"The Best Mother in the World"

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Oh, most likely still stands, knowing Cindy.

We are stupid hillbillies - we don't know what they know, and that is what KC told them - and it is the word of their daughter, and how DARE we doubt it.


I don't know. By Cindy's appearance in court the other day, Imo things do not look well for her. It's been almost a solid year now that she's been dealing with this, and even before Caylee disappeared she was dealing with a lot. Slowly I think she is giving up the fight. Walking into the court a reporter asked questions, she had nothing to say, quite different from how she was talking so much last year!
She can't say what she knows and believes now because it will help put more nails in Caseys coffin.

On a side note, I wonder how they would ever handle things if justice came quickly and Casey was found guilty, given the death sentence and actually was executed, do you think they'd have a funeral and bury her or would she end up in teddy bears and jewelry?

I don't know. By Cindy's appearance in court the other day, Imo things do not look well for her. It's been almost a solid year now that she's been dealing with this, and even before Caylee disappeared she was dealing with a lot. Slowly I think she is giving up the fight. Walking into the court a reporter asked questions, she had nothing to say, quite different from how she was talking so much last year!
She can't say what she knows and believes now because it will help put more nails in Caseys coffin.

On a side note, I wonder how they would ever handle things if justice came quickly and Casey was found guilty, given the death sentence and actually was executed, do you think they'd have a funeral and bury her or would she end up in teddy bears and jewelry?

I had not even thought of that...what would Cindy and George do with Casey's remains if she was put to death, cremation like Caylee or a burial with a gravestone ? I tend to think they would have her buried. I believe they had Caylee cremated because they didn't want any more attention brought to her death and the circumstances surrounding it.
One thing that is so alarming about this particular statement to me is that Casey told Lee that Cindy was continually calling her an unfit mother. So how did she get from thinking her daughter was unfit to raise a child to announcing her to the world to be in line for the mother of the year award? To me that is SCARY that one could carry delusion THAT far...I mean, Cindy HAD to know that things would come out, people would talk, and that the police would discover that Casey was the furtherest thing from Mother of the Year that there IS...so why did she DO that? Why say something that is so easily disproven? I just don't get Cindy on this one...heck, I don't get Cindy on any of them honestly!
One thing that is so alarming about this particular statement to me is that Casey told Lee that Cindy was continually calling her an unfit mother. So how did she get from thinking her daughter was unfit to raise a child to announcing her to the world to be in line for the mother of the year award? To me that is SCARY that one could carry delusion THAT far...I mean, Cindy HAD to know that things would come out, people would talk, and that the police would discover that Casey was the furtherest thing from Mother of the Year that there IS...so why did she DO that? Why say something that is so easily disproven? I just don't get Cindy on this one...heck, I don't get Cindy on any of them honestly!

*** Hey.... there magiccat...
I think...
CA says.... she Bad... She did not graduate...She has No $ $ MONEY !
She is crazy... she is a SocPath ( KC )

but............. CA can say these things...
But............. KC is CA Daughter..........

B * U * T * ~ ~ ~ Don't you... ANYONE ELSE ....
dare to say a thing....
It's OK if CA says it...
It's N* O * T ~ ok if anyone else says it...


God Bless !

" It happens All the Time With Parents ! ! !"
I feel that when Cindy was spouting the Mother of the Year bs she was engaging in a kind of magical thinking transference and she actually meant that she, Cindy, was like a Mother of the Year for protecting her daughter, Casey. I think Cindy has or had a lot of her self esteem tied into others' perception of her as a good mother. IMHO, this was the basis of her denial of KC's advanced pregnancy at Rick's wedding, and why she is loathe to discuss or admit that KC had as long history or thefts from her family. Lots of parents live vicariously through their children's sports victories, academic achievements, popularity, etc. But KC didn't really give her a lot to be proud of to others. After the theft from her grandfather's account was uncovered, even the family knew what she was up to and it had to humiliate Cindy to her core. I think she desperately tried to put up a front and hide the sad truth from her friends and family. Appearances seem to be what motivates this family rather than substance. I feel sorry for her to the extent that it must have been excruciating to have her family members turn their backs on her due to her inability to acknowledge the reality of the situation, but my sympathies don't extend to forgiving her behavior. I don't see Cindy as a woman with much self-awareness at all. If she were self aware, she would have long ago realized how off-putting her public stance on the matter is, and to what great detriment it is for KC and the family as a whole. Her attitude alienates people, and then that further isolates her from those who could offer comfort or solidarity. And what's even sadder is that I'm not sure that even now, almost a year into this saga, she has yet to grasp that and act accordingly.
One thing that is so alarming about this particular statement to me is that Casey told Lee that Cindy was continually calling her an unfit mother. So how did she get from thinking her daughter was unfit to raise a child to announcing her to the world to be in line for the mother of the year award? To me that is SCARY that one could carry delusion THAT far...I mean, Cindy HAD to know that things would come out, people would talk, and that the police would discover that Casey was the furtherest thing from Mother of the Year that there IS...so why did she DO that? Why say something that is so easily disproven? I just don't get Cindy on this one...heck, I don't get Cindy on any of them honestly!

