The case for murder, #2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Because the person who murdered her placed her hips on the rail....and we know how a woman's hips, especially a very thin woman, are bony and protrude. Those hip bones would have been a resting point against the rail...and the needed center point of gravity to force the body over the rail.
Even so, I can't imagine why the neck didn't snap. Something doesn't add up. Whether murder or suicide, wouldn't the neck snap?

Cynic explained this. The fact that the other end of the noose was tied to a movable bed allowed for some laxity in the rope, so that when Rebecca was thrown over the balcony railing, her posterior neck region was intact, and therefore, likely prevented her neck from completely snapping.
Cynic explained this. The fact that the other end of the noose was tied to a movable bed allowed for some laxity in the rope, so that when Rebecca was thrown over the balcony railing, her posterior neck region was intact, and therefore, likely prevented her neck from completely snapping.

I hate to admit this but my mind went into a zone when I was reading (or trying to read) Cynic's post about this. My youngest grandson was born one month ago tomorrow morning....and he suffered from meconium aspiration due to a very long labor for my daughter and an OB that NEVER came to my daughter's room to check on her, even though she suffered two major attacks of late decels. My grandson was in NICU for almost two weeks...and is just now getting better. I am really suffering with lack of sleep and some natural my brain is functioning at a lower level than usual.

Thank you for explaining it simply for me....the longer posts are harder for me to focus on for now.
I hate to admit this but my mind went into a zone when I was reading (or trying to read) Cynic's post about this. My youngest grandson was born one month ago tomorrow morning....and he suffered from meconium aspiration due to a very long labor for my daughter and an OB that NEVER came to my daughter's room to check on her, even though she suffered two major attacks of late decels. My grandson was in NICU for almost two weeks...and is just now getting better. I am really suffering with lack of sleep and some natural my brain is functioning at a lower level than usual.

Thank you for explaining it simply for me....the longer posts are harder for me to focus on for now.

So sorry to hear this. I hope the little fella is all recovered and home with his parents soon. What a difficult time for all of you.

Once a dressing table stool needed to be recovered to coordinate with new bed linens. The stool's cushion was inserted into a coordinating pillowcase with the excess tucked under the cushion.
Earlier upthread, pictured falling out of the wicker chair, is a piece of red fabric covering the chair's cushion and the excess red fabric was initially hidden by being folded and tucked underneath when the chair was upright.


Never heard or read this before. Are you merely quoting someone else's conjectures from the thread archive? Can you please tell us the source?

Suicide Package
Created by Greg Thompson and William Gore
1- Dr. Bradley Peterson's SILENCE is understood. The Suicide Package 1st Chapter was
JS hearsay voice message claiming Max's Grave condition. Why JS would CALL RZ at such a late hour is suspicious given that he was scheduled to see RZ the next morning when she
was going to bring him a set of fresh clothes.JS could've TEXT RZ but he didn't for some reason. JS has never said,"I wish I never called and left that message."

2- The Suicide Package based EVERYTHING on the hearsay Grave news message because this was the reason RZ took her life. Why Dr. Peterson has never confirmed JS statement is indeed a legal matter. When did SDSO investigators ask Dr.BP about JS Grave news statement? If Dr.BP refuted JS statement then Thompson/Gore's Suicide Package was knowingly a façade prior to the Sept.2,2011 Press Conference. If Dr.BP claims he did say that to JS then why didn't DS know about it...she was supposedly at Rady between 8:00pm and 1:00am? If Dr. BP didn't see her while discussing Max's present condition at that hour then DS needs to explain her whereabouts.....but why haven't SDSO answered those questions already? Gore has shown a tendency to withhold and "fudge" the truth when evidence tilted toward the HOMICIDE ledger so the mere fact he hasn't spoken of Dr.BP's confirmation of JS statement is a huge RED FLAG.Of course, Gore said DS was spotted on the Rady security tapes at the crucial hours and we know that was a false statement after Ann Bremner received the Rady security tapes and said on her Facebook page that DS was never spotted. Interesting that Thompson/Gore never immediately challenged Bremner with a sworn statement by the nurse on that night shift.... so there's another RED FLAG.

