The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 19th June - Trial Day 7, Week 2

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Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou

That's all for today. Back next week. #badenclay

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Kate Kyriacou @KateKyriacou

Ms Apps has been excused. #badenclay
I have always had a 'feeling' that Allison's death was sudden but quiet...

Which would fit with a possible scenario of them going to bed together (where he misspoke on the 000 call and then corrected himself that only HE went to bed), he stayed awake and waited until she was asleep and then smothered her with a pillow. Hence the reason why the kids did not hear anything.

The position GBC would have been in would also fit with being scratched on the face and punched in the chest to get him off her!

Tessa Scott ‏@TessaScott9 4m

Brookfield resident is up now. Says night Allison vanished her children were playing up, fighting and screaming. @9NewsBrisbane #badenclay

David Murray ‏@TheMurrayD 4m

Defence says Ms Apps lived about 180m from Gerard and Allison's home #badenclay

David Murray ‏@TheMurrayD 3m

Ms Apps: it was a short sharp scream from daughter, startled, quite shrill, loud #badenclay
Thanks again to all who helped with the tweets/updates.

Thanks to everyone for being here for Allison.

Ok so new witness. I don't think this necessarily harms the prosecution case, it actually makes more sense of it. Evidence of screams was very hit and miss and If Allison did not scream, it make sense why the girls did not hear anything inside the house. Suggests to me that there may not have been an argument. Maybe he did smother her with a pillow and she woke and scratched and fought. I never thought he would have the guts to tell her Toni was going to be at the conference.
Sarah Elks ‏@sarahelks 4m

Jury in #badenclay murder trial will on Monday visit the bridge under which Allison Baden-Clay's body was found, as well as their home.
Ok so new witness. I don't think this necessarily harms the prosecution case, it actually makes more sense of it. Evidence of screams was very hit and miss and If Allison did not scream, it make sense why the girls did not hear anything inside the house. Suggests to me that there may not have been an argument. Maybe he did smother her with a pillow and she woke and scratched and fought. I never thought he would have the guts to tell her Toni was going to be at the conference.

Do you think defence has been a bit nervous with how things were going and why they only approached these people to testify over the weekend?
The times the neighbours reported hearing screams were a bit all over the place. This may actually help clarify this.
Do you think defence has been a bit nervous with how things were going and why they only approached these people to testify over the weekend?

I think Prosecution is being very careful to avoid any suggestion of having pursued only one theory of what happened
2:33pm: Court has resumed.

Forensic physician Professor David Wells is giving evidence by phone.

2:42pm: Professor Wells examined photographs of the injuries on Mr Baden-Clay's face.

He said the injuries were caused by a "blunt force".

"Look the first thing that does come to mind ... will be implements such as fingernails, or possibly a claw from a domestic animal ... and that would fulfil the type of injury and the arrangement of that injury," he said.

2:52pm: He said he could not see a "mechanism" where a blade could cause the injuries of the type seen on Mr Baden-Clay's face in normal use.

"It's an unusual site to get a shaving injury," he said, referencing the abrasions on Mr Baden-Clay's cheek.

"These are not being caused by a sharp object."

2:57pm: Professor Wells said the marks on Mr Baden-Clay's neck appeared to be linear bruises rather than scratches.

"It's a form of blunt trauma," he said, commenting on the cause of the injury.

Yet, he later added that fingernails could have caused the neck injury, "if the nails were applied across or over the top of fabric".

3:11pm: Under cross-examination from Mr Baden-Clay's defence barrister Michael Byrne QC, Professor Wells said an in person examination of injuries was preferred.

But he said that he would not hesitate making observations about a good quality photograph.

3:33pm: Professor Wells has been excused.
3:40pm: Sergeant Denny analysed photographs of Mrs Baden-Clay's body on the banks of Kholo Creek.

Through a process of overlaying a number of images Sergeant Denny found that Mrs Baden-Clay's body was "below the bridge and not to the side of the bridge".

She added that Mrs Baden-Clay's body was to the left of one of the bridge pillars.

Sergeant Denny has been excused.

Read more:
4:39pm: Mr Byrne said Dr George had noted that Mrs Baden-Clay was "prone to transient suicidal thoughts".

Dr George agreed he had made that note, but said Mrs Baden-Clay had "had never been tempted to do anything".
Dr George has been excused.

Read more:

They're really hammering down that path AGAIN? I really want to know how they propose she got out to the bridge? How long would it take to walk that far? And not likely after you've downed a packet of Zoloft- if the empty packets were at home.

This is way out there, but surely they wouldn't concede the interferring with a Corpse charge and say she committed suicide at home and he moved the body to Kholo creek bridge hoping it would be found and he could claim the life insurance? Nah.. they wouldn't, would they? As I said probably a bit out there to suggest that.
Tessa Scott ‏@TessaScott9 4m

Brookfield resident is up now. Says night Allison vanished her children were playing up, fighting and screaming. @9NewsBrisbane #badenclay

David Murray ‏@TheMurrayD 4m

Defence says Ms Apps lived about 180m from Gerard and Allison's home #badenclay

David Murray ‏@TheMurrayD 3m

Ms Apps: it was a short sharp scream from daughter, startled, quite shrill, loud #badenclay

Did it say which road she lived on? If she was Deerhurst Rd side I didn't hear it.
Did it say which road she lived on? If she was Deerhurst Rd side I didn't hear it.

David Murray ‏@TheMurrayD 24m

Ms Apps lived in Boscombe Rd, Brookfield, April 2012 #badenclay
This guy is such a piece of work - for years blamed Allison for all their problems, went with her to psychiatrist, psychologists, marriage counsellors whining about her 'depression' and 'dependence' causing the marital problems, all the while conducting an emotional and physical relationship with another woman and never disclosing this to any of the professionals who may have advised and treated Allison differently with this knowledge.
Now we have the same excuse for a husband and human being trashing every memory her family, friends and children will have of her to save his own skin. Make no mistake, his counsel would not be following this 'suicide' line of defence without his instructions, and most of this is ancient history.

He betrayed Allison in life, and now he's betraying her in death.

How can he do this to his daughters?????

Agreed Jaguar88. Allison was the victim here and she is being re-victimized all over again even in death. In its present state IMO the Australian legal system tends to do this to victims. IMO the defendant wants to 'trash' and degrade the victim to the degree that her life will be 'devalued' by others to create 'reasonable doubt' that she committed suicide. To exonerate himself from her murder. When one dies does all privacy rights dissolve? It doesn't in MH. So what happened to her rights to reveal only recent and relevant Hx from her records? Her more recent Rx doctors all state that she was not suicidal. This should carry some weight IMO. I am uncomfortable that the DT are allowed to get away with doing this to a victim's reputation. Where are ethical standards? :furious: My opinion only.
I think Prosecution is being very careful to avoid any suggestion of having pursued only one theory of what happened

Maybe, except it was defence that approached her to testify- as per tweets that Dr sleuth posted on previous page.
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