The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 19th June - Trial Day 7, Week 2

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It did not belong to both siblings, it belonged to Allison and GBC via their company. Kelly Beckett who did the financial investigation found no written evidence of anyone else having an interest in it.

THE secret sale of an investment property bought for Allison Baden-Clay and her brother cannot be stopped by her family despite father Geoff Dickie being appointed administrator of her estate.

The Courier-Mail revealed yesterday that Mrs Baden-Clay's husband, Gerard, who is accused of her murder, secretly sold the Gold Coast nest egg from his prison cell at Arthur Gorrie Correctional Centre.

It's understood he legally did this by writing to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission and advising them that his wife was no longer alive, making him sole director of the company World of Top Step Pty Ltd, which owned the property.
Baden-Clay said in court documents lodged in the Supreme Court earlier this year that: "In essence, Allison and I jointly own the property with her brother and his wife."

Why did GBC admit to this if he and Allison were the sole owners? If GBC and Allison were the sole beneficiaries of the estate, then this was done without the knowledge of Allison's brother. Shady dealings as I see it. jmo
The Big Lie....
Right from the get go GBC has insisted that the injuries on his face were caused by his razor when he shaved the morning Allison had disappeared. He made this same statement to countless constables, sergeants, detectives, doctors and lawyers.
We have now seen a procession of GPs and forensic specialists all state that in their opinion the razor could not have caused the injuries, and they have all stated that in their opinion they look like fingernail injuries. The defence's continued efforts to have the experts state that they cannot be 100% certain, I believe, will not carry a lot of weight because after all - how can anyone be certain if you are not an eye witness? I believe the jury will see this for what it is.
Every person I now who has seen the photographs says they look like fingernail gouges.
At this stage, members of the jury would have to extremely obtuse to think they were anything other than fingernail injuries.
Given that assumption, and the fact that they were not there on the morning of the 19th when OW took the photo at the cross country, and they were there on the morning GBC reported Allison missing, the jury must now be thinking that if he lied about this, what else has been lying about?
IMO the reason he went into the girl's room with foam all over his face was so that his daughters would not see the injury until he had set the scene that it was a shaving injury.
I don't think we'll see a smoking gun, but the preponderance of circumstantial evidence is building slowly but surely.
Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · 14s

Dr George says Allison's confidence levels had dropped, she wasn't sleeping well and was less energetic. #badenclay

Dr George says he had a lengthy consultation with Allison about treatment options during pregnancy. He put her on Zoloft. #badenclay
She was having panic attacks because she was having babies to an unfaithful man that couldn't support himself let alone a whole family .. JMO. Completely rational reaction.
Kate Kyriacou

Dr George says Allison described having a panic attack in a car and had avoided driving for fear of another panic attack. #badenclay

Been there done that. It was another 2 years before I drove again because I thought I was going to faint on the freeway. I have a lot of empathy and sadness for Allison.
Francene Norton ‏@francenenorton 1m
Dr George says he diagnosed her with depression and started her on medication. #badenclay @abcnews

Remember the good old days when psychiatrists used to try and get to the bottom of an issue? Now they just say 'take these' and send you on your way ..
If I recall correctly (and keep in mind that since I had children, my brain is essentially mush), the property was acquired by Allison before their marriage, and was held as an asset by their company. As director of the company, Gerard was able to sell the house and transfer the cash to himself. The Dickies must have gotten wind of his plans to sell or something, so they applied to have him removed as director of the company. A quickie sale was rushed through mere hours before the courts removed him as director of the company.

If I've gotten anything factually wrong there or messed up the terminology, blame it on the brain mush, but that's how I remember the deal unfolding.
My memory might be wrong, but the house was an investment property actually beside the Dickies own home on the GC (that is how they found the house for sale initially).
Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · 10s

That was in 2003. Allison was 26 weeks pregnant. Dr George says by the time she delivered, she was virtually symptom free. #badenclay

Dr George says within a few weeks there was a "vast and significant improvement". #badenclay

Dr George says the situation was resolved. Allison contacted him again in 2006 when she fell pregnant with her third child. #badenclay

Dr George says Allison told him she had become anxious and depressed again. She wanted to recommence the Zoloft. #badenclay

Dr George says she very quickly responded to the Zoloft. He increased the dose at 28 weeks pregnancy, normal for increase in blood volume.
LOL - I think I've just watched too much rubbishy crime TV. They CAN match the hair to a very tight timeframe as it's blonde. It was only at that 3rd appointment that she had foils done. The bleach treatment will be even more irrefutable through the microscope. It's DNA-matched to Alison which means it must have the root on it. So they will also be able to see how it's a very fresh treatment with no regrowth (fingers crossed the hairdresser didn't miss any of it!). This will be forensic evidence to corroborate the testimony from the hairdresser that this was the only bleach to blonde treatment in the last 2 months. The car is 8 weeks old.

Sorry to keep banging on about this one hair, but it is actual black and white forensic evidence compared with all the circumstantial stuff. One hair that can send him to jail. Yay hairdressing!

