The Case of JonBenet Ramsey-CBS Sept. 18 # 2

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Maybe she was aware or suspected some funny business with her children or someone else, but had convinced herself it wasn't real or bad down played it in her mind, and it wasn't till that moment that she realized how extreme the behavior had been and how long it had been going on....
Exactly, ThinkHard. I think there were things she was aware of, like LHP's telling her about playing "doctor," but she just didn't know it had escalated to the point that evidence of "vaginal intrusion" showed up in the AR.
I have a feeling she was likely highly medicated....which would effect her expressive empathy and might explain some of her oddities...not that I think she isn't deceptive.

Also I don't think JR was touching JBR but regarding if PR would stay with him if he was?'d be surprised, call it denial, call it just crazy.....but too many women choose to believe what their man tells them over what their child says or they even see for themselves.

Yeah, of course you're right. Happens every day, unfortunately.
Respectfully snipped from otg's post:

10/5/94: Came in for checkup, doctor notices scar on left cheek. She'd been hit accidentally by a golf club when the family was in Charlevoix. A week after the accident, a plastic surgeon was consulted. No injury to cheekbone. Beuf is told (at this visit) that she's getting along with brothers and older sister. Wearing pullups at night because she's wetting bed. Patsy completes developmental questionnaire, and says there are no aspects of JonBenet's behavior or sex education she needed to discuss, and also notes JBR has no fears or phobias.

5/8/95: JBR falls in Alfalfa's food market, lands on nose, not broken.

12/95: Trips and hits head above left eye. Stuffy nose, bad breath, coughing.

5/96: Bent nail back on fourth finger, left hand, in another fall. Swollen and painful, but no bruising. Ibuprofen recommended.

We now know the 10/94 note was not the result of an accident, but was 7 year-old Burke hitting his 4 year-old sister in the face with a golf club.

[And I know kids can be clumsy. Jonebenet appears very poised, graceful, and non-clumsy, IMO]

But if one reviewed the medical records of a grown woman who died as a victim of a violent homicide, and they noticed that she came in 4 times in the last 2 years with reports of being "accidentally hit in the face with a golf club" and "falling and landing on her nose", and "tripping and hitting her head above her left eye", and "bent nail back in another fall"...

Woman who dies of trauma to the head had reported 3 other instances of head trauma in the last 2 years. Wouldn't that raise flags that the woman may have been the victim of domestic violence, and died by those same hands?

Incidentally, as a child, my daughter once fell at our neighbor's house and broke 2 fingers (bent backwards) trying to break her fall. ER. Weeks of hand casts and hand specialists. As a newly walking toddler, my son fell into the coffee table and bloodied his upper lip/upper gums/nose. We took him in for a medical exam and x-rays to make sure there was no facial/dental damage that needed to be addressed. Years and years later, same son fainted freshman year in HS and busted open his chin. When you fall hard enough you need to call/see the doctor, the common injuries are to fingers/wrists/forearms (when you try to break your fall, those bones take all your body weight and bend back or break).....and chin/mouth/nose/...the part of your face that first makes contact with the ground. How to you trip and only hit above your eye? How do you land on only your nose and only hurt your nose?

I'm having a hard time picturing a child falling while conscious, with two hands and arms available to break her fall 'landing on her nose'. And after landing on her nose (soft part of face) having no other facial or dental trauma to report. She went from an upright position to landing on her face, and only her nose took trauma? Later, she 'falls', and the one injury is above her left eye. How to you fall from standing and only injure above you eye? No other part of face bruised? No part of your upper body/fingers/hand/arm corresponding to the side of the face that took trauma was bruised, scraped, injured in any way?

Why do the Ramseys call the doctor to report every little cough and sneeze....yet when her face was bashed with a golf club (it left a scar, which means the skin was broken) it was not reported to their primary doctor? He had to ask where the scar came from months later when she came in for a check-up. And the only doctor they report taking her to see after having her face 'accidentally' split open by a golf club was a plastic surgeon? A week later? No concern on the day of the incident there may have been damage to the facial bones beneath the wound? Eye trauma?

Nope, just worried about surface appearance, it would seem. The story of their life.

11/12/96: Runny nose and cold sore, sneezing.