<snipped for brevity>

BBM 1 & 2: The role of JS continues to baffle me. He barely mentions Rebecca, almost as an afterthought IMO, in a statement after the investigation:

"While the investigation is over, the emptiness and sadness in our hearts will remain forever. Max was an extraordinarily loving, happy, talented, and special little boy. He brought joy to everyone who knew him, and we will miss him desperately. Rebecca too was a wonderful and unique person who will always have a special place in my heart. Nothing will ever be the same for our families after these losses, but with today's information providing some much needed answers, we will try to rebuild our lives and honor the memories we carry with us. Thank you for respecting our privacy as we struggle forward."

JS went along with everything that came out of that Gore Suicide Package. He marched right in step with them. IMO this statement that he made after the investigation was very cold regarding Rebecca. Of course it is understandable that he would grieve more for his son than his girlfriend. But there were more questions than there were "much needed answers" after that investigation and I believe he knows it. I hope he will be deposed for the civil suit also, but I don't expect him to veer from the very carefully crafted story line that they are all using.
KZ has had some excellent posts on this topic and I’m not certain I can offer much more.
I don’t see anything in the AR that would indicate the type of bruising linked with manual strangulation but its absence doesn’t rule it out.
Fingernail marks are also common and absent here, but they would only be potentially present if the victim was conscious and able to move their hands
A broken hyoid bone, while common in manual strangulation, can be interpreted equivocally here because the furrow line indicates that it was just as likely to be broken as a result of the hanging.
It’s easy to understand how the force of a constricting noose would be able to fracture bones and cartilage beneath it, and if it were to slip, anything in its path.
The injuries that are best explained by a long drop hanging are the injuries to the strap muscles. From the AR:
“The left sternocleidomastoid muscle has a 4-3/4 x 1-3/4 inch area of hemorrhage extending from the clavicle with softening and abundant hemorrhage within the muscle. On the right there is similar hemorrhage measuring 2 x 1-1/4 inch at the clavicle. Along the medial edge of the right sternocleidomastoid muscle, there are a 1 x ¼ inch hemorrhage (inferior, near the clavicle) and a ¼ inch diameter hemorrhage (more superior.)”
This is serious trauma to the left and right SCM muscles, and it indicates that there was a pulling force from above.
As the ligature tightened it would essentially “grip” the upper portion of the SCM (among other things,) then as the body jerked down and away from the ligature there would be a considerable stretch on that muscle group and would likely be the cause of that trauma.
The injuries that would be most readily explained by some sort of pre-hanging manual strangulation would be the fractures below the furrow line and there a number of fractures BELOW the ligature furrow with no indication that the rope was initially lower and slipped upward.
This would mean that some other force was responsible and manual strangulation would be the likely candidate.
The most suspicious injuries in Rz’s neck, IMO are:
“There is a ¼ inch diameter hemorrhage of the left cricothyroid muscle and corresponding purple discoloration of the tracheal mucosa. There is a corresponding left cricoid fracture anteriorly. It is curved, non-displaced, and is situated approximately 1/8 inch from the anterior midline.”


I also find the very extensive nature of the petechiae to be suspicious if it was all as a result of long drop hanging. There should have been more than enough constricting force to close off venous and arterial blood flow to RN’s head instantly. Petechiae are common and plentiful when only venous blood flow is constricted and arterial blood flow to the head continues.
The long drop hanging should have cut venous and arterial flow to RN’s head instantly, preventing congestion and the formation of extensive petechiae.
It has been reported that a tension of 33 lb on the ligature will occlude the trachea, a tension of 4.4 lb will compress the jugular veins, a tension of 8- 10 lb will occlude the carotid arteries and tension of 60 lb will compress the vertebral arteries.
Textbook Of Forensic Medicine And Toxicology: Principles And Practice, Krishan Vij MD, page 161
Compare with:
there would have been 600 pounds of pressure when she hung there…

What I don’t see as a likely scenario is one where she was manually strangled and then hoisted up from above. The tearing and hemorrhaging in the strap muscles belie this scenario.

