The Brother & the Bike Fight

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Evidently, it was only a rumor which could not be substantiated and was nixed by K's mom via her conversation with Cyber. So as far as we know, nothing like that was ever found and was mixed up with the items given to LE for the dogs to get their mark.

The story is the chain was either missing or off in some way. I haven't heard any reports about flat tires. It would make more sense as to why the bike was left in that location tho.
I really want to know when the bike was "found." If it was actually "found" 2 days after LB was reported missing, they didn't search very well. If it was left secured in place for investigative reasons, that would make me feel better. I have a little girl that is 9 and I would be livid if that bike and a 5 mile radius around it wasn't completely researched for any possible evidence. It's hard to figure out any possible places that LB is with such little information. It breaks my heart.
Her brother knew where the bike was since they were together when she supposedly left it so I don't think it was a matter of LE "finding" it. I can't figure out why the brother left it for 2-3 days since he is the avid bike rider...according to his mother.

I cannot imagine why LE would want to leave it there either. Were they watching to see if someone was going to come back and get it? I guess it is possible if they thought Lindsey was a runaway at first, but why would she come back to get a bike that didn't work?
I've looked for over an hour for a media reference to the bike being left behind the station for 2-3 days and I couldn't find one. But there are many links to pages that are no longer available.

I know that KK said that the bike was left there for that length of time but I also remember MB, Lindsey's mom, confirming that it was left there for a couple of days after she went missing. I just can't find it. Sorry.
Her brother knew where the bike was since they were together when she supposedly left it so I don't think it was a matter of LE "finding" it. I can't figure out why the brother left it for 2-3 days since he is the avid bike rider...according to his mother.

I cannot imagine why LE would want to leave it there either. Were they watching to see if someone was going to come back and get it? I guess it is possible if they thought Lindsey was a runaway at first, but why would she come back to get a bike that didn't work?

Thank you, good point if they may have been waiting to see if anyone was coming back. However, I am still thinking that when a child is missing, everything and everyone should be questioned, etc. So, maybe if the bike was left there, they had processed it and watched. I just get the creeps thinking of her going to get the bike and someone taking the opportunity to grab her there or close by.
Maybe he was more interested in bikes than she he had an old one and got a newer, better one or something....and she decided to use the old one when he wasn't in a very sharing mood (you know how kids will be kids)?
I can have like, fifteen chew toys in the middle of the living room floor and 100% of the time BOTH dogs are going to want the SAME EXACT one....I guess they just want to argue over something....haven't totally figured out doggie psychology, yet...but give me time... :)

I appreciate your "doggie" analogy and definitely can apply to sibling rivalry in the human domain, at least from what I have seen. The quest for control.
SS, your dog cracks me up!

Off Topic: My dog found out if he hid his favorite toys, I would go buy him new toys. He has gained quite a stockpile! I dropped my remote under my bed and while fishing it out...I noticed his cache of hidden toys! He was busted! Which reminds me, his OCD is emerging...he has started laying his toys end to end in a neat straight line across the living room. WTH? Get your degree in doggie psychology fast! My dog needs serious therapy. :eek:

On Topic: For a girl that willingly pushed a bike without a chain all over town that day, I find it difficult to believe she didn't want one of her own. If she comes home, I am buying Lindsey a shiny new bike with a siren and a mace canister (forget the bells n whistles). We can add a license plate that says, Protected By WS.

O/T - Smart dog, hilarious story, I'll bet his eyes and ears got all droopy once busted.

ON/T - I'm sure Lindsey would appreciate that gesture for sure. The more I "don't" learn about this family the more troublesome it is to me, no real statements of the great family unit, the love, the joy that is often shared in situations like this. The lack of family photos showing great smiles and healthy structure. I can think only of 2 off hand, the christmas photo (mother's little trouble maker) and the one of JB and MB with body paint and swim goggles. Surely there are more family photos that help identify Lindsey in her natural environment. All that I get from this family is silence, fear, juvie, trouble, broken bikes, arguments, 911 calls, etc., etc.

