The Chair Blocking the Basement Door

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Jun 23, 2005
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In JonBenet: The Police files it says:

One of the crime scene photo showed a chair blocking the door into the train room, to get to the broken window in the cellar, someone has to go through that door. John found the chair blocking the entrance way during his first trip of searching the basement, he moved it and then moved it back he said.
LS: So you think that the chair would block the door and nobody would
have gotten in there with out moving it?

JR: Correct

LS: The thing I am trying to figure out in my mind is, if an intruder went through that door he'd almost have to pull the chair behind him, because that would have been his exit, so that's not very logical as far as......

JR: I think that it is, I mean if this person is that bizzar, really clever to have not left any good evidence, but left all these funny clues around they are clever enough to pull the chair back when they left.

My questions:

1. Are there any crime scene photos of this chair?
2. Why did John move the chair and then move it back? I am thinking he found JonBenet on his "first trip" to the basement and he put the chair there to block the door so that no one could find JonBenet. What kind of an intruder "put things back"? If someone just commited a murder they'd be fleeing out of the house as fast as they could. They wouldn't be putting things back in place.
3. Was the chair there the second time John & Fleet went down and discovered JonBenet's body?
4. Could this have been what the neighbor ment when she said she heard "metal scraping against concret."
In JonBenet: The Police files it says:

One of the crime scene photo showed a chair blocking the door into the train room, to get to the broken window in the cellar, someone has to go through that door. John found the chair blocking the entrance way during his first trip of searching the basement, he moved it and then moved it back he said.
LS: So you think that the chair would block the door and nobody would
have gotten in there with out moving it?

JR: Correct

LS: The thing I am trying to figure out in my mind is, if an intruder went through that door he'd almost have to pull the chair behind him, because that would have been his exit, so that's not very logical as far as......

JR: I think that it is, I mean if this person is that bizzar, really clever to have not left any good evidence, but left all these funny clues around they are clever enough to pull the chair back when they left.

My questions:

1. Are there any crime scene photos of this chair?
2. Why did John move the chair and then move it back? I am thinking he found JonBenet on his "first trip" to the basement and he put the chair there to block the door so that no one could find JonBenet. Shanny, JonBenet was not in that room was she. The chair is blocking the door to another room, am I correct. The room that JB was in did not have a window, did it. It was used as the wine cellar.

What kind of an intruder "put things back"? If someone just commited a murder they'd be fleeing out of the house as fast as they could. They wouldn't be putting things back in place. A devious one, according to John.

3. Was the chair there the second time John & Fleet went down and discovered JonBenet's body? I think it was as I recall.

4. Could this have been what the neighbor ment when she said she heard "metal scraping against concret."
Who knows.

Replies above.
In JonBenet: The Police files it says:

One of the crime scene photo showed a chair blocking the door into the train room, to get to the broken window in the cellar, someone has to go through that door. John found the chair blocking the entrance way during his first trip of searching the basement, he moved it and then moved it back he said.
LS: So you think that the chair would block the door and nobody would
have gotten in there with out moving it?

JR: Correct

LS: The thing I am trying to figure out in my mind is, if an intruder went through that door he'd almost have to pull the chair behind him, because that would have been his exit, so that's not very logical as far as......

JR: I think that it is, I mean if this person is that bizzar, really clever to have not left any good evidence, but left all these funny clues around they are clever enough to pull the chair back when they left.

My questions:

1. Are there any crime scene photos of this chair?
2. Why did John move the chair and then move it back? I am thinking he found JonBenet on his "first trip" to the basement and he put the chair there to block the door so that no one could find JonBenet. What kind of an intruder "put things back"? If someone just commited a murder they'd be fleeing out of the house as fast as they could. They wouldn't be putting things back in place.
3. Was the chair there the second time John & Fleet went down and discovered JonBenet's body?
4. Could this have been what the neighbor ment when she said she heard "metal scraping against concret."

