The Croslin & Cummings families, what's going on?

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unless it's true that Ron supposedly pointed out a body of water off of a bridge once and told someone (cant's remember who..maybe Misty?) that it would be a good place to dispose of a we don't have any idea how much time someone would have had to dispose of her if it wasn't premeditated since we don't know what time Haleigh REALLY disappeared/was killed..

I have no doubts he talked smack and talked like a bad guy, but this was his daughter. I think hes a terrible human being but no way did he toss her in the water. I am sure her location is near and dear to his "heart" jmo
[B]Emeral, reading this thread is an excellent example of how rumors get started isn't it? No where did you even mention GGS out in the river in a boat and someone comes along trying to be sarcastic..cute, funny or whatever it was supposed to be [/B]:waiting: ..and before you know it, your words have been twisted and repeated ..and for what purpose? I still firmly believe that Ron and Misty are absolutely responsible for whatever happened to poor Haleigh..GGMS, I just don't know..TN, knows now what happened (Ron's version anyway) ..and most likely did know very shortly after it happened..Jo had nothing to do with it..and Tommy has only has some knowledge if anything at all..MOO

Dear Pondering, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU. I've been thinking that for a long time but didn't want to post it for fear of starting yet another war!! None of us here, no one, noda knows exactly what happened in this case, all we have are our theories and opinions. It's a shame not to be able to agree to disagree in a nice way. You go, Pondering :woohoo::woohoo:
Emeral, reading this thread is an excellent example of how rumors get started isn't it? No where did you even mention GGS out in the river in a boat and someone comes along trying to be sarcastic..cute, funny or whatever it was supposed to be :waiting: ..and before you know it, your words have been twisted and repeated ..and for what purpose? I still firmly believe that Ron and Misty are absolutely responsible for whatever happened to poor Haleigh..GGMS, I just don't know..TN, knows now what happened (Ron's version anyway) ..and most likely did know very shortly after it happened..Jo had nothing to do with it..and Tommy has only has some knowledge if anything at all..MOO
JO has been so quiet, that he's easy to dismiss, but I'm not so sure. I don't think he's the raging maniac Tommy made him out to be, but a few things still have me wondering about him. 1st of all he was there...unfortunate for him, if he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. And then there was the fight with Ron over a gun & HC supposedly having to intervene. Also, on Misty's LVA test, she talked about how he wouldn't go near the trailer the next day. I think she said he acted scared. And then there's the whole flip flop from Misty and CC. IDK what changed their tune, but I doubt it was their consciences. So, I think it's likely that he was involved somehow. I still think some kind of retaliation might have been part of the motive. Ron supposedly didn't likeTommy, and he fought with JO. Also, Misty was overheard at the bus stop, discussing what sounded like bad dope to LC and a guy...probably Tommy, IMO. From what I've seen with people I know, they refuse to pay up when they get 'bad' dope. I had a high school friend who went ballistic over some pot not being strong enough. He didn't kill anybody but he swore he was. If he hadn't already paid, I don't think he would have and that would have started a 'who owed who what' war. Anyway, from what little I know, drug buyers and dealers live by a different set of rules, where the idea of getting ripped off causes rage. And another's pretty easy for a buyer to get drugs fronted, if he can't pay at the time. But then it's left up to the dealer to collect. A lot of murders happen because of this. I did keep up with a case here in Texas where a teenaged girl was kidnapped and then tortured and killed. The guys were caught and the only connection LE could make, was the girl's brothers owed the guys drug money. JMO.
JO has been so quiet, that he's easy to dismiss, but I'm not so sure. I don't think he's the raging maniac Tommy made him out to be, but a few things still have me wondering about him. 1st of all he was there...unfortunate for him, if he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. And then there was the fight with Ron over a gun & HC supposedly having to intervene. Also, on Misty's LVA test, she talked about how he wouldn't go near the trailer the next day. I think she said he acted scared. And then there's the whole flip flop from Misty and CC. IDK what changed their tune, but I doubt it was their consciences. So, I think it's likely that he was involved somehow. I still think some kind of retaliation might have been part of the motive. Ron supposedly didn't likeTommy, and he fought with JO. Also, Misty was overheard at the bus stop, discussing what sounded like bad dope to LC and a guy...probably Tommy, IMO. From what I've seen with people I know, they refuse to pay up when they get 'bad' dope. I had a high school friend who went ballistic over some pot not being strong enough. He didn't kill anybody but he swore he was. If he hadn't already paid, I don't think he would have and that would have started a 'who owed who what' war. Anyway, from what little I know, drug buyers and dealers live by a different set of rules, where the idea of getting ripped off causes rage. And another's pretty easy for a buyer to get drugs fronted, if he can't pay at the time. But then it's left up to the dealer to collect. A lot of murders happen because of this. I did keep up with a case here in Texas where a teenaged girl was kidnapped and then tortured and killed. The guys were caught and the only connection LE could make, was the girl's brothers owed the guys drug money. JMO.