It's disturbing :confused:
O/T - Smart dog, hilarious story, I'll bet his eyes and ears got all droopy once busted.

ON/T - I'm sure Lindsey would appreciate that gesture for sure. The more I "don't" learn about this family the more troublesome it is to me, no real statements of the great family unit, the love, the joy that is often shared in situations like this. The lack of family photos showing great smiles and healthy structure. I can think only of 2 off hand, the christmas photo (mother's little trouble maker) and the one of JB and MB with body paint and swim goggles. Surely there are more family photos that help identify Lindsey in her natural environment. All that I get from this family is silence, fear, juvie, trouble, broken bikes, arguments, 911 calls, etc., etc.

It's disturbing :confused:
OT: Actually, it was more of a glare than droopy eyes. LOL

On Topic: The bike thing bothers me and I simply do not understand the situation. If brother has been in trouble in the past (which evidently is the case), why he is allowed to roam all over town on his bike anyway? Supervision appears to be an underlying factor here. Are the kids on their own while mom is working? Are they on their own pretty much even if she is home?

Now that you mention it, we aren't seeing photos with her and her family. Even on her website I noticed they have very few photos and most (if not all) were already in the press. I would think on her site since it is run by family and friends, there would be tons of family type photos.

It does make you wonder why we aren't hearing the good things about her family life. I hope there are happy stories to be told at the vigil tonight. The public needs to hear more of those.
Did the flip flop and sweatshirt hoodie found behind the Shell station belong to Lindsey?

Does anyone know what was wrong with the bike? Maybe they were going to pump air in the tires at the Shell Station?

As SS indicates, the flat tire idea was nixed by K. Whether or not she knows for sure is up for debate as many many posters both here and elsewhere take K's chat with a large grain of salt because of past conflicting information.

Personally, I can see the chain problem as being viable as well since it is easier to coast and glide a bike rather than walk. I used to do that as a kid, even when the chain wasn't broken, more fun to push, jump on seat, and glide. The bike may well have simply been incidental to the major sibling rivalry. If the bike chain didn't arise, then they would have found something else to argue about. I suspect that Lindsey and her girlfriend simply didn't want JB to tag along with them and they would have found something else to get him out of their hair. That myspace comment by LB again leaps out at me as I write: "Lindsey Baum is happy that her brother is going to juvie tomorrow."

To me, that statement -- made 9 days before she disappeared -- is significant plus.
As SS indicates, the flat tire idea was nixed by K. Whether or not she knows for sure is up for debate as many many posters both here and elsewhere take K's chat with a large grain of salt because of past conflicting information.

Personally, I can see the chain problem as being viable as well since it is easier to coast and glide a bike rather than walk. I used to do that as a kid, even when the chain wasn't broken, more fun to push, jump on seat, and glide. The bike may well have simply been incidental to the major sibling rivalry. If the bike chain didn't arise, then they would have found something else to argue about. I suspect that Lindsey and her girlfriend simply didn't want JB to tag along with them and they would have found something else to get him out of their hair. That myspace comment by LB again leaps out at me as I write: "Lindsey Baum is happy that her brother is going to juvie tomorrow."

To me, that statement -- made 9 days before she disappeared -- is significant plus.
What KK's mom nixed was the hoodie and flip flop being found instead of flat tires. Sorry, I was answering another post and should have been more clear.

I think the myspace comment is significant, too. So when did brother supposedly get out of Juvy and was he only there a week?
SS, I couldn't find a "vigil" thread, where is the vigil being held, please, thanks.
SS said:
What KK's mom nixed was the hoodie and flip flop being found instead of flat tires.

Me - I'm sure that I read about one of our 2 super sleuthes in the area inquiring about the bike problem and her saying it was the chain rather than a tire. I may well be mistaken, of course, thanks
SS said -

Now that you mention it, we aren't seeing photos with her and her family. Even on her website I noticed they have very few photos and most (if not all) were already in the press. I would think on her site since it is run by family and friends, there would be tons of family type photos.

