The Anthony's Phones Were Tapped and Traced for Numbers

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This family is one for the books-the only one sane is Cindy brother Rick--wonder what happend to him. He had KC number right for the start-Lee is a real mental case CMA what a nut case and Mallory -where are her parents and family -if she were my daughter -I lock her in a room -for even thinking of getting mixed up in a family like this one. What does it take for people to see the writting on the wall.

Last I read Mallory's mother was listed as one of the directors of Cindy's foundation. You know, the one MB and the Milstead's are connected to that "donates" bears and wants to help find other missing children, that one.:angel:

Novice Seeker
Would not surprise me if the calls were made to a throw-away phone, as in "Bat" phone. Not sure how LE found out about the batphones to question the A's during the depo. DId the A's bring it up or was it LE that asked about them?

Am I losing it, or did LA mention throwaway phones in his auto-interview with AL? I seem to remember him mentioning it somewhere. Maybe one of you has a better memory at the moment.
Last I read Mallory's mother was listed as one of the directors of Cindy's foundation. You know, the one MB and the Milstead's are connected to that "donates" bears and wants to help find other missing children, that one.:angel:

Novice Seeker

LOL! Also...The same foundation that has a boat to find "missing children"...I guess the Anthonys think that missing children must all know how to swim! *roll eyes*
Am I losing it, or did LA mention throwaway phones in his auto-interview with AL? I seem to remember him mentioning it somewhere. Maybe one of you has a better memory at the moment.

Yes, IIRC, he did, and he said something about LE possibly having one of them now because it may have been in a box of Casey's stuff that was in the garage, after her arrest that he didn't particularly put away, just compiled in a box. It seems he has moments of clarity where he has had it with her. The trial is possibly still a year away, in the grief cycle, I am hoping he will have come full to acceptance by then and tell the truth for his little niece. Time has a way of healing all wounds. Just ask any fifteen year old girl with her first broken heart who thinks the world has ended, how she feels in the spring when a new cute boy comes in the picture. The diary entry goes something like this....Johnny who? LOL!
I know LE didn't do this, but have you seen that spy phone technology you can buy for less than a hundred bucks that allows you to tap in to another person's cell phone? Your phone rings ( unkown to the phone you are tapping in to) whenever they receive or place a call, you overhear the entire conversation, you read their text messages, and the most serious part in my opinion is it acts as a speaker phone. Even if they are not on any call at all, you can tap in and listen to what is available to be heard in normal speaker phone range going on at any location wherever the phone may be. For example, a teenager has the phone on her dresser, you tap in (teenager has no idea) now you can hear everything going on in that room.

Wouldn't it be interesting if Lee could have put one of these on Casey's bat phone just so he could discern what she was doing and saying at Baez's office, just to satisfy himself, if she was really looking for Caylee up there all day on the net? It takes less than two minutes to install and is virtually undetectable so Casey would never have known. ABC and NBC did special segments about this, about a year ago; nevertheless, I don't think Dom is up on any technology, but our enterprising little Lee may have figured out ways to see what is really up with Casey.

Cheating spouses beware. LOL!
Yes, I remember I was listening to that and doing something else at the same time and when I heard that just give me one more day it stopped me dead in my tracks. Cindy's "No, I've already given you a month" made me mad, so she did know something wasn't right for the whole month. She should have called the police day two that the baby was not where she was supposed to be, especially knowing Casey's history. Even if one of my dogs were missing, I would be door to door, let alone a child. The jury is going to despise this family, the lot of them.:furious: I am really thankful for the tapes. All the experts in the world, with all the money they may buy, is not going to be able to refute these recordings. I don't know how many , if any will be played, but I am just hoping for at least the "It smells like there has been a dead body in the car" one is played for them. I suspect when they have Cindy on the phone they will play many of them and ask her about them. In that way.... the jury will hear from Casey. I can just see them looking her way while they hear her NOT wanting to help the police. You really don't need chloroform to be in the bottle to conclude that she did something to the baby when you hear this and know at the time of the call the child had been "missing" 31 days. 31 days!!!!!

In Annie's police interview when they are grilling her about the Zanax they say we are going to stop the tape here for a second. I am hoping that off the record, Yuri asked her to wear a wire and record just as he did Tony. I would love to hear the recording of what they really talked about on the sleepover.