This is along the same line of what I think of Ca being able to tell others that KC is not pregnant--"with a straight face, in all seriousness" even with a seven month pregnant KC standing beside her. There is something very "off" about that when it comes to CA. I mean she is completely whacko or she has some kind of God complex where she believes that all she needs to do it speak it to make it true or she thinks the rest of the world are idiots. Maybe all of the above. Man.....thats messed up! JMO
And if CA didn't really believe it when KC told her she wasn't pregnant but went along with it anyway just coz KC seemed to want her to. Did she never wonder the reasons behind why KC would continue lying even when it was obvious? Did Ca not question that if KC could do that at seven months that their could be something emotionally, mentally wrong with KC? I just can't get past the pregnancy thing with this family! And the four of them all seem to buy into this fantasy world! This is a big red flag to me regarding this family. JMO
Hello WS :)

JG: Is, there was two, there's two different types of what if scenarios that have gone through my head in regards two what could have happened to uh, Caylee. Uhm, because I'll, I'll say this for the record. Uhm, I don't believe Caylee at any point in time would have ever hurt Caylee on purpose and I, I , there's no way that I, I personally could ever foresee her doing that. Uhm, I do believe that there are times where Casey would leave Caylee unattended to do things. Get on the computer, talk on the phone. And at that point...
LE: And where would she be unattended? Where, in...
JG: Caylee, Caylee would usually, she would hang out in the living room while Casey was in the computer room or sometimes Casey would go outside and played with Caylee a lot and then she'd also be playing with the dogs. Uh, she let Caylee play in her playpen while she'd go do something. So, it, there, there were plenty of times where I could have foreseen, because we both know with children something quick can happen. I mean Caylee was somebody who you know liked picking up rocks and putting them in her mouth or, or you know, dog food was another thing that she used to use. And Caylee at any point could have picked one of those things up, asphyxiated and died. It wouldn't take that long for a child that small to asphyxiate and die.
LE: So you're talking the time frames that Casey would leave her alone from time are lengthy?
JG: I mean yeah. I mean again, uhm...

Yes, JG does say he can't ever see Casey hurting Caylee on purpose, but who would have thought she was capable of that? JG does let us know that Casey was capable of hurting Caylee by leaving her unattended.

Jesse is not a mother but even he knows and expects LE to understand that children that age need to be watched every second because who knows what they will do? Yes, JG you are 100% correct. Everyone knows that, and Casey knew that too but she did not care. She was too busy on the computer and on the phone to watch her daughter.

CA: I mean Casey's always been the type of mom that's you know just perfect. I mean no signs of anything and I mean I lived with her...
CA: I mean they lived with us she was a loving mother and you now I hope that apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I mean I've always felt that I've been an excellent mom with the kids and was very nurturing and I saw that the, my daughter and that's why I know um, no way did she do any harm.

Cindy, perfect mothers do not leave their child unattended. EVER.

Hello WS :)

JG: Is, there was two, there's two different types of what if scenarios that have gone through my head in regards two what could have happened to uh, Caylee. Uhm, because I'll, I'll say this for the record. Uhm, I don't believe Caylee at any point in time would have ever hurt Caylee on purpose and I, I , there's no way that I, I personally could ever foresee her doing that. Uhm, I do believe that there are times where Casey would leave Caylee unattended to do things. Get on the computer, talk on the phone. And at that point...
LE: And where would she be unattended? Where, in...
JG: Caylee, Caylee would usually, she would hang out in the living room while Casey was in the computer room or sometimes Casey would go outside and played with Caylee a lot and then she'd also be playing with the dogs. Uh, she let Caylee play in her playpen while she'd go do something. So, it, there, there were plenty of times where I could have foreseen, because we both know with children something quick can happen. I mean Caylee was somebody who you know liked picking up rocks and putting them in her mouth or, or you know, dog food was another thing that she used to use. And Caylee at any point could have picked one of those things up, asphyxiated and died. It wouldn't take that long for a child that small to asphyxiate and die.
LE: So you're talking the time frames that Casey would leave her alone from time are lengthy?
JG: I mean yeah. I mean again, uhm...