Just curious. Anyone else in the Ramsey family get cold sores? Mom? Dad? They are caused by a herpes virus (and are contagious).
Hello everyone I way behind on this thread and I'm not sure where to ask this so I'm just going to ask here. I'm sure this has probably been mentioned here but I cant find it. When you listen to the 911 tape and 911 picks up it sounds like Patsy says "we need an Am..POLICE" (the first part is more subdued then her voice amps up immediately. Maybe she was going to say ambulance. Just curious if anyone else noticed this.
Wow ... after reading all of JBRs illnesses, it almost sounds like she was drugged! Any records of blood/urine tests?

IMO, this is not normal for a child who is raised in upper class N. America. Sounds also like some sort of neglect going on, or she was mistreated and not cared for and loved properly.

No drugs in Tox screen at autopsy
Wow ... after reading all of JBRs illnesses, it almost sounds like she was drugged! Any records of blood/urine tests?
I'd like to know this as well. A few of her issues(sinus problems, coughing, earaches, etc.) are side effects to some of the meds Patsy was taking. Not very likely as only a small percentage of users get those specific side effects, but might be different in children. In all fairness, many medical issues can cause those symptoms but it does make you wonder.

Has her dental history ever been made public? I don't remember. Cavities could be what caused the long term bad breath.
Hello everyone I way behind on this thread and I'm not sure where to ask this so I'm just going to ask here. I'm sure this has probably been mentioned here but I cant find it. When you listen to the 911 tape and 911 picks up it sounds like Patsy says "we need an Am..POLICE" (the first part is more subdued then her voice amps up immediately. Maybe she was going to say ambulance. Just curious if anyone else noticed this.

Yes I was going to post about that too a while back and then I forgot about it.

911 Emergency
Hurry we need an (or need 'n am)...police
What's going on ma'am?

I was sure she was going to say ambulance. What do they call that? Freudian Slip.
To me it's like she is just making the right noises. Yes when you see her words 'I'm shocked' etc. at a surface level it reads as an acceptable or genuine answer to the question, but it isn't, in my view, a real surprise because then you would expect the fall out from surprise and concern. The missing reaction. As well as the moving on, like you have just been told something unsurprising.
It seemed like such a wooden response to me which revealed there was knowledge of 'something.'

There are folks on FFJ who’ve volunteered at homes for abused children. I have never been involved at that level. But because I wanted to find out more about the dynamics in a family in which abuse in occurring, I’ve read many books on the subject and also spoken to two criminal defense attorneys on this topic. First line of defense is denial, denial to self and others. This occurs whether there is sibling, paternal, grandfather etc., abuse. For a southern woman like Patsy, no matter who was perpetrating the abuse, denial would be an absolute choice as would circling of the wagons. Outside knowledge of it would have compounded familial shame.

This abuse occurs in all socio-economic groups. Occasionally it extends to children In the neighborhood (real life stories I’ve been told), and the family will move away if confronted by neighborhood parents. It also is seen in adult males who are simultaneously having extramarital affairs. Sometimes the dynamics of ‘emotional incest’ occur between one child in the family and a father, and when it does, it can also trigger extreme jealousy within another child.

Bottom line - we don’t know these people and can only guess who was invasively molesting JonBenét. Though I’ve personal inklings, I don’t rule out any family member who had access. Take your pick.
At this stage, the most important evidence remaining to be examined is the DA's office. Arresting the parents would have given them the leverage they needed to solve the crime; isolate Burke from their tutelage; and allow for a plea bargain. It is important to note that only the most humiliating and damaging a family secret would cause this level of staging. I think it is far darker than simply keeping BR out of Juvenile justice. It is like he had the ultimate extortion evidence too. The DA surely knew the details and made an extra-judicial bargain. The governor should launch an investigation of their activities. To my mind, the DA malfeasance is what keeps me pushing for justice in this case.

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To me it's like she is just making the right noises. Yes when you see her words 'I'm shocked' etc. at a surface level it reads as an acceptable or genuine answer to the question, but it isn't, in my view, a real surprise because then you would expect the fall out from surprise and concern. The missing reaction. As well as the moving on, like you have just been told something unsurprising.

Yes, finding out suddenly that your deceased baby was the victim of chronic sexual abuse would be devastating to hear. After the initial shock and anger, it would naturally cause one to reframe what they thought they believed about their child's death. Wouldn't the first logical thought in the parent's mind be "I wonder if the person who sexually molested her in the past is also who killed her"?

