The case for murder

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Re election time cannot come soon enough. Have they started setting up the voting machines yet?
When does this disgrace to all men everywhere come up for re election? Will this latest blunder be enough for the residents of San Diego to say enough is enough and vote this *advertiser censored** out of office? One can only hope, and hope that no other community wants anything to do with him either.

I'm sure, after hearing him speak, that HA's father would/will stand up for his daughter. Personally, if I were him, I'd file a slander suit against Gore, or one for intentional infliction of emotional distress. I don't know, maybe neither is possible, but I'd so love to see him get his sleazy butt hauled into civil court and get a huge judgement against him. Him personally, not the city of SD.

*Gore - what an appropriate name for something so disgusting.
I understand that you may think this an affront to all men, and it should be, but the affront to all women that have suffered under these men may be unbelievable, what about the cases where women may be imprisoned wrongly because of these men, the history and research will be incredible, and don't get me going on the judges. This is such a case that should have been taken out of his hands from the beginning IMO
I understand that you may think this an affront to all men, and it should be, but the affront to all women that have suffered under these men may be unbelievable, what about the cases where women may be imprisoned wrongly because of these men, the history and research will be incredible, and don't get me going on the judges. This is such a case that should have been taken out of his hands from the beginning IMO

I was just trying to say that Gore is a disgrace to all men, everywhere. I agree, there's no telling how many women he's wrongly charged either. It's too bad that he was ever in charge of this case, or any other case for that matter.
Which of these things is not alike?

Just sayin'

Care to tell us what this means? It seems a distasteful juxtaposition to me, but I'd rather give you the benefit of the doubt and have you explain it.
Re election will not cure this problem, this will go on forever IMO

I don't necessarily agree. I think if Gore is voted out of his job as SD Sheriff, other future murdered victims may not have to go through the same rush-to-judgment and illogical rulings for their deaths.

Having said that, the biased and unprofessional culture within that SDLE office also needs to change. IMO
Blood analysis:
Why wasn't the blood found at the crime scene and on the victim properly tested? It is a simple test that requires a microscope and qualified technician. If an enzyme called plasminogen is found, it is menstrual. If not found, then it is peripheral blood. Why didn't the investigator in this case insist that the lab check for plasminigen?

The investigator who in charge of the investigation must be the one to inform the attorney involved in the case that there are significant differences between menstrual fluid and blood which comes from another source. The investigator must also be the one who insists that the laboratory which is examining the stain clothing check for plasminigen, inflammatory exudates, and cellular debris as well as determining the part of the body that those cells came from. The results of the laboratory examination will yield conclusive evidence which will aid in rapid resolution of the case.

DNA analysis/Latent prints:
By his own account, Adam claims he used a knife to cut Rebecca down, then removed the blue t-shirt from Rebecca's mouth in an attempt to perform CPR. He also loosened the wrist bindings to check her pulse. Yet Adam's DNA is NOT on the knife he used, nor on the shirt, nor on the wrist bindings. Nor are his fingerprints on these items.

Now how is that possible? Was he wearing "a full rubber suit or some type of space suit and levitated over the scene"? Which, according to Roy Black, defense attorney to the rich and famous, stated would be necessary in order NOT to leave DNA at the crime scene. What say you, Mr. Black?

Or perhaps fake DNA was planted or the DNA swabs were tainted? It wouldn't have been a first.

And the BIG question is why weren't Dina, Jonah, and the G Avenue house guests never processed for DNA and latent prints, especially since there was so much "mixed" DNA found at the scene? I'm afraid the answer to that is obvious.

Even though IMO Gore and his cohorts went through the motions of collecting and analyzing evidence in an effort to appease the public, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that that none of it adds up. Within hours of Rebecca's body being found, the entire investigation became bogus. How? IMO the chain of command (telephone tag?) went down as follows:

IMO Adam calls Jonah "Rebecca hung herself" --> Jonah calls defense attorney ex-DA Paul Pfingst --> Pfingst calls Senior Policy Advisor to Gore ex-Director of Forensics Services Greg Thompson --> Thompson calls Gore/Grubb = legitimate Homicide investigation becomes tainted and biased --> Suicide conclusion.

According to Jan Caldwell, retired FBI special agent, currently public affairs director for SDSO, "Forensic science has no agenda -- except the truth." IMHO forensic science in this case definitely HAD an agenda -- to obfuscate the evidence in order to hide the truth.

