The Business Card Photo

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But, can you find the exact photo in the denim shirt as a stock photo? That's the real question.

Only one million denim shirts in this Country alone.
the denim shirt is just something we all own. I own several.

Sorry but :) That photo did not look like JC not even for one second.
People have a tendency to repeat what they hear.
PG sold them a line - it is his daughter, but then again he sold a lot of BS.
Well, we know it's not Jaycee and I'm hoping it is just some stock photo or maybe even from a college catalog or something similar that he used. But, I suppose we could explore the possibile tie to another victim, like Michaela Garecht. It is a little odd that more than one customer has said that the girl in the pic is the one they saw in the store who they believed to be Alyssa/Jaycee. Could he have put another victim at the front of the printing business at one time? I don't know. I would prefer to think that people (like Cheyvonne, etc.) are lying or not remembering correctly and that this is some random media pic he found. But, I guess you never know whether there was another victim who he had posing for things.
Well, we know it's not Jaycee and I'm hoping it is just some stock photo or maybe even from a college catalog or something similar that he used. But, I suppose we could explore the possibile tie to another victim, like Michaela Garecht. It is a little odd that more than one customer has said that the girl in the pic is the one they saw in the store who they believed to be Alyssa/Jaycee. Could he have put another victim at the front of the printing business at one time? I don't know. I would prefer to think that people (like Cheyvonne, etc.) are lying or not remembering correctly and that this is some random media pic he found. But, I guess you never know whether there was another victim who he had posing for things.

most likely a stock photo he used then claimed was jaycee
most likely a stock photo he used then claimed was jaycee

I searched two large stock photo sites yesterday looking for "blonde model" and "blonde woman" and couldn't find it...
Well, we know it's not Jaycee and I'm hoping it is just some stock photo or maybe even from a college catalog or something similar that he used. But, I suppose we could explore the possibile tie to another victim, like Michaela Garecht. It is a little odd that more than one customer has said that the girl in the pic is the one they saw in the store who they believed to be Alyssa/Jaycee. Could he have put another victim at the front of the printing business at one time? I don't know. I would prefer to think that people (like Cheyvonne, etc.) are lying or not remembering correctly and that this is some random media pic he found. But, I guess you never know whether there was another victim who he had posing for things.

Did a customer say that they actually "saw" Jaycee/Allyssa and she was the same as the business card. Or did a customer say Phillip "said" the person on the card was his daughter? I don't recall reading where a customer who "saw" Allyssa said it was the same girl on the card???? Link anyone???
Did a customer say that they actually "saw" Jaycee/Allyssa and she was the same as the business card. Or did a customer say Phillip "said" the person on the card was his daughter? I don't recall reading where a customer who "saw" Allyssa said it was the same girl on the card???? Link anyone???

I only read of PG said.
Maybe CM did say it was JC and CM is not to be believed - she is IMO definitely hiding a lot.
Thinking outloud here, but if that person is a real person, and not some touch-up garbage. And that person is still alive. (Not someone from the 70's who's passed away or something.) Why, I wonder, wouldn't that person have come forward and said, "hey that's not Jaycee, that was me, back in whenever."???? Or even for that matter, someone who remembered that person. I think they would, so it does make one wonder who was that person, and where are they????
Thinking outloud here, but if that person is a real person, and not some touch-up garbage. And that person is still alive. (Not someone from the 70's who's passed away or something.) Why, I wonder, wouldn't that person have come forward and said, "hey that's not Jaycee, that was me, back in whenever."???? Or even for that matter, someone who remembered that person. I think they would, so it does make one wonder who was that person, and where are they????
WHO IS THAT PERSON is a good question...
Could it be one of the dead prostitutes?
Could it be a blurred picture with intentions to no identify?

Did a customer say that they actually "saw" Jaycee/Allyssa and she was the same as the business card. Or did a customer say Phillip "said" the person on the card was his daughter? I don't recall reading where a customer who "saw" Allyssa said it was the same girl on the card???? Link anyone???

There were 2 other customers, male customers, aside from Cheyvonne who said that the person on the business card was the person who they saw in the store. I guess it could have been that they were simply told that by PG, believed it and over time became convinced it was his daughter. Either way, I will have to go back and find their names and see exactly how they worded things.
Here is a post, on page 4 of this thread, where I listed the people (in bold below) who came forward with the business card identifying the person as Jaycee. Now I'm not saying they were all correct and at least one or all of them seemed to have been only told this information by PG. But, I'm just bringing up their names again. I'll see if I can find the original articles where they first said this.

In any event, this thread in and of itself is specifically a good source of information. Starting on about page 4 is where we started talking about these other people. There's also the media/links thread posted as a sticky at the top of the forum which probably has at least some of the original articles concerning the people listed below.

Thanks, Willen. I have not had the chance to watch HLN, so that's good to know. I was not entirely convinced that it was Jaycee.

I do still think the business card photo is significant. Even if it was not really Jaycee in the picture, there are 3 business customers (Rick Hernandez, Mark Lister and Cheyvonne Molino) who say they were told 10+ years ago that it was her. So, if nothing else, it gives us a sense of when the customers first were introduced or became aware of Jaycee's presence.
Where I live there is absolutely no info on this case except for when the People magazine article came out. So if it is a real person on that card, she may not even know of the existence of the card if she lives in an area where there is no info.
I still wonder if this could be Jaycee over 10 years ago, just with a lot of makeup and hair done. I know I said this before, but without a higher resolution picture you might not want to rule it out as Jaycee... A lot of distortion occurs when you take a pic that is that small, take a photo of it (for the newspapers), and then enlarge it (and we are probably further distorting the already distorted pic in the news articles - because a photo of the card has already lost some resolution, & they probably already enlarged it). As small as that pic is on the card, it's possible the original was shrunk way down. Enlarge it will not look like the original larger/higher resolution picture. Try it on a pic of yourself.
Well, since the spokesperson for the family of Jaycee Dugard has said that the family categorically denies that it is a picture of Jaycee, I am sort of willing to believe that what they are saying is true.
But, you know, that's just me.
Thanks ... I missed that the spokesperson had said that.
I think it is possible that is is JC. I've seen plenty of "glamor photos" that don't look any-thing like the original person. She could have easily dyed her hair - either recently or back then. The hairline matches hers, the rest is too blurry to tell.

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