The Box From Hell (BFH) - #1

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Annasmom, do you by any chance know what were GB's favorite foods? I know, I know, it sounds strange...
I never saw him eat anything. I know he liked an expensive kind of brandy which GW always bought when he was bringing GB to the house. They used to eat at Denney's (I am told), which has kind of inexpensive American diner food like mixed vegetables, iceburg lettuce salad and cube steak.
This is going back a little bit but I always imagine GB speaking in a very articulate, slightly effeminate voice, with an American accent but using alot of British slang (because it would make him sound more cultured) and most of all with a condescending tone.

Would this be accurate, Annasmom?
I recalled the name of Sigrid could be Seka or vice versa.. .. There are also alot of Sigrids in the area of Beograd to investigate.

The letters between Seka and George are incredibly ODD. He speaks with a dictatorship attitude, very domineering for someone 'in hiding'. He describes to her as 'an anxious little romanticist'... what the heck does that mean? She is romantic, but how and with whom? Dinner companion at the E'toile?

Seka moves into her own quarters...uhmmm. Then he congratulates her on her romantic occasion in her life. She does address George... Mr. which is interesting, a respect for sure...perhaps he insisted but in what role is he to her?

I keep wondering what it is a 'matter of dispatch' to return a reply from George to Seka. Sounds like he's talking about the USA Mail Service! Hilarious.

She definetely said something to Mike about George at her work. He lost faith in her. The conspiriacy against him. The 'dear friend' of the family does interest me, perhaps he was a God Father or some mentor of sorts... So she worked and may have went to school in SF..

I hope we hear back from someone on the boards/forums KivaSupporter suggested.

Welcome KivaS and thank you for all you have done for Anna!
This is going back a little bit but I always imagine GB speaking in a very articulate, slightly effeminate voice, with an American accent but using alot of British slang (because it would make him sound more cultured) and most of all with a condescending tone.

Would this be accurate, Annasmom?
It's a little hard to remember what he sounded like (previously I suggested Jimmy Durante), but his voice was not at all effeminate. I would say he didn't so much use British slang as he used old-fashioned, almost Victorian you would read in some kind of 19th-century metaphysical book by Swami Somebody-or-Other. He sometimes mispronounced words in the way people do who have read the words but never heard them spoken. He spoke rather quietly, and frequently would try to get GW to confirm what he had said ("Isn't that right, George? Isn't it true that both men and women are attracted to me?" Of course he dominated all conversations. He was not interested in listening; only in broadcasting and "helping", which meant making your decisions for you and taking over your life. It still creeps me out to write about him.
Did anyone figure out the meaning of NDEA-SF (UC) (message #342 in the BFH) regarding the payments made by GW?

National Defense Education Act?

Did anyone figure out the meaning of NDEA-SF (UC) (message #342 in the BFH) regarding the payments made by GW?

National Defense Education Act?


My first idea was that this was repayment on a student loan, but I see on the Web that NDEA Overseas Institutes on English as a Foreign Language were active as late as 1967.
The missing months could add another $100-$120 for this ticket which would make it about a $500 ticket. Does anyone have any idea where you can fly for $500 back in 1973?

TWA fare from New York to London was $280 round trip.

RT fare from the East Coast to Southern Europe (Italy, Yugoslavia, Greece...) was around $350.-$400. I am not sure about a child's fare. I do know it depended on the age of the child.
TWA fare from New York to London was $280 round trip.

RT fare from the East Coast to Southern Europe (Italy, Yugoslavia, Greece...) was around $350.-$400. I am not sure about a child's fare. I do know it depended on the age of the child.

For years under 2 has been free, unless you wanted an extra seat for the child and didn't want to hold it the entire time, then it is full price. As far back as I can remember, over 2 was full price.
Just a note here...I have been following the case all along, and miss all of you more than you know...amazing work here folks.

Just so you all know, I am still working on the birth recorder in SF and the possibility that he was allowing illegal adoptions...we talked about this many months ago. I have an adoptee I am in touch with, who is going to get me his info the minute he gets it, as his name is not in the birth registry, and he was lied to at the adoption proceeding and the paperwork is forged.

