I never, not one single time drove around to calm any of my babies. I have had a couple of friends that did (or do), here and there, but none for 90 minutes! Maybe a trip around the block to lull a baby to sleep, that is it.
Just came across this article.. (probably been posted already...) but It apprears to be stronge evidence t Terri was at Fred Meyers in Beaverton, that morning...

Yes, apparently she was at TWO Fred Meyer stores that morning, looking for some kind of medicine. The 90 minute gap was from 10 to about 11:30--after the Fred Meyer shopping.

So...TH is 'green' disappearer (nope, my head is in the sand, Kyron is still alive).

Isn't this kind of a catch 22 for her? Either she is 'green' and has a conscious and has 90 minutes time to make up for (is this when she disappeared Kyron?)

OR she is not 'green' which = "unconscionable to contemplate driving that behemoth extra long pick up truck around for an hour and a half" and is innocent.

Do people with conscious' disappear people-let alone children?

End Snark

on a serious note...does the truck have GPS? (I guess not-or else this case would have been over a long time ago).

Did the car have GPS? What were DD's cell phone pings? What about soil samples from the truck tires...did she go off road? Were there things that would corroborate her statement?

I drive alot to clear my head...but I can't tell you "I drove five miles down this street then 2 here then 6 here".

What if the driving was more for her than the baby...high stress home, 'bad' day-baby sick but Kyron has a bunch of special the baby may have been fuss/sick but IF the driving really happened and TH is innocent (suspend disbelief here) I think it was done more to calm/relax her than the baby.
(New here, first post.)

I am an Oregon native, and while I think it's generally true that we are environmentally conscious, I don't think it's reasonable to assume that every citizen would be, especially not when under emotional stress. Whatever Terri's actions that day, it sounds as if her life had become difficult for her, and I can see driving for a while, music on, baby quiet, mulling thoughts (nefarious or just troubled). I've done it myself when feeling down, and felt the cost was worth the comfort. So I don't think her actions are unbelievable or even unlikely, except when considered in the context of the day's other events and coincidences.

(New here, first post.)

I am an Oregon native, and while I think it's generally true that we are environmentally conscious, I don't think it's reasonable to assume that every citizen would be, especially not when under emotional stress. Whatever Terri's actions that day, it sounds as if her life had become difficult for her, and I can see driving for a while, music on, baby quiet, mulling thoughts (nefarious or just troubled). I've done it myself when feeling down, and felt the cost was worth the comfort. So I don't think her actions are unbelievable or even unlikely, except when considered in the context of the day's other events and coincidences.

WELCOME TO WS Bluestocking.

I'll try this link again.. cool it worked... I'm finding it hard to believe that she couldn't find any over-the-counter med for baby K... And if the baby had an ear-ache, the last thing a person should do it to change elevations and movements... Makes NO sense to me...!! and then to later leave her at the childcare gym, while she worked out.. ???
I didn't vote because I'm on the fence.
It's about 20 mins from around the school and that area down to the gym,
so if she drove on HWY 30 like her one e-mail says, you can deduct 40 minutes (20 mins from FM to Skyline area, 20 mins from Skyline area back to gym -assuming she went over to HWY 30 during her drive)..

Hope that makes sense..

I've actually have timed the drive from the gym up to Old Germantown, I have to say google maps are pretty spot on with their driving times.

I'm still working on some theories of where she drove "randomly"..

Of course I saw a lot of spots on some roads that are not well traveled that one could do a handoff or God forbid, put someone down the hill.. (for example the areas I saw searchers on Old Germantown this weekend)..

I want to work on the timeline and map (on google) driving from FM on Walker, out to HWY 30, then randomly around on the roads LE asked for , and see what time frames I come up with..

*deleted link, map is not saving.. ughh
***hopefully this works,0.545883&ie=UTF8&z=11
No, I don't believe it. She had another reason, Kyron. Just sad and pathetic, really.

So...TH is 'green' disappearer (nope, my head is in the sand, Kyron is still alive).

Isn't this kind of a catch 22 for her? Either she is 'green' and has a conscious and has 90 minutes time to make up for (is this when she disappeared Kyron?)

OR she is not 'green' which = "unconscionable to contemplate driving that behemoth extra long pick up truck around for an hour and a half" and is innocent.

Do people with conscious' disappear people-let alone children?

End Snark

on a serious note...does the truck have GPS? (I guess not-or else this case would have been over a long time ago).

Did the car have GPS? What were DD's cell phone pings? What about soil samples from the truck tires...did she go off road? Were there things that would corroborate her statement?

I drive alot to clear my head...but I can't tell you "I drove five miles down this street then 2 here then 6 here".

What if the driving was more for her than the baby...high stress home, 'bad' day-baby sick but Kyron has a bunch of special the baby may have been fuss/sick but IF the driving really happened and TH is innocent (suspend disbelief here) I think it was done more to calm/relax her than the baby.

To continue the cattiness...and I'll be brief...

On her blog, DS claims to be a health food and exercise nut, but, um, girlfriend ain't practicing what she preaches, obviously.

OK...snark button off.

On some of the news sites with photos of the Horman family, there are pics of the baby putting aluminum cans in a recycle bin. So there must have been some green consciousness in the Horman family, or either they were hard up for scrap-metal pennies.

I can't vote either because I have driven around for hours hoping for some relief of a sick child, but I also can't give her a pass.
I've never been to Portland and I live out in the country where I live, outside of a small city.

I could drive 90 minutes here and maybe go about 5 miles because of all of the road construction. No road construction in Portland?

Is the highway driving pleasant there? It isn't where I live. And unless one knows the rural roads, you don't where in the heck you might end up here.

So how's the driving there?
To continue the cattiness...and I'll be brief...

On her blog, DS claims to be a health food and exercise nut, but, um, girlfriend ain't practicing what she preaches, obviously.

OK...snark button off.

On some of the news sites with photos of the Horman family, there are pics of the baby putting aluminum cans in a recycle bin. So there must have been some green consciousness in the Horman family, or either they were hard up for scrap-metal pennies.


In that same picture, you can also see a stack of FM paper bags. Just sayin'. Maybe Terri was very loyal to FM.

To continue the cattiness...and I'll be brief...

On her blog, DS claims to be a health food and exercise nut, but, um, girlfriend ain't practicing what she preaches, obviously.

OK...snark button off.

On some of the news sites with photos of the Horman family, there are pics of the baby putting aluminum cans in a recycle bin. So there must have been some green consciousness in the Horman family, or either they were hard up for scrap-metal pennies.


Just to clarify...I wasn't being 'catty' to anyone here on the board, just that I don't see TH's defense being "BUT I RECYCLE!"

hey, what do I know! this case has a lot of players that I find ummm...intriguing...

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