What had perplexed me from the early days of this case is that while some of the injuries are consistent with a long drop hanging it just didn’t make any sense to me, whatsoever, that there were NO INJURIES to posteriorly to the neck structures.
After a spending a great deal of time looking at the force involved in a drop from that height, I realized that the way the rope was attached above would have the potential of moving this away from the realm of a long drop hanging.
I used to do some rock climbing and I do know that even falling in a comfortable harness at the end of rope that is designed to “give” is still something that can be a harsh experience if it involves any significant distance. But, I did know that I would not be injured unless the fall distance caused me to hit something on the way down.
The reason people don’t suffer injury from falls involving bungee cords or climbing ropes is that they are designed to distribute force over time rather than stopping suddenly.
The worst case scenario would be a fall at the end of a wire rope.
RZ was found hanging on the end of a tow rope. These are not designed to be very elastic for obvious reasons and if that rope was attached directly to the railing I would suspect that there would have been horrific injuries to the spinal column.
I now believe that it’s possible that the movement of the 300 pound bed extended the time enough, and absorbed enough energy along with the rope, to account for the fact that RZ did not suffer the posterior neck injuries that would be typical in a long drop hanging.

Cynic, thank you for the extensive time and effort you put into your posts and illustrations! A picture really is “worth a thousand words” in some cases. We are all so very fortunate to have someone with your talents and knowledge posting here! I wish I could quickly make the visual illustrations you can, but I'm still working on that skill.

(Warning- very long, esoteric post ahead! Skip if you like.)

I agree that it is very unlikely that Rebecca was strangled and then “hoisted” from below, although I know this is a common and popular theory. I strongly agree that a beating heart was necessary to achieve the hemorrhage within the muscle tearing, and other evidence seen at autopsy. She was alive when she went over the long drop, IMO, and the extensive muscle tearing was the precursor to decapitation, IMO. If she had been much heavier, I think she would have surely been decapitated by that long drop. I apologize for that graphic and gruesome description, but a brief search of hanging and decapitation would demonstrate that convincingly, IMO.

I’d like to comment on a couple of things: the manual strangulation force and time necessary to achieve “compliance” from a victim, versus force and time necessary to “kill” them (ie, achieve aysytole, or a non-beating heart), and the natural fusion of the hyoid bone.

First, manual strangulation (using hands only) takes “time”, and sustained pressure that is unrelenting. If someone were to try a preview of how difficult this could be for an ordinary, “non-murderous” person to achieve, simply clench your hand into a fist. Can you sustain that for about 5-6 minutes, without releasing pressure? Most people can’t. And if one factors a struggling, fully conscious, adult, and non-drugged victim into the equation, the task of manual strangulation until death becomes more difficult.

So, if one wanted to strangle a conscious, non-medicated adult, one would have to make the victim more compliant with the strangulation, right? That leaves things such as the element of surprise, physical overpowering and/ or restraint, and/ or imposed neurological impairment. Imposed neurological impairment from non-drugged/ poisoned sources could be from lack of oxygen (mechanical smothering or strangulation), or imposed head trauma, or both.

The force, and duration necessary to achieve “compliance” from constriction of the neck structures is far less than what is necessary to kill someone. This is especially true with an attacker who is much bigger than the victim (such as an adult perp and a child victim, or more than one adult perp overpowering an adult victim). For example, a #100 lb woman is widely considered very small, even if she is physically fit. A person who is reasonably fit weighing #150- #200 would be more likely to be able to overcome the #100 person, given the right set of circumstances.

For decades, Sellick’s Manuever was a universal standard of care in emergency intubation. (Although since about 2010- 2011, it has fallen out of favor academically.) Before about 2010, if you didn’t do this, and document it, and the patient aspirated stomach contents, you’d better just write out the check for the civil damages. It was an “absolute” standard of care that was taught to everyone involved with critical care and emergency intubation. Sellick’s Manuever (also called “Cricoid Pressure” and the “BURP Manuever” was widely taught to EMS and OR personnel. Basically, this is a manual “fingers only” compression of the cricoid cartilage during laryngoscopy and intubation that was felt to create a compression of the esophagus against the spine, and minimize the potential for aspiration. I’m explaining this esoteric topic because it has relevance to “how much” pressure can occlude important structures in the anterior neck in a LIVING person.

