The aftermath of the verdict *MERGED*

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Where was the weeping and shaking when he was told his wife was dead and under a bridge? When he realized his girls were motherless? Oh wait that would mean feeling for someone other than himself.......nah that panic attack and body trembling were purely at the realization that HE was done for.

It can depend on the circumstances, some people simply don't react as there is almost a relief there is closure - especially when they are waiting for a body to turn up. Some people go into a form of shock and don't really do anything, and I suppose some people are callous and don't care. So I would never read too much into a reaction as you could be putting your own perspective on it if you have your suspicions on the person.
IMO his chances of acquittal were enhanced with use of a jury. If some of the requests to appeal the verdict are tried again then there will be a much lesser chance of a judgement in his favour.
Family member who lives with me was at work yesterday in a place on southside where a local D comes in regularly.

Asked her what she and I thought of verdict. Then told her QPS knew from the moment they stepped into the house that GBC was guilty.
Then .... he told her they are now out to get THE OTHER CULPRIT.

I am tossing up between two possibles....
I am tossing up between two possibles....

That may explain why they dropped the charge against Gerard of interfering with a corpse, maybe they want to nail someone else with that charge.

Amazing how much info there is in the public arena nowadays!
'Spitfire, wooly grub things' is that a technical terminology?

ah seriously those spitfire suckers are painful little mongrels.

Yes, that's the technical term, unless you're an entomologist lol.

I've seen some really nasty rashes from those innocent looking critters!
I am tossing up between two possibles....

Yes, I have mentioned in a few of my posts that there will be more charges to come, there are too many things which involve members of his family, and more than one person gave him access to mobile phones and covered for him, Fleggs secretary got in the Shyte for giving him a mobile, but his father was doing it as well, ans his father knew about his affair with TM, his father probably slumped in his chair and was visibly struggling to breathe because he probably thought " ****, Im next" there is more to come out of this whole mess and the cops are going to pursue it as far as they possibly can , you can bank on that, they will not take lightly the stupid smart arse things his parents did while they were waist deep in crap looking for Allison...Having a fruit bowl shoved in your face by a smartarse fat ugle old bag is not going to far well with them, they will go after them for what ever they can, be it, fraud, bad taxes, aiding and perverting justice, being grubs, having a shyte family, they will find something, I know it in my bones
It can depend on the circumstances, some people simply don't react as there is almost a relief there is closure - especially when they are waiting for a body to turn up. Some people go into a form of shock and don't really do anything, and I suppose some people are callous and don't care. So I would never read too much into a reaction as you could be putting your own perspective on it if you have your suspicions on the person.

It always depends on the circumstances.Sure,everyone will react differently.If your wife,the mother of your children is missing then you would promptly and without hindrance provide as much detail and information as you possibly could. You would assist,you would not contact a lawyer and then refuse to provide a formal statement.
Im going to bed, I have an early flight tomorrow, nice chatting to you all, hopefully I wont have dreams of licking he garbage out of GBC, I tend to annoy my husband when I do that lol, good night Sleuthers , I will catch up on the posts tomorrow once I have landed. And sorry for my rants and raves tonight, just got to me today :) " Im a little bit hurt , but I will be OK "
Been looking around this site and there is a lot of passionate people who are there to support Allison and her family.

I half expected a not-guilty verdict.

I thought the depression related suicide was a somewhat plausible narrative.

That night Allison had heard that the affair that she thought was over was in fact still ongoing. And she would be encountering the mistress at a real estate convention the next morning. This would have been soul-destroying for anyone especially a woman who had been lied to previously.

Alison's body toxicology report showed anti-depressants at 12 times the level of normal anti-depressant levels. These results can be unreliable though due to decomposition.

Alison was found in her walking clothes and shoes and in a location further on from her normal walking route. I find this a detail that supports the notion that she left the house voluntarily, however nothing would of stopped Gerard changing her clothes after death - but there was no forensic evidence to suggest that.

The prosecution suggested that Allison was murdered on the property, but no blood or evidence of a murder was found. Yet there was blood in the vehicle.

Gerard and the vehicle could not be placed at where the body was dumped. Gerard could not be placed at the scene of the murder. There were no forensic evidence on clothing or shoes. No footprints, no tyre tracks have ever been identified.

In the end Gerard murdered his wife but I was not as convinced there would be a conviction as many others were expecting.

Please allow me to answer some of the assertions or conclusions you have in your post - nothing personal, but merely correcting a couple of misconceptions:

I agree with you that Allison finding out about the affair being ongoing may well have devastated her, BUT - and this is a big "but" - you say that the levels of anti-depressant in her body were 12 times the normal levels of anti-depressant. That is actually NOT the case, and seems to have been completely misread by the defence. The blood and tissue samples that were used for the sertraline assays were from Allison's liver - which NORMALLY (i.e. On a normal therapeutic dose of Zoloft) can have a concentration of between 50-90 times HIGHER than the levels in the peripheral blood. And that is in a living person, due to the concentration effect performed by the liver accumulating the drug before metabolising it. If you then add in the effects of post-mortem redistribution, to which you allude, the levels may be higher or lower. In Allison's case, those liver levels were actually LOWER than I would have expected. Even the toxicologists - both prosecution and defence ones - agreed that the levels found were NOT consistent with either the recent ingestion of Zoloft nor an overdose of any kind.

