The Beginning of the End ???

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This IS good news. Why the FBI...who least he is till being investigated.:dance:
I just wonder.....Has he done something to someone, ie. acted in a menacing way or threatened them or said something that got someone thinking and they called LE?
I have lots of thoughts in my head.

He had that new company, that he bankrupted before it even got off the ground....

Once a scam artist always a scam artist.

I keep wondering if he is he scamming, cheating or has he done something else illegal. If he has, he has less than left on his probation.

If he was caught doing something else illegal, wouldn't it revoke his probation?
winteryns said:
This IS good news. Why the FBI...who least he is till being investigated.:dance:
I agree! And I LOVE your Janet signature icon. Did you make that??
PrayersForMaura said:
I agree! And I LOVE your Janet signature icon. Did you make that??
I did not make it but a dear friend did. I could ask her if you could have one.
winteryns said:
Why the FBI...who cares...
I care - primarily because of the potential implications regarding the reasons why the FBI was doing the interviewing and not DPD. If DPD wasn't interviewing Raven but are going over the interview after the fact, then why was DPD even there in the first place? And why for a week? That's a long time to be in Utah if they weren't even able to do the interview for whatever reason. If FBI had to do the interview because it was out-of-state, then it seems to me that DPD could have stayed home. I wonder if DPD was present during the interview.

My personal thought is that if DPD is now going over the interview, then the interview was done for DPD and that it has to do only with Janet's case. I could be wrong but that's what I'm thinking at this moment.
Well, I hope the FBI was doing the interview for Janet's case and any other illegal things PNess has done.

He's a scam artist, a thief and I wouldn't be surprised if he hasn't committed more crimes, besides IMO committing the murder of his wife and unborn child.
I would imagine the FBI conducted the interview because NC LE cannot legally interview him over state lines.

I'm sorta thinking out loud here...

What other types of crimes could get the fbi involved besides interviewing him because LE can't cross state lines?

None of the following are reasons to get FBI involved, but points I wish were looked at by local Utah Law Enforcement as he is a convicted felon and he still has until August until his probation is up.

His resume...had lies and mistruths....he's a chronic liar how many resumes has he sent out filled with mistruths?

Fired from cingular - why?

Bankruptcy paperwork - holes all over it and the numbers don't match up

Has he paid his taxes?

Has he tried to defraud the government? (working more hours and getting paid under the table - Social Security Scams?) remember to get paid social security plus widowers benefits and other's he cannot make over $13,000 grand a year - yet the guy is rumored to have purchased a condo?

Where is the "trust fund"

Did he pay back the money on his embezzlement?

His owns words state he is very aggressive, and we have heard before that Raven plays rough when he plays soccer or other sports. Could he have threatened someone playing a sport?

Listen, this is the kind of guy i can see getting involved with some naive girl and tragedy strikes. Another senseless loss.

Barton Corbin is one of these men. It took something like 17 years after the murder of Dolly Hearn, Barton's girlfriend's, and the eventual murder of Jennifer Corbin, his wife, before this man was brought to Justice.

We've seen this happen with other sociopaths that killed before, and I hope they get Raven before there is another victim.
terminatrixator said:
I have lots of thoughts in my head.

He had that new company, that he bankrupted before it even got off the ground....

Once a scam artist always a scam artist.

I keep wondering if he is he scamming, cheating or has he done something else illegal. If he has, he has less than left on his probation.

If he was caught doing something else illegal, wouldn't it revoke his probation?
This was my first thought. What has he done now to get the attention of the FBI. I don't think the FBI just inserts themselves into a case that would take place in NC. He is and has been up to something else funky! IMO!
Good point about the Social Security benefits, terminatrixator. I hadn't thought of that.
BirdHunter said:
This was my first thought. What has he done now to get the attention of the FBI. I don't think the FBI just inserts themselves into a case that would take place in NC.
Not that I don't think that Raven is capable of being up to no good, but once he crossed state lines, I imagine that he would be out of the jurisdiction of Durham LE. If protocol states that federal authorities would then have to pursue him, then it wouldn't be the FBI simply inserting themselves into a case. It would be the required procedure. Unfortunately, I don't know what the proper procedure is and I can't find anything definitive so far in my searches. So it could indeed be that he's done something else to draw the FBI to himself. But it could simply be based on federal requirements, NC requirements, Utah requirements, etc. Besides, can't a local law enforcement agency request help from the FBI on any case? I'm not sure that the FBI would get involved in just any case for which their assistance is requested but I really have no idea for sure.

