The Box From Hell (BFH) - Part 2

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DNA Solves
I was of the belief that the two Georges had a homosexual component to their relationship based primarily on the reference to "Damron" being mentioned in relation to a vacation that Waters was planning. (Damron is the name of a gay-friendly vacation guide book.) However, I do not believe that to be the case now since it was discovered that "Damron" was also the name of a diplomat at the Italian Consulate in San Francisco. This explaination makes more sense to me.
I was of the belief that the two Georges had a homosexual component to their relationship based primarily on the reference to "Damron" being mentioned in relation to a vacation that Waters was planning. (Damron is the name of a gay-friendly vacation guide book.) However, I do not believe that to be the case now since it was discovered that "Damron" was also the name of a diplomat at the Italian Consulate in San Francisco. This explaination makes more sense to me.
Doogie, can you send me details about this diplomat? I am researching stuff for the Italian TV program. Interesting: GW was in Italy on at least two occasions before Anna was born (Florence in 1963, for instance.) And in the Squibbs, there is a note about an aria from Italian opera, spelled wrong, but I found it and had it translated. "Sweet little girl", it begins. Curiouser and curiouser.

Regarding homosexuality: Remember that GW had hoped to evade the draft after his conscientious objector claim was denied by (falsely?) claiming homosexuality. He had a friend write a letter in support of this claim. The letter was completely made-up; I am in regular contact with this friend and he would have no reason to lie about this.
I am going to throw some ideas out here.

Annasmom, were you able to search for ANY passport GW had, or just the one that you knew about and its replacement? Is it possible he had other passports?

Sorry, but I don't recall if GW's passport was in the BFH. If it was, do the dates stamped in it match the financial records and insurance records for the time periods?

Is there any proof that Brody had a passport? Any proof that he accompanied GW at any time when he went out of the country?

You state that you have no doubt that GW loved Anna, yet he abandoned you and her for a babbling idiot guru, resented paying CS, appeared to be concerned about possibly having to pay more, stopped paying CS before it was even clear if she would turn up, did not have anything to do with her, did not search for her, and took a vacation within weeks of her disappearance. I've heard nothing about him bothering to search for her at all. Heard nothing about him sending her letters, visiting or sending presents. This really does not sound to me like someone who loves or cares about a child, unless the other party is restricting their access, and you don't sound like the kind of person who would do that. The premise that he might have been involved with her abduction does not point to a person who loves their child. I admire the fact that you are pretty positive in your comments about him, but I do have to say I find it confusing. If I felt that my ex was in any way responsible for the disappearance of my child, I would despise them. I'm having a hard time understanding that.

Hmm. That thing. The fact that he immediately stopped paying CS, even though he would have no idea if she might just turn up at a house down the road or somewhere else a few weeks later, says a lot. No body had turned up. It tells me he was pretty sure she wouldn't.

I find the whole numerology/naming thing interesting, but I have doubts about it having anything to do with this case. Most crimes are committed in very simplistc ways, and for very petty, emotional reasons. My ex does/has done a million bizarre things, but none of those things has anything to do with the fact that he's decided he really isn't obligated to pay child support. Interesting yes. But doesn't solve the problem.
I am going to throw some ideas out here.

Annasmom, were you able to search for ANY passport GW had, or just the one that you knew about and its replacement? Is it possible he had other passports?

Is there any proof that Brody had a passport? Any proof that he accompanied GW at any time when he went out of the country?

You state that you have no doubt that GW loved Anna, yet he abandoned you and her for a babbling idiot guru, resented paying CS, appeared to be concerned about possibly having to pay more, stopped paying CS before it was even clear if she would turn up, did not have anything to do with her, did not search for her, and took a vacation within weeks of her disappearance. I've heard nothing about him bothering to search for her at all. Heard nothing about him sending her letters, visiting or sending presents. This really does not sound to me like someone who loves or cares about a child, unless the other party is restricting their access, and you don't sound like the kind of person who would do that. The premise that he might have been involved with her abduction does not point to a person who loves their child. I admire the fact that you are pretty positive in your comments about him, but I do have to say I find it confusing. If I felt that my ex was in any way responsible for the disappearance of my child, I would despise them. I'm having a hard time understanding that.

Hmm. That thing. The fact that he immediately stopped paying CS, even though he would have no idea if she might just turn up at a house down the road or somewhere else a few weeks later, says a lot. No body had turned up. It tells me he was pretty sure she wouldn't.