1. Don't remember any crime scene photos of the chair blocking the door.
2. We only have John's word that he removed and then moved the chair back. And, his word isn't that reliable.
3. I think the chair was there on the second trip and remained there since the cops where aware of it and asking questions about it.
4. Sure the intruder was clever, neat and orderly. He replaced the cap on the black writing pen and placed the pen back where it was usually held in a cup holder.
4. Sure the intruder was clever, neat and orderly. He replaced the cap on the black writing pen and placed the pen back where it was usually held in a cup holder.

I bet he even cleaned up after Patsy while he was there.:D
I bet he even cleaned up after Patsy while he was there.:D

He should have flushed all of those toilets that Patsy said looked like somebody went potty and didn't flush. That is just GROSS.
The chair was pulled in front of the train room door (the room with the broken window), not the wineceller where JBR's body was. So I don't think JR replaced the chair to keep the body from being found. We'll never know the real reason, but it is just as puzzling as why he didn't tell the police about the broken window. Then he goes and tells FW that HE broke the window months before. It's almost as if he FORGOT that he "needed" the broken window to have been done by the "intruder".
His ridiculous answer to the implausibility of anyone actually being able to pull that chair in front of the door from the other side AFTER it was closed speaks volumes to me about just how stupid he thought LE was. And to tell you the truth, NO ONE called him on that silly comment. Like so many of the R's slip-ups, LE just let it go.
The chair was pulled in front of the train room door (the room with the broken window), not the wineceller where JBR's body was. So I don't think JR replaced the chair to keep the body from being found. We'll never know the real reason, but it is just as puzzling as why he didn't tell the police about the broken window. Then he goes and tells FW that HE broke the window months before. It's almost as if he FORGOT that he "needed" the broken window to have been done by the "intruder".
His ridiculous answer to the implausibility of anyone actually being able to pull that chair in front of the door from the other side AFTER it was closed speaks volumes to me about just how stupid he thought LE was. And to tell you the truth, NO ONE called him on that silly comment. Like so many of the R's slip-ups, LE just let it go.

Thank you so much DeeDee. I thought the chair was in front of the train room, but there is so much in this case, that one forgets, and I did not feel like looking for it. So thank you.

LKL asked him about it and he said the same thing as he said to LS, this was a devious person.

What is interesting to me about this crime is the fact that the parents are so willing to be interviewed about it and speak so often. I really believe they were involved and if you look at the ransom note, the handwriting is very very shakey - someone was hardly able to write and that is with a very thick pen and you can still see the writer was shaking badly. The fact that it is such a horrible crime - not only murder but the subsequent defiling is just beyond the pale and that is why I think there are people who find it too hard to believe the parents did this especially since they are wealthy people and not inner city people or trailer people. These are wealthy people who are intelligent and made their money themselves into a billion dollar business. I find myself thinking about it and just the fact that one of them carried her to the basement stops me every time, every time.
The question should be... was the chair blocking the train room, where earlier Officer French and Fleet White examined the basement?
Thank you so much DeeDee. I thought the chair was in front of the train room, but there is so much in this case, that one forgets, and I did not feel like looking for it. So thank you.

LKL asked him about it and he said the same thing as he said to LS, this was a devious person.

What is interesting to me about this crime is the fact that the parents are so willing to be interviewed about it and speak so often. I really believe they were involved and if you look at the ransom note, the handwriting is very very shakey - someone was hardly able to write and that is with a very thick pen and you can still see the writer was shaking badly. The fact that it is such a horrible crime - not only murder but the subsequent defiling is just beyond the pale and that is why I think there are people who find it too hard to believe the parents did this especially since they are wealthy people and not inner city people or trailer people. These are wealthy people who are intelligent and made their money themselves into a billion dollar business. I find myself thinking about it and just the fact that one of them carried her to the basement stops me every time, every time.

Money cannot buy true caring love or even class and OJ and the Ramseys and Midyettes are living proof of that. Mark Lunsford was a mobile home person the Midyettes come from wealth and power I think murder does not have a stereo type Some poor people love their children fiercely, some rich and educated see them as possesions. I dont see how wealth = intelligence either. JMHO
Who knows.

Replies above.