BBM..My understanding is Jo didn't want to go down to the sheriffs office..And IIRC Misty claimed someone in LE told her not to go "down there" and she didn't go because she didn't want to get in trouble......(I interpreted "down there" to be the trailer and the area where LE was conducting their investigation)... IIRC.. There was a picture of Misty and Jo hanging flyers before Jo left for Tn...And IIRC Misty went incommunicado and was not seen with Ron C for several days after the 911 call was made...JMHO
Well, I'm thoroughly convinced that once you hire an attorney in a "Missing Child" case and there is no body, the case goes nowhere!
Personality types:

Misty - plays one against the other, sexual victim often, chatterbox, flirt
Tommy - loyal to misty, likes to be in the know, enjoys gossip.
ron - paranoid personality, easily enraged, arrogant
Jo - paranoid, emotionally unstable, quiet.
timmy - not much known about him. likeable, family leans on him.
Chelsea - loyal to misty, likes to gossip. Hates ron.
Lindsy - co-dependent personality. rumored to not like Haleigh's behavior. accustomed to getting what she wants.

I cannot forget the fact that JO was in the area at the time of the crime. Family noticed difference in behavior
JO and rc had fight over something. Gun may be "Red herring'.
Did tommy and misty have an incestuous relationship?
Tommy's behavior also changed after Feb 9. drinking, drugs and fighting.
rc with a bad temper went after no one when Haleigh vanished. He marries last person see w/daughter.
misty is way tougher than people give her credit for. Her behavior did not change.
Who did Chelsea see at bus stop and why was she there?
Why doesn't lindsy know anything about Feb 9?
Was there a big family fight on Tyler @ night on Feb 8?
What did all these people do the weekend of the 6th and the monday of the 9th?

We know nothing except one of these people killed Haleigh and at least five others know who did it.
Emeral, reading this thread is an excellent example of how rumors get started isn't it? No where did you even mention GGS out in the river in a boat and someone comes along trying to be sarcastic..cute, funny or whatever it was supposed to be :waiting: ..and before you know it, your words have been twisted and repeated ..and for what purpose? I still firmly believe that Ron and Misty are absolutely responsible for whatever happened to poor Haleigh..GGMS, I just don't know..TN, knows now what happened (Ron's version anyway) ..and most likely did know very shortly after it happened..Jo had nothing to do with it..and Tommy has only has some knowledge if anything at all..MOO

I beg to differ here. I don't think I (if my post is who you're referring to) "twisted" anything.
I did repeat the innuendo for the purpose of showing how far some will go to blame Ron and his family for HaLeigh's abduction, probable death and 'movement' of her corpse.

Posters here indicate GGMS or/and TN are likely complicit.
THAT some posters 'think' one of them are involved is not rumored.

I do agree with one sentence of your post Pondering, Misty knows. That may be why LE calls her the 'Key'

I suspect IF she was placed in the water by Tommy and/or cousin Jo someone in Ron C family moved her to another location before that 911 call was made...IMO that phone call wasn't made until Ron C and his family had made arrangements to take care of Haleigh's remains and those arrangements had been carried out......JMHO
Dear Pondering, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU. I've been thinking that for a long time but didn't want to post it for fear of starting yet another war!! None of us here, no one, noda knows exactly what happened in this case, all we have are our theories and opinions. It's a shame not to be able to agree to disagree in a nice way. You go, Pondering :woohoo::woohoo:

I too think we can (and do} 'disagree in a nice way' and can't understand how you might think addressing a post could be construed as 'starting yet another war'. ??