You mention Allison being found in her walking clothes far from her "normal walking route" - yet we only have GBC's word that she actually went walking at all. She had a walking machine at home. None of her friends (including a couple I know well) supported Allison being a walker. She wasn't. So there was no such thing as her "normal walking route" - that was all a furphy by GBC.

You mention the discrepancy between the lack of blood found on the property, but blood being found in the car. My explanation for the likely reason for that is that the blood in the car occurred as a result of Allison's body being dumped in the back of the car. In other words, the injury occurred IN the car. Even the recently dead can lose some blood from richly vascularized tissues such as the scalp, and although much of her scalp was missing when she was found, due to decomposition, it is quite conceivable that her head banged up against that tie-down buckle loop or the surround when she was tossed into the back of the Captiva, and the blood - which was a relatively small amount - would easily have been sufficient to form that small "rivulet" as the judge described it. So - injury in the car, but unnecessary to assume injury and hence blood elsewhere in or on the property.

And finally, I agree with you that there was no direct evidence to place either GBC or the Captiva at the Kholo Creek bridge. Except that Allison was there, and if all the other evidence fits the theory that GBC murdered her, then it follows that either GBC or somebody he enlisted MUST have taken the body out there.

I hope the logic of all that makes some sort of sense. ;)
Im going to bed, I have an early flight tomorrow, nice chatting to you all, hopefully I wont have dreams of licking he garbage out of GBC, I tend to annoy my husband when I do that lol, good night Sleuthers , I will catch up on the posts tomorrow once I have landed. And sorry for my rants and raves tonight, just got to me today :) " Im a little bit hurt , but I will be OK "

I meant "kicking " not "licking" just for the record, I dont lick garbage, see I really do need to go to bed :)
It always depends on the circumstances.Sure,everyone will react differently.If your wife,the mother of your children is missing then you would promptly and without hindrance provide as much detail and information as you possibly could. You would assist,you would not contact a lawyer and then refuse to provide a formal statement.
You would assist,you would not contact a lawyer and then refuse to provide a formal statement
Hi DrWatson.

I welcome being corrected and thankyou for the trouble in writing your post. Either way it is good to see justice served. Sadly it won't bring back a loving mother of three young girls.

Nighters amatteroftime. Have a good flight tomorrow x

Im going to bed, I have an early flight tomorrow, nice chatting to you all, hopefully I wont have dreams of licking he garbage out of GBC, I tend to annoy my husband when I do that lol, good night Sleuthers , I will catch up on the posts tomorrow once I have landed. And sorry for my rants and raves tonight, just got to me today :) " Im a little bit hurt , but I will be OK "
Hi DrWatson.

I welcome being corrected and thankyou for the trouble in writing your post. Either way it is good to see justice served. Sadly it won't bring back a loving mother of three young girls.

That is a very gracious post, FormerDet - and thank you for taking it in the spirit in which it was intended. And your last line, unfortunately, says it all :(
Thankyou for that post, not only is it very well written and informative but it gives an insight to what the difference is to actually BEING there and hearing what the jury SAW, words on paper are never conveyed the same as seeing them spoken first hand.

and well done for resisting from expressing what you would of been feeling, I had to give myself a Time Out today off here as I was getting so worked up after hearing the appeal and the coward wont be present in court for the appeal, that I had to go for a 6km run to expel bad energy... And trust me, that is hard for me to do, and I forgot my ice cream money for on the way home too so I was sugar deprived, sweaty as well as P'eed off :)

Hopefully someone in that Jail who is in there for the real "life" sentence will sort him prior as I really dont want the poor Dickies to suffer anymore... I hope "BWANA" fecks off back to Zimbabwee and I hope someone scones his wife in the head with a granny smith, I also hope Olive-e-a, finds out her husband has filed for divorce and they all grow long noses.

Sorry, just had to vent, before anyone tells me this is a bit wrong to say, can I just get it out there, that I know it is, but I cant help it, you see "IM a little bit hurt but I will be ok" Just off now to have a bit of a vomit and I will be back as "everything is going to be OK" someone tell me how to get that picture f the little round man spewing into the toilet for gods sake !!!!! Im off like a prawn milkshake...Goodnight Sleuthers, only you understand my rant.....

We shouldn't let ourselves get so upset, but it's hard I know. I guess we are here because a sweet mother of 3 little ones died at the hands of an uncaring man. Many do.
I find myself on an emotional rollercoaster and have to pull myself back before I spontaneously combust or sound a part of a lynch mob, that's not what we're here for.
Don't worry, most murderers appeal, loose and then remain forgotten in their dank cells studying law books.

As Doc says breath in and out. :deepbreaths::deepbreaths::deepbreaths:

Then pop a happy pill :)

One cyber Valium milkshake heading your way, TGY ;)
IMO the appeal will go nowhere. It's not even worth talking about. The fact that GBC has been found guilty of murder and is now in jail for at least the next 15 years is all that matters. It won't bring Allison back but justice has been served for her and her family.
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