Solace....The chair was blocking the basement door...which led to the wine cellar....which did have a window.....and no a murderer wouldnt have put stuff back unless they were trying to get caught which isnt likey my only theory on the it was an inside job and they put it back for a reason.....
Money cannot buy true caring love or even class and OJ and the Ramseys and Midyettes are living proof of that. Mark Lunsford was a mobile home person the Midyettes come from wealth and power I think murder does not have a stereo type Some poor people love their children fiercely, some rich and educated see them as possesions. I dont see how wealth = intelligence either. JMHO

The Midyettes may come from wealth and power but Jason Midyette's father looks like he has been sitting in a rocking chair drinking bear and smoking crack for the past 15 years. He is repulsive beyond repulsive and I hope he gets put in jail with a few good men who know what to do with him regularly.
Solace....The chair was blocking the basement door...which led to the wine cellar....which did have a window.....and no a murderer wouldnt have put stuff back unless they were trying to get caught which isnt likey my only theory on the it was an inside job and they put it back for a reason.....

Graceful, I thought that the chair was blocking the room with the window that had the suitcase beneath it. Am I wrong. I can't take much more.

Here you go. There is no window in the room where she was found. This is a site with pictures. The chair is blocking the room to the Train Room. The Train room had a window, which is thought to be the escape route for this very very very very neat intruder.
The Midyettes may come from wealth and power but Jason Midyette's father looks like he has been sitting in a rocking chair drinking bear and smoking crack for the past 15 years. He is repulsive beyond repulsive and I hope he gets put in jail with a few good men who know what to do with him regularly.

Couldnt agree with you more, that proves the point that not always can you tell what the story is till you read the book. Wealth and power has produced some real sludge out of the gene pool each case and individual must be evaluated on its own merits. Ramseys were not dirt poor or mobile home people But Auntie Pam acts more like she has no class at all as I recall the McDonalds , she incident did not even pay for her own coke or meal after braggin how she'd nade her first million. I have met some Mobile home people who have a lot more class and pride. I think it was said best when Nedra said, everything that John touches turns to gold and as long as he kept makin it theyd keep spending it. Its who you are not what you are there are good and bad from all walks of life. I titally agree though regarding the Midyettes
Couldnt agree with you more, that proves the point that not always can you tell what the story is till you read the book. Wealth and power has produced some real sludge out of the gene pool each case and individual must be evaluated on its own merits. Ramseys were not dirt poor or mobile home people But Auntie Pam acts more like she has no class at all as I recall the McDonalds , she incident did not even pay for her own coke or meal after braggin how she'd nade her first million. I have met some Mobile home people who have a lot more class and pride. I think it was said best when Nedra said, everything that John touches turns to gold and as long as he kept makin it theyd keep spending it. Its who you are not what you are there are good and bad from all walks of life. I titally agree though regarding the Midyettes

I couldn't agree more. I grew up in an inner-city slum. Most of the people I met were some of the finest, hardworking, honest and kindest people I have ever known. Now I live in a very affluent area. You couldn't turn your back on some of the people in this town. Unscrupulous, immoral, nasty doesn't do some of them justice. And they are ALL millionaires. Solace, please don't think that people's bank accounts are all that prevent them from being guilty of horrible crimes, even the murder and assault of their own child. Wealth is just that-only money. It is not a moral shield that keep one innocent.
JR seems like he thought was arrogant and wealthy enough to do whatever he wanted and get away with it.That is NOT to say he killed JB or ever intended to..I just think he molested her and not ever once thought it would be a problem for him.I think they bought off Dr Beuf b/f the murder...they paid him to give JB medical care and look the other way re: sexual abuse.I definitely think JR molested JB and could hide behind his money if it were to ever become a problem for him.that said though...I think he had JB brainwashed to the point where he didn't think she'd ever talk about it,as long as it was something she'd grown up with and thought was normal.I think he has that kind of arrogance..arrogance that comes from a combo of pride and money.and so he thought he was untouchable and could get away with anything.which he did,so to speak.
It's simpler than that.