It requires about 40-44 newtons of pressure to apply manual (fingers) cricoid pressure correctly. This is equal to the pressure that is required to cause blanching of the nail beds of the person applying pressure, or about 10-15 pounds of pressure. When teaching this procedure to nurses or students, it was necessary to make sure the practitioner’s fingers were correctly applied, as compression of the jugular veins bilaterally could be catastrophic in certain patient populations. So why am I belaboring this esoteric point?

If the noose and t-shirt were already in place on Rebecca’s neck, it would not take “much” manual bilateral pressure OR time to create occlusion of the jugular veins sufficient to cause semi consciousness, or unconsciousness. (And that is separate from any potential head blows.) That is more than sufficient to cause the petechiae seen at Rebecca’s AR, IMO. I have personally seen facial and eyelid petechiae from simply “bucking” and breath holding in intubated and semi-conscious, or conscious patients. (As well as negative pressure pulmonary edema, but Rebecca displayed none of that at autopsy.) So, if she was rendered semi conscious, or unconscious, and more “compliant” before being tossed to her death over the railing, I believe it happened VERY close in time to the “tossing” over the railing. As in, seconds to a minute or so. IMO.

The noose and t-shirt, if applied before any potential partial strangulation, IMO, is sufficient to both buffer, and prevent bruising from manual circumferential partial strangulation (hands around the neck), and yet allow for occlusion of the bilateral jugulars sufficient to cause partial or complete LOC, and occlusion of the airway. Which may translate to “compliance” with murderous hanging; ie, tossing off the balcony.

As far as the hyoid bone fracture, Rebecca did demonstrate hyoid fracture, which could be consistent with either strangulation or hanging. However, at her age (32), she is on the early edge of complete hyoid fusion. So, it is possible that her young age and small body habitus leant towards an incomplete fusion of the hyoid at age 32. That means it “could” be more likely to fracture with less pressure. But then, as Cynic points out, 600# of completely suspended hanging force is more than sufficient to fracture a hyoid, even in the absence of bony fracture of the spine.

The mean age of unilateral and bilateral fusion in females was 37.5 and 45 years, respectively. Fusion was not seen in ages below 20 years. Non-fusion has been found even after the age of 60 years.

A victim of compression of neck will more likely have fracture of hyoid bone if his hyoid bone is fused. Indian authors have reported that the fusion of hyoid bone occurs after 40 years of age.

Fusion in the hyoid bone is not related to the sex of the victim and there is no tendency towards early fusion on the left side compared with the right side. If the victim of pressure on the neck is aged over 38 years, the clinicians and forensic experts should expect fractured hyoids.

The long and short of this very long post, is that I think science demonstrates that it is possible that she was rendered unconscious or semiconscious if she was subjected to manual partial strangulation for a time and pressure “less than” what is necessary to kill. And that if she was already bound hand and foot, and already had the noose and t-shirt wrapped around her neck, those may have been enough to prevent the typical signs of any manual strangulation bruising.

I do believe her heart was beating when she went over the railing. I think the science is indisputable there, IMO.
Because the person who murdered her placed her hips on the rail....and we know how a woman's hips, especially a very thin woman, are bony and protrude. Those hip bones would have been a resting point against the rail...and the needed center point of gravity to force the body over the rail.
Even so, I can't imagine why the neck didn't snap. Something doesn't add up. Whether murder or suicide, wouldn't the neck snap?
Then why so little disturbance of dust on the railing?
Then why so little disturbance of dust on the railing?

I personally believe the murderer did not need to step onto the balcony to throw Rebecca over the railing. The balcony is very small. I think some of the dust disturbance could actually be where Rebecca's hip rested before she was tossed over the balcony or where the murderer rested her upper body so they could then pick her up by her ankles to throw her over.
<snipped for brevity>

BBM 1 & 2: The role of JS continues to baffle me. He barely mentions Rebecca, almost as an afterthought IMO, in a statement after the investigation:

"While the investigation is over, the emptiness and sadness in our hearts will remain forever. Max was an extraordinarily loving, happy, talented, and special little boy. He brought joy to everyone who knew him, and we will miss him desperately. Rebecca too was a wonderful and unique person who will always have a special place in my heart. Nothing will ever be the same for our families after these losses, but with today's information providing some much needed answers, we will try to rebuild our lives and honor the memories we carry with us. Thank you for respecting our privacy as we struggle forward."