Just catching up on this thread............

Cindy's "No, I've already given you a month" really jumps out as she said this on July 15th. She had given Casey a month, and a month dates back to June 15th. So in essence, Cindy is confirming that something happened on June 15th........that's the day the clock started ticking...........the big fight between Cindy and Casey that was the catalyst for everything that happened from that point forward.

I've always felt that whatever Cindy said to Casey during that fight resulted in Casey killing Caylee.
I don't know if this has already been pointed out on this thread...but a "pen register and trap and trace device," which was what LE requested, would not record the content of conversations.

I have a question. Would the state have been allowed to do these type of traces of who Casey called all day long while she sat in Baez's conference room unattended?
I can't help but wonder if JB really, secretly, longs to be a prosecutor. I mean he keeps offering up ideas and concepts for the other side. Then, is shocked and appalled when they do it. heeHee
The fact that LE had a trace/tap on all of the Anthony's cell phones was how they were able to trace so quickly exactly where George was when he was having his suicide attempt. Interesting.
" I think all of these will be admissible" Mark Furhman said. [ame][/ame]
Wouldn't it be wonderful if Dom handed over all the bat phone numbers and phone logs, text messages, etc?
I think it's hilarious that CA, in her August depo, talked about the need for throw-away "batphones" because they thought LE was recording their calls. Why would that be a problem? Wouldn't they be waiting for a "ransom call"? Weren't they in danger from nefarious types from whom KC was protecting them? Why would anything be too private for an investigation LE was conducting on a missing child, unless they were afraid of their own attempts to obstruct justice being exposed or that the search for a living Caylee was completely futile?

Now with the 911 calls coming into play, we are reminded of how much of this entire case is memorialized by the phone recordings, traces, cell pings, and texts. The case of Casey and the phone. Indeed there was never anyone waiting by the phone to hear from Zanny, even though at times they kept insisting she was to bring her back by her third birthday. Is that correct..there is no mention ever, of them asking for a trace to be put on their phones to catch her when she calls? That is very telling.
Of course TheWorld...they never mention anything about how the phantom nanny will contact them and how Casey will get her next instructions or whatever fictious story she was floating at that time.

I have never, for an instant, felt that George, Cindy or Lee EVER believed there was a zanny the nanny. That's probably why I've been so hard on them...they cover.

If a child were truly kidnapped, an innocent family would want LE there monitoring their phones - doing anything and everything they could to trace the whereabouts of their precious child. Not the Anthonys. They make it so easy to dislike them.
Of course TheWorld...they never mention anything about how the phantom nanny will contact them and how Casey will get her next instructions or whatever fictious story she was floating at that time.

I have never, for an instant, felt that George, Cindy or Lee EVER believed there was a zanny the nanny. That's probably why I've been so hard on them...they cover.

If a child were truly kidnapped, an innocent family would want LE there monitoring their phones - doing anything and everything they could to trace the whereabouts of their precious child. Not the Anthonys. They make it so easy to dislike them.

Ziggy, isn't that interesting that they didn't even pretend to want that? It is so up front and center that they would be running to the phone each time it rang. I remember the prosecution noted that in the Scott Peterson trial. When reporters were in his home questioning him, the phone would ring, and he would just calmly ignore it....not normal if someone you love is kidnapped. The same point was raised against John and Patsy Ramsey.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if Dom handed over all the bat phone numbers and phone logs, text messages, etc?

I am sure LE got them without needing his input. The existence of the Batphones came out in CA's deposition. LE got the one number right then and there. From that they were probably able to reconstruct the full chain of what the other phones were and get full records on all.

Now they probably did put their findings in front of Dom and make him verify, validate and explain them. Actually put a name to each number etc.
I am sure LE got them without needing his input. The existence of the Batphones came out in CA's deposition. LE got the one number right then and there. From that they were probably able to reconstruct the full chain of what the other phones were and get full records on all.

Now they probably did put their findings in front of Dom and make him verify, validate and explain them. Actually put a name to each number etc.

The very fact that CA, GA, LA, DC and whomever else had a batphone, felt they needed to be able to talk without law enforcement knowing, directly points to covering up something. They were trying to fly under the radar and treated LE as adversaries.

Anyone who has a missing child or any missing loved one, doesn't treat LE as adversaries.

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