The Booby Trapped Apartment

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I think a lot of the ammo was actually used in his apartment for the booby traps.

One report said he had buckets full of ammo rigged up as well.

Buckets of ammunition rigged? I've read a lot of articles and seen a lot of tv reports but I missed that one. Do you happen to have a link? I'm very interested in seeing that report.

It was the report from Chris Hansen:

From NBC
Chris Hansen:
It was absolutely chilling. A short while ago, I actually got to view the law enforcement video tape that was taken inside Holmes’ apartment before the bomb was actually taken apart. And, I can almost see it like I’m watching the videotape now.

Kate Snow:
Tell us what you see.

Chris Hansen:
In the middle of his living room are dozens of black softball shaped firework shells that he bought filled with explosive power. They are all over the place. In the middle there are two jars full of liquid wires as I said all over the place there was a black box with a red blinking light. A mechanical camera then pans over on top of a glass table - you see this water cooler jug half full of bullets. Then you pan down, then you see this black box with another red blinking light. The camera goes over, there are two chairs one has a jar apparently with fluid. The other has another black box and then there are green soda pop bottles filled with fluid all the way around.

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If the explosion was triggered, the bullets would explode and also create shrapnel.


Do you have a source substantiating this information? I've searched, and thus far, have been unable to find anything. Or, is this just an assumption on your part?
Bringing these posts here, for furtherer discussion in appropriate thread.


Do you have a source substantiating this information? I've searched, and thus far, have been unable to find anything. Or, is this just an assumption on your part?

A source about bullets exploding and causing shrapnel?

It's what happens when something like a bullet explodes from heat (which it will, it has gunpowder inside). It also happens when a bullet hits something... Like when a victim is shot, the bullet fragments, and the shrapnel passes through your body.

Here is an episode of Mythbusters where they threw bullets into a fire, heated bullets on a stove, etc (annotated transcript). It's not the bullet being fired like a gun, you wouldn't get hit by a whole bullet. The bullet would explode from the heat and fragment, flinging shrapnel (pieces of the casing) everywhere. I believe this is also something suicide bombers do.

[video=youtube;OAK2dDQ-S4Q][/video] starts at about 3:35. They dump the bullets into a regular campfire surrounded by boards

Bullets on a Campfire
Myth: Bullets in a campfire can fire with lethal force

Adam and Jamie went out to the Alameda Bomb Range to test a variation on the bullets in an oven myths: bullets on a campfire. Without the oven to absorb the blast, they wanted to see how much damage a bullet can do. Jamie rigged up a remote control vehicle to deliver the bullets to the 1000 degree fire while Adam setup triangles of the soundboard + plywood backboard to gauge the bullet damage -- ballistics gel would melt over a fire. Once again, expert Jamie Nelson to supervise.

As expected, the bullet immediately began to fire like popcorn when they were dumped on the 1000 degree fire. The thermal camera was able to catch individual bits of shrapnel firing into the boards.

After the popcorn noise of the bullets had ceased, Adam wanted to put out the fire in order to protect his soundboard+plywood rig from burning. Adam was just going to walk over to the fire, but Jamie recommended carrying one of the blast shields over to protect them. Adam argued his side but was quickly rebutted by the sound of another bullet going off in the fire: "Alright, let's walk with one of these ahead of us."

Just as in the oven myth, it was the bullet casings that did the major damage.
Seriously, why on earth would he tell LE about his apartment being wired with explosives? The only way it makes sense is if during/after the shooting he realized what he had done, stopped shooting, got in his car, waited for police to arrive, surrendered and told them about the apartment because he didn't want anyone else to be hurt or killed as a result of his horrific actions...
Seriously, why on earth would he tell LE about his apartment being wired with explosives? The only way it makes sense is if during/after the shooting he realized what he had done, stopped shooting, got in his car, waited for police to arrive, surrendered and told them about the apartment because he didn't want anyone else to be hurt or killed as a result of his horrific actions...

What you describe may in fact be exactly what occurred and why. However, even with evidence of a lot of systematic planning on the part of JH in the commission of his crimes, I don't know that we can have the expectation that anything he does will necessarily "make sense". He may not always be a real linear, sense-making guy.
I think that if multiple personalities were at play, and he had a part of him
that wanted to warn or save people, he would have slipped at some
point during the months of secretive planning, bomb making,
gun purchasing & target practice.
I think LE get more information from what criminals
don't say than the things they flat out admit to.

I don’t know why he volunteered the information
about the apartment and his notebook. no clue...
Just thinking out loud... It just does not add up.
What you describe may in fact be exactly what occurred and why. However, even with evidence of a lot of systematic planning on the part of JH in the commission of his crimes, I don't know that we can have the expectation that anything he does will necessarily "make sense". He may not always be a real linear, sense-making guy.

Well obviously going into a packed theater and murdering multiple people, wounding countless doesn't "make sense" to anyone with a soul or the ability to be compassionate towards our fellow human beings.

