The Crime Scene and Investigation

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I think he wanted her to be a million dollar surgeon and not a private holistic doctor. I think he was mad that she chose and pursued her path. Owning your own practice can equal more bills. And mark was probably tired of seeing the money having to be paid out before it even comes in. Jmo
I was just wondering if TS was a Doc before meeting MS? I thought he was helping her to become one, but can't remember.

Dr. Sievers was affiliated with the Suncoast Medical Clinics in St Petersburg when she and MS resided there.

SMC is according to their About Us "Suncoast Medical Clinic is South Pinellas County's largest physician alliance serving the St. Petersburg, FL, community for nearly five decades."

I've always thought she got her M.D. shortly after or simultaneously with her 1996 graduation from medical school.

In 1996, Dr. Sievers graduated with honors from Ross University School of Medicine. She completed her residency at the University of Florida in Jacksonville where she was awarded resident of the year. She became board certified in Internal Medicine. After moving to Bonita Springs in 2006, she opened her practice, Restorative Health & Healing Center in the Estero Medical Center and was on staff at Naples Community Hospital.
I find MS' communications with TS' patients very awkward. He doesn't talk about what a wonderful person she was, he just keeps using (IMO) weird phrases such as "like-minded" and "like-hearted". To me, it doesn't sound like he's talking about the woman he loved; he sounds more like a head-hunter trying to fulfill a vacancy.

And the fact that he cannot spell out the word "God" in "God Bless" but puts "G-d," which in my world means "God Da__" . Extremely passive aggressive.
For those asking, Teresa was absolutely a full fledged doctor prior to meeting MS.
And the fact that he cannot spell out the word "God" in "God Bless" but puts "G-d," which in my world means "God Da__" . Extremely passive aggressive.

Isn't MS Jewish? If so, then he is simply following religious tradition in omitting the middle letter and thereby not offending God by writing His name. Don't see anything passive-aggressive in that.


I might disagree when circumstances include asking the public for money. But that's another discussion.

LOL, so true! :blushing: I had forgotten that.

The the next day was one of the reasons I thought MS was guilty from the get go. And to top it off, never in my life have I EVER seen ANYTHING like that listed in an obituary.
But now that I have read and re-read everything on this heartbreaking case, including starting all over from day one on our TS threads, I am thinking that the Sievers may NOT have had any life Insurance at all. This is one of the reasons I now think that.

* Not only do friends read these forums, but family does as well. Everyone is looking for answers.

* Family did not set up the donation page for a million dollars. While I am sure there were noble reasons for setting up the page, this was not something the family had requested. IMO, the current set up of the page is what would have initially been set up had anyone in the family been in the frame of mind to do that.

ETA ~ I have no clue how the thumbs up is on my page ???

Also, friends of both of TS's sisters also set up 's on June 30th.
If there is no insurance policy on Dr. Sievers' life, it will change many opinions about MS. IMO.
That's a big IF.
Mark is one of the proudest fathers I have ever met. He could not wait to show <modsnip> off to everyone when she was first born. Marks was very proud of Teresa as well, and very supportive. I do not have any input to share on their marriage.

I would also like to add that MS has shown, many times, to be a VERY caring and compassionate man. I am curious to know just what everyone expects him to say? He lost his wife and mother to his children. His entire life has been shattered. I remain hopeful that he will be cleared of suspicion, for the sake of <modsnip>. They have lost enough.

Thank you for taking the time to answer my question. I have no idea where my question went but I appreciate your answer. It takes a true friend to come here and try to explain his behavior.

As for your question on what MS is expected to say, well MS has said absolutely nothing aside from his memorial service speech where he told those in attendance and I am paraphrasing, he was very lucky to have had Teresa in his life and he is still a lucky man.

I expect more out of caring husband. I am sorry but he is hiding in a cowardly fashion. LE is not backing him up so IMO "Houston we have a problem".
Isn't MS Jewish? If so, then he is simply following religious tradition in omitting the middle letter and thereby not offending God by writing His name. Don't see anything passive-aggressive in that.