JS went along with everything that came out of that Gore Suicide Package. He marched right in step with them. IMO this statement that he made after the investigation was very cold regarding Rebecca. Of course it is understandable that he would grieve more for his son than his girlfriend. But there were more questions than there were "much needed answers" after that investigation and I believe he knows it. I hope he will be deposed for the civil suit also, but I don't expect him to veer from the very carefully crafted story line that they are all using.


Change out JS to Gore, Gore to JS. (Gore went along with everything that came out of that JS Suicide Package).

Gore and his minions marched right in step behind JS.

JS absolutely knows what happened to Maxie. It's my contention he was there. As well as his teen-aged children and some of their friends. He also knows who painted his door, and who murdered Rebecca.

He directed both investigations. And yes, he will never veer from his carefully crafted story. As long as he's breathing he will never, ever, reveal what happened to the two people who are now dead.

He has two teen-agers he has to keep 'safe'. It wouldn't surprise me at all if he high-tailed himself and his teen-agers to Europe.

Cynic, thank you for the extensive time and effort you put into your posts and illustrations! A picture really is “worth a thousand words” in some cases. We are all so very fortunate to have someone with your talents and knowledge posting here! I wish I could quickly make the visual illustrations you can, but I'm still working on that skill.

(Warning- very long, esoteric post ahead! Skip if you like.)

I agree that it is very unlikely that Rebecca was strangled and then “hoisted” from below, although I know this is a common and popular theory. <snip>

The two of you have convinced me to let go of that theory.

There were about four reasons, I thought it could be the case before. The only one left now is the dirty feet ... that now only means Rebecca must have been outside at some point, right? I think that might blow the whole 'there was a light on in the computer room' claim, but IDK. I can't see Rebecca being there then running outside, then coming back or being brought back to that same room.
The two of you have convinced me to let go of that theory.

There were about four reasons, I thought it could be the case before. The only one left now is the dirty feet ... that now only means Rebecca must have been outside at some point, right? I think that might blow the whole 'there was a light on in the computer room' claim, but IDK. I can't see Rebecca being there then running outside, then coming back or being brought back to that same room.

To sum up for the layman, does the science then lead towards a suicide? Sounds like it does now ??:drumroll:
To sum up for the layman, does the science then lead towards a suicide? Sounds like it does now ??:drumroll:

Oh, I think the whole discussion of the lack of dust disturbance on the balcony alone leads one to conclude it could not have been suicide.

I also lean towards Nina not telling the truth about the light in the computer room. Doesn't fare well for the suicide theory.

I suspect someone entered that back door and Rebecca may have heard a disturbance or at some point realized someone was in the house and tried to run outside. There actually could have been one person who entered the back door and one who went around to the courtyard.

It never made sense to me that Rebecca took a shower in that computer room. And, so far, we don't have any proof anyone was on the computer around that specific time period.
LOL—I had a few additional thoughts to add to my long post from yesterday.

I wanted to clarify what is meant by the colloquial term “strap muscles” in the autopsy report.

“Strap” muscles are not the sternocleidomastoid muscles—strap muscles are the infrahyoid (infra = below) muscles. These are somewhat deeper in the anterior neck structures, and run longitudinally.

[ame=""]Infrahyoid muscles - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]

Rebecca had hemorrhages in BOTH the SCM’s and infrahyoid muscles—more severe on the left.

The diagonal muscles that are prominent when a thin person turns their head are the sternocleidomastoid muscles (SCMs).

[ame=""]Sternocleidomastoid muscle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]

I wanted to elaborate a little more on the lung findings in the autopsy report, because I think there is very important information there. (Or rather, what ISN’T there, as I’ll explain.)

From the AR:

The right lung weighs 360 grams, and the left weighs 320 grams. Both lungs have smooth, glistening pleural surfaces and are well expanded. They have crepitant, pink-tan parenchyma with mild congestion, no edema and no masses, hemorrhage, or consolidation. The bronchi are lined by glistening, tan mucosa and are empty.

Here is a reference for normal adult organ weights at autopsy:

Left: 420-600 gm
Right: 480-680 gm

Rebecca is a pretty small woman, and probably child charts would be more appropriate for her size. Either way, lung weights in the 320-360 gram range are clearly on the low end of normal limits. I think that is very important information, and not just because she was a healthy non smoker.

