The Business Card Photo

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YAP the minute he went to a School wanting to pledge his brand of Gospel with his daughters...:waitasec:
IMHO this is what he was saying to everyone!

"WHAT SYSTEM?...WHAT LAW? You morons...
You have been to my house, I have been reported, you let me out of prison, I sing about my wanting little girls, I Cary a business card with my abducted daughter on it, and you dumb idiots are As Dumb as a a 2 X 4..."
That is what he is saying for sure.
I think he wanted to get caught long ago....
but the great LE missed the boat. and are now congratulating each other on a job well done :rolleyes: :doh:
He must be rolling on the floor in his cell.
I read somewhere that he is not a stupid man at all.
I still think he should get DP.

Personally I don't think he wanted to get caught persay. I think he either thought that he gotten by with it all these years and that no one would notice now. Or that if they noticed they would be so blown away by his revelations that no one would care. That she was legal now, that she was his 'wife' and that what went before would be forgiven.

To some extent I think he had also rewritten history in his mind at least at times. In his mind I don't think he saw "I kidnapped and raped a child." I think he saw "I saw her and fell in love, now she is my wife."
I find the picture disturbing even if it isn't Jaycee. The man is a registered sex offender, and he has a pretty blond girl, obviously not his wife, on his business brochure. I know it is his "right" but it is sick. If it is Jaycee, he was an arrogant SOB to be flaunting her image to the world.

As curious as I may be to see how Jaycee looks, I hope they do not publish Jaycee's or the girls' photo -- ever, or until they feel they are secure enough have people recognize them in public. Adjusting to the world beyond their former one is going to be difficult enough without random strangers staring, gawking, whispering, or pointing finger. We all need to shelter this little family and allow they to enter the bigger world without fear or intimidation. I am just so grateful they are found.

It's because it isn't a business photo, and it isn't the business owner's photo. It makes it pretty apparent that he was "showing her off" like a trophy. She was "his."

I agree with you about the pics of Jaycee and the girls. I wish media would make a pact that they wouldn't use their photos. However it isn't likely to happen. Probably what would be best would be for Jaycee to have a 'creative' makeup job done, then give an interview. Once the 'exclusive' is out then media would be less attentive. Jaycee could then dress as she normally did and would still be less recognizable.
Personally I don't think he wanted to get caught persay. I think he either thought that he gotten by with it all these years and that no one would notice now. Or that if they noticed they would be so blown away by his revelations that no one would care. That she was legal now, that she was his 'wife' and that what went before would be forgiven.

To some extent I think he had also rewritten history in his mind at least at times. In his mind I don't think he saw "I kidnapped and raped a child." I think he saw "I saw her and fell in love, now she is my wife."

to the extent that he has been described as a smart man...I will not believe that her thought he saw her fell in love and now she is his wife :eek:
If he did think that he would not be hiding her in a shed that can only be locked from the outside. now way....
He knew clearly that he abducted her. has done it before, and the Law is stupid. Because he is getting away with it.
It's been reported that this is the photo of Jaycee used on PG's business cards. Does anyone know if this has been confirmed to be Jaycee? (in Photos & Other Images thread.)

This picture is one of 3 Jaycee's aunt handed out at the press conference. Since it came from the family, I feel okay about posting it for comparison.
the business card you are all referring to was taken over 10 years ago , it is jaycee , a client sold the card to the media for a large amount ...

This particular card came from Mr. Hernandez who showed it to CBS5, who then did a story on it and broadcast it to the public.

I believe someone did sell a business card to the media...and if it wasn't this one, then they just got trumped.

In this video of Rick Hernandez showing the brochure "exclusively" to Reno's KTVN Channel 2, you can see a sticky note at 0:17 "Property of Rick Hernandez." No idea what it implies; it just caught my attention for some reason.

ETA: I'm also trying to figure out where Hernandez's business is located. At 0:10 in the video, Hernandez shows a brochure from "Marble and Stone Creations" but I can't find a listing for it by searching those keywords with "Antioch" "Pittsburg" "Oakley" or "Brentwood" (CA). Or even "Reno" which is where this news station that "exclusively" obtained the brochure is based. Sleuths?
I am of the opinion after searching a little, that Rick did at one time have his business in the Antioch, Pittsburg area. And, that would be when he had Garrido print his brochure.
However, I think currrently that he might be located in the Carson City, Nevada area.
I know you have a point...
But I still think he should get the DP
I know it is not realistic...I can wish cant I ?

haha well of course we call can wish about that!

I hope they don't find that he has murdered people though.
This guy sounds like he was DEFINATELY overlooked in the system.
I think it looks like her, but a sort of more dolled up (if you will) version of her. She is very pretty. But, I'm just saying I don't think this particular picture looks like the main missing picture of her that was widely distributed. So, I can see how no one made the connection.

It's been reported that this is the photo of Jaycee used on PG's business cards. Does anyone know if this has been confirmed to be Jaycee?

This picture is one of 3 Jaycee's aunt handed out at the press conference. Since it came from the family, I feel okay about posting it for comparison.

This is one of the pictures used by the media at the time of Jaycee's disappearance.


I see a strong resemblance between this picture and the business card photo.

This is one of the pictures used by the media at the time of Jaycee's disappearance.


