The Anthony's Phones Were Tapped and Traced for Numbers

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"my daughter's been missing for 31 days"

that statement still blows me away.

Yes, me too
That statement along with the news report showing her smiling as she walked out the door after being arrested...first impressions are lasting ones.
Yes, me too
That statement along with the news report showing her smiling as she walked out the door after being arrested...first impressions are lasting ones.

That picture still sends chills thru me! She looked like a woman who is possesed!:furious:
Yes, and if you send a blog to your daughter on myspace and get a response back from her " Everyone lies. Everyone dies".......yeah.. you know something is horribly, gut wrenching , horribly wrong.:furious:

Thanks :blowkiss:

So true...especially if the daughter says she is being a "spiteful B with an Itch" later on when confronted about her actions towards her mother by her brother.
The ACTUAL PHONE CONVERSATIONS WEREN'T RECORDED, just the numbers of who calls in and who the Anthony's called and their cell pings to trace their movement around the city, but those records were "sealed" at the time. I wonder if they remain sealed and what else we haven't seen that is sealed.
IMO, Yes, she (& George) most certainly did know something was WRONG.
Casey refused to let them speak with and see Caylee. She purposefully avoided her parents and was sneaking back home only when G&C were at work.

And yet they did absolutely nothing in an effort to find Caylee. They just went about their lives and, I guess, hoped for the best while Caylee lay rotting around the corner.
The 911 call where CA is recorded telling KC she is going to take custody of Caylee is an important recording, even possibly for the defense....In penalty phase, JB/AL will say that KC was too scared to tell the truth (even about an accident) because CA was threatening towards her.
Interesting. I thought they likely were, but never knew for certain. This video is from many months go, but I had never seen it. When you get to section 3:40 you will see the authorization for the home land lines and cell phones of George, Cindy and Lee's cells.
YouTube- Casey Anthony Docs Include Text Messages, Reports

I don't know if this has already been pointed out on this thread...but a "pen register and trap and trace device," which was what LE requested, would not record the content of conversations.
I don't know if this has already been pointed out on this thread...but a "pen register and trap and trace device," which was what LE requested, would not record the content of conversations.
AZlawyer, I have not followed this topic at all. Does this mean that conversations were not recorded? or some were? or what exactly? I see there are a lot of youtubes linked to catch me up, but I am not in a position to play them and I am wondering what the ramifications of your post are. thanks for any info.
AZlawyer, I have not followed this topic at all. Does this mean that conversations were not recorded? or some were? or what exactly? I see there are a lot of youtubes linked to catch me up, but I am not in a position to play them and I am wondering what the ramifications of your post are. thanks for any info.

The only youtube link I saw was a link to a video that showed part of a released document stating that LE had requested a pen register and trap & trace device on the A's home phone and I believe a couple of A. family cell phones. I keep seeing references to the phone calls being "recorded" and wanted to make sure people were not waiting for recordings to be released...AFIK these devices would only collect information about phone calls (e.g., incoming call received from Lee A at 10:32 am on August 3 for 3 minutes), not the content of the phone calls themselves.
The only youtube link I saw was a link to a video that showed part of a released document stating that LE had requested a pen register and trap & trace device on the A's home phone and I believe a couple of A. family cell phones. I keep seeing references to the phone calls being "recorded" and wanted to make sure people were not waiting for recordings to be released...AFIK these devices would only collect information about phone calls (e.g., incoming call received from Lee A at 10:32 am on August 3 for 3 minutes), not the content of the phone calls themselves.
OH thank you! As I say I have not read this topic and consequently I made that very assumption. The title of the thread is a bit ambigious.
I get it thank you!
Okay I just quickly scanned the thread and it seems that we do perhaps have a misunderstanding about this.
I was wrong the calls were tapped and traced, for numbers not conversations. Sealed .
The ACTUAL PHONE CONVERSATIONS WEREN'T RECORDED, just the numbers of who calls in and who the Anthony's called and their cell pings to trace their movement around the city, but those records were "sealed" at the time. I wonder if they remain sealed and what else we haven't seen that is sealed.
The 911 call where CA is recorded telling KC she is going to take custody of Caylee is an important recording, even possibly for the defense....In penalty phase, JB/AL will say that KC was too scared to tell the truth (even about an accident) because CA was threatening towards her.

More importantly and favoring the PROSECUTION this can show that CA herself thought KC was an unfit mother and prove that she was NOT the MOTHER OF THE YEAR and even CA knew something had happened to Caylee.
More importantly and favoring the PROSECUTION this can show that CA herself thought KC was an unfit mother and prove that she was NOT the MOTHER OF THE YEAR and even CA knew something had happened to Caylee.

And that is the logic that I am hoping prevails. People tend to choose self preservation at the end of the day, and I think the jury will deduce that if anything other than a murder happened, KC would have told her story by now to keep herself away from the DP or LWOP. Unless someone else can convince me/a jury that KC is somehow a martyr....She'll be there for two years by trial time, and led us on a gigantic goose chase with the lies, no way someone that is innocent would continue to do that. IMO.

KC is going to do time for the check fraud anyway, she certainly could have told the truth if she did not murder Caylee and pled in regards to lying to LE, maybe even serving some concurrent time.
I think it's hilarious that CA, in her August depo, talked about the need for throw-away "batphones" because they thought LE was recording their calls. Why would that be a problem? Wouldn't they be waiting for a "ransom call"? Weren't they in danger from nefarious types from whom KC was protecting them? Why would anything be too private for an investigation LE was conducting on a missing child, unless they were afraid of their own attempts to obstruct justice being exposed or that the search for a living Caylee was completely futile?

I wish I could hit the 'thank you' button more than once!!! You hit the nail on the head!!! :woohoo:
how about Lee's nonchalant retelling of it:

"And she said to me, to tell you the truth, Lee, I haven't seen Caylee in 31 days."

yikes, and yowza.
This family is one for the books-the only one sane is Cindy brother Rick--wonder what happend to him. He had KC number right for the start-Lee is a real mental case CMA what a nut case and Mallory -where are her parents and family -if she were my daughter -I lock her in a room -for even thinking of getting mixed up in a family like this one. What does it take for people to see the writting on the wall.
The 911 call where CA is recorded telling KC she is going to take custody of Caylee is an important recording, even possibly for the defense....In penalty phase, JB/AL will say that KC was too scared to tell the truth (even about an accident) because CA was threatening towards her.
I dont think that will help in the penalty phase-KC had 2 years in jail to tell the truth -- Cindy cant touch her in jail Cindy cant get custody POOR CAYLEE IS DEAD- KC is not pleading guilty so how can she say it was an accident- in the penalty phase. I am sure at trial they will try to blame soemone else for the evil deed-so when that does not work and they cant frame an inocent person-she pops up and say it was an accident-Not a jury in the world would show her and pity (unless you get an OJ jury)
In Fridays hearing I hope we will get to learn who was talking to Dominick on his various and sundry cell phones while he was in the woods. Unless you are having an affair or something else nefarious, who needs three or four cell phones?:furious:
In Fridays hearing I hope we will get to learn who was talking to Dominick on his various and sundry cell phones while he was in the woods. Unless you are having an affair or something else nefarious, who needs three or four cell phones?:furious:

Would not surprise me if the calls were made to a throw-away phone, as in "Bat" phone. Not sure how LE found out about the batphones to question the A's during the depo. DId the A's bring it up or was it LE that asked about them?

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