The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 8th July - Trial Day 16

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Believe me, I am very happy how the prosecution handled today, but the implications that he murdered her without having any proof and describing it the way he did just surprised me that defence wouldn't object as it's speculation.
Hope I explained that ok.
No more speculation CC than Byrne suggesting she was depressed and jumped off the bridge. There was no objection to that.
Two years ago GBC took Allison's life and dumped her body in the mud. Today Todd Fuller gave Allison back her voice. He washed away the filthy Clay from her body and soul. Todd Fuller also voiced the opinions and thoughts of many today and full kudo's to him for a job well done with intelligence and class. Allison deserves nothing less.

Thank you to all of our re-tweeters, updaters and court attendees. You're doing a great job and it's very much appreciated.
Lol yes - we used to come back from a particular couples place and ask ourselves why they were still together - they niggled at each other all night over little things - other friends it was oh my goodness why doesn't she tell him to shut up and go [emoji15]

Yes, it happens. In GBC case the wife would be telling her husband - " it just felt odd when he offered me his sausage". Husband: " why did that feel odd?" Wife: " because it was dessert time ". This douche would have tried it on anyone. Mr Suave.
Believe me, I am very happy how the prosecution handled today, but the implications that he murdered her without having any proof and describing it the way he did just surprised me that defence wouldn't object as it's speculation.
Hope I explained that ok.

Yes and I would suggest its that speculation that helps put together the circumstantial case ......
David Murray ‏@TheMurrayD 2m
His partners knew of the affair with Toni - Fuller

Kate Kyriacou ‏@KateKyriacou 1m
Fuller says Gerard owed money, interest was not being paid. Hardly the hallmarks of due diligence and financial acumen.

Kate Kyriacou ‏@KateKyriacou 2m
Fuller says the partners left. One went to work for a rival company, still held a big stake in Gerard's business.

Kate Kyriacou ‏@KateKyriacou 1m
Fuller says the business was such that he paid out his two partner $1 each and he had no assets.

Kate Kyriacou ‏@KateKyriacou 2m

Fuller says his friends who loaned him money took control of spending. He had to sell his Lexus.

Is this the truth Olivia wanted us to hear- NO!

A culmination of two years in a wonderful 8 hours. Perfectly executed Mr Fuller!
That will be after the verdict.
It will begin something like this.........
"A terrible miscarriage of justice has innocent man......."

If she does this, I honestly do not and will never understand how she can reconcile this with her "values".
Holy modsnip, I can't believe this guy, Fuller could not possibly do a better job.

Outstanding work Mr Fuller.
I hope he too knows he has a little fan club and that a bunch of strangers really,really appreciate what he's doing. ,

Still feeling a bit teary, but I'll be ok.

recap of OW's speech outside court at the Committal Hearing.

4:39pm Marissa Calligeros: (Live from the Baden-Clay hearing) Mr Baden-Clay's sister Olivia Walton has spoken outside the court.

Here's what she said: "I’m here this afternoon because I believe that my brother, Gerard is an innocent man and I’m here because I continue to support him.

"What has been overlooked by the media in this terrible tragedy is that Allison was my friend, she was my sister-in-law and I love her.

"My family and I miss her and we grieve for her on a daily basis.

"My husband and I have lived our lives committed to the truth. We implore the police to investigate every avenue so that there is no miscarriage of justice in this case. Contrary to media reports, I have fully and willingly um cooperated with police at all times throughout their investigation. I have provided a formal statement and several interviews. I believe to my knowledge that other members of my family have done the same.

"We believe that Gerard is an innocent man. I’m afraid I can’t take your questions. Thank You very much for your time."

Read more:
Hi All - I was in court today until lunch. I have to say that all your hero crushes on Todd Fuller ARE TOTALLY WARRANTED. He is Allison's voice. Never in the course of this investigation have I believed and thought so highly of someone to deliver her story. He was amazing today - he re-lived her story to the jury in ultimate detail and left no stone unturned. Allison was the one open to developing new in roads into their relationship - GBC was about developing new pathways outside their relationship. There was NO common ground. Todd Fuller was ready to scream about the injustice and for that I will be forever grateful!
'Good at cleaning up'
'Not so good at shaving'

Just catching up. Trying not to laugh out loud at the office. Succeeding in only making weird spluttering noises.:floorlaugh:
Hi All - I was in court today until lunch. I have to say that all your hero crushes on Todd Fuller ARE TOTALLY WARRANTED. He is Allison's voice. Never in the course of this investigation have I believed and thought so highly of someone to deliver her story. He was amazing today - he re-lived her story to the jury in ultimate detail and left no stone unturned. Allison was the one open to developing new in roads into their relationship - GBC was about developing new pathways outside their relationship. There was NO common ground. Todd Fuller was ready to scream about the injustice and for that I will be forever grateful!

waited for you, Laiden.. details!! details!! details!!
I've done my court notes from defence QC Byrnes closing summary today. My notes on Todd Fuller will follow.

