The Anthony Family: Who Might be the First to Tell the Truth?

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Who will Crack? Multiple answers allowed.

  • GA will crack

    Votes: 243 30.6%
  • CA will crack

    Votes: 21 2.6%
  • LA will crack

    Votes: 111 14.0%
  • KC will crack

    Votes: 13 1.6%
  • NO ONE will crack -they will stick it out till the bitter end!

    Votes: 458 57.8%

  • Total voters
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I voted none. They're a dysfunctional family, based on secrets and lies.
Naw, Lee and Mallory went on the cruise Caylee paid for:furious: while the A compound is in foreclosure. Nope, he does what mama CA commands. He isn't going to develop a backbone for his conscious nor for Caylee.

Well, hope springs pun intended.
Uh, :waitasec:

...noticed "I will crack!" wasn't an option on the poll. ;)

Hi all :wave:

Just checking in this morning into what I expected to be a thread topic ripe w/ namecalling and bashing. So, nice to see after a quick scan of the first three pages I didn't pick up on any of that stuff, nor any moderating necessary to-date. So....thanks for that everyone.
Ooh, my spirits have been raised! AZlawyer confirmed for me, on the lawyer question thread, that when each A testifies, the other A's won't be allowed to hear that testimony. This means CA won't get to hear what GA or LA says! WOOT!

I think there's a much higher of chance of the truth being told by GA and LA if CA is not there to stare daggers at them or influence them while they are on the stand in any way. And btw, she's going to be so mad when she finds out she has no chance of influencing her boys when they are on the stand! I know that is going to drive her NUTS!

I'm sure we'll see some kind of motion about that, but I'm sure HHJP will shoot it down!

I suspected that might be true and went to the legal thread to see you had already asked that question - thanks for that. (Chuckle.)
Each Anthony will be on the hot seat with only Mason or Baez, whom I believe have each not particularly established a sense of trust or rapport with any of the Anthony's. I think they will be exposed and vulnerable on the stand, knowing the world and the law is watching them. A whole lot different scenario than the merry band they now are, united to defend ICA "against the world." That old saying, "united we stand, divided we fall" may come into play.
Honestly GA will crack...literally...I don't think he has what it takes to hang on in this game...he isn't a good liar.

I don't think KC will EVER crack...look at Diane Downs..she will never...she just can't see it.
I don't think George, Cindy or Lee actually know the truth, they're at the mercy of whatever BS Casey feeds them, and seem to have gone along with all the nanny fabrications (at least publicly). Privately they must know that Casey is responsible but am sure they don't know any details. It seems to me judging by the lies Cindy has told that she has been trying to cover up for what she THINKS Casey actually did, and does not actually KNOW.

This is part of the hold Casey has over them - for now. One way Casey could act out against her mother in the future - after Cindy has spent years defending her - would be to confess via a third party. And I think she'll blab it out by making verbal slip up years before that.

So, post trail, I expect the real story to start emerging, and eventually we'll know. It will be interesting to see if the family also begins to break rank after the trail and admit they think Casey's guilty.

I've been thinking along these lines also. Wondering if KC hates CA more than she loves her own life??? We know she hated CA more than she loved Caylee....but can she, will she, get herself sentenced to death just to spite CA? depends on how much she hates her I guess.

Honestly - do any of them really know the truth at this point? So many lies, mistruths, half truths, stories, spins....
I've been thinking along these lines also. Wondering if KC hates CA more than she loves her own life??? We know she hated CA more than she loved Caylee....but can she, will she, get herself sentenced to death just to spite CA? depends on how much she hates her I guess.


Oh no, if there's one thing Casey loves more than anything, it's her own life. She killed Caylee because it was Caylee or her, and no way is she dying. She's made being in jail a fantasy life for herself - I mean who calls themselves independent from a jail cell? No way would she die to spite Cindy. All she has done her whole life is LIVE to spite Cindy. That's also why she's terrified of the DP, the only thing in this whole case that has actually upset her! Until her dying breath, Casey is going to do everything possible to make CA's life hell.