Glorybug, there were no actual passports found. What I have is all GW's four of passport applications, including one made while he had a valid passport which he claimed had been destroyed by fire. This would have been the passport with entry and exit stamps in it which showed where he had traveled. Regarding the huge topic of Love, one must remember that mental illness played a part in this drama and that one cannot be angry with someone because they are ill. I have forgiven Waters. I am still working on forgiving Brody for alienating GW from all his friends and family. I am not making much progress on this effort, I have to say.
A question for annasmom-

I think I recall you saying that there were tons of insurance applications from airlines/travels? That they were all for GW with the beneficiary being Brody?

Has anyone sorted them by date and/or made a timeline of when each was purchased? I'm guessing that if you buy a round trip ticket that involves a layover or transfer to another airline that more than one policy would have to be bought? Is there any way to determine how far a trip was by how expensive the insurance was, or if it was international flights (guessing that insurance would be more?)? Is it assumed that all of the flights and insurance were purchased from a San Francisco airport? Are there any financial records or bank statements from GW that have withdrawals on the dates the insurance was purchased?

For example, say there was inexpensive insurance bought on 03/15, and there was a withdrawal for $50, that would hint at a short flight. If there were 2 or more policies that were purchased within a day or two of each other, and a larger withdrawal made soon before than, that would hint at a possible layover flight/international flight.
A question for annasmom-

I think I recall you saying that there were tons of insurance applications from airlines/travels? That they were all for GW with the beneficiary being Brody?

Has anyone sorted them by date and/or made a timeline of when each was purchased? I'm guessing that if you buy a round trip ticket that involves a layover or transfer to another airline that more than one policy would have to be bought? Is there any way to determine how far a trip was by how expensive the insurance was, or if it was international flights (guessing that insurance would be more?)? Is it assumed that all of the flights and insurance were purchased from a San Francisco airport? Are there any financial records or bank statements from GW that have withdrawals on the dates the insurance was purchased?

For example, say there was inexpensive insurance bought on 03/15, and there was a withdrawal for $50, that would hint at a short flight. If there were 2 or more policies that were purchased within a day or two of each other, and a larger withdrawal made soon before than, that would hint at a possible layover flight/international flight.
SherlockJr has listed the insurance policies in the Thread BFH No. 1 at about page 16.
Ah, thank you. I'll look them over.

I can't imagine how hard it would be to be you, and to be asked the same questions over and over.

You have a lot of patience.
Ah, thank you. I'll look them over.

I can't imagine how hard it would be to be you, and to be asked the same questions over and over.

You have a lot of patience.
Oh, Glorybug, it is easy to be me, and OF COURSE I don't mind questions from people who are trying to help me. I didn't try to sum up those insurance things because I was eager to go out to dinner yesterday!
...GW was in Italy on at least two occasions before Anna was born (Florence in 1963, for instance.) And in the Squibbs, there is a note about an aria from Italian opera, spelled wrong, but I found it and had it translated. "Sweet little girl", it begins. Curiouser and curiouser.

Annasmom - What was the Squibbs note for the aria??? I don't think I've seen this or if I have, I missed it. Do you know what opera it was/what aria specifically??? Can you share the words that were in the notes?
Annasmom - What was the Squibbs note for the aria??? I don't think I've seen this or if I have, I missed it. Do you know what opera it was/what aria specifically??? Can you share the words that were in the notes?

It's on the page which has "Final Solution" outlined in red and says "Suave Panchula - La Boheme. He must have meant "O Soave Fanciulla". There are several other notes about music on this page.
Would it help if I added the link to the attachments from the BFH threads up in one of the appropriate sticky forums? If I haven't already? Just thinking about making things a little easier to find if possible.

ETA: I can edit the title to the images only - no discussion thread in the sticky area and add the link and the helpful hint about clicking on the paper clip to the far right of the thread title to get links for all the attachments in a thread if you guys think that would help.

I'm open to suggestions and input :) Let me know if that might help.

Would it help if I added the link to the attachments from the BFH threads up in one of the appropriate sticky forums? If I haven't already? Just thinking about making things a little easier to find if possible.

ETA: I can edit the title to the images only - no discussion thread in the sticky area and add the link and the helpful hint about clicking on the paper clip to the far right of the thread title to get links for all the attachments in a thread if you guys think that would help.

I'm open to suggestions and input :) Let me know if that might help.


Hi Cubby,

I think it would be great ideas to have a "helpful hints for navigating your way around WS". You have given us some really good hints in the past eg; how to search the forums/threads, adding tags and most recently, the paper clip thingy, which I have found really helpful.
Hello, regarding the medical note left in the BFH, the name Romero. If this was left as a 'hint' from Waters ....

An Italian connection?
Hi Cubby,

I think it would be great ideas to have a "helpful hints for navigating your way around WS". You have given us some really good hints in the past eg; how to search the forums/threads, adding tags and most recently, the paper clip thingy, which I have found really helpful.