This indicates that there was no Type I negative pressure pulmonary edema, which is also called acute NPPE or “flash” pulmonary edema. What that means is that Rebecca did not strain hard against an airway obstruction as she died. To understand what this means, imagine choking on a large piece of food, and straining to make an inspiratory effort (breathe in). Everything related to the lungs in the AR is completely within normal limits. That has always stood out to me as a little odd—I’d expect to see congestion, at least, in a strangulation death. When there isn't a hangman's fracture and instant death, it takes a few minutes to strangle and die. There are lots of strangulation hanging cases described on the web from judicial hangings that didn't achieve a hangman's fracture. (Gruesome accounts, BTW.)

Despite the presence of petechiae indicating congestion and strangulation, there is no evidence in her lungs at autopsy that Rebecca made strong inspiratory efforts at the time of her death. I think the reasonable answer to this is that she was rapidly unconscious and unable to make inspiratory efforts. Either rapidly unconscious at the end of the rope, or unconscious just immediately before being tossed over the railing. Which could be from head blows and/ or partial strangulation preceding the hanging.

I think it's possible the congestion in the head from the ligature is sufficient to generate enough pressure in the obstructed vascular system for pinpoint hemorrhages. I think both explanations may be possible to explain the petechiae-- either partial strangulation with arterial seepage and venous obstruction, or complete venous and arterial obstruction at the end of the rope. However, as cynic has pointed out, there is cartilage damage below the level of the ligature, without obvious evidence of "slippage". That favors manual strangulation preceding the hanging.

If Rebecca was partially strangled before being tossed to her death, IMO Rebecca was likely semi conscious or unconscious by the time she went over the railing. Otherwise, in her heightened physiological state, I think there “should” be some evidence of respiratory efforts against the airway obstruction/ partial manual strangulation, as she fought to breathe. Perhaps evidence of NPPE or other congestion. A conscious person with an obstructed airway will struggle to breathe—airway reflexes are the strongest automatic responses in our body. If she died at the end of the rope, without being subdued by head blows and/ or suffocation/ partial strangulation, then she was instantly unconscious at the end of the rope and never made any further inspiratory efforts.

If a forensic pathologist can demonstrate and explain convincingly at the civil trial that there is evidence that Rebecca was partially strangled and unconscious before being hanged, and/ or stunned with head blows, I think that could be enough “new” evidence to persuade authorities to reopen her case for criminal investigation. I think that could be pretty strong evidence on its own—BUT, if combined with the information in Max’s medical records about what Dina and Jonah knew June 11-12, and what Brad Peterson told them, it would be very, very compelling, IMO. This is why I hope the Zahau family doesn’t settle the civil suit. This is their best chance to have Rebecca’s case reopened for criminal charges.
I personally believe the murderer did not need to step onto the balcony to throw Rebecca over the railing. The balcony is very small. I think some of the dust disturbance could actually be where Rebecca's hip rested before she was tossed over the balcony or where the murderer rested her upper body so they could then pick her up by her ankles to throw her over.

Do you have an opinion of the GENDER of the murderer that may have placed
RZ body on the rail?
Oh, I think the whole discussion of the lack of dust disturbance on the balcony alone leads one to conclude it could not have been suicide.

I also lean towards Nina not telling the truth about the light in the computer room. Doesn't fare well for the suicide theory.

I suspect someone entered that back door and Rebecca may have heard a disturbance or at some point realized someone was in the house and tried to run outside. There actually could have been one person who entered the back door and one who went around to the courtyard.

It never made sense to me that Rebecca took a shower in that computer room. And, so far, we don't have any proof anyone was on the computer around that specific time period.

I concur plus the MORE information that's released by SDSO or Zahau's lawyers/family make the HOMICIDE road that more likely.
It is most evident to me that Rebecca was semi- if not fully *unconscious* prior to being thrown over the balcony. How many people would be able to be fully alert and conscious with a t-shirt wrapped tightly around their neck *three times* and a sleeve stuck down their throat? To me, that type of respiratory and circulatory constriction is sufficient indication that Rebecca was strangled prior to being hanged with noose. Of course, it does not preclude that her murderer(s) might have also used gloved hands to manually strangle Rebecca either.
The two of you have convinced me to let go of that theory.