I see a strong resemblance between this picture and the business card photo.

Yes. Probably. Maybe. Ok. So what is the objective here?
I actually think that the pic looks very early 90's...when there was kind of a crossover going on between the glam/tackiness of the 80s and gradual more natural look of the 90s. No super big hair, but still kind of poofy in a more natural way. I graduated from hs in 1993 and could probably find any number of yearbook photos of different people similar to this pic.

I'm emphasizing this because Jaycee disappeared in 1991 and so that is the last style she would have known before she was taken away into this creep's world.

You may be right and it may have just been chosen by Jaycee or PG because it looks kinda like her, a pretty girl. THe picture does not look "sexual" to me at all and is pretty mainstream, actually it looks kind of '80s. But it does look quite a bit like she could look and those pics of her tent had a whole big mess of makeup palettes on the dresser so I don't think makeup was prohibited! She probably had all kinds of time to do that kind of girl stuff. Poor thing.

I agree that it was skeevy to show the photo but I feel it is skeevier still that people are trying to make big money off of a tragedy like this through their association with a truly disgusting man.
Yes. Probably. Maybe. Ok. So what is the objective here?

I think this person was responding to me because I said, in my recent post, that I didn't really think that the business card photo card looked like the main missing photo distributed in the media. So, I could understand how someone might not make a connection (or at least an immediate one) between the business card photo and the original missing pics of JC. I personally still do not see a striking resemblance between JC's childhood photos and this business card. I'm not saying it isn't her, just that I can understand that people would not necessarily look at it and think..oh my gosh, that's Jaycee Dugard!
Yes. Probably. Maybe. Ok. So what is the objective here?

I think everyone is just curious to know what Jaycee looks like today. Although, if it is Jaycee's picture on the business card, we still don't know if the picture is current or one taken many years ago.

I think we'll see pictures of Jaycee in due time, but for now, this gives us a glimpse as to what she may look like. :)
Just have to say that after a week-end of camping,with a solar shower,I do Not look my best,and I apply make-up even when camping.IF this photo was taken 10 yrs ago,after living in a tent,and giving birth,TWICE,with no medical attention,this gal looks terrific!!!!
The one thing that shines through in this pic is the absolute beauty of this young woman.She must surely have angels looking over her,and her daughters!!! I think she looks like Terry P.I do believe that this is Jaycee,and I do believe that if she chooses to be a model,she surely can be,this gal is beautiful,it must come from the inside,whatever it is she did,she did it all right,for her and her daughters!!!
Just have to say that after a week-end of camping,with a solar shower,I do Not look my best,and I apply make-up even when camping.IF this photo was taken 10 yrs ago,after living in a tent,and giving birth,TWICE,with no medical attention,this gal looks terrific!!!!
The one thing that shines through in this pic is the absolute beauty of this young woman.She must surely have angels looking over her,and her daughters!!! I think she looks like Terry P.I do believe that this is Jaycee,and I do believe that if she chooses to be a model,she surely can be,this gal is beautiful,it must come from the inside,whatever it is she did,she did it all right,for her and her daughters!!!

I'm with you!:clap:
Just have to say that after a week-end of camping,with a solar shower,I do Not look my best,and I apply make-up even when camping.IF this photo was taken 10 yrs ago,after living in a tent,and giving birth,TWICE,with no medical attention,this gal looks terrific!!!!
The one thing that shines through in this pic is the absolute beauty of this young woman.She must surely have angels looking over her,and her daughters!!! I think she looks like Terry P.I do believe that this is Jaycee,and I do believe that if she chooses to be a model,she surely can be,this gal is beautiful,it must come from the inside,whatever it is she did,she did it all right,for her and her daughters!!!
I agree 100% with you, ForDaniel. I thought this photo looked like her mom, Terry (from the Geraldo Rivera Show). I believe it is Jaycee. Gorgeous Jaycee - beautiful inside and out. A heart of gold and strength beyond belief.
the business card you are all referring to was taken over 10 years ago , it is jaycee , a client sold the card to the media for a large amount , pg was always saying how beautiful she was and that she was aspiring to be a model , fact not fiction or opinion.

Cheyvonne, While we're on the subject of when this business card was made, can you tell me the first time that you saw Jaycee? 10 yrs ago? 15 yrs ago? Did you see the girls, who are now 11 and 15, when they were babies? Did you know that they were Jaycee's daughters? Or, did you think all 3 girls were Phillip's children? Thanks in advance for your factual response to these questions.
HOw can he get DP without being indicted for murder?

Unfortunately... but wait... life with parole is how many years? If we can technically say that in that respect, the amount of time he took Jacyee was a 'life term'.. then he did take a life. ahh i'm just blowing some steam :furious:

perhaps they need to change some laws since we can 'for sure see' that parole monitoring doesn't seem to work.
I doubt anyone can answer this but am wondering if the parole officer went to his home, checked up on his work/business, wouldn't these business cards come into question. Like wouldn't he had to have explained who did his work, where he got his materials, who was the model for the cards? Anything? I have no clue of what they monitor if not what the parolee is doing 24/7 and how they are surviving? Any of his business paperwork should have been on his file, including business cards imo

Maybe this post needs to be in the printing business thread as well?

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