It does make you wonder why we aren't hearing the good things about her family life. I hope there are happy stories to be told at the vigil tonight. The public needs to hear more of those.

Me - one reason I'd really like to see a more recent photo of JB is because I did spot some recent video of him and he looked a heck of a lot "larger" than he did in that swim and goggle photo that I believe to be a few years old.

JB looked much larger and bulky in the recent video
SS, I couldn't find a "vigil" thread, where is the vigil being held, please, thanks.

Here you go Norm
Candlelight Vigil Planned For Missing McCleary Girl:
published July 23, 2009 5:14PM

A candlelight vigil will be held Friday, July 24th at 9pm at the park across from the McCleary City Hall. The vigil will mark the 4th week that she's been missing.

Lindsey's mother Melissa says she's in the process of setting-up a search center in McCleary. She says it'll help organize volunteers to look for her daughter. A Sheriff's Office spokesman says they'll meet with Melissa to talk about her plans for the new center.

Meanwhile, investigators are still following leads and will continue to go door-to-door and search areas, but they still don't know what happened to her.

An Everett group called Operation Lookout has also created a flyer with Lindsey's information. The group hopes to distribute it at the U.S./Canadian border, on Washington State Ferries and in publications around the U.S. including Little Nickel. For more details go to:


AThat myspace comment by LB again leaps out at me as I write: "Lindsey Baum is happy that her brother is going to juvie tomorrow."

To me, that statement -- made 9 days before she disappeared -- is significant plus.

She made that comment on June 17. Using the Washington court records name search and searching JB's name, I found that an individual with JB's name had a review hearing (in a felony case!) on June 18 in Grays Harbor County Superior Court. It seems likely to be JB's case as the case history includes an entry labeled "Stmnt Of Juv Offndr/plea of Guilty".

I think Lindsey probably heard her mother talking about the appearance and, while he wasn't actually being sent to a juvenile center on that date, an 11 year old girl wouldn't really know the distinction between going to court and going to juvy.

I should add that I learned the case was a felony-level case by taking the case number that I obtained from the name search and then searching by case number on the superior court case number search page.
Wow! Great work, Hyldo! Felony! Hmmmm...sounds serious. This couldn't be a case of shoplifting or mere misdemeaner activity of a kid.
She made that comment on June 17. Using the Washington court records name search and searching JB's name, I found that an individual with JB's name had a review hearing (in a felony case!) on June 18 in Grays Harbor County Superior Court. It seems likely to be JB's case as the case history includes an entry labeled "Stmnt Of Juv Offndr/plea of Guilty".

I think Lindsey probably heard her mother talking about the appearance and, while he wasn't actually being sent to a juvenile center on that date, an 11 year old girl wouldn't really know the distinction between going to court and going to juvy.

I should add that I learned the case was a felony-level case by taking the case number that I obtained from the name search and then searching by case number on the superior court case number search page.

WOW!!!! :eek:

wonder what the heck he did! wonder if he was by himself when he committed the crime?
SS said -

Now that you mention it, we aren't seeing photos with her and her family. Even on her website I noticed they have very few photos and most (if not all) were already in the press. I would think on her site since it is run by family and friends, there would be tons of family type photos.

It does make you wonder why we aren't hearing the good things about her family life. I hope there are happy stories to be told at the vigil tonight. The public needs to hear more of those.

Me - one reason I'd really like to see a more recent photo of JB is because I did spot some recent video of him and he looked a heck of a lot "larger" than he did in that swim and goggle photo that I believe to be a few years old.

JB looked much larger and bulky in the recent video

from Cranky's photoalbum:

Josh walks with searcher Jeff Strege and Lindsey's dog Kadence, while Neil Newell hands out flyers to motorists 7/3/09


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