The 911 Call

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Kimmer said:
Here is my question..If either parent were involved in this why call for help why one of the children is still alive and could say who hurt him? I would think you would wait until you knew they were both dead before calling for help.

I don't know. And, if there wasn't a huge mountain of evidence that proved she did it, I'd say that it makes a difference. However, if you put that on one side and all of the evidence that points directly to her on the other side, it simply can't compare.
Here is my question..If either parent were involved in this why call for help why one of the children is still alive and could say who hurt him? I would think you would wait until you knew they were both dead before calling for help.

A couple of things could have occurred:

Darlie could have started to freak out that she had injured herself fairly badly when she saw the amount of blood she was losin. Whilst she was never in danger of bleeding out she might have panicked (notice on the 911 call she talks about feeling like she is dying etc) and so she called 911 before she wanted to.

Depending on Darins involvement he may have interrupted her before she was ready or perhaps she heard him moving about upstairs getting ready to come down and so she sprung into action

Or, she may have in fact thought Damon was dead. There is no indication that he moved at all once he got to where he was found. He was on his stomach so she wouldn't see his chest moving or his eyes moving around. And in fact some people hold that Darlie only realises he is actually alive when she is on the 911 call (see if you can pick the part).

One thing to consider is that Dianne Downs, who shot her three kids in her car late one night, drove to the hospital with them and arrived with two of them still alive (thank God they both survived). So it is certainly not unheard of or unprecedented.
Damon also died in the ambulance in front of the house - NOT at the hospital or even on the way to the hospital. Since he could only live for a finite amount of time after the attack, this gives Darlie a little more time to do the staging.
Kimmer said:
Here is my question..If either parent were involved in this why call for help why one of the children is still alive and could say who hurt him? I would think you would wait until you knew they were both dead before calling for help.
Here is why: (Quote from Darlie)

I feel really bad...I think I'm dying...
The dog barked at the Police and ambulance attendants, but was completly silent when a "total" stranger entered the house and viciously attacked two sleeping boys.

Yeah, right.

Darlie slept through the attacks of her two children a mere metre from where she slept, but she could not sleep in the same room as baby Drake because when he turned over in his crib, he woke her.

Notwithstanding all of the other evidence against her......

The screen, the knife, the lack of blood trail, no motive, no robbery, mother lives and children die, the glass, vacuum cleaner, the lack of ANY emotion upon seeing her dead child in the hospital.

Darlie is guilty, no doubt in my mind, never was, never will be.
I don't know anything about this case at all. I just listened to the 911 tape and my first impression is this.

I don't feel any real emotion here, what I feel is more like an actress doing a bad job and sounding hysterical. I say this because you hear alot of screaming but it isn't gut wrenching screaming to me, you can't understand much, but when she is asked a question she is coherent enough to hear it. Ive seen true hysterics without the stabbings etc... and you can't get them to hear you when they are like that. I find it odd she hears the dispatcher enough to answer questions in between her screaming.

When I heard her say about touching the knife and something about fingerprints I quit listening. I don't believe anyone in true hysterics would have the clarity of mind to even know what they had just done. I don't think they would be so worried about whether they touched anything at that point as they should be more worried about if the children will survive.

What a hideous crime.
julezzz1 said:
I don't know anything about this case at all. I just listened to the 911 tape and my first impression is this.

I don't feel any real emotion here, what I feel is more like an actress doing a bad job and sounding hysterical. I say this because you hear alot of screaming but it isn't gut wrenching screaming to me, you can't understand much, but when she is asked a question she is coherent enough to hear it. Ive seen true hysterics without the stabbings etc... and you can't get them to hear you when they are like that. I find it odd she hears the dispatcher enough to answer questions in between her screaming.