When I know more or find more, I will tell what I know, if it means anything. I have been away, after a 7 year relationship ended, and had several losses in my life, I am still reading along with you all, and still behind the scenes working on this, I will never give up, and the good news is, I am now working at a company where I am a full time skip tracer, so I can help in alot of ways.

Gosh I miss you all! BUt I am always here!
Just a note here...I have been following the case all along, and miss all of you more than you know...amazing work here folks.

Just so you all know, I am still working on the birth recorder in SF and the possibility that he was allowing illegal adoptions...we talked about this many months ago. I have an adoptee I am in touch with, who is going to get me his info the minute he gets it, as his name is not in the birth registry, and he was lied to at the adoption proceeding and the paperwork is forged.

When I know more or find more, I will tell what I know, if it means anything. I have been away, after a 7 year relationship ended, and had several losses in my life, I am still reading along with you all, and still behind the scenes working on this, I will never give up, and the good news is, I am now working at a company where I am a full time skip tracer, so I can help in alot of ways.

Gosh I miss you all! BUt I am always here!
So sorry you've been going through hard times, INH. I hope things begin to look up soon. You have all of us pulling for you.
Thank you Annasmom, I now have access to complete records of many things, so if you need help feel free to ask...I have associates that can also help me. I really am totally committed to helping still, though I may seem invisible, I have contacts and information that can help, and work on this always, though I do not have time to post here. I will certainly be in contact with any thing that is valuable. I love you, and miss working with you all, but I am working this, as always, and now have access in the investigative arena, so please, please ask, for anything, and I most likely can access it. I miss you!!!!(but I am here! smiles!)
I first and foremost have to say I admire your strengh for the past 35 years of searching for Anna. I hope you one day you get resolution as to what happened to Anna.

I have always said a parents worst nightmare is not knowing what happened to their child. As hard as a death of a child would be, the not knowing has got the be the worst by and far.

I spent many hours yesterday and into this morning ready this thread and have many things to ask and some speculation to what GW wrote, but the one thing I want to begin with is what I did and found.

I remember seeing the name 'Eifee' added to Anna's BC, having been done most likely by GB. I also remember seeing Margaret noted somewhere, and reading George being called Bobby. These 3 names have a meaning directed at GB. If I am correct this is what I did. I can be totally off on this, but it could also be a possible avenue to look at.

1-googled the name 'Eifee'
2-got to come back with a hit
3-followed the hit and got the name Eifee M. Iehl
4-Eifee was married to a man named Charles R. Iehl

So is this the Eifee? Does M stand for Margaret? Is the R for Robert? Was GB really George Robert *advertiser censored*? He went by his middle name Robert and called Bobby by some? I find it amazing all 3 names came up with this married couple.
This couple was born around 1880 and resided in 1930 in Los Angles, CA. This could be parents or grandparents to GB. Maybe paternal grandparents. He might have used an alias as it has been said he has done, because his surname was so unusual he could have been traced easily. GW had a concern as to how GB would cash out the policies and this could be why..Brody was not his surname.

Now a step further. I took the name 'Iehl' and found many used the surname 'Iehl' went by 'Lehl', 'Riehl' or 'Diehl'. Following this tip I googled Iehl and got this.

1-find a, but no match came up. It lead me to
3-all kinds of info came up including newspaper articles for Indian Valley Record in Greenville, CA
4-Indian tribe Maidu

I remember reading you were positive GB was a Native American speaker. Is this a connection you might need? I know this is a long shot, but it could also be a fragment of the puzzle you might need to move on with this GB.

As we have seen, sometimes the biggest clue sits right there facing us.

I have to say there are some remarkable members on here helping you with Anna. I am impressed with the amount of help they have been and continue to be.

I have to say this story just breaks my heart.

I remember seeing the name 'Eifee' added to Anna's BC, having been done most likely by GB. I also remember seeing Margaret noted somewhere, and reading George being called Bobby. These 3 names have a meaning directed at GB. If I am correct this is what I did. I can be totally off on this, but it could also be a possible avenue to look at.

