The Bonfire

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Armed men,

Who probably wouldn't think twice if they " had " to shoot any dog owned by an Avery.

I love kitties =)QUOTE=Madeleine74;12357702]:facepalm: From what distance was that picture of Bear taken?

And here's just a sweet putty tat. Not aggressive or vicious looking at all. Go right up to it, why doncha, say hi to the kitty.

Obviously I do not know this dog.

If I were to judge the Avery's dog ( One of my besties has taught Dog Obedience and Trains/Breeds Shepherds 30plus years for Police all over the world )

I would say the dog looks scared/timid.

Laughs vicious dog my tush. See the picture below. on the left will be a vicious dog's behavior. and the right is a few pictures of Bear on the scene at the Avery's. Still want to know who was feeding the dog for 3 days.

You are correct

Doesn't make it right

and sure in the heck doesn't make it JUST or ETHICAL, IMO
Trial testimony tells the tale of what they searched, where, when, and what resources they had or were using, what they found. Believe it or don't; call everyone a liar, it doesn't matter. The trial transcript is still the official record used by everyone including appellate judges, state supreme court, all defense attorneys, etc.
I agree Missy..

No pictures where there should have been. Statement saying that original pics weren't taken because the pit had been disturbed. SMH..

So many things conveniently " pop up " without prior evidence of them being there " before" whether it was " this day or that day " " search 1 or search 7 " Grrr..

Anything that " can " be planted; blood, dna, key, to me is questionable.

Anything that can not be planted; photos & records..
either AREN'T there, weren't looked into, might PARTIALLY be there or are PARTIALLY missing..

Is it just me?
But.... but... but.... there was a big scary dog there! I wish we had pictures of it before they touched it. I'm sure it could have told us a lot. Like.... the leaves... were any bone fragments on top of the leaves? Just how do bones get to 8 feet away?

Ertl's comment that it was obviously disturbed before he got there sure makes me go hmmmmm. I hope Zellner talks to him :waitasec:
if this is the case, imagine the luck:rolleyes:
They said five rivets were found. But only one could they make out the word Daisy Fuentez? Meaning those other rivets could be from other clothing? Also did I read this correctly, they didn't find these rivets with a magnet in April of 06?
Thank you!!

Especially those who are BUSY with work, a house, students, children, health issues, a spouse, pets, etc..

Even an average Joe,
NOT everyone cares/pays attention to details at all/ever.

Most adults with an IQ over 70 couldn't tell you what they were wearing a week ago or what they had for lunch.
Obviously I do not know this dog.

If I were to judge the Avery's dog ( One of my besties has taught Dog Obedience and Trains/Breeds Shepherds 30plus years for Police all over the world )

I would say the dog looks scared/timid.


or hungry....

So here's the thing. The jury didn't find SA guilty on mutilation of a corpse. So either they had questions too and didn't believe something in the testimony. Or the alternative is that they swapped votes, as per the film makers who said they were contacted by a juror after the documentary came out. Or maybe it was a bit of both.
Makes ya wonder...
or hungry....

So here's the thing. The jury didn't find SA guilty on mutilation of a corpse. So either they had questions too and didn't believe something in the testimony. Or the alternative is that they swapped votes, as per the film makers who said they were contacted by a juror after the documentary came out. Or maybe it was a bit of both.
That dog was chained up. All they had to do was get a family member in to remove him. Another excuse.
An excuse for what? Why they didn't go over to the burn pit at the time? Valid reason to me. You don't approach a dog guarding their property and you absolutely do not bring another dog (K9 in this instance) in to the area where another dog is guarding their property. SA's dog was eventually removed and they were able to get their cadaver dog over to that area to investigate. I see no problem with that.
According to the testimony by Sturdivant, it was officer Jason Jost who found the first bone, 8 feet away from the burn pit. Brutus, the cadaver dog, never hit on the burn pit. Brutus got as far as the propane tank, Bear was barking... Brutus was barking (the handler acknowledged that Brutus would bark back at a dog). After she leashed Brutus.... he pushed his way and ran over to the burn barrels and indicated a hit.... 2 in fact, at the back of the Dassey yard.

Bear was not removed until after the first bone was discovered.
not sure whether to post this in here or the bones..... since it involves both lol

I know I have mentioned Eisenberg's testimony about the bones not "smelling" like burnt rubber, someone on reddit pulled the following testimony from Eisenberg, and then from Pevytoe.