We have some threads set up for this outside of Anna's forum. They are in various places so I will help direct people to them as the questions arise. :)

link to and copied photo of the plan


I'm just gonna throw this out here. When I first saw this, I initially thought the "L's" was actually "<'s" .. I know GW writes in shorthand a lot, and while in nursing school, it was common for us to use < and > for decrease and increase respectively.

I think "Lloyds" would make more sense, but I thought I'd mention just in case.
In regards to 'The Plan' above, I remember a couple of years ago all of us decifering what it mean't. The short forms etc. If this is all true with L's ... loans or Lloyds have we made sure we covered all idea's with this plan? The Jan 1973 date is pretty alarming, in fact, I think this is our best tip in the box! Again where were these 'loans' from? LLyods of London? Is there no building left so we can call to find out if there was a loan? But if this happened, wouldn't there be $$? Ok, money made/loans received, did the G's arrange an illegal adoption? No money trail otherthan the 17,000$ found in Brody's account. What happened to that money btw? Do we know?
I'm just gonna throw this out here. When I first saw this, I initially thought the "L's" was actually "<'s" .. I know GW writes in shorthand a lot, and while in nursing school, it was common for us to use < and > for decrease and increase respectively.

I think "Lloyds" would make more sense, but I thought I'd mention just in case.

Looking at it again, maybe not. What did we determine was MONY? Which insurance co?

In regards to 'The Plan' above, I remember a couple of years ago all of us decifering what it mean't. The short forms etc. If this is all true with L's ... loans or Lloyds have we made sure we covered all idea's with this plan? The Jan 1973 date is pretty alarming, in fact, I think this is our best tip in the box! Again where were these 'loans' from? LLyods of London? Is there no building left so we can call to find out if there was a loan? But if this happened, wouldn't there be $$? Ok, money made/loans received, did the G's arrange an illegal adoption? No money trail otherthan the 17,000$ found in Brody's account. What happened to that money btw? Do we know?

It sounds like an existing policy existed with MONY for which he was going to negotiate an increase in Jan of 1973 and then again in April of 1973. If this were the case, how would disappearing Anna in January work with an attempt to increase the policy amount in April?

AFAIK the money is still listed with the CA state list of uncollected funds. IIRC, any paperwork with the safe deposit box was destroyed long before Anna's case made it to WS.

For someone who grew up during the depression, it wasn't that uncommon to not trust banks. It's not that uncommon to hear about coins or paper money being found stashed between the walls of old homes. I recall a few from the 80's and 90's. Not so much anymore with the RE boom (before the market crashed).

There is no way for us to determine when GB put the money in the safe depost box. It's very possible MK took a life insurance policy out on herself and GB was the beneficiary and that is how he obtained the money.
Looking at it again, maybe not. What did we determine was MONY? Which insurance co?

~ We thought MONY stood for Mutual Of New York which then merged with AXA Financial Protection.

It sounds like an existing policy existed with MONY for which he was going to negotiate an increase in Jan of 1973 and then again in April of 1973. If this were the case, how would disappearing Anna in January work with an attempt to increase the policy amount in April?

~ Good Question - they could cash it later on which could help in the disappearance of Anna..? OH to have stepped inside Brody's head for 5 minutes! Also the medical slip found in the BFH referring that Waters worked on the 16th January. A patient named Romero ....
AFAIK the money is still listed with the CA state list of uncollected funds. IIRC, any paperwork with the safe deposit box was destroyed long before Anna's case made it to WS.
On this link, Doogies writes some interesting points about all of this plus a chilling ending....

Dr. Doogie04-09-2006, 04:09 PM
I have also found a list of alimony and child support payments in 1972 in George Waters' handwriting. It methodically lists alimony payments of $125 to Annasmom on the 15th of the months and $175 to Anna on the first of the months. There is a notation that say "D/C (discontinue) Alimony - Remarried 9/16/72". All payments had been made by Bank of America money order until this point. Waters made one more child support payment with a BofA money order on 10/1. His last three child support payments were made by personal check - he listed the payee on this list as "A.C.E.W." This matches the "Plan" note's reference to "A.C.E." This tells me that "A.C.E." is definitely Anna.

Child Support Discussion:

The list shows his last payment was made 1/1/73. Chillingly, the last entry on this list says "Anna Lost - 1/16/73".

So... all in all, very briefly, I believe they took Anna and gave her to someone as an illegal adoption and Anna didn't know she was adopted as people now a days are 'told' as a healthy aspect of life... rather if she was taken and given to another family, abducted... then who would tell her the truth unless her inner soul felt something is amiss? And then she searches for her truth. Damn those two boys!

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