The 911 Call, LE Radio Call & Police Report

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DNA Solves
The difference between the syringe found at Caylee's site and the footprint at the MH is that with testing, they can see if there's something in that syringe which ties it to Caylee. The footprint is a step-in-time with no static line to tie it to. She could have stepped there anytime from the day they moved in to earlier that afternoon. If that footprint were found by the Shell Harbor boat ramp, though.......I'd be on that like stink on a monkey. In her own yard, tho......
At the 5:36 mark a woman says:

"Yes, well that's my last name not hers"

It does not sound like Misty. Any info on who it might be?

At the 5:36 mark a woman says:

"Yes, well that's my last name not hers"

It does not sound like Misty. Any info on who it might be?



I am pretty sure that is Misty saying that. Croslin is redacted because misty was a minor at the time of the 911 call.

I am pretty sure that is Misty saying that. Croslin is redacted because misty was a minor at the time of the 911 call.

It would make sense that Misty would say that, but dang, it does not sound like her. JMO.
It would make sense that Misty would say that, but dang, it does not sound like her. JMO.

I hear where you are coming from....Misty changes it up a lot. Did you ever listen to the 911 call of Misty calling for help from the apartments when she said she was jumped (during an alleged drug deal)?

You can listen to it here:

to be honest with you, she sounded more upset in this call for her loss and the purse being gone and her arm hurting....etc etc....than she did when Haleigh went missing. JMO, I don't mean to offend....but for comparison is very interesting to me.
My sister is a 911 operator here in Canada.

I explained the 911 call to her and she says that is very typical.. that cussing and hanging up on them is almost expected.

I explained to her what Misty said.. Hi ... explain where she was, what she was doing and then say... our daughter is missing.... this type of behaviour is also expected in a 911 call..... she also says many people do not remember what their children are wearing during the initial call... also, she says what is your child's name and the first thing that comes out is Uhhhh..then the name.

So, what you're saying is, there are a lot of Misty's in the world? Oh, no! :doh: This can't be good. :shakehead:
Not sure if this has been mentioned. If so sorry for the duplicate post.
This may explain why LE was on Tyler St. first on Feb 9-10, 2009 .

UCN: 542009CO000052XXAXCX
File Date: 2009-02-27 Judge: JAMES L PADGETT
Defense Atty:


Date # Docket Description
2009-02-27 1 LOCAL ORD CITN: #09-1334 (02-10-09) PCSO/R CLARKE


2009-02-27 1 $57.00 FINE DUE 03/12/2009

2009-02-27 2 OFFICER'S REPORT

2009-04-17 3 $57.00 LOCAL ORDINANCE FINE PAID
And WHY... Why would anyone HANG UP on a 911 dispatcher. If they need help finding their daughter I would think, as aggravated as they may be at answering tedious questions, we would know that every bit of info is important to finding the girl!

It was very apparent to me that neither RC or MC wanted to be on that phone. Theyr were too preoccupied about themselves and their drugs.

And in the reports, is there any indication regarding the location of Jr? Was he asleep during all of this 'hooting and hollering' and carrying on by RC? Why wouldn't they both be concerned and have him right there with them? Oh, maybe they were concerned not to get him upset? (again, being totally facetious).


I really don't know why they would hang up but I have seen it happen in other 911 calls put out in the media. The 911 OP would be telling them not to hang up and then the caller would hang up anyway because they were so frustrated. I guess to really know the level of frustration we would have to be there when it was going on and experiencing it ourselves, God forbid.

I can see why Misty should have been the one to call 911 just like Mark Lunsford's parents called 911 when Jessica went missing. After all the grandparents were there when Jessie went missing and Mark was not.

With Ron being at work then he would have no knowledge of what Haleigh was wearing that night when she went to bed or any of the other information needed. That info would have to come from Misty who was there.


Sorry if this has already been discussed....still trying to catch up!

I'd say it was cold in the house since it was early February and their door was propped open.

Which leads to my next question, why was there an A/C man at the MH doing service/maintenance in early February? I would think early February is a little cool/cold in Florida. Seems like an odd time of the ear to be doing service/maintenance on an AC unit. JMO

They could have a split heat and air conditioning unit. Which is very commonly used in mobile homes.