Yes, JG does say he can't ever see Casey hurting Caylee on purpose, but who would have thought she was capable of that? JG does let us know that Casey was capable of hurting Caylee by leaving her unattended.

Jesse is not a mother but even he knows and expects LE to understand that children that age need to be watched every second because who knows what they will do? Yes, JG you are 100% correct. Everyone knows that, and Casey knew that too but she did not care. She was too busy on the computer and on the phone to watch her daughter.

CA: I mean Casey's always been the type of mom that's you know just perfect. I mean no signs of anything and I mean I lived with her...
CA: I mean they lived with us she was a loving mother and you now I hope that apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I mean I've always felt that I've been an excellent mom with the kids and was very nurturing and I saw that the, my daughter and that's why I know um, no way did she do any harm.

Cindy, perfect mothers do not leave their child unattended. EVER.



Very well said! Plus there is no such thing as a perfect mother...nothing and nobody is perfect. The exagerated statement from Cindy just makes it even harder to believe anything she says.


Very well said! Plus there is no such thing as a perfect mother...nothing and nobody is perfect. The exagerated statement from Cindy just makes it even harder to believe anything she says.



ITA. With this statement by JG we also know he told his father that Casey left Caylee unattended while he was there. RG states this in his interview with LE. Angelmuse, you are totally right, there are no perfect mothers and for Cindy to even suggest as much is insulting to the human race. IMHO.

The kind of "unattended" we are talking about here is not the normal, mom went to run and answer the phone real quick...or a neighbor is at the door and baby is in their playpen...

Jesse says it all, he tells LE that Casey left her daughter unattended during his thinking of how Caylee could have DIED. IMHO, it happened all the time. Casey was jealous that Caylee liked Cindy more(SP interview and RP interview confirm) and it is no wonder because Casey only paid attention to Caylee when she was "performing" "perfect mom." :furious:

im assuming when she made those comments, she believed poor caylee would never be found, hence, these idiotic theories about casey 'protecting' caylee would never be disproved.

its just amazing the lengths these people will go to cover for the killer of there grandaughter.
I just don't get how she could even make that statement. Casey didn't work to buy her child clothes, put a roof over her head, pay for any needed medical care, or anything a good mother actually does. She was basically Caylee's nanny when Cindy didn't want to watch her, and she was a horrible nanny at that. Cindy was the one who was the only mother to Caylee.

So what, Cindy? After everything you did for Caylee, you're willing to say that Casey was a perfect mother? For doing WHAT exactly? She did NOTHING for Caylee, and would rather party than take care of her child. I just don't get her thinking, unless she thought she had to say those things because if Casey did do this, that is a reflection on what a bad mother Cindy was. Therefore, no matter Casey does, Cindy can't find fault with her because fault with Casey is fault with Cindy. It seems to me that Cindy is so narcisstic she WILL NOT believe that Casey is a bad child because that would make her bad mother.

I hate to break it to you, Cindy, but you are a bad mother. You let your child escape consequences so much she thought she could get away with murder. You never held her to a standard, or made sure she had morals, or did anything to help her become a productive citizen of society. You just let her do what she wanted, when she wanted, and forcing motherhood on her was the exact worst thing you could have done - and poor Caylee paid the price.

And FYI, the best mothers in the world are far too humble to admit it. They just work their fingers to the bone, are there for their children, and are selfless as they always put their children FIRST. They do not let their children spiral out of control and become the most entitled, egotistical, and lazy people in the world. They do not act like total idiots in defending their bad child, do not blame innocent people for what their bad child has done, and do not thumb their nose at the law every chance they get. In sum, the best mothers in the world don't ever have to say they are, they just are.

The fact that Cindy even said Casey was a good mother means she already knew what Casey had done and using MOTY as a rationalization as to why Casey must be innocent.