Hi :)

I've listened to that tape till I am blue in the face but what I found very interesting was the other day I was in my room and my sister (who I just got hooked on the case!) was playing the call on the computer in another room. She had it up really loud and it was the first time I was listening to it without really TRYING to listen to it and I have to say I was quite stunned at the way Darlie's tone and voice changed throughout the call. She went from screaming and sobbing to (as you said) being quite coherent, and at times sounding a bit absent-minded and distracted (and annoyed at being interrupted from whatever she was doing/looking at) to then being really snappy (especially when she yells at Darin towards the end).
I have a hard time listening to that call, for I cannot get out of my mind that one little boy was dead and another dying while it was recorded.

I will say one thing - she didn't say "frightening."

Dani_T said:
Hi :)

I've listened to that tape till I am blue in the face but what I found very interesting was the other day I was in my room and my sister (who I just got hooked on the case!) was playing the call on the computer in another room. She had it up really loud and it was the first time I was listening to it without really TRYING to listen to it and I have to say I was quite stunned at the way Darlie's tone and voice changed throughout the call. She went from screaming and sobbing to (as you said) being quite coherent, and at times sounding a bit absent-minded and distracted (and annoyed at being interrupted from whatever she was doing/looking at) to then being really snappy (especially when she yells at Darin towards the end).
Your brave to listen to it so many times yikes. I don't know I would listen to it again. I just don't get that feeling that she is just learning this took place somehow, her screaming seems over exagerated to me, and is missing the real emotion of just discovering something so horrific if you know what I mean. It sounds hollow to me almost and so quickly she can go from screaming as you said to coherency. It almost sounds like she is just filling time with screams to avoid talking but hears the questions to answer.
Peake said:
I have a hard time listening to that call, for I cannot get out of my mind that one little boy was dead and another dying while it was recorded.

I will say one thing - she didn't say "frightening."

I don't blame you in the least. I doubt I will listen to it again either. What a horrific crime. Those poor boys looked like they were just sleeping feeling so safe and secure too. Makes me sick really.
cami said:
I'm going to take some liberities with the 911 transcript and post what I and others have heard.
0:11:12 FC: little boy is dying...Darlie actually says " someone" not "my little boy is dying"
00:30:12 MC: ...(unintelligible)...--Darlie actually says "they're dead"? She says it in a very high voice and questioning, imo
00:35:20 FC: ...(unintelligible) thought he was dead...oh my God...Darlie actually says "he's seven year's old and he's dead"... oh my God
00:39:29 FC: ...I don't even know (unintelligible)..."who did it Darin"
00:43:15 FC: ...I don't even know (unintelligible)..."who did it Darin"
00:49:28 FC: ...who was breathing...She does not say "who is breathing"
00:51:15 FC: ...(unintelligible) are they still laying there (unintelligible)...She says "we gotta find out who did this"

01:14:10 COl:'am...I need you to calm down and talk to me...01:22:03 RADIO: ...(unintelligible) will be enroute code...

01:24:20 FC: ...Darin...I don't know who it was...
01:24:2 COl: ...2:33 code...
Right after this "what, what, what, Darlie says Damon, Damon, Damon. On the second Damon, her voices is short, curt and sounds angry. I think but have been unable to confirm it that she tells Darin that Damon is still alive or is still breathing.
That's as far as I have done with the 911 call that I can remember right off hand. I will have another listen and see what else I heard. I don't have a transcript made. I have it burned to a cd so it's a bit easier to hear. I know that Camilla has gone further so hopefully if she gets here she can add to mine.
I'm confused....not a surprise really, but are you filling in the (unintelligibles) or hearing something else completely? The part where the transcript has her asking about somebody still breathing and are they still laying there and I thought he was dead are very important statements against her. Are you hearing something else less damning? Please explain what you are doing :waitasec:
dasgal said:
Here is why: (Quote from Darlie)