But no.

8 PATSY RAMSEY: What report as -- I

9 want to see, I want to see what you're talking

10 about here. I am -- I am -- I don't -- I am

11 shocked.

12 TOM HANEY: Well, that's one of the

13 things that's been bothering us about the case.

14 PATSY RAMSEY: No damn kidding.

15 TOM HANEY: What does that tell

16 you?

17 PATSY RAMSEY: It doesn't tell me

18 anything.
I mean, I knew -- I -- I --
I just saw this:


I think if I was on the jury of the lawsuit, Lin Wood wouldn't have to work too hard to convince me that these folks took their theory a bit too seriously and got it confused with reality. I'd probably side with the Ramseys on the lawsuit - even though I think Burke did it.
Yes I was going to post about that too a while back and then I forgot about it.

911 Emergency
Hurry we need an (or need 'n am)...police
What's going on ma'am?

I was sure she was going to say ambulance. What do they call that? Freudian Slip.

Yes, when Jonbenet was initially found by Patsy, that's probably who she instinctively knew she should call.
More from the transcripts.....

TOM HANEY: And prior to today, had you heard or read or seen anything about--

PATSY RAMSEY: I had heard that the night she was killed that she may have had -- have been sexually assaulted. But not prior to that. Absolutely.

TOM HANEY: Have you ever suffered any physical abuse?

PATSY RAMSEY: Absolutely not.

TOM HANEY: In childhood, you know, dating, your adult life?


TOM HANEY: How about sexual abuse?


TOM HANEY: How about anybody in your family ever suffered any physical abuse?

PATSY RAMSEY: Not to my knowledge.

TOM HANEY: Your sisters?

PATSY RAMSEY: Not to my knowledge.

TOM HANEY: Sexual abuse, have they ever confided in you that--

PATSY RAMSEY: No. No. What's this got to do with JonBenet?


TOM HANEY: Okay. Ms. Ramsey, are you aware that there had been prior vaginal intrusion on JonBenet?

PATSY RAMSEY: No, I am not. Prior to the night she was killed?

TOM HANEY: Correct.

PATSY RAMSEY: No, I am not.

TOM HANEY: Didn't know that?

PATSY RAMSEY: No, I didn't.

TOM HANEY: Does that surprise you?

PATSY RAMSEY: Extremely.

TOM HANEY: Does that shock you?

PATSY RAMSEY: It shocks me.

TOM HANEY: Does it bother you?

PATSY RAMSEY: Yes, it does.

TOM HANEY: Who, how could she have been violated like that?

PATSY RAMSEY: I don't know. This is the absolute first time I ever heard that.

TOM HANEY: Take a minute, if you would, I mean this seems -- you know, you didn't know that before right now, the 25th, at 2:32?

PATSY RAMSEY: No, I absolutely did not.

ELLIS ARMISTEAD: To be fair, Tom, that's been a subject of debate in the newspaper whether or not she represented what is true as a fact. I don't want you to alarm my client too much here about whether or not it's absolutely a fact. I just think that should be mentioned to be fair to my client.

TOM HANEY: And based on the reliable medical information that we have at this point, that is a fact.

PATSY RAMSEY: Now when you say violated, what are you -- what are you telling me here?

TOM HANEY: That there was some prior vaginal intrusion that something --something was inserted?

PATSY RAMSEY: Prior to this night that she was assaulted?

TOM HANEY: That's the--

PATSY RAMSEY: What report as -- I want to see, I want to see what you're talking about here. I am -- I am -- I don't -- I am shocked.

TOM HANEY: Well, that's one of the things that's been bothering us about the case.

PATSY RAMSEY: No damn kidding.

TOM HANEY: What does that tell you?

PATSY RAMSEY: It doesn't tell me anything. I mean, I knew -- I -- I --

TOM HANEY: Okay, for a second --

PATSY RAMSEY: Did you know about this?

ELLIS ARMISTEAD: I tried to stay out of the making of the record and inserting myself into the tape-recording of this interview. The newspapers have talked about this. Whether or not--

PATSY RAMSEY: Well, they talk about a lot of things that are not true.
Respectfully snipped from otg's post:

We now know the 10/94 note was not the result of an accident, but was 7 year-old Burke hitting his 4 year-old sister in the face with a golf club.

