The Charges Against Jesse Leroy Matthew

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Is this a common thing at universities in America? It strikes me as odd that someone of legal age would be expelled for having consensual sex? I'm confused. Im from Australia and I couldn't imagine anyone getting expelled from university here, or even kicked out of on campus housing.

You're comparing apples and oranges, matey - they're both fruit, but that's about it. I've eaten apples and oranges and worked in both academic systems.

Apart from the commonality of higher education, there is little that can be compared. Liberty university is faith based - morals are held in high esteem.
Try googling Liberty University and you'll get the picture. Australia does have private universities - one of which is the Catholic university.
Taken offline due to threats made.....!

Should not have happened. ANyone wanting to donate to his defense, let them. Otherwise it's the tax dollars, which it's likely to be anyways, or a family already stricken with this having happened meaning more burden on the public. He has a right to a fair trial. Those who are out with the torches and pitchforks should be ashamed of themselves. THis mentality can get him acquited and more favors. we should quietly let him defend himself and use our energies looking for support to convict him, not give technical fodder due to nastiness of the public and make it look unfair for him. This is not helping the system at all.
So at this point the only "evidence" is that JM was the last person Hannah was seen with in public before she disappeared? No one saw her get into his car and no forensic evidence has been released that connects her to his car or anywhere else with him. Based on this JM is charged with kidnapping with intent to defile. I lived in northern Virginia for 10 years and if I were a black man who was the focus of a police investigation based on seemingly flimsy evidence I would run too. Especially if I was innocent. I'm not saying this is racial in that "it must be the black guy who did it" but racism does exist with people being treated differently..

There is something that's not quite right about this investigation. Who releases a wanted poster based on a traffic infraction? Guilty or innocent I am appalled by that. JM could very well be responsible for Hannah's disappearance but I am not seeing evidence to support it right now. Not a popular opinion I know.


I think it is pretty clear that they were looking for some random reason to arrest him when they didn't really have evidence for the primary charge. He might well be guilty however, but as yet it is still not clear what evidence they actually have. The thing that concerns me is that unless they have hard physical evidence, and are relying on stuff like glimpses in video cameras with gaps being filled in by witnesses, there is a very real danger that the witnesses could have "remembered" stuff in response to all the public focus and impassioned pleas by Longo. Of particular concern is the "new leads" in the other cases. If the new leads are nothing substantial other than speculation then it would serve to inflame public opinion that JM must be guilty, and that could be a problem when it comes to trial in this case. Longo needs to shut up about stuff like that until they have evidence that is compelling enough to make an arrest on those charges.
clarabelle, I honor your opinion but respectfully disagree.. Who lawyers up and then attempts to evade justice by travelling over 1270 miles away in their sister's vehicle, if they have nothing to hide? JM refuses to assist or cooperate with investigators whose primary mission is to locate HG and return her safely to her family and friends, or seek justice if she has met with foul play.. Imo, this speaks volumes as to JM's guilt. This in not normal behavior for an innocent person irregardless of their race..
JM, has escaped consequences for his actions time and time again for over a decade due to political correctness and his many enablers, imo.

Thanx for sharing, Hoosgirl... So the primary suspect in an abduction/sexual assault/and likely homicide of HG, imo, is seeking donations? Unbelievable..

'Check's in the mail'...not..

Lol....anyone who feels that they are being railroaded would do that. I don't think it necessarily indicates guilt. It is not as though he took great pains to hide, he just got out of town.
So at this point the only "evidence" is that JM was the last person Hannah was seen with in public before she disappeared? No one saw her get into his car and no forensic evidence has been released that connects her to his car or anywhere else with him. Based on this JM is charged with kidnapping with intent to defile. I lived in northern Virginia for 10 years and if I were a black man who was the focus of a police investigation based on seemingly flimsy evidence I would run too. Especially if I was innocent. I'm not saying this is racial in that "it must be the black guy who did it" but racism does exist with people being treated differently..