I feel really bad...I think I'm dying...
You're right Dani T! You said in your "Bruises and Other Myths" thread that the people on the Leeza Show do not respond to various screams and name-calling. I believe it is in "Part 1" and one of the very first things Darin says is "she(Darlie) never said anything about her wounds or pain, all she was concerned about was the boys". This is not a direct quote. I couldn't listen to it again because my family came home and caught me screaming at the computer. However its close enough to what he said, and its a flat out lie! Did he forget the 911 tape was played at the trial and is available on various Pro-Darlie web sites????
beesy said:
You're right Dani T! You said in your "Bruises and Other Myths" thread that the people on the Leeza Show do not respond to various screams and name-calling. I believe it is in "Part 1" and one of the very first things Darin says is "she(Darlie) never said anything about her wounds or pain, all she was concerned about was the boys". This is not a direct quote. I couldn't listen to it again because my family came home and caught me screaming at the computer. However its close enough to what he said, and its a flat out lie! Did he forget the 911 tape was played at the trial and is available on various Pro-Darlie web sites????
I caught that the other day, too,when re-watching that show. Still haven't seen it all though. Will have to go back another day and do it again.

It always seemed odd and out of place to me anyway that Darlie would tell him about her neck in a moment of hysteria over her boys. Another thing I found odd is that she never says she went to Devon but somehow she knew that the boy was fatally wounded. If you looked across the room and saw blood on or around your child, would you not run right to him? Or would you run to the stairs and holler at you husband first, then show him your neck wound you'd only just discovered was there, all the while screaming your child's name over and over again? Why did she not want the police to think she had gone near Devon that night? Why was Devon the only child that Darin wanted police to think he'd gone near? It almost looks like they had designated posts.
cami said:
I'm going to take some liberities with the 911 transcript and post what I and others have heard.

OO:OO:OO COl: ...Rowlett 911...what is your emergency...
00:01:19 FC: ...somebody came here...they broke in...
00:03:27 COl:'am...
00:05:ll FC: ...they just stabbed me and my children...
00:07:16 COl: ...what...
00:08:05 FC: ...they just stabbed me and my little boys...
00:09:24 COl: ...who...who did...
00:11:12 FC: little boy is dying...Darlie actually says " someone" not "my little boy is dying"
00:11:25 RADIO: ...(unintelligible) clear...
00:13:07 COl: ...hang on...hang on...hang on...
00:15:03 FC: ...hurry...(unintelligible)..
00:16:01 COl: ...stand by for medical emergency..
00:18:11 FC:'am...
00:18:19 COl: ...hang on ma'am...
00:21:26 FC:'am...

00:23:00 COl: ...unknown medical emergency...5801 Eagle Drive...
00:24:00 RADIO: ...(unintelligible)...
00:26:24 FC:'am...
00:27:12 COl:'am...I'm trying to get an ambulance to you...hang on a minute...
00:28:20 RADIO: ...(siren)...
00:29:13 FC: ...oh my babies are dying...
00:30:12 MC: ...(unintelligible)...--Darlie actually says "they're dead"? She says it in a very high voice and questioning, imo
00:31:09 COl: ...what's going on ma'am...
00:32:13 FC: ...(unintelligible)...oh my God...
00:33:49 RADIO: ...(tone - signal broadcast)...
00:34:0l BV: ...(unintelligible)...
00:35:20 FC: ...(unintelligible) thought he was dead...oh my God...Darlie actually says "he's seven year's old and he's dead"... oh my God