[And I know kids can be clumsy. Jonebenet appears very poised, graceful, and non-clumsy, IMO]

But if one reviewed the medical records of a grown woman who died as a victim of a violent homicide, and they noticed that she came in 4 times in the last 2 years with reports of being "accidentally hit in the face with a golf club" and "falling and landing on her nose", and "tripping and hitting her head above her left eye", and "bent nail back in another fall"...

Woman who dies of trauma to the head had reported 3 other instances of head trauma in the last 2 years. Wouldn't that raise flags that the woman may have been the victim of domestic violence, and died by those same hands?

Incidentally, as a child, my daughter once fell at our neighbor's house and broke 2 fingers (bent backwards) trying to break her fall. ER. Weeks of hand casts and hand specialists. As a newly walking toddler, my son fell into the coffee table and bloodied his upper lip/upper gums/nose. We took him in for a medical exam and x-rays to make sure there was no facial/dental damage that needed to be addressed. Years and years later, same son fainted freshman year in HS and busted open his chin. When you fall hard enough you need to call/see the doctor, the common injuries are to fingers/wrists/forearms (when you try to break your fall, those bones take all your body weight and bend back or break).....and chin/mouth/nose/...the part of your face that first makes contact with the ground. How to you trip and only hit above your eye? How do you land on only your nose and only hurt your nose?

I'm having a hard time picturing a child falling while conscious, with two hands and arms available to break her fall 'landing on her nose'. And after landing on her nose (soft part of face) having no other facial or dental trauma to report. She went from an upright position to landing on her face, and only her nose took trauma? Later, she 'falls', and the one injury is above her left eye. How to you fall from standing and only injure above you eye? No other part of face bruised? No part of your upper body/fingers/hand/arm corresponding to the side of the face that took trauma was bruised, scraped, injured in any way?

Why do the Ramseys call the doctor to report every little cough and sneeze....yet when her face was bashed with a golf club (it left a scar, which means the skin was broken) it was not reported to their primary doctor? He had to ask where the scar came from months later when she came in for a check-up. And the only doctor they report taking her to see after having her face 'accidentally' split open by a golf club was a plastic surgeon? A week later? No concern on the day of the incident there may have been damage to the facial bones beneath the wound? Eye trauma?

Nope, just worried about surface appearance, it would seem. The story of their life.