BTW Can anyone figure out who pays Mr. Thompson's salary in his position as Senior Policy Advisor to Gore? Is the San Diego Sheriff's Office the only sheriff's office in the USA that includes in its roster a Senior Policy Advisor? Maybe there are indeed others, but I was not successful in finding any via the usual searches. TIA

All my opinion only
Blood analysis:
Why wasn't the blood found at the crime scene and on the victim properly tested? It is a simple test that requires a microscope and qualified technician. If an enzyme called plasminogen is found, it is menstrual. If not found, then it is peripheral blood. Why didn't the investigator in this case insist that the lab check for plasminigen?

DNA analysis/Latent prints:
By his own account, Adam claims he used a knife to cut Rebecca down, then removed the blue t-shirt from Rebecca's mouth in an attempt to perform CPR. He also loosened the wrist bindings to check her pulse. Yet Adam's DNA is NOT on the knife he used, nor on the shirt, nor on the wrist bindings. Nor are his fingerprints on these items.

Now how is that possible? Was he wearing "a full rubber suit or some type of space suit and levitated over the scene"? Which, according to Roy Black, defense attorney to the rich and famous, stated would be necessary in order NOT to leave DNA at the crime scene. What say you, Mr. Black?

Or perhaps fake DNA was planted or the DNA swabs were tainted? It wouldn't have been a first.

And the BIG question is why weren't Dina, Jonah, and the G Avenue house guests never processed for DNA and latent prints, especially since there was so much "mixed" DNA found at the scene? I'm afraid the answer to that is obvious.

Even though IMO Gore and his cohorts went through the motions of collecting and analyzing evidence in an effort to appease the public, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that that none of it adds up. Within hours of Rebecca's body being found, the entire investigation became bogus. How? IMO the chain of command (telephone tag?) went down as follows:

IMO Adam calls Jonah "Rebecca hung herself" --> Jonah calls defense attorney ex-DA Paul Pfingst --> Pfingst calls Senior Policy Advisor to Gore ex-Director of Forensics Services Greg Thompson --> Thompson calls Gore/Grubb = legitimate Homicide investigation becomes tainted and biased --> Suicide conclusion.

According to Jan Caldwell, retired FBI special agent, currently public affairs director for SDSO, "Forensic science has no agenda -- except the truth." IMHO forensic science in this case definitely HAD an agenda -- to obfuscate the evidence in order to hide the truth.

BTW Can anyone figure out who pays Mr. Thompson's salary in his position as Senior Policy Advisor to Gore? Is the San Diego Sheriff's Office the only sheriff's office in the USA that includes in its roster a Senior Policy Advisor? Maybe there are indeed others, but I was not successful in finding any via the usual searches. TIA

All my opinion only

B,I&UBM I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that money will erase DNA & fingerprints. There was something about it having to reach the palm of the correct hand....oh yeah...and it has to be the correct denomination and of sufficient quantity. Small bills don't work.
Blood analysis:
Why wasn't the blood found at the crime scene and on the victim properly tested? It is a simple test that requires a microscope and qualified technician. If an enzyme called plasminogen is found, it is menstrual. If not found, then it is peripheral blood. Why didn't the investigator in this case insist that the lab check for plasminigen?

DNA analysis/Latent prints:
By his own account, Adam claims he used a knife to cut Rebecca down, then removed the blue t-shirt from Rebecca's mouth in an attempt to perform CPR. He also loosened the wrist bindings to check her pulse. Yet Adam's DNA is NOT on the knife he used, nor on the shirt, nor on the wrist bindings. Nor are his fingerprints on these items.

Now how is that possible? Was he wearing "a full rubber suit or some type of space suit and levitated over the scene"? Which, according to Roy Black, defense attorney to the rich and famous, stated would be necessary in order NOT to leave DNA at the crime scene. What say you, Mr. Black?

Or perhaps fake DNA was planted or the DNA swabs were tainted? It wouldn't have been a first.

And the BIG question is why weren't Dina, Jonah, and the G Avenue house guests never processed for DNA and latent prints, especially since there was so much "mixed" DNA found at the scene? I'm afraid the answer to that is obvious.