I can see her eventually opening up to a third party to spite CA. I don't think she'll ever tell the truth to her own mom - remember, CA acted like she was the only one would be able to get the truth out of Casey. How spiteful would it be for some stranger she hardly knows to get the truth first?

I don't think that will happen for a long time, though. Maybe ten, twenty years from now someone will interview her and she'll admit to what she did to Caylee. Even more spite, admitting to it on national television!

I'm just hoping that without CA in the room, either GA or LA will finally man up and do the right thing for Caylee. I think they both feel like they've lost CA already anyway. Lee's living his own life without her, and GA is not acting much like he cares about CA anymore. We'll see!
I voted noone, but upon reflection, GA has already sought solace outside the "family". I am pretty sure that his life with CA is hell on earth at this point. So, I wouldn't put it past him to find himself another willing lady and abandon them all. He isn't a bad looking man and I'll bet that there are plently of women who would give him a chance. Should that ever happen, I think GA will eventually talk, if he knows anything.
Ooh, my spirits have been raised! AZlawyer confirmed for me, on the lawyer question thread, that when each A testifies, the other A's won't be allowed to hear that testimony. This means CA won't get to hear what GA or LA says! WOOT!

I think there's a much higher of chance of the truth being told by GA and LA if CA is not there to stare daggers at them or influence them while they are on the stand in any way. And btw, she's going to be so mad when she finds out she has no chance of influencing her boys when they are on the stand! I know that is going to drive her NUTS!

I'm sure we'll see some kind of motion about that, but I'm sure HHJP will shoot it down!

If each of the Anthonys - GA, CA, and LA - are going to be testifying without the presence of the other two in the courtroom, we're going to see conflicting stories.

I wouldn't be surprised to see rehearsed phrases too. CA will likely spend days leading up to the trial rehearsing with GA and LA how to respond to some likely questions. As an example, CA will tell GA and LA that if they're asked if Casey had any problems at school when she was a teenager, they're to say "no, Casey did well in school and was an average to above average student." Or, CA will tell GA and LA that if asked if they ever heard of the nanny, ZFG before July 15, 2008, to respond with, "yes, Casey often mentioned ZFG." We might see certain rehearsed phrases peppering the testimony of all three members of the Anthony family.

As for getting the truth from any of them, that remains to be seen. It may be a case of sifting through the testimony of each of the Anthonys, and finding those little kernels of truth.
I voted no one will crack :(

If the truth is told by any of the Anthonys how will anyone know it is the truth? This family have lied so much I don't think we will ever know the truth IMO
Great analysis! You brought to mind one of his statements at his deposition with LE. He said, "I have to believe my sister." That's not an exact quote, but it gets the idea across.

I've always wondered if that cryptic statement meant, "I have to believe my sister or my family will disown me.".

Consider that Cindy has already cut her brother RP from her life for what he said and (according to Diane Fanning) was estranged from her mother. Now, Cindy will only talk to her if it's NOT about Casey.

Cindy is ruthless at cutting people out of her life who do not agree with everything she says/believes. Remember the "uninvited" list for the memorial? Remember those candle light vigils for Caylee where people said that only those who agreed with Cindy could attend?

This is the only "family" Lee knows and, indeed, has been the mediator and peace maker most of his life.

Lee's atty. stated that he knows what LE has on him.

He is stuck between a rock and a hard place. Lie on the stand and get in trouble with LE or tell the truth and lose what family he has.

I hope Lee will "man up" and do the right thing.