Just curious. Anyone else in the Ramsey family get cold sores? Mom? Dad? They are caused by a herpes virus (and are contagious).
Excellent observations, Magdalyn. I didn't put it together about all the injuries/accidents she had to her head and face. You're absolutely correct that those things would be looked at more closely had a woman died from a traumatic injury to the head. Also questionable, as you point out, is her falling and hitting her nose without breaking the fall with her hands. :thinking: Odd, or suspicious?
Wow. Just catching up since last night. A few things that IN MY OPINION are very telling.
1.) WTH. Patsy finds out her beautifully perfect SIX year old daughter has been chronically molested and she doesn't LOOSE her mind??? I would have needed medication! And possibly restraints and all sharp objects removed from my vicinity. I would have went nuts on ANY person who had contact with my daughter until I found the perpetrator! THAT perp may have been the one who killed my daughter! THAT would have been EXTREMELY important to me and I would've immediately gave a list of any and all people who could possibly be guilty. INCLUDING my own family members!
Unless ... of course... she knew who did it.
2.) WTH again with the medical record! WHY in the hell did the doctor NEED to point out on so many occasions about sex ed etc. SHE was a CHILD! No doctor I have EVER worked along side (and that is a bunch!) have ever charted such ********. Part of my job as the nurse would be to dictate and be in the room with the patient! A patient that young shouldn't even be a problem in that area.... unless the doctor had a very good reason to be asking!!!!!!!!! Now, if it was a teen, this question would be important. But not a child!
3.) The bad breath is mentioned often yet it's never "handled" or she's never referred to a specialist?? After THAT many incidences, she should have been referred to a specialist immediately. It should have also been charted that she was referred and who she was referred to and what the specialist had to say in regards to it. Terrible doc in my opinion!
4.) Ok all of those injuries sound just like women who are abused physically. Made up excuses to protect their significant other. Period. Sounds like Patsy was covering abuse by someone. My kids had their fair share of accidents and believe me, there was ER visits, x-rays, casts. This doctor just seemed to ignore all the signs! Never sent for an xray???? WTH. My head is spinning right now seriously. As a nurse it makes me ANGRY. That poor child! Kids can be very clumsy and I and both of my children and my grand daughter are veryyyyy clumsy. BUT we've always sought proper treatment and insisted on xrays etc to make SURE there was no underlying problems. My granddaughter has just learned to walk and she's always tripping due to her feet turning inward. The doctor is very aware of this and monitoring it closely to see if there is any improvement. If not we have ALREADY discussed with the doctor what will happen next and the steps we will need to take. Maybe it's just me because I'm a nurse, but I have always addressed any issue with my kids and my grandkid openly with their doctor and insisted on referrals when necessary. JBR obviously had a serious ongoing sinus issue that wasn't properly addressed. That doctor is a quack. Seriously.
Listen... to all the parents out there that may be reading this. A little advise from me. If your loved one, be it a child or adult, is having chronic issues... DEMAND further testing and referrals. DEMAND it. We are our loved one's keeper and voice. If we don't speak up, we won't be heard and neither will the person we are taking care of be heard. JBR's parents failed her miserably if we are to take this doctor's word for it. There are doctors out there who only look at a patient as a number. If your doctor is like that, find a new doctor. Period. End of story. Just felt I needed to say that!!! :gaah:
5.) dang it..... I'm so mad about the dr. that I need a minute to compose myself.
At this stage, the most important evidence remaining to be examined is the DA's office. Arresting the parents would have given them the leverage they needed to solve the crime; isolate Burke from their tutelage; and allow for a plea bargain. It is important to note that only the most humiliating and damaging a family secret would cause this level of staging. I think it is far darker than simply keeping BR out of Juvenile justice. It is like he had the ultimate extortion evidence too. The DA surely knew the details and made an extra-judicial bargain. The governor should launch an investigation of their activities. To my mind, the DA malfeasance is what keeps me pushing for justice in this case.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Totally agree. I believe Alex Hunter should be thoroughly investigated related to this case. Also, don't forget, MB, also a former Boulder DA and friend of the Ramseys was advising them immediately. WTH?! The fox was in the henhouse from the very beginning.
Hello everyone I way behind on this thread and I'm not sure where to ask this so I'm just going to ask here. I'm sure this has probably been mentioned here but I cant find it. When you listen to the 911 tape and 911 picks up it sounds like Patsy says "we need an Am..POLICE" (the first part is more subdued then her voice amps up immediately. Maybe she was going to say ambulance. Just curious if anyone else noticed this.
Consider this, SecretaryGal, since you're still catching up:

What if all three living Ramseys were there in the room while Patsy is dialing 911 after John tells her to call it? Not knowing the game plan, Burke asks his mom, "Why are you calling 911?" Patsy answers him in an exhausted tone, "Hon', we need 'em to... (call is answered)." Then she changes tone to her urgent voice alerting everyone in the room that the call has been answered by blurting out, "POLICE!" and then caught off guard and at a momentary loss for words she calls out the street address.

