The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 17th June - Trial Day 5 - Week 2

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I still feel like Allison working at the real estate agency with GBC was a terrible mistake.
I feel so sad for Allison. She deserved so much more. I am so moved by the psychologist who encouraged her to do further study and come and work with him. Why couldn't Allison see how amazing she was?

Then I get mad because I blame GBC
Hypothetically, like with McHugh there was a pattern G engaged her in, there was also a pattern G engaged Allison in i.e. she would seek out counselling, bring him along, counsellor would hope to see her independently, then G would show up next session - then that would be the last session.

So wonder what was happening here? Allison desperately wanted to 'heal' the marriage. G knew that. He most likely promised her that everything would be alright and she had nothing to worry about. So Allison believed him and counselling sessions ended. Just as McHugh said: "he was good at making promises".

The saddest thing about this is that it was Allison and the children who suffered from this arrangement. It only served G's purposes.

Dr. Lumsden seemed to have a good 'grip' on the state of this marriage and where it was 'stuck'. The floods were a distraction, but they also avoided dealing with the state of their marriage and remained 'stuck' in a toxic relationship system.

It seems that G had engaged both women in a pattern with him, one the flip side of the other.

My opinion only.
I'm only on page 5 at the moment... but geez... if TM wasn't involved at all I sure hope GBC doesn't get away with swaying the blame her way. I know she was wrong to be having the affair anyway, but that aside... if he did it alone I want him to be punished alone, IYKWIM?

The defence and BC's seem to be very good at having excuses and reasons for everything at the moment... they are to blame for nothing at all. It was all Alison. THIS is what sickens me!!!!!! GBC needs to stand up and act like a man for once, admit the truth and stop putting the blame on to others.
Alison would have put up with far too much while married to him... she shouldn't have to put up with this now. She isn't here to defend herself... and the high and mighty BC's sit there all smug thinking they can pull this lie off.
I am sure he killed Alison but not so he could be with TM. He was happy just with the affair/s.
Even if they had divorced I doubt they would have ended up together permanently.
Absolutely agree. They kept engaging/disengaging from counsellors. This maintains a no change situation. It perpetuates the toxic elements. My opinion only.

It seems to me that Allison was actually too resilient. She kept trying to face the challenges in her marriage and address them rather than see them as impossible to fix. That resilience kept her in a marital situation that would ultimately end her life no matter which of the prosecution (murder) or defences (suicide) arguments one accepts.
I still feel like Allison working at the real estate agency with GBC was a terrible mistake.

For her, yes I agree. Others in the business would have quickly seen just who in the BC family had the business smarts. Also she would have then had access to the books and probably became aware for the first time just how bad things were financially.

I think she was getting stronger and getting ready to leave him. I think she told him that on the 19th and his control freak tendencies (baby monitoring calls, how to parent etc etc etc) were enraged and he flipped out. IMO
Hypothetically, like with McHugh there was a pattern G engaged her in, there was also a pattern G engaged Allison in i.e. she would seek out counselling, bring him along, counsellor would hope to see her independently, then G would show up next session - then that would be the last session. So wonder what was happening here? Allison desperately wanted to 'heal' the marriage. G knew that. He most likely promised her that everything would be alright and she had nothing to worry about. So Allison believed him and counselling sessions ended. Just as McHugh said: "he was good at making promises".

The saddest thing about this is that it was Allison and the children who suffered from this arrangement as it only served G's purposes.

Dr. Lumsden seemed to have a good 'grip' on the state of this marriage and where it was 'stuck'. The floods were a distraction, but they also avoided dealing with the state of their marriage and remained 'stuck' in a destructive, life-depriving pattern.

My opinion only.

Spot on, Fusky.
David Murray ‏@TheMurrayD 43s
Allison told the counsellor she suffered a severe reaction to Lariam on her honeymoon and suffered depression - Ms Ritchie #badenclay

It's a common enough side effect that a specific warning is given:

"In some people mefloquine can cause psychiatric side effects, such as mood or behaviour changes, anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, paranoia, feelings of persecution, crying, aggression, forgetfulness, agitation, restlessness, confusion, nightmares or hallucinations."
Kate Kyriacou ‏@KateKyriacou 1m
Ms Nutting says Gerard told her someone with depression should be able to "snap out of it". #badenclay :furious:

Ahhh, there's a glimpse of the ever loving husband he really was. :sick:
It's a common enough side effect that a specific warning is given:

"In some people mefloquine can cause psychiatric side effects, such as mood or behaviour changes, anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, paranoia, feelings of persecution, crying, aggression, forgetfulness, agitation, restlessness, confusion, nightmares or hallucinations."

oh my, some deadly stuff then, or to those who have the reaction.