A while ago, someone on the IDI side of it said that JB would not have stood for being abused. Now, after all this time, I regard their arguments with a sort of exasperated amusement, but this one really got me angry with their ignorance. And I told them so. Everyone knows better than that. It's hard enough to get ADULT women to report that stuff.

Not a week later, Wendy Murphy was on Bill O'Reilly's show talking about it. Not this case; the Hornbeck story. But she mentioned something called Child Abuse Accommodation syndrome. Funny how things work out.
The chair was pulled in front of the train room door (the room with the broken window), not the wineceller where JBR's body was. So I don't think JR replaced the chair to keep the body from being found. We'll never know the real reason, but it is just as puzzling as why he didn't tell the police about the broken window. Then he goes and tells FW that HE broke the window months before. It's almost as if he FORGOT that he "needed" the broken window to have been done by the "intruder".
His ridiculous answer to the implausibility of anyone actually being able to pull that chair in front of the door from the other side AFTER it was closed speaks volumes to me about just how stupid he thought LE was. And to tell you the truth, NO ONE called him on that silly comment. Like so many of the R's slip-ups, LE just let it go.
But didn't the door to the train room/hobby room open to the inside of that room (see floor plan of the house)? I. e. someone standing in front of the train room wanting to enter it would have to push the door? But in that case, it would be very easy for someone to put the chair there: just step out of the train room into the hall, close the door and put a chair in front of it.
Just curious: did any of the police officers searching the house ever mention that a chair blocked the entry to the train room?
But didn't the door to the train room/hobby room open to the inside of that room (see floor plan of the house)? I. e. someone standing in front of the train room wanting to enter it would have to push the door? But in that case, it would be very easy for someone to put the chair there: just step out of the train room into the hall, close the door and put a chair in front of it.
Just curious: did any of the police officers searching the house ever mention that a chair blocked the entry to the train room?

Wasn't that mentioned in John's 98 Interview...about it blocking the entry?? I have to go back and read it, because I can't remember. I do remember the chair being mentioned in his interview, though.
But didn't the door to the train room/hobby room open to the inside of that room (see floor plan of the house)? I. e. someone standing in front of the train room wanting to enter it would have to push the door? But in that case, it would be very easy for someone to put the chair there: just step out of the train room into the hall, close the door and put a chair in front of it.
Just curious: did any of the police officers searching the house ever mention that a chair blocked the entry to the train room?

Yes to both. And closing the door that way and placing the chair that way IS what happened. But that is NOT the way JR was claiming it did. What he said he thought happened was that the "intruder" pulled the chair to the door AFTER he was in the room, with the door already closed, and escaped out the window in the room. The suitcase was placed under that window. Though JR could have placed the suitcase there himself, either while staging the crime or the next morning when he meandered around the house.
A chair placed in front of a door doesn't keep anyone from opening the door from that side- you simply move the chair! What JR was implying was something else. Either way, it makes no sense for anyone to have placed the chair there in order to prevent entry to the room.
For that matter, why use a suitcase (which is unsteady at best-imagine trying to balance on that suitcase while you climb UP a wall and try to shimmy out that window without knocking the suitcase over?)

Why use a suitcase when you have the CHAIR to climb on?
Yes to both. And closing the door that way and placing the chair that way IS what happened. But that is NOT the way JR was claiming it did. What he said he thought happened was that the "intruder" pulled the chair to the door AFTER he was in the room, with the door already closed, and escaped out the window in the room. The suitcase was placed under that window. Though JR could have placed the suitcase there himself, either while staging the crime or the next morning when he meandered around the house.
A chair placed in front of a door doesn't keep anyone from opening the door from that side- you simply move the chair! What JR was implying was something else. Either way, it makes no sense for anyone to have placed the chair there in order to prevent entry to the room.
For that matter, why use a suitcase (which is unsteady at best-imagine trying to balance on that suitcase while you climb UP a wall and try to shimmy out that window without knocking the suitcase over?)

Why use a suitcase when you have the CHAIR to climb on?

Good point, I guess that JOHN didn't think of THAT!!

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