But someone who is delusional enough to feel the world has wronged him could convince himself that doing this was a good idea could very well have understood his actions after hearing the screams and seeing the carnage his actions caused and decide to do the right thing in surrendering and making sure no one else gets hurt because of his actions.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S 2
Well obviously going into a packed theater and murdering multiple people, wounding countless doesn't "make sense" to anyone with a soul or the ability to be compassionate towards our fellow human beings.

But someone who is delusional enough to feel the world has wronged him could convince himself that doing this was a good idea could very well have understood his actions after hearing the screams and seeing the carnage his actions caused and decide to do the right thing in surrendering and making sure no one else gets hurt because of his actions.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S 2

It's possible that he had an accessible conscience that kicked in.
Apparently Holmes won't have a place to call home if he is somehow found not guilty:

Holmes evicted, landlord says booby-traps, murders violated lease
From The Denver Post

Alleged movie theater gunman James Eagan Holmes is being evicted from his Aurora apartment because he booby-trapped his unit with bombs and "murdered numerous individuals," his landlord says in court filings.

Although Holmes has been jailed since July 20 for allegedly killing 12 people and wounding 58 others watching a midnight showing of "The Dark Knight Rises," he is technically still a tenant at 1690 Paris St., said Victor Sulzer, an attorney with the firm representing the landlord.

"His actions are a substantial violation of his lease," Sulzer said.

There was this additional tidbit which might interest some sleuths in the Aurora area:

Once the claim is processed by the court, Holmes, or a representative for him, will have to pick up his property, Sulzer said.

"There must still be some belongings in there otherwise we wouldn't be doing this," he said.

Should Holmes fail to send someone to retrieve his property, it will be put out on the curb in front of the building, Sulzer said.
I beg to differ, HastingsChi. Holmes definitely has a new permanent home!
Sorry....but HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Hastings that article is awesome on so many levels.

I would hate to be his landlord.
Sorry....but HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Hastings that article is awesome on so many levels.

I would hate to be his landlord.

I couldn't agree more; I found so many aspects of that article absolutely hilarious.
Now I wonder if rent for the apt. Is going to go up or down in price?

Can you imagine trying to get a cleaning crew or maintenance man in there? Oh, I'm sure TMZ would offer to clean it for them..
I can see people fighting in the streets to pick up his junk to sell. Oh my. (People fight in the streets here for evicted people's belongings all the time, they can't sell them for what Aurora's crew could get. It is so bizarre to see! All I keep thinking is *bed bugs* do not touch!)

rolling, I would guess the apartment price will go up once it is all cleaned up and ready.
I can see people fighting in the streets to pick up his junk to sell. Oh my.

rolling, I would guess the apartment price will go up once it is all cleaned up and ready.


Who would want to be the next tenant to live in that tenement which must have the worst karma in the world immediately after Holmes who looks like Pipi Longstocking if she cut her hair and went through gender reassignment surgery?!?!?
I wonder who's going to take the first pictures inside the apt.? A tenant, the landlord, or a sneaky reporter. You just know somebody going to get pictures

Who would want to be the next tenant to live in that tenement which must have the worst karma in the world immediately after Holmes who looks like Pipi Longstocking if she cut her hair and went through gender reassignment surgery?!?!?


No really. The landlord will want to make up for the lost rent and all the repairs from the exploded bomb that LE did. Who will rent it? Not me.
I wonder who's going to take the first pictures inside the apt.? A tenant, the landlord, or a sneaky reporter. You just know somebody going to get pictures

Betcha' tenants already have some, landlord too.

Who would want to be the next tenant to live in that tenement which must have the worst karma in the world immediately after Holmes who looks like Pipi Longstocking if she cut her hair and went through gender reassignment surgery?!?!?

Most normal people probably won't want it......but some will want the "famous" apt. There will probably be people that try to sell his stuff if a relative doesn't come to get it. By the jh's dad still there? I can see somebody coming in the middle of the night with police escort to get his stuff.
Most normal people probably won't want it......but some will want the "famous" apt. There will probably be people that try to sell his stuff if a relative doesn't come to get it. By the jh's dad still there? I can see somebody coming in the middle of the night with police escort to get his stuff.

One of my best friends in high school lived two houses away from the infamous Amity(ville) Horror House; I actually have been to the house because one of his friend's lived there. This was WAY after the mass murder there but from what I understand when the house went on the market the Realtors did everything possible to have the potential buyers go in blind without any knowledge of the events that occurred there. Long story short, the house interior was eventually gutted and the iconic outside of the house was completely altered and NY State enacted a law assuring buyers would be made aware of a home's history.
Gesshhhhhhh. Sensationalism. :waitasec:

I hope that apartment gets sanitized, and a spiritual energy cleansing before anyone moves in there.

If it stays empty long enough, because most folks would NOT want to live in it.
It will be rented for far less money.

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