She got tracking and print evaluation information from me as well. Not sure what she did with it.
Wow! You must be credited with ultra fine invisible print somewhere.
She got tracking and print evaluation information from me as well. Not sure what she did with it.
The entire blog is me me I I me....the only other person she gives a drop of credit to is Jared. So tell me, do you believe that Joy single handedly solved Jacob's kidnapping?
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Fine. Complaining.
More can be done than just leaving comments on her blog. If you want something done about it, then take further action. But it doesn't need to be brought up and discussed in every thread on Websleuths every time an article mentions her name. It's just not productive and just causes a distraction from the reason we are all here: Jacob (not Joy).
She got tracking and print evaluation information from me as well. Not sure what she did with it.
Read her latest blog post. She takes credit for everything even if it was known 26 years ago or if she had nothing to do with the discovery.
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Hmmm, have you asked what she used it for? Maybe she may just come right out and say, who knows?
As I have started to research the wetterling case after many years here are some questions: 1. What information did Kevin give to authorities to dismiss him as a suspect and did any police speak to the Marshall who he met through a friend at some party that encouraged him to go to authorities in 2004? 2. Why would Kevin go back to the scene the next day and claim to have turned in and backed out of DR driveway when all pictures I have seen show there being police tape blocking the front of driveway not making it impossible to even pull in driveway to back out? 3. Is this the same Kevin who claims to have been told by an inmate in prison that he and his son and others were involved in the abduction? 4. There is a photograph which says it is a picture DR took with a friend of his who is a piolet flying above his property. Did any police question DR's friend who was flying the plane to see where he was the night of the abduction? Are there any landing areas around DR property where a small plane could land and take off?? 4. Did police check for horse prints or anything like that? I do remember seeing a picture of Jacob riding a horse online. 5. I can't remember the guy's name who was from St Johns Abby and was on that same road as the abduction within an hour of the boys being abducted? Years after he was found guilty of molesting kids and believe he is in jail now. 6. Remember reading about some kid and his dad I believe who lived by Jacob and witnessed seeing a father/son in the ditch when they went into town shortly before abduction. This father/son, and I appologize for not having names, both are convicted pedophiles and believe the dad has now died. I could go on and on but I have come to the conclusion that there were more than 1 sick person involved in this. The more I research the more I think that Kevin is somehow involved and has been used as a smokescreen to throw authorities a curveball on the abduction
I agree with you, however I cannot figure out how an expert abductor would know when the boys would pass that spot, and that one or more would meet his "criteria". What was special about Jacob? In what way did he meet the abductor or customers criteria? Was this a chance encounter while the abductor was out hunting, or had he followed the boys for a day or more?
I am 99% that a car was involved. I am about 75% that they boys did not know the abductor. Stranger on stranger crime is the hardest to solve.