And oh yeah, the best mothers in the world love their children, not murder them when they are tired of taking care of them. The best mothers in the world never stop being mothers, no matter how hard life gets.
ever since last august anytime i think of casey i automatically think of jaycee and everything she endured, and yet, somehow, she managed to be as good a mom as possible when she wasnt even allowed to tell them she was there mom.

casey is the anti-jaycee. she had everything given to her on a silver platter and she ends up murdering her daughter and throwing her away like garbage.

and yet cindy, and casey herself in her letters, thinks 'she's a great mom'.

yeah. i got a bridge to sell ya.
This video describes casey's parenting style perfectly IMO


ever since last august anytime i think of casey i automatically think of jaycee and everything she endured, and yet, somehow, she managed to be as good a mom as possible when she wasnt even allowed to tell them she was there mom.

casey is the anti-jaycee. she had everything given to her on a silver platter and she ends up murdering her daughter and throwing her away like garbage.

and yet cindy, and casey herself in her letters, thinks 'she's a great mom'.

yeah. i got a bridge to sell ya.

Absolutely! No job...no intention of getting a job to provide for her child. Casey spent most of her time looking for a man!
The Time Magazine Man of the Year for 1938 was Adolf Hitler, and in 1939 Joseph Stalin was awarded the title. It is given to the person who "for better or for worse, ...has done the most to influence the events of the year."
This is what I think of when I read about KC being the Mother of the Year for 2008.
These days, I am not as offended at CA proclaiming KC as "the best" as I am offended at her referring to KC as a "mother."

I did things in my late teens that would make KC blush-but the day I confirmed my pregnancy, it all ended, my life was no longer just about me-THAT is what mothers do, they take the passion and fearlessness of their old selves and refocus that energy into their child. And when grandma interferes in front of the child, a good mother pulls grandma aside and tells her that undermining her mothering is inappropriate.
KC was not in a position to put aside her wants, KC was not in a position to make CA back off because if CA didn't mother and house Caylee, who would?
The best mother Caylee could have had is the mother Caylee never got-In spite of CA's selfish desires (and she is not by far the only grandmother on Earth that has made the error of believing they should raise their grandchild when mom fails mission), the best thing to do would have been to give Caylee to a family that wanted her so desperately, and there are many out there-KC would have been mother of the year if she had given Caylee up for adoption.
I just listened to part of Richard Grund's interview. In it he states that "Caylee was Casey's world" (or something very similar to that). He said Casey's life revolved around Caylee.

THAT was said to a police officer WHILE he was also explaining that he KNEW the Anthony's were trying to frame his son, Jesse! So he has to be telling the truth (that in his opinion KC doted on Caylee and lived her life "around" her) ...(???)

This is another reason why I tend to think the "accident that snowballed" is a possibility. How DO we explain that so many people thought KC was a great mother??
I just listened to part of Richard Grund's interview. In it he states that "Caylee was Casey's world" (or something very similar to that). He said Casey's life revolved around Caylee.

THAT was said to a police officer WHILE he was also explaining that he KNEW the Anthony's were trying to frame his son, Jesse! So he has to be telling the truth (that in his opinion KC doted on Caylee and lived her life "around" her) ...(???)

This is another reason why I tend to think the "accident that snowballed" is a possibility. How DO we explain that so many people thought KC was a great mother??

This is the thing that used to drive me NUTS about this case! But if that was true why didn't she just cave in when LE gave her that 'out' in their interviews. I think she couldn't use the accident excuse during her interviews because she knew that the minute they found the body that they would find the duct tape which couldn't possibly fit any accident scenario.

Perhaps people just thought Casey was a great mother because when she was around other adults she had her mask of sanity on.
I just listened to part of Richard Grund's interview. In it he states that "Caylee was Casey's world" (or something very similar to that). He said Casey's life revolved around Caylee.

THAT was said to a police officer WHILE he was also explaining that he KNEW the Anthony's were trying to frame his son, Jesse! So he has to be telling the truth (that in his opinion KC doted on Caylee and lived her life "around" her) ...(???)

This is another reason why I tend to think the "accident that snowballed" is a possibility. How DO we explain that so many people thought KC was a great mother??

I would explain it by factoring in how external appearances matter more than anything to the Anthony family. i have no doubt that RG, and others, saw a great performance of maternal love from KC. Unfortunately the heinous charges against her are for deeds that took place when no one else was watching.
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