The 90 minutes Terri spent driving around--Do you believe it?

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Do you believe Terri drove around for 90 minutes strictly to calm a fussy baby?

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You know, after reading some of your posts, I think I got lucky with non fussy babies, and saved money on gas. Staying on fence, but still not buying story.
I wouldn't drive around Portland, for 90 minutes, because there's too much traffic. But...T might have.

Maybe. T and D were driving around, together, talking, or singing the baby to sleep ....and just lost track of time? 90 minutes could go by quickly.

Maybe T was driving her baby, to relax her, and an unknown passenger went along, to an unknown destination???

Maybe T will mention the roads she traveled on, and with whom, and settle this mystery??

Let's just hope it's not the road less traveled.
You know, after reading some of your posts, I think I got lucky with non fussy babies, and saved money on gas. Staying on fence, but still not buying story.

I've had the fussy kid thing.. a little tylenol or what and about 15 minutes is all I need...back home an put to bed...!!! an ear ache, I would think motion would be the worste enemy.. I've had a couple.. and motion made it worse... Fussy kid no matter for what...1 and 1/2 hours to drive around... NOT BUYING IT..!!! :snooty::snooty:
My son has had two ear infections each one around June. This past one was a double ear infection. When we got in the car he threw up everywhere on the way to the doctor's office in my SUV. It was bad. The Doctor said it had to do with how your center of balance is messed up when you have an ear infection and that caused him to get motion sick. I think that pressure in the car and the motion is worse for an ear infection. Honestly, in dealing with my daughter and my son there seems to be NOTHING that works when there's an ear infection until you have at least a dose or two in them of antibiotics. Or the ears bleed and then the pressure is relieved (not intentional, but my son had a ruptured one). He said he felt better, but PAIN.

Cliff notes -

In my experience the last thing that would calm a small child with an ear ache/ ear infection is a long car ride. Not to mention, we wouldn't be going to a noisy gym. We'd be going to the doctors.
I couldn't take the poll because my answer was not there:

- I truly do not know what to think anymore

Could she have been driving around trying to get Baby K to sleep? It's a common method of getting a child to sleep that some use more than others. I can remember using it with my own children - but very rarely. Cuddling when they were sick was always best.

Having said that, I would not call an hour and a half "a few minutes". I realize time flies while you're having fun, but if you have a cranky, possibly sick, baby in the back of the car and you are trying desperately for that child to fall asleep, an hour and half can feel like a day and a half. So for Terri to call it "a few minutes" just does not sound right to me.

It sounds like she was trying to shorten that time period to prove she could not have done anything else between the last Fred Meyer store and the gym.

The question is, what route did she take and how long would that route take, exactly.
Cliff notes -

In my experience the last thing that would calm a small child with an ear ache/ ear infection is a long car ride. Not to mention, we wouldn't be going to a noisy gym. We'd be going to the doctors.

I agree. Especially not on hilly roads where ones little ears could pop.
Utterly ridiculous. I don't buy it at all. It's like she watched too many crime dramas and did what she "thought" she was supposed to do in order to avoid suspicion. I call BS.
I'm voting No, even tho I'm still on the fence at times... and part of the reason I'm skeptical about the 90 minute drive is her behavior afterward.
Wow it's so unusual to see a poll on WS that is set up so you can see who voted how. I don't think I've ever chosen that option myself.

Great thread and poll though.

I didn't vote because there wasn't an option that matched my opinion, which is that Terri did drive around to calm fussy baby K, but that it wasn't for 90 minutes. Based on the time info currently available, I believe it was for no more than an hour, and more likely less.
(New here, first post.)

I am an Oregon native, and while I think it's generally true that we are environmentally conscious, I don't think it's reasonable to assume that every citizen would be, especially not when under emotional stress. Whatever Terri's actions that day, it sounds as if her life had become difficult for her, and I can see driving for a while, music on, baby quiet, mulling thoughts (nefarious or just troubled). I've done it myself when feeling down, and felt the cost was worth the comfort. So I don't think her actions are unbelievable or even unlikely, except when considered in the context of the day's other events and coincidences.

:Welcome-12-june::newbie: Bluestocking!!

I have four children and I can say with all honesty that I never, not one single time drove around to calm any of my babies. I have had a couple of friends that did (or do), here and there, but none for 90 minutes! Maybe a trip around the block to lull a baby to sleep, that is it.

Same here, I had 3 kids and never drove them to soothe them or put them to sleep. One of my kids was soothed and put to sleep by the running vacuume cleaner!
Until I've got some conclusive evidence from LE that she wasn't then I'm going to say that yes, I believe her.

I lived in that part of the country and loved driving around... especially when I was stressed. I'm a very outdoorsy type of gal and sometimes I would just feel cloistered up inside sometimes I felt like the only way to really get out there was to drive. I am very green though, but my vehicles there were very fuel efficient, and gas was a lot cheaper ten years ago.