DAY 14, page 7 Dr. Eisenberg

Q. Now, you did not detect the distinctive smell of burnt rubber from any of the containers you examined here that contained human bone fragments?
A. I did not.
Q. And by that, I mean any of the containers, all of the tag numbers from whatever source?
A. I did not.
Q. Neither did you -- did you note any residue from, let's say burnt rubber, that was visible to you, in any of the containers you examined?
A. No burned rubber, that's correct

DAY 18 page 18 Pevytoe

And eventually removed all of the ash, there was like a caked, baked on layer of the top soil right there. Actually crumbled that and sifted all the debris and then preserved and removed all of that from the same.
Q. All right. Tell us about the material that you found as you began to examine the burn pit.
A. Well, there was this heavy layer of black -- blackened soil. It kind of had an oily residue

assuming the black oily residue is from tires..... how do the bones not smell like burnt rubber? how do the remains not have this residue on them as well if they were burnt there? that just doesn't make sense to me.

Dr. Fairgrieve in the podcast he did, he did talk about how he isolates remains to find different accelerants, but I don't think that was done in this case, and there was no obvious burnt rubber smell according to Dr. Eisenberg. I do think that she said something about a fuel smell though when she opened the box.

ETA: think link to reddit where I grabbed this ... I just formatted it to make it easier to read.
new picture released..... exhibit 49 Too bad they didn't move the camera a little to the left so the actual burn pit would have been photographed *sigh*

Not sure if this has been mentioned before, but was wondering. If it would take up to 8 hours to burn her body in the fire pit, wasn't Avery taking a huge chance that she wouldn't be reported missing sooner? How would he have known that the cops wouldn't show up at any moment? Or if Brendan just kind of sashayed over to take part, what if his sister, one of the other kids or his parents happened to stop by. Or a customer?
Not sure if this has been mentioned before, but was wondering. If it would take up to 8 hours to burn her body in the fire pit, wasn't Avery taking a huge chance that she wouldn't be reported missing sooner? How would he have known that the cops wouldn't show up at any moment? Or if Brendan just kind of sashayed over to take part, what if his sister, one of the other kids or his parents happened to stop by. Or a customer?

Just add it to the list of reasons that some of us don't believe it to be the primary burn site.
Another reason I do not believe she was burned there.

Looking back through initial interviews, I don't believe there was even a fire that day.
Not sure if this has been mentioned before, but was wondering. If it would take up to 8 hours to burn her body in the fire pit, wasn't Avery taking a huge chance that she wouldn't be reported missing sooner? How would he have known that the cops wouldn't show up at any moment? Or if Brendan just kind of sashayed over to take part, what if his sister, one of the other kids or his parents happened to stop by. Or a customer?
Very good point and excellent read also.

Did you note the "ashes in the barrel" post on Reddit in spite of the rain/storm on the 5th?

My BRAIN tells me ( for obvious reasons ) the lack of coroner, bone experts, photos, etc (and this is JUST the bone thread ) is because any expert would know in a SECOND that those bones

were not burned there

most likely could tell where, when ( smelter or not, type of accelerant or none at all, etc )

may have revealed more about TH death ( stabbed, shot, how many times? )

Can't have an EXPERT screwing things up, right?

not sure whether to post this in here or the bones..... since it involves both lol

I know I have mentioned Eisenberg's testimony about the bones not "smelling" like burnt rubber, someone on reddit pulled the following testimony from Eisenberg, and then from Pevytoe.

DAY 14, page 7 Dr. Eisenberg

Q. Now, you did not detect the distinctive smell of burnt rubber from any of the containers you examined here that contained human bone fragments?
A. I did not.
Q. And by that, I mean any of the containers, all of the tag numbers from whatever source?
A. I did not.
Q. Neither did you -- did you note any residue from, let's say burnt rubber, that was visible to you, in any of the containers you examined?
A. No burned rubber, that's correct

DAY 18 page 18 Pevytoe

And eventually removed all of the ash, there was like a caked, baked on layer of the top soil right there. Actually crumbled that and sifted all the debris and then preserved and removed all of that from the same.
Q. All right. Tell us about the material that you found as you began to examine the burn pit.
A. Well, there was this heavy layer of black -- blackened soil. It kind of had an oily residue

assuming the black oily residue is from tires..... how do the bones not smell like burnt rubber? how do the remains not have this residue on them as well if they were burnt there? that just doesn't make sense to me.

Dr. Fairgrieve in the podcast he did, he did talk about how he isolates remains to find different accelerants, but I don't think that was done in this case, and there was no obvious burnt rubber smell according to Dr. Eisenberg. I do think that she said something about a fuel smell though when she opened the box.

ETA: think link to reddit where I grabbed this ... I just formatted it to make it easier to read.
They probably didn't want to break procedure and all. You know, their reputation =)
That dog was chained up. All they had to do was get a family member in to remove him. Another excuse.

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