QC Byrne
“GBC gave evidence. That he has done so does not mean that he has assumed a responsibility of proving his innocence. The burden of proof has not shifted to him.
GBC has explained his life with Allison, his relationships etc. You might think he didn’t hold back.
To the jury – in assessing the evidence – the prosecution case does not prove guilt. GBC has no onus to prove his innocence. He is a witness in his own trial. Revisit the evidence. GBC is presumed innocent unless you are satisfied beyond reasonable doubt that he is guilty. GBC elected to give evidence. He had to expose himself willingly to cross examination of Fuller. Fuller attacked GBC and you saw GBC’s responses. He wanted to give detail of his life with Allison. GBC didn’t go walking with Allison because he would never leave his kids alone at home.
Lapses GBC admitted to are women and silence about his liaisons. Accused has been called deceptive but GBC is not a person who would cold bloodedly kill his wife. He did not have an explosive temper.
Days leading up to Allison’s disappearance, Allison was slipping back into depression. There was the birth of the male Baden Clay child – the heir.
Motive of GBC leaving Allison for another woman – pay attention to the details, like when his wife was missing on the 20th April. GBC went through the process of phoning dad and family members to help search. Then 3 calls to police –does not portray someone who is hiding.
Motive leaving wife for T McH – consider one piece of evidence. T McH asked GBC what to say when she told him police wanted to interview her. GBC said "just tell the truth”.
On the 20th April GBC phoned police 3 times. The police asked him questions and he helped as best he could. There are only two possibilities –either he murdered his wife or he expected his wife to be found as soon as possible. GBC didn’t hide the affair from the police because he thought Allison would walk in the door. That is the only scenario that made sense.
Assess the evidence to determine whether you can reach a unanimous verdict in this trial. Make your decision based on the evidence. There has been sensationalist media coverage down to the lowest common denominator surrounding salacious gossip. Don’t let the media sway your decision. Ignore the media publicity. The media have not seen the evidence and exhibits, listened to the witnesses, seen Kholo Creek and the family home at Brookfield and so the jury is in unique position to assess all the evidence.
Closing – you could not or would not find GBC guilty. There was no motive, no evidence and no means."
So at the risk of going 3 posts in a row tonight. Let me say - there is a reason that the defence did not want GBC to testify and that is because NOW the Prosecution Team (PT) gets to go last. This has to be the MOST powerful component of the court case. Sure if they (PT) went second last it would not be as damming and the defence could minimize the damage done by the PT. And I believed this is simply because we would be waiting to hear the end of the case.

But Byrne's drivel appealing to the jury about how to judge whether it is 'beyond reasonable doubt' is so far from the task at hand. The task at hand involves looking at the evidence to weigh the intent of the crime. And the only thing that distracts you from doing this directly and openly is the belief that your client is guilty!

This I my opinion only. I have been lulled by Bryne into believing that Allison was struggling, yet on the other hand I hear that she was striving and eager to move forward to the future trying to achieve her fullest. Given Allison's past what would you believe? That she would slink into the backround and let GBC overpower her, or to take her demons at face value and try to develop a renewed intimacy and depth in her relationship.
There was nothing incorrect in what they were saying.....
IMO Fuller QC has a great deal more leeway in closing than he might otherwise have had, on account of GBC taking the stand, for all these matters have been put to GBC directly.
My heart just broke a bit more for poor Allison after reading some of the comments in her diary. He was good to her when trying to get her to marry him but could care less shortly after. He had his prize :-(
if I may add.. there hasn't been one interjection from the bench ( the judge) or one call for a gathering of barristers into the judges office, either throughout the trial so far.. its been clockwork. . the only tiny and ( for me ) terrific piece of Comedia D'ella Art was the note from Gerard via the bailiff thru the jury to the judge.. a most unusual, . well. almost unique occurrence.. but that was handled swiftly and efficiently without a major production.

Trooper, I totally agree.

My only basis for comparison is the Pistorius trial which I had been following on WS and the live feed. I had to give up because it (the trial) is just so chaotic with all manner of confusion - witnesses arriving late; multiple pseudo-experts saying ridiculous things; the defence &/or prosecution running out of subject matter for the day and the court finishing early; expert-witness reports only available as the respective witnesses come on the stand; lost/missing concrete evidence enabling the defence to claim police interference for lots of things; etc. etc.

However, the B-C trial has been virtually seamless and so easy to follow. Fingers crossed for the right (guilty) verdict!
•Prosecution says #badenclay didn't just 'notify' insurance company of death, he enquired as to how to make a claim. @9NewsBrisbane
•Fuller says that insurance evidence was "scripted" in an attempt to justify his behaviour.

Yep, GBC put a price on Allison's head - and he thought he could get away with taking her life and collecting the money.
How clever he must have thought he was planning this all.
How wrong he was!

Smacks of premeditation - again.
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