1-googled the name 'Eifee'
2-got to come back with a hit
3-followed the hit and got the name Eifee M. Iehl
4-Eifee was married to a man named Charles R. Iehl

So is this the Eifee? Does M stand for Margaret? Is the R for Robert? Was GB really George Robert *advertiser censored*? He went by his middle name Robert and called Bobby by some? I find it amazing all 3 names came up with this married couple.
This couple was born around 1880 and resided in 1930 in Los Angles, CA. This could be parents or grandparents to GB. Maybe paternal grandparents. He might have used an alias as it has been said he has done, because his surname was so unusual he could have been traced easily. GW had a concern as to how GB would cash out the policies and this could be why..Brody was not his surname.

I remember reading you were positive GB was a Native American speaker. Is this a connection you might need? I know this is a long shot, but it could also be a fragment of the puzzle you might need to move on with this GB.

As we have seen, sometimes the biggest clue sits right there facing us.

I have to say there are some remarkable members on here helping you with Anna. I am impressed with the amount of help they have been and continue to be.

I have to say this story just breaks my heart.

Hello and welcome to our search. Thank you for your kind and sympathetic remarks. Somehow I do not believe that "Eifee" was a family name, since the first name GB came up with (to conform to his idea of a name which would be "numerologically strong" was Christiana Benedo Waters, a name I flat out rejected. He and GW then suggested simply adding the name "Eifee" to the name which was already on the birth certificate.

The other thing, about the Native American, I did not believe there was an American Indian connection, but rather that GB was born in the States. He was obviously not a person who had traveled at all, and he did not have any trace of a foreign accent, didn't use foreign words or phrases, etc.

You are right that the answer may just be staring us in the face, however, and it is great to get a new point of view on all this. Thank you.
Why did GW in his notes have Med Lang Assoc "Spanish"? Coming from the New England/East coast area we were required to take French in the 70's. Spanish could be taken as an elective. Was it different in CA in that time period? Or with the mileage he was putting on his car, is Mexico within the distance he had driven when Anna went missing?

I am trying to figure out why Spanish was important to him in 1970.
Why did GW in his notes have Med Lang Assoc "Spanish"? Coming from the New England/East coast area we were required to take French in the 70's. Spanish could be taken as an elective. Was it different in CA in that time period? Or with the mileage he was putting on his car, is Mexico within the distance he had driven when Anna went missing?

I am trying to figure out why Spanish was important to him in 1970.

One of his jobs was at the Mission Neighborhood Health Center, which deals with lots of hispanics and did so in the Seventies as well. This is the most obvious answer, but it is not all that far from San Francisco to Tijuana, Mexico, Probably between 10 and 14 hours on the road.
I just started reading about Anna a couple days ago. Many of the links don't work, probably b/c they are several years old. Is there an updated place to find pics, docs, etc around here?
Wow, a lot of reading, sleuthing, and info. and I feel I've only scratched the surface.
I'd love to read the manuscripts from Anna's mom, and is there a link?
Anna's mom, I do hope you and Anna are reunited soon.
I hate to sound like I'm pushing the book... but... LOL!

The book that Doogie and Annasmom wrote includes everything: the story, pics, theories, what we've done... everything!

It's called, "Searching for Anna" and can be found at
It is an excellent book. I read it several times.

I highly recommend it.

I hate to sound like I'm pushing the book... but... LOL!

The book that Doogie and Annasmom wrote includes everything: the story, pics, theories, what we've done... everything!

It's called, "Searching for Anna" and can be found at
I just started reading about Anna a couple days ago. Many of the links don't work, probably b/c they are several years old. Is there an updated place to find pics, docs, etc around here?
Wow, a lot of reading, sleuthing, and info. and I feel I've only scratched the surface.
I'd love to read the manuscripts from Anna's mom, and is there a link?
Anna's mom, I do hope you and Anna are reunited soon.
Thank you, Sandy. Most of the information is at Let me know if those links aren't working, since Annasunc can fix it.
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