Allison's hair, fingernails and screams. Allison will send him to gaol!!
Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · 7s

After the birth of her third child, Dr George says he reduced Allison's Zoloft back down to 50mg. #badenclay
She had resumed driving for some time so presume panic attacks were no longer an issue. Shows she was very sensible and dealt with her issues when she had to.
The Big Lie....
Right from the get go GBC has insisted that the injuries on his face were caused by his razor when he shaved the morning Allison had disappeared. He made this same statement to countless constables, sergeants, detectives, doctors and lawyers.
We have now seen a procession of GPs and forensic specialists all state that in their opinion the razor could not have caused the injuries, and they have all stated that in their opinion they look like fingernail injuries. The defence's continued efforts to have the experts state that they cannot be 100% certain, I believe, will not carry a lot of weight because after all - how can anyone be certain if you are not an eye witness? I believe the jury will see this for what it is.
Every person I now who has seen the photographs says they look like fingernail gouges.
At this stage, members of the jury would have to extremely obtuse to think they were anything other than fingernail injuries.
Given that assumption, and the fact that they were not there on the morning of the 19th when OW took the photo at the cross country, and they were there on the morning GBC reported Allison missing, the jury must now be thinking that if he lied about this, what else has been lying about?
IMO the reason he went into the girl's room with foam all over his face was so that his daughters would not see the injury until he had set the scene that it was a shaving injury.
I don't think we'll see a smoking gun, but the preponderance of circumstantial evidence is building slowly but surely.

Well said :cupcake: I agree totally.
Emmy Kubainski ‏@emmykubainski 1m
Psychiatrist tells court Allison Baden-Clay was his patient for about 6yrs. She experienced anxiety & depression while pregnant. #badenclay

Funny that .. she was married to a man who would eventually kill her, and homicide is one of the leading causes of death for pregnant women .. Just saying.
Leonie Mellor ‏@leoniemellor 1m

Dr Tom George: "Her condition resolved and remained resolved for the vast majority of the time she was under my care." @abcnews #badenclay

David Murray ‏@TheMurrayD 1m

Zoloft was increased as the pregnancy advanced, not uncommon, improved significantly - Dr George #badenclay
Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · 3s

Dr George says no problems "whatsoever" in 2007, 2008. "She was doing extremely well." #badenclay

Dr George says Allison and her husband came to see him in 2009 about difficulties in the marriage. #badenclay

Dr George says they were both together throughout the consultation. #badenclay

Dr George says they both spoke of difficulties from their own perspectives. #badenclay

Dr George says Gerard was frustrated that Allison left decision making to him. #badenclay

Gerard told the psych Allison was capable and made decisions while he was away but was "so dependant" on him when he was home. #badenclay

Gerard also complained the business was under financial pressure and Allison had spent money on an expensive treadmill. #badenclay
Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · now

Dr Griffiths is asked to comment on the neck injuries being "intradermal bruise". Dr Griffiths says he believes the marks are abrasions.

Dr Griffiths repeats the marks on Gerard's chest were a patterned abrasion with some suggestion of directionality. #badenclay

Defence says Dr Wells report says chest injury is a bruise. Dr Griffiths says that would involve blunt force. "I think it's an abrasion."

The only kind of mark I could find that looks similar to GBC chest and neck are from gua sha. It's a chinese therapy that doesn't break blood vessels but causes marks to be left. Sorry DR sleuth. I just randomly picked your comment because it had the marks in it :blushing: very interesting information about what it does to the skin. Am I allowed to post a link about it?
Kate Kyriacou ‏@KateKyriacou 1m
Gerard told the psych Allison was capable and made decisions while he was away but was "so dependant" on him when he was home. #badenclay

Be honest Gerard .. isn't that why you chose her?
David Murray ‏@TheMurrayD 50s

Gerard also raised severe financial stress at work and sales few and far between, not enough income - Dr George #badenclay

Katrina Blowers ‏@katrinablowers 2m

Dr George said Allison and Gerard #badenclay visited 2009. 'the crisis was difficulties in the marriage.' @7NewsBrisbane
She was having panic attacks because she was having babies to an unfaithful man that couldn't support himself let alone a whole family .. JMO. Completely rational reaction.

Been there done that. It was another 2 years before I drove again because I thought I was going to faint on the freeway. I have a lot of empathy and sadness for Allison.

This is why we are here. We can relate and understand.

C'mon jury. It's obvious now.
Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou · 31s

Gerard told Dr George he was "contemplating ending the marriage" but was concerned about the impact on Allison and the children. #badenclay

Dr George says Allison did not want the marriage to end. He told them to get marriage counselling. #badenclay

Dr George said when he saw Allison on 26 June, 2009, she had no depressive symptoms. #badenclay

He saw her again on June 29. Allison and Gerard were living separate lives under the one roof, she told Dr George. #badenclay

She told Dr George she had arranged a weekend away for their wedding anniversary. She told Gerard that was the plan "if he so chooses".

Dr George says Allison was free from depression at this consultation. #badenclay

He saw her again on July 29. Allison and Gerard were living separate lives under the one roof, she told Dr George. #badenclay
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