Listen to the beginning of the call again. Does it not sound like the call was connected beginning with the word "one" and then Patsy answering "Hon', we need 'em to..." I though for the longest it was Patsy repeating the endearment "Hon'" twice. But I've compared the two words on a histogram. It's not the same voice. So why would she be explaining to someone why they needed to call 911? Here are the two words played together for comparison:'_Comparison.mp3
Wow. Just catching up since last night. A few things that IN MY OPINION are very telling.
1.) WTH. Patsy finds out her beautifully perfect SIX year old daughter has been chronically molested and she doesn't LOOSE her mind??? I would have needed medication! And possibly restraints and all sharp objects removed from my vicinity. I would have went nuts on ANY person who had contact with my daughter until I found the perpetrator! THAT perp may have been the one who killed my daughter! THAT would have been EXTREMELY important to me and I would've immediately gave a list of any and all people who could possibly be guilty. INCLUDING my own family members!
Unless ... of course... she knew who did it.
2.) WTH again with the medical record! WHY in the hell did the doctor NEED to point out on so many occasions about sex ed etc. SHE was a CHILD! No doctor I have EVER worked along side (and that is a bunch!) have ever charted such ********. Part of my job as the nurse would be to dictate and be in the room with the patient! A patient that young shouldn't even be a problem in that area.... unless the doctor had a very good reason to be asking!!!!!!!!! Now, if it was a teen, this question would be important. But not a child!
3.) The bad breath is mentioned often yet it's never "handled" or she's never referred to a specialist?? After THAT many incidences, she should have been referred to a specialist immediately. It should have also been charted that she was referred and who she was referred to and what the specialist had to say in regards to it. Terrible doc in my opinion!
4.) Ok all of those injuries sound just like women who are abused physically. Made up excuses to protect their significant other. Period. Sounds like Patsy was covering abuse by someone. My kids had their fair share of accidents and believe me, there was ER visits, x-rays, casts. This doctor just seemed to ignore all the signs! Never sent for an xray???? WTH. My head is spinning right now seriously. As a nurse it makes me ANGRY. That poor child! Kids can be very clumsy and I and both of my children and my grand daughter are veryyyyy clumsy. BUT we've always sought proper treatment and insisted on xrays etc to make SURE there was no underlying problems. My granddaughter has just learned to walk and she's always tripping due to her feet turning inward. The doctor is very aware of this and monitoring it closely to see if there is any improvement. If not we have ALREADY discussed with the doctor what will happen next and the steps we will need to take. Maybe it's just me because I'm a nurse, but I have always addressed any issue with my kids and my grandkid openly with their doctor and insisted on referrals when necessary. JBR obviously had a serious ongoing sinus issue that wasn't properly addressed. That doctor is a quack. Seriously.
Listen... to all the parents out there that may be reading this. A little advise from me. If your loved one, be it a child or adult, is having chronic issues... DEMAND further testing and referrals. DEMAND it. We are our loved one's keeper and voice. If we don't speak up, we won't be heard and neither will the person we are taking care of be heard. JBR's parents failed her miserably if we are to take this doctor's word for it. There are doctors out there who only look at a patient as a number. If your doctor is like that, find a new doctor. Period. End of story. Just felt I needed to say that!!! :gaah:
5.) dang it..... I'm so mad about the dr. that I need a minute to compose myself.

I am 100% behind you on these comments. I am really, really angry that there are so many uniquely female issues related to this case! History of sexual molestation, male sibling violence toward younger female sibling, the apparent cover-up and total sacrifice of a daughter to hide hideous and ongoing abusive behavior in this family. The almost TOTAL handling of the case by Males...them choosing what to play up, what to ignore. Justice for Jonbenet is really a blatant joke at this point.
At this stage, the most important evidence remaining to be examined is the DA's office. Arresting the parents would have given them the leverage they needed to solve the crime; isolate Burke from their tutelage; and allow for a plea bargain. It is important to note that only the most humiliating and damaging a family secret would cause this level of staging. I think it is far darker than simply keeping BR out of Juvenile justice. It is like he had the ultimate extortion evidence too. The DA surely knew the details and made an extra-judicial bargain. The governor should launch an investigation of their activities. To my mind, the DA malfeasance is what keeps me pushing for justice in this case.

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This is a question that I kept forgetting to ask! Thank you for bringing this up! CAN the DA be prosecuted in this case for mishandling the whole situation? What can legally be done in this situation? See my reason behind asking is pretty simple.
IF those who brushed this under the rug was thrown on a stand to defend themselves, I think they would spill the beans and throw the Ramsey's under the bus. At that point they would be more inclined to protect themselves and their reputation than stay quiet and continue to protect the Ramsey's.
I mean a child died a heinous death! That should be the focus, yet everyone included in the case worry more about their reputation and what they look like in the public eye than worrying about an innocent little child's death and who caused it.
Obviously today I'm in one of those moods. So forgive me for being so angry. It just bothers me to know that if it had been any other family in America, they would have been UNDER the jail. Makes me sick. :gaah:
Another thing that's bothering me about this CBS special is that they made a big deal of recreating several rooms in the house to help them with the investigation - a picture is worth 1000 words but going to the crime scene is worth 1,000,000 words, etc. etc.. But the only part of the recreated home that seemed useful for investigation was the window with the spider web - and they surely didn't need a whole room for that. It seems like the recreated house was useful mostly for production value - not investigative value. Am I missing something, did they use the set to investigate more than the "spider web was in the way" theory?
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