00:39:08 MC: ...(unintelligible)...
00:39:29 FC: ...I don't even know (unintelligible)..."who did it Darin"
00:40:22 COl: ...attention 90l unknown medical emergency 5801...
00:42:23 MC: ...(unintelligible)...
00:43:15 FC: ...I don't even know (unintelligible)..."who did it Darin"
00:44:04 COl: ...Eagle Drive...Box 238...cross street Linda Vista and Willowbrook...attention 90l medical emergency...
00:49:28 FC: ...who was breathing...She does not say "who is breathing"
00:50:l0 MC: ...(unintelligible)...
00:51:15 FC: ...(unintelligible) are they still laying there (unintelligible)...She says "we gotta find out who did this"
00:51:19 COl: ...may be possible stabbing...5801 Eagle Drive...Box 238...
cross street Linda Vista and Willowbrook...
00:55:06 FC: ...oh my God...what do we do...
00:57:17 COl: ...time out 2:32...
00:58:26 FC: ...oh my God...
00:58:28 COl: ...stamp me a card Clint...0l:0l:02 COl: ...80...
01:01:16 RADIO: ...(unintelligible)...
01:02:13 FC: ...oh my God...
01:03:05 RADIO: ...(unintelligible)...
01:04:07 COl: ...need units going towards 5801 Eagle Drive...5801 Eagle Drive...
01:04:07 FC: ...oh my baby's dead...
01:07:08 FC: ...Damon...hold on honey...
01:08:ll MC: ...(unitelligible)...Darin is saying "get somebody"
01:08:22 COl: ...hysterical female on the phone..
01:10:03 FC: ...hold on...
01:10:10 MC: ...(unitelligible)...
01:10:26 COl: ...says her child has been stabbed...
01:ll:28 FC: ...I saw them Darie[sic]...--Darin
01:12:21 MC: ...oh my God...(unintelligible) ..came in here...

Somewhere in here Darin says "he can't make it they don't get somebody here.

01:14:10 COl:'am...I need you to calm down and talk to me...
01:14:24 RADIO: ....
01:16:25 FC: ...ok...
01:16:26 SND: ...(unintelligible)...
01:17:12 COl: ...twice Clint...

01:18:26 FC: ...didn't you get my address...
01:20:19 COl: ...5801 Eagle...
01:22:00 FC: ...yes...we need help...
01:22:03 RADIO: ...(unintelligible) will be enroute code...
01:24:20 FC: ...Darin...I don't know who it was...
01:24:2 COl: ...2:33 code...
01:26:15 FC: ...we got to find out who it was...
01:27:12 COl:'am...
01:28:04 COl:'am listen...listen to me...
01:29:27 FC: ...yes...yes...(unintelligible)...
01:30:23 RADIO: ...(unintelligible) I'm clear... do you need anything...
01:32:08 MC: ...(unintelligible)...
01:32:20 FC: ...oh my God...
01:34:00 COl: ...(unintelligible)...
01:34:22 COl: you take the radio Clint...
01:35:23 CO2: ...yes...
01:36:12 FC: ...oh my God...
01:36:25 COl:'am...
01:38:03 FC: ...yes...
01:38:17 COl: ...I need you to...
01:38:23 RADIO: ...(unintelligible) start that way (unintelligible)...will revise...
01:39:28 COl: ...I need you to talk to me..

01:41:21 FC: ...what...what...what...

Right after this "what, what, what, Darlie says Damon, Damon, Damon. On the second Damon, her voices is short, curt and sounds angry. I think but have been unable to confirm it that she tells Darin that Damon is still alive or is still breathing.

01:44:25 RADIO: ...(unintelligible)...
01:44:28 FC: babies are dead (unintelligible)...
01:46:20 RADIO: ...go ahead and start that way...siren code 4...advise...
01:47:10 FC: ....(unintelligible)...
01:48:03 FC: ...(unintelligible) do you want honey... hold on (unintelligible)...
01:49:17 COl:'am...I can't understand you...
01:50:21 FC: . ..yes...

That's as far as I have done with the 911 call that I can remember right off hand. I will have another listen and see what else I heard. I don't have a transcript made. I have it burned to a cd so it's a bit easier to hear. I know that Camilla has gone further so hopefully if she gets here she can add to mine.
Ok cami said she was going on vacation so I guess she didn't have time to answer me. What is she doing here? Hearing something different or filling in blanks? Does she think Darlie didn't ask about somebody breathing and saying something like I thought he was dead? This is driving me nuts. Please help :banghead:
A bit of both I would say.