If I have not been polite in stating my opinions, please, let me apologize now.
I will not however apologize for having different opinions then some. :)
Personality types:

Misty - plays one against the other, sexual victim often, chatterbox, flirt
Tommy - loyal to misty, likes to be in the know, enjoys gossip.
ron - paranoid personality, easily enraged, arrogant
Jo - paranoid, emotionally unstable, quiet.
timmy - not much known about him. likeable, family leans on him.
Chelsea - loyal to misty, likes to gossip. Hates ron.
Lindsy - co-dependent personality. rumored to not like Haleigh's behavior. accustomed to getting what she wants.

I cannot forget the fact that JO was in the area at the time of the crime. Family noticed difference in behavior
JO and rc had fight over something. Gun may be "Red herring'.
Did tommy and misty have an incestuous relationship?
Tommy's behavior also changed after Feb 9. drinking, drugs and fighting.
rc with a bad temper went after no one when Haleigh vanished. He marries last person see w/daughter.
misty is way tougher than people give her credit for. Her behavior did not change.
Who did Chelsea see at bus stop and why was she there?
Why doesn't lindsy know anything about Feb 9?
Was there a big family fight on Tyler @ night on Feb 8?
What did all these people do the weekend of the 6th and the monday of the 9th?

We know nothing except one of these people killed Haleigh and at least five others know who did it.

I can answer one of those questions. Why doesn't Lindsy know more about the night of Feb 9th? She was in school/work taking classes to get her LPN certification. She didn't get home until sometime after 10 pm. She ate and then went to bed. This is why Tommy did not go over to the MH at 10 pm as he said he did because he would not have left the three kids (one of them an infant) alone because Lindsy wasn't home. He was babysitting his kids.

He now says he did go over later around midnight with JO after Lindsy was asleep.
I didn't know tommy said he went there @ midnight. If so then there had to be a good reason for both of them to be at misty's....

So he chooses to place himself smack in the middle of a murder case. If he was there then there doesn't leave much doubt that misty, tommy and JO are the main suspects. Then rc chooses to bind himself with the suspect and get married just boggles the mind.

Tommy puts himself there. He does this because ......?
1. He wants to take the heat off misty
2. He wants to place the blame on JO
3. He wants to be able to give info to LE to lessen his charge

Tommy and misty insist on putting themselves right smack in the middle of the crime. Most perps want to distance themselves from the scene..
If JO were the perp, there was no reason for misty to lie. If tommy were the perp, there is no reason to put himself at the scene, unless to protect misty. If JO were the perp, tommy/misty would know and be able to show evidence.

That leads me right back to misty as the perp.
Everything considered GGMS never provided an alibi for Misty.. Her claiming she saw Haleigh alive and well was to provide an alibi for her grandson. She knew he could be accounted for at that time... I'm still trying to find out what time he was seen having dinner/supper with co workers especially since GGMS has changed the time she was at the MH at least three or four times..JMHO

please dont think I am questioning you, as I am questioning your posts.
HOw do you know that Ron did anything? How do you know she was giving her grandson an alibi? If you are a member of the family and were there, I apologize and maybe I need to read ALL of your posts as I am just not getting where you can say all of this as fact? I know we are not allowed to tell rumors on here, so I am completley assuming you know these to be facts tthat you post?
Personality types:

Misty - plays one against the other, sexual victim often, chatterbox, flirt
Tommy - loyal to misty, likes to be in the know, enjoys gossip.
ron - paranoid personality, easily enraged, arrogant
Jo - paranoid, emotionally unstable, quiet.
timmy - not much known about him. likeable, family leans on him.
Chelsea - loyal to misty, likes to gossip. Hates ron.
Lindsy - co-dependent personality. rumored to not like Haleigh's behavior. accustomed to getting what she wants.

I cannot forget the fact that JO was in the area at the time of the crime. Family noticed difference in behavior
JO and rc had fight over something. Gun may be "Red herring'.
Did tommy and misty have an incestuous relationship?
Tommy's behavior also changed after Feb 9. drinking, drugs and fighting.
rc with a bad temper went after no one when Haleigh vanished. He marries last person see w/daughter.
misty is way tougher than people give her credit for. Her behavior did not change.
Who did Chelsea see at bus stop and why was she there?
Why doesn't lindsy know anything about Feb 9?
Was there a big family fight on Tyler @ night on Feb 8?
What did all these people do the weekend of the 6th and the monday of the 9th?