Thank you for clarifying that, I had no idea that was a religious tradition in the Jewish faith and yes, MS is Jewish.
Mark is one of the proudest fathers I have ever met. He could not wait to show <modsnip> off to everyone when she was first born. Marks was very proud of Teresa as well, and very supportive. I do not have any input to share on their marriage.

I would also like to add that MS has shown, many times, to be a VERY caring and compassionate man. I am curious to know just what everyone expects him to say? He lost his wife and mother to his children. His entire life has been shattered. I remain hopeful that he will be cleared of suspicion, for the sake of <modsnip>. They have lost enough.

For once I would have expected him to contact Dr S's sister AL directly on the tragic Monday morning, late morning, noon etc.. But I understand, he was devastated and busy booking flights to get back to Florida.

I would have expected MS to contact AL (or any other family member from Dr S in CT) after the news with the second arrest (CWW) broke. What a complete awkward feeling for the family, to learn about MS's best friend being charged in Dr S's death. They met him at the funeral, MS was sitting right next to him, family and friends shook this man's hand. I would have expected MS to come up with some kind of an explanation, an effort to ease the family's already distressed frame of mind. But I understand, he was busy.

I would have expected MS to talk to the neighbors in the weeks and months following the death of his beloved wife. Instead he isolated himself and was not even trying to make any contact with the Jarvis Road residents, who found (and are still finding) themselves in an awkward situation, torn between whodunnit and why. In the past few weeks MS seems to start talking a bit to the neighbors again. So much to that. And I understand, he is trying.

I would have expected MS to talk to the media, perhaps to one (1) media outlet of his choice. That would have given the man the opportunity and the setting to address once and for all the suspicions associated with the case. I would have expected MS to have talked to the press for his kids' sake. They will ask him, why he was quiet. And so will we, no matter the outcome. But I understand, he chose not to talk.

I would have expected MS to realize, that he brought CWW into his wife's life and business. Be it as an ITT technician, be it as a friend, who he would be traveling to and attending his wedding. But I understand, he blames CWW, not himself.

I would have expected MS to treat Dr S's patients the way his wife would have want him to. Some of these patients are on borrowed life. They completely rely (relied) on a smooth transition to new medical care. They were left in the dark. One of these patients was crying to me dearly, not because of MS's procrastinating methods of delaying medical records, but because she had lost her medical provider, her friend, her soulmate, her hope.


And that's, what I cannot understand Mr Sievers!

The ownership of the property was joint ownership by Dr. Sievers & MS at the time of Dr. Sievers' death. On July 29 it changed to sole ownership by Mark only. Whether this was automatic with the recording of Dr. Sievers' death certificate or a special deed was prepared and recorded is not clear. This was noted in the early discussion threads and presently, the Lee County Property Appraiser public records do confirm a change on July 29 and owned by MS alone now.
KATEB...:loveyou:aka KATIEBEST :loveyou: How can you always do that so fast??? I was spending the morning trying to find the info on the deed change and ALWAYS have the source!! I don't know how many readers know just how amazing it is to have someone with your lightening speed research skills helping on this forum. Not that I am keeping count, but you have done this 3 times....always faster than I can get a fresh cup of coffee!! Thanks KateB.
BTW Deed changes "are not automatic"...a person would have to present a certified death certiicate to change the deed, and then submit it to the county recorder's office.
How about MS? Did you have any experiences with MS that could help us understand Teresa and his marriage?

Oops. Here's your missing post. I inadvertently left it behind in the Victim: Dr. Teresa Ann Grace Sievers thread after the move this morning (due to the quoted post in it not part of the move). Consider your post the Y in the road we just took.

(And Dmacky, look under Edit, Go advanced, for the Icon options for your post TITLE field.)
KATEB...:loveyou:aka KATIEBEST :loveyou: How can you always do that so fast??? I was spending the morning trying to find the info on the deed change and ALWAYS have the source!! I don't know how many readers know just how amazing it is to have someone with your lightening speed research skills helping on this forum. Not that I am keeping count, but you have doen this 3 times....always faster than I can get a fresh cup of coffee!! Thanks KateB.
BTW Deed changes "are not automatic"...a person would have to present a certified death certiicate to change the deed, and then submit it to the county recorder's office.

