The Case of JonBenet Ramsey-CBS Sept. 18

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We all know this is headed towards BR , child deviant.
I feel a sense of anger, vindication, and joy at once. After years of hearing bogus explanations and outright lies by crackpot crime fans, IDI's, John Ramsey, the Boulder Colorado DA's office I feel like this evidence is about as "in your face" as it gets.

Oh sure, Lin Wood and some other self serving folks are going to spin this as only attorneys can do, but this team of investigators are obviously on target. Lin Wood, Alex Hunter, and his successor are a pretty disgusting bunch. At least Lin Wood has the excuse that he's a defense attorney; they do what they do. Hunter and company have a lot of explaining to do. He ruined the lives and livelihoods of a lot of people. He decided to disregard the grand jury that voted to charge the Ramsey's. The whole thing smells like a payoff to me.

This program and investigation was a long time coming. A lot of people should be ashamed of themselves.
I feel a sense of anger, vindication, and joy at once. After years of hearing bogus explanations and outright lies by crackpot crime fans, IDI's, John Ramsey, the Boulder Colorado DA's office I feel like this evidence is about as "in your face" as it gets.

Oh sure, Lin Wood and some other self serving folks are going to spin this as only attorneys can do, but this team of investigators are obviously on target. Lin Wood, Alex Hunter, and his successor are a pretty disgusting bunch. At least Lin Wood has the excuse that he's a defense attorney; they do what they do. Hunter and company have a lot of explaining to do. He ruined the lives and livelihoods of a lot of people. He decided to disregard the grand jury that voted to charge the Ramsey's. The whole thing smells like a payoff to me.

This program and investigation was a long time coming. A lot of people should be ashamed of themselves.
Top cop: I absolutely could not agree more. And I haven't even tuned in yet. Waiting for 8pm west coast.
I don't know what is up with our site right now...wacky
I can't believe they got a kid to hit a skull that was covered with rubber and a blond wig, with a flashlight. They actually went there. :shivers:
Wow! All I can say is well done! I am blown away with how each step and scenario was broken down. Amazing! I bet any money Dr Phil show will be cancelled. How in his right mind can he have it on
I'm just amazed that the R's were able to control every aspect of this case from the start. I thought the conversation with the gardner when he speaks of Patsy telling him OJ got away with murder (In this country you can actually get away with murder) was
I can't believe there's still another two hours of this. They covered so much just in the first episode! I'm really curious to know how those in the IDI camp feel about it now.
Very much what has been written about. Even the interviews were the same and with the same people. But the analysis and the re-creations were fabulous. I've been hopping from one fence to another. But now I'm convinced. I wonder if BR got a stun gun for Christmas...
I was kinda disturbed they were "going there" when the explained the skull and pigskin, but then they brought out the kid and I saw why it was kind of necessary. One of the reasons most people don't believe BDI is because they don't think a child his age was capable of causing that injury. They had already made the case for the flashlight before that demonstration.
The kid doing the re-enactment was horrifying, but boy did it drive home the point of who they think did it. I am so glad they showed it, but I feel awful for the kid that had to do it!
The kid doing the re-enactment was horrifying, but boy did it drive home the point of who they think did it. I am so glad they showed it, but I feel awful for the kid that had to do it!

Agree and he took his role very serious. I would have liked to see the golf club done too, however, I bet they did try it out and it may have not match and was cut from the show.

Over 1700 people on WS...very slow loading so I am going to bow out until later in the wee hours. Thanks everyone, Tricia, CandyRose and all....
One other thing was what JR said during the last interview about "we can't go on until we know why". BR said on the DP interview "I guess I had to go on". There was alot of coaching and rehearsing going on in that house and I m sure BR over heard or was part of it.
The problem I had with the demonstration using the flashlight to hit the skull was:

1. The posterior fracture ran all the way to the base of the skull and iirc it did not run that far on the photo available on the Internet that's said to be JonBenet's skull.

2. They either didn't show whether there was an anterior fracture or else I missed it.
Well, well, well! JR did go MIA for a lengthy spell and came back agitated. Anyone else think the conclusion will be, she stole a piece of pineapple and it snowballed from there?

It's taken 20 years to get some answers. Would like to know what the Whites said.
Highest number you've seen on the JBR forum tonight? For me, it was around 840.
The problem I had with the demonstration using the flashlight to hit the skull was:

1. The posterior fracture ran all the way to the base of the skull and iirc it did not run that far on the photo available on the Internet that's said to be JonBenet's skull.

2. They either didn't show whether there was an anterior fracture or else I missed it.

I think the reason for having the demonstration was to show that it doesn't take much force to crack the skull of a six year old. I imagine are variables of angles and velocity that prevent duplicating the exact same injury.
Who is producing this? Does anyone remember Dan Abrams who always covered this story and was straight about the law suits? Doesn't he produce for some station these days? I'm wondering if he is behind it.
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