The AC man may have to service all the rental MHs before warm weather comes on. It warms up rather quickly. I live close to the Florida line and we had days in late March that rose into the 80s. In April it rose up into the 90s on some days.

Even if the heat was not properly working in the home then he would have to fix the same unit that governs both the heat and air.

This may have already been posted but,
Wouldn’t RC really know the inside workings of how 911 call work? His mom had been a dispatcher herself and I am sure they discussed how it works, ie they take information while the deputies are in route to the scene.
Ron sure did seem to be preoccupied with prison. What a strange thing to be focused on during a 911. prison, recordings, & cussing.

I really don't see it that way. I have seen posters over the years post numerous times on message boards if someone harmed their child they would kill the with their own bare hands or put a bullet between their eyes. And parents of harmed children have done just that. They have shot the perpetrator who harmed their child even though they did prison time for it.

So is Ron Cummings to react any differently?

I am a very non violent person yet if someone took my child or grandchild from me, I cant guarantee what I would do if I found them. I know what would be running across my mind though if I found out who they were.

This may have already been posted but,
Wouldn’t RC really know the inside workings of how 911 call work? His mom had been a dispatcher herself and I am sure they discussed how it works, ie they take information while the deputies are in route to the scene.

IMO, TN is behind this whole plan. I think TN has a lot of useful knowledge on how to handle the police. Yes, she was a dispatcher and she would know how the call works. I know this was a life changing event for her (losing Haleigh) but I think that when put into a position to cover for her son, she used her knowledge and skills to do just that. Cover for her son. Do I think the 911 call was staged? Absolutely. Do I think TN had something to do with staging that 911 call?? Absolutely.
Ron sure did seem to be preoccupied with prison. What a strange thing to be focused on during a 911. prison, recordings, & cussing.

This was a performance, much like his other performances. This guy gets into a fight over the phone with his underage girlfriend who is coming down off a three day binder while she is in control of his kids; makes an additional 20 plus calls afterwards and can't reach her; doesn't leave work to go check on his kids; and according to him never calls anyone else to go check on his kids; calmly stops at a convnience store to buy beer, cigs, and NUTS before going home. Then goes ballistic when he knows LE will be listening.

Pure performance, nothing more IMO.
This was a performance, much like his other performances. This guy gets into a fight over the phone with his underage girlfriend who is coming down off a three day binder while she is in control of his kids; makes an additional 20 plus calls afterwards and can't reach her; doesn't leave work to go check on his kids; and according to him never calls anyone else to go check on his kids; calmly stops at a convnience store to buy beer, cigs, and NUTS before going home. Then goes ballistic when he knows LE will be listening.

Pure performance, nothing more IMO.

I couldn't agree more.
I really don't know why they would hang up but I have seen it happen in other 911 calls put out in the media. The 911 OP would be telling them not to hang up and then the caller would hang up anyway because they were so frustrated. I guess to really know the level of frustration we would have to be there when it was going on and experiencing it ourselves, God forbid.

I can see why Misty should have been the one to call 911 just like Mark Lunsford's parents called 911 when Jessica went missing. After all the grandparents were there when Jessie went missing and Mark was not.

With Ron being at work then he would have no knowledge of what Haleigh was wearing that night when she went to bed or any of the other information needed. That info would have to come from Misty who was there.


Makes sense.
Something else to note, too. Cell phones are notorious for losing connections, or dropping the signal. Last year we had a crisis situation at our house and had to call 911... I lost the connection twice during that call, and the operator had to call back. I explained that I didn't hang up on her, and she said it happens a lot.
I really don't know why they would hang up but I have seen it happen in other 911 calls put out in the media. The 911 OP would be telling them not to hang up and then the caller would hang up anyway because they were so frustrated. I guess to really know the level of frustration we would have to be there when it was going on and experiencing it ourselves, God forbid.

I can see why Misty should have been the one to call 911 just like Mark Lunsford's parents called 911 when Jessica went missing. After all the grandparents were there when Jessie went missing and Mark was not.

With Ron being at work then he would have no knowledge of what Haleigh was wearing that night when she went to bed or any of the other information needed. That info would have to come from Misty who was there.


"F her date of birth!" was Ron's chance to give information needed. He did not. Giving information regarding what the child looks like, as much as what that child is wearing, is the single most useful piece of information a parent can give when their child disappears. And his response was "F her date of birth."