Your post jogged my memory of SP. Her emails with her sister and son, RP, and her statements to LE, were frank. She doesn't mince words and tells it as she sees it............."she hated her mother more than she loved Caylee." We've learned from SP about the relationship between GA and CA, and about Casey's thefts

We may get more of the truth from SP and RP than any of the immediate family. SP and RP don't know the truth about what happened to Caylee any more than we do. But, as members of the extended family, they do know the truth about the family background and I think will tell what they know. This will at least give us more of an idea of what was going on in the family from the time Casey was a small child up to the events of June 2008.
I'm of the mind that Caylee will be the only one telling her own truth. sigh.
Honestly - do any of them really know the truth at this point? So many lies, mistruths, half truths, stories, spins....

I don't think any of them know exactly what happened, the terrible details of exactly how Casey killed Caylee. They know she did it, they have a good idea when she killed her.......right down to within a few hours, and they know why she did it. I think that more than anything, its the "why she did it" that they don't want to reveal publicly......that would reveal their own culpability, and most specifically Cindy's culpability.
If each of the Anthonys - GA, CA, and LA - are going to be testifying without the presence of the other two in the courtroom, we're going to see conflicting stories.

I wouldn't be surprised to see rehearsed phrases too. CA will likely spend days leading up to the trial rehearsing with GA and LA how to respond to some likely questions. As an example, CA will tell GA and LA that if they're asked if Casey had any problems at school when she was a teenager, they're to say "no, Casey did well in school and was an average to above average student." Or, CA will tell GA and LA that if asked if they ever heard of the nanny, ZFG before July 15, 2008, to respond with, "yes, Casey often mentioned ZFG." We might see certain rehearsed phrases peppering the testimony of all three members of the Anthony family.

As for getting the truth from any of them, that remains to be seen. It may be a case of sifting through the testimony of each of the Anthonys, and finding those little kernels of truth.

But what will happen when portions of their previous testimony or clips are repeated to remind them they have testified differently in the past? With a charge of perjury staring them in the face, and HHJP sitting looking down at them? No place to run, no place to hide.....
My first thought is none of them will ever tell the truth, ever ... but now if I had to bet on who will crack first, it would be George. He won't tell the truth voluntarily but he will get tripped up in his lies so badly on the stand that the jury will be able to deduce the truth. Remember the duct tape on the gas can in his depo? It didn't take much for Ashton to trip him up and tick him off ...

Once Cindy takes the stand, every word out of her mouth will only hurt the defense ... she will not crack though, she will just continue making excuses and lying to cover for her previous lies ... it will be very apparent that she's lying to cover up her daughter's crime and the jury will never believe anything she has said, but she will NEVER fess up and neither will KC ...
I've been thinking along these lines also. Wondering if KC hates CA more than she loves her own life??? We know she hated CA more than she loved Caylee....but can she, will she, get herself sentenced to death just to spite CA? depends on how much she hates her I guess.


You know what? I truly believe that Casey is determined to go to trial because she thinks its going to be exciting and she's looking forward to her 'time in the spotlight'. The fact that going to trial will determine that she ends up on death row is something she'll worry about later. And afterwards, when the media attention wanes and no-one is that interested in her anymore the only card she'll have left to play is 'what actually happened', but think that we could definitely be waiting for a long time for her to get to this point!
I voted noone, but upon reflection, GA has already sought solace outside the "family". I am pretty sure that his life with CA is hell on earth at this point. So, I wouldn't put it past him to find himself another willing lady and abandon them all. He isn't a bad looking man and I'll bet that there are plently of women who would give him a chance. Should that ever happen, I think GA will eventually talk, if he knows anything.

GA is still a two timer. Once a two timer always a two timer...
If he wanted to find someone else, he could have divorced CA first.
(Note: I didn't want to say "find another lady" cause that's not I would call CA.)

I guess that sounds very OT. I meant to add that I think it will be either GA or LA who cracks first.
Great thread! I don't know if the A's are capable of the full truth. I think they've each been truthful at times and will be in court for the easy questions but I think the truth will be pulled from them like teeth. Nobody will deviate too far from the script they're working on with their lawyer unless they're tricked on the stand..........which they will be. The wait will be worth it :)
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