Even though IMO Gore and his cohorts went through the motions of collecting and analyzing evidence in an effort to appease the public, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that that none of it adds up. Within hours of Rebecca's body being found, the entire investigation became bogus. How? IMO the chain of command (telephone tag?) went down as follows:

IMO Adam calls Jonah "Rebecca hung herself" --> Jonah calls defense attorney ex-DA Paul Pfingst --> Pfingst calls Senior Policy Advisor to Gore ex-Director of Forensics Services Greg Thompson --> Thompson calls Gore/Grubb = legitimate Homicide investigation becomes tainted and biased --> Suicide conclusion.

According to Jan Caldwell, retired FBI special agent, currently public affairs director for SDSO, "Forensic science has no agenda -- except the truth." IMHO forensic science in this case definitely HAD an agenda -- to obfuscate the evidence in order to hide the truth.

BTW Can anyone figure out who pays Mr. Thompson's salary in his position as Senior Policy Advisor to Gore? Is the San Diego Sheriff's Office the only sheriff's office in the USA that includes in its roster a Senior Policy Advisor? Maybe there are indeed others, but I was not successful in finding any via the usual searches. TIA

All my opinion only

Nice, Carioca! I am left with two thoughts, "Houston we have a problem" and can just anyone purchase a space suit from NASA? :banghead:
Nice, Carioca! I am left with two thoughts, "Houston we have a problem" and can just anyone purchase a space suit from NASA? :banghead:
(there are times these little smilies sure do come in handy - lol)
Thanks! It's been a real eye opener to observe Gore's behavior and statements in DiMaggio's kidnapping and murder case. As much as I've disapproved of his tactics, I always gave him some benefit of the doubt, thinking he may have been pressured to close down RZ's case and call it suicide. The DiMaggio case shows Gore needs no prompting or encouragement to jump to misogynistic conclusions about women victims of crime.

Gore's warped POV and MOO on these kinds of cases was a dream come true for the killer of RZ. They probably had a meeting of the minds from the very start. It also makes me wonder if SDSO applied pressure to take the case over from Coronado PD, who had been conducting a good investigation. Someone's warped sense of self-righteous anger toward a victim they deemed a "*advertiser censored*" may have driven them to take over.

Very Freudian and an interesting manifestation of the M-W syndrome.

It seems SD Mayor Filner and Sheriff Gore are not the only people within San Diego with a warped POV towards women. I stumbled across this 2011 article. Interesting the date of the lawsuit coincides with the timing of Rebecca's case and the press conference. The allegations seem to have occurred in 2010, but the lawsuit was filed on 9/8/2011. The same day lead investigator Det. Tsuida last signs the cellphone search warrants and seemingly disappears from Rebecca's case.

Detective accuses SDPD of sex harassment

SEPT. 13, 2011

Snip - SAN DIEGO — A sex crimes detective is suing the San Diego Police Department and several of her co-workers on accusations of sexual harassment and retaliation in the workplace.

Detective Deborah Burger, 59, a 22-year veteran of the department, claims she and other female detectives were subjected to offensive sexual comments, slurs, emails and photos while working in the unit. When she reported the alleged behavior to supervisors, she said she faced further harassment and retaliation.

The 22-page lawsuit, filed in San Diego Superior Court on Thursday, also names Sgt. Dan Cerar, Detective Carl Hershman, Detective Edward Fletes and Lt. Rick O’Hanlon. All have transferred to other units.
Blood analysis:
Why wasn't the blood found at the crime scene and on the victim properly tested? It is a simple test that requires a microscope and qualified technician. If an enzyme called plasminogen is found, it is menstrual. If not found, then it is peripheral blood. Why didn't the investigator in this case insist that the lab check for plasminigen?

DNA analysis/Latent prints:
By his own account, Adam claims he used a knife to cut Rebecca down, then removed the blue t-shirt from Rebecca's mouth in an attempt to perform CPR. He also loosened the wrist bindings to check her pulse. Yet Adam's DNA is NOT on the knife he used, nor on the shirt, nor on the wrist bindings. Nor are his fingerprints on these items.

Now how is that possible? Was he wearing "a full rubber suit or some type of space suit and levitated over the scene"? Which, according to Roy Black, defense attorney to the rich and famous, stated would be necessary in order NOT to leave DNA at the crime scene. What say you, Mr. Black?

Or perhaps fake DNA was planted or the DNA swabs were tainted? It wouldn't have been a first.

And the BIG question is why weren't Dina, Jonah, and the G Avenue house guests never processed for DNA and latent prints, especially since there was so much "mixed" DNA found at the scene? I'm afraid the answer to that is obvious.