There were about four reasons, I thought it could be the case before. The only one left now is the dirty feet ... that now only means Rebecca must have been outside at some point, right? I think that might blow the whole 'there was a light on in the computer room' claim, but IDK. I can't see Rebecca being there then running outside, then coming back or being brought back to that same room.

BBM. Curious. What were the four reasons that had previously led you to believe Rebecca was hoisted upward in the noose hanging?
Really interesting article comparing suffocation, aspiration, drowning, and strangulation morphological changes within the lung tissue at autopsy. This study includes both human and animal models, which showed consistent patterns of damage.

Lung autopsies with congestion, septal hemorrhage, and foreign body showed a specificity of 100% for victims of aspiration, whereas ductal overinsufflation, interstitial edema, and bronchiolar constriction showed a specificity of 81.8% in victims of suffocation. Intraalveolar edema and dilatation of the alveolar spaces with secondary compression of the septal capillaries characterized drowning. Victims of strangulation showed a strong alveolar hemorrhage, with alveolar collapse and overinsufflation, associated with bronchiolar dilatation.

In the fourth group of asphyxia, strangulation, alternating areas of bronchiolar constriction and dilatation leading to alveolar collapse and overinsufflation, associated with a picture of alveolar hemorrhage, were the morphologic characteristics of lung involvement. These disturbed morphologic disarrangements of the bronchiolar and alveolar architecture determine changes in the circulation relationship leading to a particular reaction pattern-the alveolar hemorrhage-which enabled them to be distinguished from other forms of death. Accordingly, specific morphologic changes can be also expected in the parenchyma of the lungs in experimental cases of strangulation. In fact, rats and rabbits, with appropriate controls, showed a pronounced hemorrhagic syndrome, extending to all compartments of the lungs, to be a qualitatively and quantitatively prominent finding in strangulation. By means of semithin sections and electron microscopy, a distinct alveolar hemorrhage was also demonstrated that did not occur in other forms of death with short agony.(11) The pulmonary vascular system and pulmonary tissues thus constitute a target organ of strangulation agony.(11,18) The Hamburg working group around Brinkmann (11) has systematically studied the pathophysiologic processes that occur in the pulmonary vascular system and pulmonary tissue during strangulation. The object of these animal experiments and comparative pathologic studies in humans was the compilation of findings utilizing histopathologic staining methods and forensic-medical assessments. Further investigations concerning these problems involve the frequency of pulmonary hemorrhage in death by strangulation (19) and the question of acute emphysema in strangulation.(20)

Bold by me above.
Oh, I think the whole discussion of the lack of dust disturbance on the balcony alone leads one to conclude it could not have been suicide.

I also lean towards Nina not telling the truth about the light in the computer room. Doesn't fare well for the suicide theory.

I suspect someone entered that back door and Rebecca may have heard a disturbance or at some point realized someone was in the house and tried to run outside. There actually could have been one person who entered the back door and one who went around to the courtyard.

It never made sense to me that Rebecca took a shower in that computer room. And, so far, we don't have any proof anyone was on the computer around that specific time period.

LOL—I had a few additional thoughts to add to my long post from yesterday.

I wanted to clarify what is meant by the colloquial term “strap muscles” in the autopsy report.

“Strap” muscles are not the sternocleidomastoid muscles—strap muscles are the infrahyoid (infra = below) muscles. These are somewhat deeper in the anterior neck structures, and run longitudinally.

Infrahyoid muscles - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rebecca had hemorrhages in BOTH the SCM’s and infrahyoid muscles—more severe on the left.

The diagonal muscles that are prominent when a thin person turns their head are the sternocleidomastoid muscles (SCMs).

Sternocleidomastoid muscle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I wanted to elaborate a little more on the lung findings in the autopsy report, because I think there is very important information there. (Or rather, what ISN’T there, as I’ll explain.)

From the AR:

Here is a reference for normal adult organ weights at autopsy:

Rebecca is a pretty small woman, and probably child charts would be more appropriate for her size. Either way, lung weights in the 320-360 gram range are clearly on the low end of normal limits. I think that is very important information, and not just because she was a healthy non smoker.