Awww....thanks. Frankly, that detail is embedded permanently in my mind because when I read the property had changed to MS being sole owner, I misread the date of the change as June 29th, and I shut down for a few moments until I realized it was not the same day of her murder. June is not spelled July. So that fact is easy for me to remember.
I was just wondering if TS was a Doc before meeting MS? I thought he was helping her to become one, but can't remember.

This isn't meant sarcastically, I'm genuinely curious how it would be thought or considered that MS would have helped TS become a Dr?
I find MS' communications with TS' patients very awkward. He doesn't talk about what a wonderful person she was, he just keeps using (IMO) weird phrases such as "like-minded" and "like-hearted". To me, it doesn't sound like he's talking about the woman he loved; he sounds more like a head-hunter trying to fulfill a vacancy.

Absolutely agree!
LOL, so true! :blushing: I had forgotten that.

I think it is still undetermined as to who was responsible for that original post. We have had 2 separate people as well as a group of TS relatives write a message on that page. Let's not forget CWW was not in jail at this point in time. JMO
Just because people don't behave in ways we expect them to doesn't mean anything one way or another. It's not bad, it's not good, it's not innocence, it's not guilt.

It's so easy to assume what we would do in a particular situation, but it sometimes happens that we surprise ourselves for better or for worse. Emotions can be difficult or impossible to predict. Of course, there are generalities and assumptions, but to expect specific behavior from someone in a situation like this and whom we don't know at all can be iffy.

I don't know what the relationships were like or are currently between MS and any of his in-laws. Even so, he may be in contact with some, but not others or none at all.

I think I'd be horrified and feel guilt that I brought a monster into our lives and that might cause me to avoid my spouse's relatives. I'm not saying he should feel guilt at all, but people do sometimes feel guilt for things they couldn't control.

I think if he seriously thought his friend had any violent tendencies, he wouldn't have brought him into his new life. It's possible he thought he could control the contact CWW had with his family. I don't know. Maybe MS was constantly trying to keep CWW appeased in some way because he was frightened of CWW's potential for violence. I don't know.

Maybe MS wasn't wearing his ring at CWW's wedding so as not to irritate CWW if he knew of his friend's distaste for his wife.

I think CWW had a kind of jealous issue about TS as immature people sometimes feel jealous of their friend's spouse. Maybe MS kinda sorta would use TS as an excuse not to move back closer to CWW or to avoid doing something CWW wanted.

All my opinion from my Benadryl-fueled imagination. Benadryl and Halloween candy. *braap*
I think it is still undetermined as to who was responsible for that original post. We have had 2 separate people as well as a group of TS relatives write a message on that page. Let's not forget CWW was not in jail at this point in time. JMO

Yep. I do believe it was LS for a few reasons, one was the language of the original page.
Yep. I do believe it was LS for a few reasons, one was the language of the original page.

If it was Lenka Spiska who did the original fundraising () post as she says it was, it was done with Mark's knowledge and cooperation as the original post used his facebook access and picture under the "created June 30, 2015" part of the page. Mark's name and facebook picture could not have been placed here by others, it is a direct link used by as one means to verify the authenticity of an account. So if Lenka Spiska created it, she did so with Mark's knowledge and access to his facebook username and password. Further, the facebook access person is the person who controls the account. So even when Teresa's family was brought in to rehabilitate the effort because of the obscene 1 million dollar "goal" amount that was originally posted, I suspect that MS was still controlling the money.

What I think is the much more likely scenario is that LS was manipulated into authoring the first post by MS because he knew how bad it would look. LS was likely just attempting to help as best she could. Ultimately, it seems highly implausible that a control freak would give up his Facebook username and password - more likely that he was right there and typed it in himself. Of course, I suspect he was inconsolable while doing this to make it look believable to LS. Interesting that now even LS has distanced herself from MS and so has the practice nurse SH - speaks for itself.

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