We've all at some point gone through the call and written down what we hear. I did it in great detail about a year ago myself but even just a cursory few listens to it will open up some doors if you are willing to listen :) Have you tried it? Should give it a go...
beesy said:
Ok cami said she was going on vacation so I guess she didn't have time to answer me. What is she doing here? Hearing something different or filling in blanks? Does she think Darlie didn't ask about somebody breathing and saying something like I thought he was dead? This is driving me nuts. Please help :banghead:

Yes, I am hearing something different than what the transcript says.

For instance right here:

00:09:24 COl: ...who...who did...

Right after the operators says "who, who did" Darlie replies "someone"

And right here:

00:29:13 FC: ...oh my babies are dying...
00:30:12 MC: ...(unintelligible)...--Darlie actually says "they're dead"? She says it in a very high voice and questioning, imo

Where the transcript says "unintelligible" I hear Darlie say "they're dead" in the form of a question and her voice is very high. Darin obviously said something to her in response to her saying "my babies are dying" to the operator.

00:35:20 FC: ...(unintelligible) thought he was dead...oh my God...

I hear Darlie say right here "Devon OR he's only seven years old and he's dead, oh my God."

00:39:29 FC: ...I don't even know (unintelligible)

I hear Darlie say "I don't even know who did it Darin" She says that several times.

01:41:21 FC: ...what...what...what...

Right after this "what, what, what, Darlie says "Damon, Damon, Damon". On the second Damon, her voices is short, curt and sounds angry. I think but have been unable to confirm it that she tells Darin that Damon is still alive or is still breathing.
julezzz1 said:
I don't know anything about this case at all. I just listened to the 911 tape and my first impression is this.

I don't feel any real emotion here, what I feel is more like an actress doing a bad job and sounding hysterical. I say this because you hear alot of screaming but it isn't gut wrenching screaming to me, you can't understand much, but when she is asked a question she is coherent enough to hear it. Ive seen true hysterics without the stabbings etc... and you can't get them to hear you when they are like that. I find it odd she hears the dispatcher enough to answer questions in between her screaming.

When I heard her say about touching the knife and something about fingerprints I quit listening. I don't believe anyone in true hysterics would have the clarity of mind to even know what they had just done. I don't think they would be so worried about whether they touched anything at that point as they should be more worried about if the children will survive.

What a hideous crime.

I can't get over the fact that she stayed on this call so long while her two precious boys are dead and dying in front of her. Wouldn't you just scream "send help" then go comfort your dying children. They would have had to pry Damon out of my arms.
cami said:
I can't get over the fact that she stayed on this call so long while her two precious boys are dead and dying in front of her. Wouldn't you just scream "send help" then go comfort your dying children. They would have had to pry Damon out of my arms.
I'm a lot more interested in this part:

0:39:29 FC: ...I don't even know (unintelligible)..."who did it Darin"

Why would Darlie think Darin had any idea who'd done this? The thing that I've always noticed about the call is that Darlie is extremely angry at Darin, like she's accusing him, but accusing him of what?

It almost feels like she's angry with him because she thinks he's involved somehow, as if she thinks whoever was there came there because of Darin and stabbed the kids because of something Darin had been involved in.

Or, as I believe, that she was considering the very real possibility that Darin was the one who had attacked her, and that someone was killing the kids while he cut her up. Remember her description: tall, long hair, black cap, jeans. That describes Darin.


cami said:
Yes, I am hearing something different than what the transcript says.
Ok thank you. I don't know why that was driving me nuts, but it was. I just think the part about "who was breathing" or something like that is important in showing her guilt and the "still laying there" is too. Isn't it?
But, you're hearing something else. Not that I doubt you or anything, but didn't Darlie agree to everything in the transcript except for the "frightening/fighting" thing? Should I listen to the tape without reading the transcript?

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