Even though IMO Gore and his cohorts went through the motions of collecting and analyzing evidence in an effort to appease the public, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that that none of it adds up. Within hours of Rebecca's body being found, the entire investigation became bogus. How? IMO the chain of command (telephone tag?) went down as follows:

IMO Adam calls Jonah "Rebecca hung herself" --> Jonah calls defense attorney ex-DA Paul Pfingst --> Pfingst calls Senior Policy Advisor to Gore ex-Director of Forensics Services Greg Thompson --> Thompson calls Gore/Grubb = legitimate Homicide investigation becomes tainted and biased --> Suicide conclusion.

According to Jan Caldwell, retired FBI special agent, currently public affairs director for SDSO, "Forensic science has no agenda -- except the truth." IMHO forensic science in this case definitely HAD an agenda -- to obfuscate the evidence in order to hide the truth.

BTW Can anyone figure out who pays Mr. Thompson's salary in his position as Senior Policy Advisor to Gore? Is the San Diego Sheriff's Office the only sheriff's office in the USA that includes in its roster a Senior Policy Advisor? Maybe there are indeed others, but I was not successful in finding any via the usual searches. TIA

All my opinion only
I would also like to know where are the photos of Rebecca's back? Ann Rule didn't have any in her book so I'm assuming Thompson/Gore withheld those as well.Once again, we have the INFERENCE that the marks came from the bushes below the balcony but NO CONFIRMATION....hey Gore where's the science?
Here was a LEFT / RIGHT road (homicide / suicide) aspect in the case that was
easily dismissed as not important yet from a homicide point of view.....CRUCIAL EVIDENCE to determine what caused the abrasions.....belt, stun gun or lazer, knife tip..... the bushes would be easy for the Crime Lab to confirm but I haven't read any actual confirmation.Rebecca's BACK ABRASIONS should've been
clearly identified by Thompson/Gore at the sham Sept.2, 2011 PC.
Ann Rule's book - page 251....Dr.Wecht also wondered about the MANY scratches,punctures, and bruises on her back."If they came from her dangling on the rope and coming into contact with foliage,as investigators assert,why weren't there similar abrasions to her arms,which were tied behind her back? Her arms should've been the first point of contact if those abrasions came from hitting foliage while swinging on a rope,and
her arms should have shown more abrasions than were on her back."

Rebecca was ALONE throughout the night/early morning according to the Thompson/Gore suicide theory.....those scratches,abrasions and punctures couldn't be self afflicted so the only explanation can be the bushes just like the 4 separate distinct hemorrhages on RZ scalp...ME Lucas's autopsy summation had attributed the 4 mystery red areas as something that had happened when Adam Shacknai cut her down.(Rule's book-page 251) Typical TEAM Thompson/Gore GARBAGE....tell me ME Lucas....tell me HOW Adam cut her down and got off the 3 legged patio table to the grass? Adam never mentioned that in the 5 minute polygraph tape that was released nor was it revealed in Ann Rule's book and she got all the evidence Thompson/Gore sent then Attorney Bremner. Tell ME Lucas... how did Adam fall down with Rebecca and she somehow got 4 separate distinct hemorrhages on the scalp and Adam didn't get a scratch? I hope this brash ME Lucas is deposed and thoroughly EXPOSED.
Ann Rule's book - page 251....Dr.Wecht also wondered about the MANY scratches,punctures, and bruises on her back."If they came from her dangling on the rope and coming into contact with foliage,as investigators assert,why weren't there similar abrasions to her arms,which were tied behind her back? Her arms should've been the first point of contact if those abrasions came from hitting foliage while swinging on a rope,and
her arms should have shown more abrasions than were on her back."

Rebecca was ALONE throughout the night/early morning according to the Thompson/Gore suicide theory.....those scratches,abrasions and punctures couldn't be self afflicted so the only explanation can be the bushes just like the 4 separate distinct hemorrhages on RZ scalp...ME Lucas's autopsy summation had attributed the 4 mystery red areas as something that had happened when Adam Shacknai cut her down.(Rule's book-page 251) Typical TEAM Thompson/Gore GARBAGE....tell me ME Lucas....tell me HOW Adam cut her down and got off the 3 legged patio table to the grass? Adam never mentioned that in the 5 minute polygraph tape that was released nor was it revealed in Ann Rule's book and she got all the evidence Thompson/Gore sent then Attorney Bremner. Tell ME Lucas... how did Adam fall down with Rebecca and she somehow got 4 separate distinct hemorrhages on the scalp and Adam didn't get a scratch? I hope this brash ME Lucas is deposed and thoroughly EXPOSED.