There is something that's not quite right about this investigation. Who releases a wanted poster based on a traffic infraction? Guilty or innocent I am appalled by that. JM could very well be responsible for Hannah's disappearance but I am not seeing evidence to support it right now. Not a popular opinion I know.


BBM. In some cases, as in this one, there simply is not enough proof to hold someone on charges for what LE suspects the person has done. To prematurally charge someone with insufficient evidence can jeopardize the case. So if there is another reason for which the person can be held, and LE has strong reason to believe a person is a danger to others out there, they can and do exercise their right to arrest the person for charges that may not always be pursued. Yes, many times, if not most all of the time, police do not actively seek those who get slapped with a reckless driving charge, though if anyone is so stopped and caught, they are likely to be arraigned , a bond maybe set ( for just that charge, often a small one) and/or the case is decided right there with a fine, thrown out , or the person sits in jail. The law does give the judge that leeway to hold someone who may be dangerous that way.

Given what LE's suspicions were and are about JM, and also given his erratic and explosive temper, reactionary about things, the safest place for JM is probably jail for even for himself. Family, friends, loved ones and the on e in jail may take it hard, but really, it can be the best place for a person, even one innocent, until a cooling down period can be given, and the dust cleared as to what charges will really stick.

Sometimes this leeway is abused, yes. In this case, I don't think so. A upset JM could result in others getting hurt. That he's in custody reduces those chances. Also public sentiment is such that it isn't safe for JM to be out there roaming about.

So LE chose to take the latitude the law has, in this case.
BBM. In some cases, as in this one, there simply is not enough proof to hold someone on charges for what LE suspects the person has done. To prematurally charge someone with insufficient evidence can jeopardize the case. So if there is another reason for which the person can be held, and LE has strong reason to believe a person is a danger to others out there, they can and do exercise their right to arrest the person for charges that may not always be pursued. Yes, many times, if not most all of the time, police do not actively seek those who get slapped with a reckless driving charge, though if anyone is so stopped and caught, they are likely to be arraigned , a bond maybe set ( for just that charge, often a small one) and/or the case is decided right there with a fine, thrown out , or the person sits in jail. The law does give the judge that leeway to hold someone who may be dangerous that way.

Given what LE's suspicions were and are about JM, and also given his erratic and explosive temper, reactionary about things, the safest place for JM is probably jail for even for himself. Family, friends, loved ones and the on e in jail may take it hard, but really, it can be the best place for a person, even one innocent, until a cooling down period can be given, and the dust cleared as to what charges will really stick.

Sometimes this leeway is abused, yes. In this case, I don't think so. A upset JM could result in others getting hurt. That he's in custody reduces those chances. Also public sentiment is such that it isn't safe for JM to be out there roaming about.

So LE chose to take the latitude the law has, in this case.

JMs bond hearing is happening now. Any sleuthers there?
The intent to defile must come from evidence they have found in his home/car... And it makes me believe it was some serious evidence, enough that they haven't been in a huge hurry to talk to him, like they already know HG's fate :( . I have not found anything concrete but am hearing they have moved the Thursday hearing to December...??!! Any one heard or seen a story on that?
It's tomorrow.

Speaking of, should we post about hearing on this thread or have a separate thread?
Thanks for asking. This thread and the media thread can be used for that purpose.
I just don't understand...I can't make sense of this in my head...especially if they will not tell him (the attorney) the evidence... unless JM told him something...
His status as a fugitive likely makes bond impossible at this point.
That and maybe his attorney wants him jailed for his safety.

I'm not knowledgeable on the law and court proceedings, but I thought that they had to have an arraignment/preliminary hearing or something like that within a certain period of time. When does he get to offer a plea on the defile charges? I'm so confused. Also I wonder what his attorney talked to him about for 2.5 hours. I wonder if Jesse told him the truth. I wonder if he tried to persuade Jesse to admit what happened to Hannah. I wonder about a lot of things.

What I really wonder about, and I haven't seen it talked about or aske here, is what his roommates had to say about what time he got home that night and how he acted. The time he got home (if he did come home) tells something about how far away Hannah could be.
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