This indicates that there was no Type I negative pressure pulmonary edema, which is also called acute NPPE or “flash” pulmonary edema. What that means is that Rebecca did not strain hard against an airway obstruction as she died. To understand what this means, imagine choking on a large piece of food, and straining to make an inspiratory effort (breathe in). Everything related to the lungs in the AR is completely within normal limits. That has always stood out to me as a little odd—I’d expect to see congestion, at least, in a strangulation death. When there isn't a hangman's fracture and instant death, it takes a few minutes to strangle and die. There are lots of strangulation hanging cases described on the web from judicial hangings that didn't achieve a hangman's fracture. (Gruesome accounts, BTW.)

Despite the presence of petechiae indicating congestion and strangulation, there is no evidence in her lungs at autopsy that Rebecca made strong inspiratory efforts at the time of her death. I think the reasonable answer to this is that she was rapidly unconscious and unable to make inspiratory efforts. Either rapidly unconscious at the end of the rope, or unconscious just immediately before being tossed over the railing. Which could be from head blows and/ or partial strangulation preceding the hanging.

I think it's possible the congestion in the head from the ligature is sufficient to generate enough pressure in the obstructed vascular system for pinpoint hemorrhages. I think both explanations may be possible to explain the petechiae-- either partial strangulation with arterial seepage and venous obstruction, or complete venous and arterial obstruction at the end of the rope. However, as cynic has pointed out, there is cartilage damage below the level of the ligature, without obvious evidence of "slippage". That favors manual strangulation preceding the hanging.

If Rebecca was partially strangled before being tossed to her death, IMO Rebecca was likely semi conscious or unconscious by the time she went over the railing. Otherwise, in her heightened physiological state, I think there “should” be some evidence of respiratory efforts against the airway obstruction/ partial manual strangulation, as she fought to breathe. Perhaps evidence of NPPE or other congestion. A conscious person with an obstructed airway will struggle to breathe—airway reflexes are the strongest automatic responses in our body. If she died at the end of the rope, without being subdued by head blows and/ or suffocation/ partial strangulation, then she was instantly unconscious at the end of the rope and never made any further inspiratory efforts.

If a forensic pathologist can demonstrate and explain convincingly at the civil trial that there is evidence that Rebecca was partially strangled and unconscious before being hanged, and/ or stunned with head blows, I think that could be enough “new” evidence to persuade authorities to reopen her case for criminal investigation. I think that could be pretty strong evidence on its own—BUT, if combined with the information in Max’s medical records about what Dina and Jonah knew June 11-12, and what Brad Peterson told them, it would be very, very compelling, IMO. This is why I hope the Zahau family doesn’t settle the civil suit. This is their best chance to have Rebecca’s case reopened for criminal charges.

I wish I could snip,etc. to certain paragraph but let me say this...KZ has explained a MAJOR breakthough in RZ death IMO.

KZ said."Rebecca did not strain hard against an airway obstruction as she died." This is a medical FACT so I hope we can build on this and Zahau's family lawyers can follow as KZ suggests.

This is WHY I instantly connected to KZ's lung analysis. There have been some
remarkable turnaround in LE DROWNING investigations throughout the world in the last decade or so.The difference of suicide,accidental death and murder is often determined by ME's sending out to special LABS to conduct a DIATOMS TEST.

Fresh water in lakes,ponds,etc. have many different species of tiny little diatoms.When a person is found dead in the water (sometimes in a car) the DIATOM TEST will determine if the person died BEFORE entering the water or DURING the entry to the water.When a person is alive and grasping for air to avoid drowning they will break their CAPILLARIES and once that happens and body expires these DIATOMS enter in the body's major organs (heart,liver,etc.)
and these special LABS not only can determine if DIATOMS are present but the type of diatoms as well. If NO diatoms are present in the major organs = person was dead BEFORE entering the water because diatoms can only enter the body via the broken capillaries.
BBM. Curious. What were the four reasons that had previously led you to believe Rebecca was hoisted upward in the noose hanging?

the broken table
the dust on the balcony (or lack of it)
the dirty feet
lack of a broken neck (it was a long fall)

Also, I guess I wondered about the totally odd fact of the long rope tied way inside the house. I obviously see that as a fact this was not suicide. But did wonder if it was staging by the murderer(s).

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