IMO, the scratches on RZ's back occurred when she brought the chandelier down. The 4 scalp injuries are consistent with the round shape of the individual candelabras of the chandelier.
IMO, the scratches on RZ's back occurred when she brought the chandelier down. The 4 scalp injuries are consistent with the round shape of the individual candelabras of the chandelier.

So how did the chandelier make marks on Rebecca's back unless it fell on her? And if it fell on her then she would not have been in any position to help with Max when EMS arrived. This to me sounds like a very far fetched accusation that makes zero sense. Unless of course some sort of proof or explanation as to how this is possible is offered then it comes across as just another baseless claim against Rebecca.

Now let's talk about those 4 scalp injuries that "are consistent with the round shape of the individual candelabras".......exactly how is it that a person can get hit in the head with enough force to cause 4 scalp injuries and there not be blood flowing and/or some other sign of injury that would be obvious to EMS and LE? Again, another accusation/assumption that makes zero sense and when thought through is really extremely unlikely based on the evidence and facts of the case known.

I suppose that when one wants to blame anything and everything on the person that was favored over the ex wife, any accusation/assumption will do even if they make no sense at all and the facts and evidence prove otherwise.

IMO, the scratches on RZ's back occurred when she brought the chandelier down. The 4 scalp injuries are consistent with the round shape of the individual candelabras of the chandelier.

Then Rebecca's DNA would be all over that chandelier. Dina has access to that item, why did she not test it in those places of contact you suggested?
IMO, the scratches on RZ's back occurred when she brought the chandelier down. The 4 scalp injuries are consistent with the round shape of the individual candelabras of the chandelier.

Maybe the scratches on Rebecca's back were made by a female killer with sharp nails? Or sharp teeth?

Maybe the killer scratched her back with the point of a knife or sharp object? Or something carried in a pink Coach wristlet? Or something from a big black hand bag? The possibilities are just endless, if you use an active imagination, KWIM?

I wonder if Dina, Nina, and Adam ever had their hands photographed by LE in the hours after Rebecca's death?
So how did the chandelier make marks on Rebecca's back unless it fell on her? And if it fell on her then she would not have been in any position to help with Max when EMS arrived. This to me sounds like a very far fetched accusation that makes zero sense. Unless of course some sort of proof or explanation as to how this is possible is offered then it comes across as just another baseless claim against Rebecca.

Now let's talk about those 4 scalp injuries that "are consistent with the round shape of the individual candelabras".......exactly how is it that a person can get hit in the head with enough force to cause 4 scalp injuries and there not be blood flowing and/or some other sign of injury that would be obvious to EMS and LE? Again, another accusation/assumption that makes zero sense and when thought through is really extremely unlikely based on the evidence and facts of the case known.

I suppose that when one wants to blame anything and everything on the person that was favored over the ex wife, any accusation/assumption will do even if they make no sense at all and the facts and evidence prove otherwise.


RZ did not call 911.
RZ did not administer CPR.
RZ claimed Max uttered Ocean <modsnip>.
RZ kept the scooter on top of his leg.
RZ <modsnip>. Lead me to one legal document that indicates otherwise.

And this is my opinion.
Maybe the scratches on Rebecca's back were made by a female killer with sharp nails? Or sharp teeth?

Maybe the killer scratched her back with the point of a knife or sharp object? Or something carried in a pink Coach wristlet? Or something from a big black hand bag? The possibilities are just endless, if you use an active imagination, KWIM?

I wonder if Dina, Nina, and Adam ever had their hands photographed by LE in the hours after Rebecca's death?

The medical reports do not indicate the marks on her back were from fingernails. Nor do the reports indicate any bite marks. Both of which are highly recognizable and distinguishable injuries. Therefore, the possibilities are not endless.

The medical reports do not indicate the marks on her back were from fingernails. Nor do the reports indicate any bite marks. Both of which are highly recognizable and distinguishable injuries. Therefore, the possibilities are not endless.

I disagree....the possibilities are indeed ENDLESS until Thompson/Gore's science confirms the source of the scratches,punctures and abrasions on her back. Why haven't
they.....that's the question and suspicion.
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