In any case, the article that was posted about the interview states that he was interviewed about the murder of his wife and that Durham LE were looking over the interview. That sounds pretty straight-forward to me. Unless somehow the press got it wrong, it sounds like this is directly about Janet's case.
I was talking with my husband about the update on the case and he brought up a good point; are the FBI investigating farther because they think maybe Nifong messed it up somehow? Like maybe he knew something more all along?
Well, for those of you that might think that NC forgets about old cases...headline today....

Man faces charges of killing girl in 1966

77-year-old accused of murder

Hee, if a certain Bird sees this it might just make him sweat a little. :D
Angels_Not_Forgotten said:
I was talking with my husband about the update on the case and he brought up a good point; are the FBI investigating farther because they think maybe Nifong messed it up somehow? Like maybe he knew something more all along?
Good point. Maybe local LE asked the FBI to participate to give any further investigaton a fresh look from the outside. I don't know. Nifong has seriously frelled things for Durham. Ugh, he just needs to go NOW! He was appointed by the Gov, why the heck did the people vote him in with all the controversy around him? :waitasec: I will never understand that. I guess going after the big bad rich boys earned him more than a few votes. I am so glad I do not live in Durham.
It seems that local law enforcement agencies can request assistance from the FBI if they choose to.

Federal Bureau of Investigation - About Us - Frequently Asked Questions

If a crime is committed that is a violation of local, state, and federal laws, does the FBI "take over" the investigation?
No. State and local law enforcement agencies are not subordinate to the FBI, and the FBI does not supervise or usurp their investigations. However, through cooperation, the investigative resources of the FBI and state and local agencies often are pooled in a common effort to investigate and solve the cases. In fact, many task forces composed of FBI Special Agents and state and local officers have been formed to locate fugitives and to address serious, recurring crime such as terrorism and street violence.

Does the FBI Laboratory conduct examinations of evidence for anyone other than the FBI?
Yes. In addition to performing examinations for its own cases, the FBI Laboratory conducts scientific examinations of evidence, free of charge, for any duly constituted federal, state, and/or local law enforcement organization within the United States. Such services also may be made available to foreign law enforcement agencies under special agreement between the Attorney General and the Secretary of State.

Federal Bureau of Investigation - Major Thefts and Violent Crimes

Thousands of our agents work closely with their state and local partners on investigations and joint task forces. We add value in those cases not only through our broad range of investigative expertise, but also by tapping into a network of agents across county, state, and even national borders. We have a surge capacity that can deliver extensive support during major investigations, and we make our various capabilities available upon request—from our evidence experts to our behavioral analysts.

Beyond our casework, we’re always looking at the bigger picture—analyzing trends and threats and sharing that intelligence with our partners. At the same time, we’ve built and continue to manage a criminal justice support structure for the entire law enforcement community, including state-of-the-art forensic services and databases of criminal and fingerprint records that can be accessed from any squad car...
Nice find JerseyGirl. Thanks for the info. ;)
An interesting case. A crime was committed in Texas and the suspects fled to Illinois. When arrested by Illinois LE, they were questioned by the laws that govern Illinois. However, those same laws do not apply in Texas:

Court of Criminal Appeals remands question of admissibility of statement taken out-of-state to Court of Appeals [Vega v. Stat...

"Following Illinois law, the police obtained a written statement from appellant. It is undisputed that, while correct under Illinois law, the procedures followed in obtaining the statement, as well as the format of the statement itself, were not in compliance with Title 3 of the Texas Family Code. Appellant claims that, because the statement does not comply with Texas law, it was inadmissible at trial. The state argues that, because appellant was in Illinois when she gave the statement, Illinois law should apply and that the statement was admissible under Illinois law."

So perhaps requesting the FBI's assistance in cross-state cases eliminates this kind of danger. IMO, the fact that the FBI was present to perform the interview shows great caution and foresight on the part of Durham LE. No issues like the above will arise in a future trial based on differences in law between NC and Utah.
Oooh, good point. Durham LE are probably dotting all their I's and crossing all of their T's now due to Nifong. (I sooo want to type my nickname for him, but I would be band, but it's something like Niduck. :angel: )
curious1 said:
Oooh, good point. Durham LE are probably dotting all their I's and crossing all of their T's... :angel: )
That's what I'm thinking - that once there's finally an arrest and a trial, they don't want someone to be able to get an appeal on a technicality.
curious1 said:
Good point. Maybe local LE asked the FBI to participate to give any further investigaton a fresh look from the outside. I don't know. Nifong has seriously frelled things for Durham. Ugh, he just needs to go NOW! He was appointed by the Gov, why the heck did the people vote him in with all the controversy around him? :waitasec: I will never understand that. I guess going after the big bad rich boys earned him more than a few votes. I am so glad I do not live in Durham.
I think the other 2 that ran split the vote, everyone I know in Durham(not that many) wanted him out really bad, and voted for someone else. MOO

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