We know nothing except one of these people killed Haleigh and at least five others know who did it.
I think maybe Misty changed too. AS said that after this, she became almost impossible to reach. I'm taking her on her word here, because she knew Misty before and after. I don't have any idea of how she personally interpreted this, because it could point in either direction, but IMO, (because of me tending to give Misty the benefit of the doubt), it points to knowledge, but not murder. But who really knows. It seems that all of the major players have been affected negatively by this. as for your question about LC...all I can say is that she and Tommy had the most bizarre interplay between a couple that I've ever seen. So little was actually said, and what was being left unsaid, weighed about a thousand pounds. Was I the only one who found it odd that they barely mentioned Haleigh? but there were a few tidbits. Like her turning over the stolen items, her telling him she threw away his work boots, her admitting that she knew he got out of bed sometimes to 'watch tv', and when he was on the phone with FH, she asked if he was 'the one'. ( about him getting out of bed) was my impression that this was the 1st time she had ever told him this. So, LC isn't as unenlightened as she portrays herself, IMO. But, I'm beginning to agree with you about Misty's toughness. I recently had an 'experience' that is forcing me to look at her in a whole new light. JMO.
please dont think I am questioning you, as I am questioning your posts.
HOw do you know that Ron did anything? How do you know she was giving her grandson an alibi? If you are a member of the family and were there, I apologize and maybe I need to read ALL of your posts as I am just not getting where you can say all of this as fact? I know we are not allowed to tell rumors on here, so I am completley assuming you know these to be facts tthat you post?

FWIW I saw a JMHO at the end of Emerald's post.
If JO were the perp, there was no reason for misty to lie. If tommy were the perp, there is no reason to put himself at the scene, unless to protect misty. If JO were the perp, tommy/misty would know and be able to show evidence.

That leads me right back to misty as the perp.
about Tommy putting himself at the scene if he's not the perp. It's MOO, that when he 1st did this, (with the banging on the door story), he was very careful to NOT put himself in the house. so in his eyes, he didn't really put himself at the scene. The next go around, with his JO story, he DID put himself at the scene, but IMO, was again very careful to make himself the scared little victim. I say hogwash. Maybe he made up the whole kitten caboodle to get out of jail, but I don't think so. At the time,it was my impression that he thought he could outsmart cops and blame JO. He even convinced Misty to go along. But when he realized that LE had a mind of its own, and just wasn't taking his word, he clammed up and said he was done talking...but not before asking a judge for leniency based on his Haleigh 'cooperation'. IMO, Misty's lying because she's culpable in some way, and because somebody(s), wants her to lie. You're right about a guilty person normally not putting himself anywhere near a crime scene...but Tommy's situation isn't exactly normal. Until he got thrown in jail, he managed to keep his mouth shut. But when push came to shove, Haleigh info is all he had to deal with, so he manipulated it & used it to benefit himself, IMO. It worked and cops let him out of jail...but then he got in trouble again. And again, Haleigh info is all he had to deal with. JMO
so Dodie, are you saying he is or isn't involved with Haleigh's death?
I don't think we give misty enough credit. She is not a wallflower. She likes to play the victim. I still stand by my original thought on Feb 10, 2009 that misty is likely responsible for Haleigh's death.

If the darn LE would give some timeline on ron, this case would be easy.
so Dodie, are you saying he is or isn't involved with Haleigh's death?
sorry to be so confusing. I'm thinking in fragments tonight. But yes, I think Tommy Croslin deserves being the only named suspect. IMO, he's probably the perp. JO? I'm not sure. But you're right about Misty, & as she gets older, she gets more manipulative. I made the mistake of looking at the facebook link somebody provided. She's spouting the Haleigh is alive junk and how she herself was framed. Framed for what? drug trafficking? jmo
Just like the Caylee case, I don't believe the GMA about the night of the 9th. However, just like the Caylee case, it's all we have. George said he saw Caylee leave with casey. GMA says she saw misty with Haleigh. It's all we have. I think they are lying.

GMA, TN ,Misty and even tommy don't put rc near that MH. All we can do is speculate as to why but w/o speculation, ron isn't there. I am furious that he doesn't have to state when he worked. I also would like to know about this so-called overtime. I want to know if he worked a four or five day week. Two and a half years later and not ONE person from the plant will speak and tell not only hours but what days he worked.

Casting rc aside (due to no witnesses) it still leaves us with misty and tommy in the house. The wild card is JO.
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