I don't have though, but if I did I could see myself being the type that would take a fussy one for a drive. I don't really think that my mom took me out like that when I was a baby, but when I was a child my grandpa would take me out driving around town to show me things, tell me stories etc. It was fun for me, I think that it helped him to deal with my grandma when she'd get on his nerves.:crazy:

My mom would take me out to run errands on the weekends when she would want to get away from my father, and we'd drive around too. After I left home my mom would take her dog out for drives before she and my father finally divorced. Maybe its something in my family. It would be nice to know if that was something Terry was doing. i dunno.

I am a fence sitter though just waiting for hard evidence to come out so I can get my sore butt on the ground.:crazy:

Great poll!
I'll try this link again.. cool it worked... I'm finding it hard to believe that she couldn't find any over-the-counter med for baby K... And if the baby had an ear-ache, the last thing a person should do it to change elevations and movements... Makes NO sense to me...!! and then to later leave her at the childcare gym, while she worked out.. ???

One thing I am hoppin' up and down to know is: did she ever take that baby to a doctor, EVER, for that earache?
Well, since so many of us don't like the choices of the poll, can we add a 'don't know' option? I just don't like to leave anyone out.

I vote with the majority, she was somewhere....doing something that isn't going to sound or look good, but I'm not sure it was getting rid of Kyron. Her story may be something she actually did in the past and that is why she chose to use it.

She could have stopped at a lawyer, she could have checked out rental places, she could have gone to a marriage counselor or shrink....

Her email to Kaine starting with: "Ok, I love you, but...., is really bothering me.
Wow it's so unusual to see a poll on WS that is set up so you can see who voted how. I don't think I've ever chosen that option myself.

Great thread and poll though.

I didn't vote because there wasn't an option that matched my opinion, which is that Terri did drive around to calm fussy baby K, but that it wasn't for 90 minutes. Based on the time info currently available, I believe it was for no more than an hour, and more likely less.

FWIW, I can't see who voted for what. Not sure what you are referring to. This is my first poll, so I am not familiar with all the options. I didn't even know that was an option. I would be happy to change it, except I don't know how!
Until I've got some conclusive evidence from LE that she wasn't then I'm going to say that yes, I believe her.

I lived in that part of the country and loved driving around... especially when I was stressed. I'm a very outdoorsy type of gal and sometimes I would just feel cloistered up inside sometimes I felt like the only way to really get out there was to drive. I am very green though, but my vehicles there were very fuel efficient, and gas was a lot cheaper ten years ago.

I don't have though, but if I did I could see myself being the type that would take a fussy one for a drive. I don't really think that my mom took me out like that when I was a baby, but when I was a child my grandpa would take me out driving around town to show me things, tell me stories etc. It was fun for me, I think that it helped him to deal with my grandma when she'd get on his nerves.:crazy:

My mom would take me out to run errands on the weekends when she would want to get away from my father, and we'd drive around too. After I left home my mom would take her dog out for drives before she and my father finally divorced. Maybe its something in my family. It would be nice to know if that was something Terry was doing. i dunno.

I am a fence sitter though just waiting for hard evidence to come out so I can get my sore butt on the ground.:crazy:

Great poll!

I love going for drives too. My husband and I go for drives for an hour or more pretty regularly. Most of the time I couldn't tell you exactly where we were and for how long though.

That said, I really can't see myself doing that with a fussy baby. Not for that long at least. My children would not have been soothed by a car ride. It would have made things worse.

I think I maybe might have believed the story if after driving around "soothing" the baby, she went back home. But she didn't, she went to the gym. It sounds like from around 8 in the morning to early afternoon she dragged this fussy baby all around town. They also had plans to be out that evening too. They were going out for ice cream and taking Kyron to meet Desiree.

I voted 'no'. I don't know what she was doing, but driving around for 90 minutes to soothe a fussy baby was not it. IMO
FWIW, I can't see who voted for what. Not sure what you are referring to. This is my first poll, so I am not familiar with all the options. I didn't even know that was an option. I would be happy to change it, except I don't know how!

Just click on the number of votes, gwenabob.
Well... I'm not sure she's telling the truth, but in any event I do think she chose what she sees as plausible excuses for her drive. My husband used to drive my son around during his naptime, during the months when he was giving up his nap and we still thought he needed the sleep. I never did, because I don't like driving, and I hate putting needless miles on the car and wasting gas. But my husband knows all the back roads in our area really well!

However... there's nothing worse than driving a crying, fussy baby around: they're sitting in the back, where you can't soothe them. When my kids had earraches, all i could do was sit in a rocking chair with them and feed them antibiotics.

Also: if TH was looking for baby Motrin, I'm not at ALL surprised she couldn't find it. That's what I give my kid who has migraines, and the last few months it's been hard to find anywhere! Maybe that's true with other OTC children's products. So, if she's lying, I think she mixed the lies with truth, which is what all good liars do.
I would suggest that maybe DeDe did the 90 minute drive but she's a environmentalist too.

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