Misty had no knowledge of Haleigh's date of birth, barely remembered what she looked like, could not come up with just one story of what she was wearing. Haleigh's father hung up on the operator to stop answering calls. This was not a dropped call due to bad cell coverage. This was a rude hangup based in anger and pique at having to answer questions regarding his own child.
"F her date of birth!" was Ron's chance to give information needed. He did not. Giving information regarding what the child looks like, as much as what that child is wearing, is the single most useful piece of information a parent can give when their child disappears. And his response was "F her date of birth."

Misty had no knowledge of Haleigh's date of birth, barely remembered what she looked like, could not come up with just one story of what she was wearing. Haleigh's father hung up on the operator to stop answering calls. This was not a dropped call due to bad cell coverage. This was a rude hangup based in anger and pique at having to answer questions regarding his own child.

ITA Debs. Ron was no help whatsoever during that 911 call but yet he is the one doing the hangups. He played his part in the background only. IIRC, Ron didn't volunteer to get on the phone with the OP. I know of one time, he was only on the phone when Misty was asked by the OP to put him on. He heard Misty struggling to answer questions about his why not jump in with the necessary information? When he did get on the phone all he is doing is cussing, threatening to kill people, and talking about the call being recorded. Nothing about Haleigh's description. "I need someone hear NOW!" is what Ron said but yet when police arrived he still wasn't any help.
"F her date of birth!" was Ron's chance to give information needed. He did not. Giving information regarding what the child looks like, as much as what that child is wearing, is the single most useful piece of information a parent can give when their child disappears. And his response was "F her date of birth."

Misty had no knowledge of Haleigh's date of birth, barely remembered what she looked like, could not come up with just one story of what she was wearing. Haleigh's father hung up on the operator to stop answering calls. This was not a dropped call due to bad cell coverage. This was a rude hangup based in anger and pique at having to answer questions regarding his own child.

When the police arrived then they could have gotten all that information. Until LE arrives on the scene the lead investigator is the one that decides to put out a Alert on the child. All questions the operator asked would be asked again by the investigators once LE arrived.

Ron wanted the police there right then and giving her birth date could come after they arrived and her physical statistics along with giving them a picture of Haleigh. There are a lot of 5 year old girls, 50 pounds....with brown hair in Florida and since Florida is such a large state there are other girls that have the same birthdate as Haliegh did.

There have been many rude hangups based on anger and frustration when making 911 calls and a whole lot of cussing going on too. This 911 call doesn't corner the market. It is not uncommon to get a caller this angry who hangs up.

When the police arrived then they could have gotten all that information. Until LE arrives on the scene the lead investigator is the one that decides to put out a Alert on the child. All questions the operator asked would be asked again by the investigators once LE arrived.

Ron wanted the police there right then and giving her birth date could come after they arrived and her physical statistics along with giving them a picture of Haleigh. There are a lot of 5 year old girls, 50 pounds....with brown hair in Florida.

There have been many rude hangups based on anger and frustration when making 911 calls and a whole lot of cussing going on too. This 911 call doesn't corner the market. It is not uncommon to get a caller this angry who hangs up.


When LE got there, they were unable to gather any useful information from Ronald Cummings, who was then threatening to shoot out the back of the squad car if they caught the "f'er". But I cannot imagine that there were a lot of 5 year olds missing that night off Green Lane in Satsuma, or even in the near vicinity, but they still need to know which little girl to be looking for.
Here is what bothers me about the 911 call:

snipped from post #1:

...911: “911, what’s your emergency”
Misty Croslin: “Hi…umm…I just woke up…and our backdoor was wide open and I think…and I can’t find our daughter”

I've heard a lot of 911 tapes and have had to call a couple of times myself and they go something like this:

911 : 911 what's your emergency
Caller: I need an ambulance OR I need the police here now OR omg (yelling) I need help, OMG---and variations thereof.

Then we have this response:

Post #1:

...911: “OK, let me speak to him…”

Ronald Cummings: “I just got home from work, my five-year-old daughter is gone- I need someone here now.”

I have looked at this forty eleven different ways. MC is outright lying and why is RC alibi'ing himself as soon as he takes the phone?

Note: still on the fence about RC, but I'm butt has shifted it will land soon. :)

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