GBC and Allison must have gone somewhere tropical for their honeymoon? Anyone know?
oh my, some deadly stuff then, or to those who have the reaction.

GBC and Allison must have gone somewhere tropical for their honeymoon? Anyone know?

London it says she told the doctor she had the side affects in London on their honeymoon
I thought sex addicts had sex with pretty much anyone yet he didn't have sex with his wife? Seems an invalid argument to me then :/
I thought sex addicts had sex with pretty much anyone yet he didn't have sex with his wife? Seems an invalid argument to me then :/

I thought they had it with anyone EXCEPT their wife , sort of an achievement thing , like wifey is always there
Hmm. I don't really know :/ just thinking out loud really. Thinking Russell brand lol
I thought sex addicts had sex with pretty much anyone yet he didn't have sex with his wife? Seems an invalid argument to me then :/

i agree - i think someone on here supposed it was - no idea why - (noone actually associated with this case has ever said sex addiction) but i don't believe there is any sex addiction here.....just NPD - my opinion only
I am trying to keep up with reading these threads....but I am just so saddened by the whole case. Gerard is a terrible person and so it seems was everyone around him but for Allison who did everything she could for a man who would never be satisfied. My ex fiance was like that and I am so glad we never got married. I just wish Allison had left the *advertiser censored*...

Once children become involved it becomes a whole new ball game that is much harder to walk away from. I am horrified by the comments being made by Gerard's entire family - such hideous people. They also remind me of my ex family in law. Horrible, judgemental, self righteous, nasty people who were so far from the point of perfection themselves they failed to have any self awareness and seemed to be completely oblivious to their own hypocrisy.

Toni McHugh is the perfect example of a completely desperate woman...urgh she makes my skin crawl. I am glad the lawyer hammered her about how clear it was that Gerard was only using her and she wouldn't let up on the pressure for him to leave his wife.

Toni is by far the main catalyst for the murder occurring in the first place although I agree he didn't do it for her. He was never going to leave Allison for Toni by divorcing Allison. I think he believed that he could solve his financial problems by killing Allison. A divorce would have sent him broke. Then he would be free to shag whoever he liked and clearly wasn't that interested in Toni when he was having other affairs.

How pathetic that Toni knew about the other affairs and was so arrogantly confident that HE should be with HER. How far can a head be up one's bottom? The depths are seemingly endless...

Gerard the lothario...I mean seriously ladies there was no one else? Try jumping on RSVP or something before jumping on your married boss. No self respect...

My cousin slept with a married man on the couch whilst his wife and daughter were in the house for over a year before they were caught. The wife must have been a heavy sleeper. Now she is married to him and making his life miserable. Vile but the wife is better off because he was an alcoholic. The best part is my cousin thinks she has a CATCH! Some people...
I still feel like Allison working at the real estate agency with GBC was a terrible mistake.

Ditto Mrs G Norris
I just cannot imagine that GBC was over joyed or coping with Allison becoming significantly involved in the business, having access to records, input into day to day and future planning.
I think it was P Broom that said G liked to do things his way.

The very day Allison went missing she was in a business meeting that was looking at the future direction of the business.
She was exploring her own real estate interests.

GBC on the other hand was planning to sell the business.
Hypothetically, like with McHugh there was a pattern G engaged her in, there was also a pattern G engaged Allison in i.e. she would seek out counselling, bring him along, counsellor would hope to see her independently, then G would show up next session - then that would be the last session.

So wonder what was happening here? Allison desperately wanted to 'heal' the marriage. G knew that. He most likely promised her that everything would be alright and she had nothing to worry about. So Allison believed him and counselling sessions ended. Just as McHugh said: "he was good at making promises".

The saddest thing about this is that it was Allison and the children who suffered from this arrangement. It only served G's purposes.

Dr. Lumsden seemed to have a good 'grip' on the state of this marriage and where it was 'stuck'. The floods were a distraction, but they also avoided dealing with the state of their marriage and remained 'stuck' in a toxic relationship system.

It seems that G had engaged both women in a pattern with him, one the flip side of the other.

My opinion only.

If attending counselling was motivated by false intentions of appearing interested, but monitoring what Allison said to the counsellors, then slowly disengaging Allison, this would leave her without support as she was reluctant to discuss her marital problems with others. Her mother also stated that she found it difficult to have a private telephone conversation with Allison because GBC could hear everything through the baby monitor. It ensured Allison did not have adequate outside support IMO. My opinion only.
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