The Death of Wayne Millard

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What MSM source does the information about MB come from? I've seen it posted on these boards but in sleuthing have never come across the media source?

I know them, I don't think you'll find any MSM info about any of them. Decent, hardworking regular family. Nothing newsworthy, or even gossipworthy about any of them. MB's parents owned racehorses, so there might be an old article about one of their horses winning something. MB's brother-in-law, (DM's uncle) became a cop, and advanced quite a ways. Other than that, nothing to see here folks.
EG's obit was weird too, maybe DM used that as a model

Very weird indeed. In fact, it's like a "fishing expedition" for potential relatives. Both of the obits sound like they're written by the same amateur...


And yes, I believe that they were both posted by DM.\

MOO again.
I bet if he knew that the obituary would be so critically dissected that he would have gotten it proof read! It is easy for me to imagine that someone his age has never even read the obituaries and has no idea that we as a society at some point apparently determined a strict protocol for how they should be worded to only have non personal facts like date of birth, living relatives and a generic message about how they will be missed. Isn't he the only surviving relative, wouldn't that make for an unusually short traditional obituary? Maybe, like his occasionally unique hairstyle, he wanted to buck the trend and leave a tribute that was more personalized and intimate. Or maybe he was just a young guy still in shock from losing a parent to suicide, and he had no idea that this was yet another responsibility of survivorship until he was asked at the last minute why he hadn't done it yet, maybe it was rushed.

Um...Proof read would have been the minimum he could have done. How about honouring his father's life and what he had done?


Or mentioning his mother?
Many people these days appear to want donations... I am always quite awestruck by the amount of donation type requests and such after a death, often several on the go at a time........but I guess that's what happens these days.... Never used to be that way... but times do change for better or worse depending on opinion....!! JMO We never truly know whats behind many charities, foundations and funds really... if real thats good...but if not then I guess its a case of karma.... people who think/do negatively of others usually get their karmic reward.

There is no Elizabeth Mary Glass Foundation.

Not only is English his mother's first language, she is English, as in from England. MB's parents both spoke with British accents. Her mother has passed away, but her father is still alive. I'm not 100% positive, but I'm fairly sure that MB & her older sister were born in England before their parents immigrated to Canada, and only her younger brother was born her. DM was educated in French though, so this my account for the odd syntax

Thank you for that... if you have any other inside information maybe it would be useful for sleuthers so long as not sleuthing MB of course... The British also have a very unusual way with words too, more of a grasp of the original language as it were ! maybe thats what I am picking up from the obit.... JMO IMO
Um...Proof read would have been the minimum he could have done. How about honouring his father's life and what he had done?


Or mentioning his mother?

Why ? Why would he mention his mother if they are divorced...? JMO

To me the obit was fine and I have had quite an education in the English language... MOO JMO
Not that this has anything to do with the TB/WM case, but from an etiquette perspective in the past friends, family, coworkers etc would spend large amounts of $$ on flower arrangements accompanied with a condolence note to be sent to the church or funeral home as a sign of respect to the family. These flowers were maybe on display for a day or two and then left at the graveside, donated to the church or a hospital. A few decades ago the etiquette changed slightly with families requesting,in lieu of flowers to have donations sent to a charity that may have been close to the deceased. Ex $150-300 on a flower arrangment might be of better use to a cancer charity or oncology hospital etc if the deceased died of cancer. Not to mention that as a charitable donation you may be eligible to receive a tax receipt.

Yes thats right.... and now its all sent to the family, I suppose nowadays they just assume that there was no life insurance in place... I do still like to see a show of flowers and a donation to a cause specific to the deceased's demise or charity of choice... ie. sick kids, heart, cancer etc etc MOO JMO
I think there is ..... and without proof to the contrary I guess we may never know....MOO :moo:

Or in given time we just may find out about the whole EGAWF as to whether it exists or not.
IMO the key words were written by DM himself in his father's obit. To launch a foundation a minimum required amount of money needs to be donated before setting up the foundation. So did WM not have the required amount of money to launch this foundation? :waitasec: And why would DM put out money for a foundation on someone such as his father's girlfriend? What about starting a foundation in memory/honour of his own father, taking into consideration his own father was very much an activist on animal rights?? It all seems very odd to me IMO.

Yet To Be Realized... His last, still unlaunched, animal welfare mission is accepting donations to the 'E Glass Animal Welfare Fund', 5 Maple Gate Court, Etobicoke, ON M9C 2K4.

Charitable foundation can be easy to set up
Depending on the institution you decide to use to administer your foundation, the initial deposit can be as low as $10,000, but normally a minimum of $25,000 would be required.

Your foundation can be funded easily with a contribution of publicly traded securities of appreciated value if you wish to finance it with a portion of your stock portfolio.

Setting up a private foundation can often cost $5,000 to $20,000 in legal, accounting and registration fees in addition to ongoing expenses for office space, staff, investment management fees, and trustee and custodial fees.

Furthermore, a board of directors must be appointed, annual meetings must be held and annual tax returns filed.

Oh, and did I mention the initial minimum contribution of $300,000? This puts the creation of a private foundation out of reach for many.

About setting up foundations in Canada.
I think there is ..... and without proof to the contrary I guess we may never know....MOO :moo:

Proof to the contrary is that it is not registered with the Charities Directorate of the Canada Revenue Agency:

If it is as yet unlaunched, any cheques previously issued since the time of the obituary would be stale dated.
It could be unlaunched with any previous donations sitting in a trust account waiting until it is registered.
I replied to this before I saw that curiosity kitten already had. I have known MB & her family since 1964. What curiosity kitten said is exactly right. I have posted this info elsewhere, so curiosity kitten may have read that, or may also know the Burn's family.

Thanks for your posts, MamaDukes. It would prove so helpful to many of us to learn more about DM's character in order to better understand his motivation in carrying out such serious crime(s). In your personal experience with him, did you ever notice anything about his behaviour that might have provided warning signs? Do you think his parents were aware of his capacity for extreme violence? Have you discussed the charges against DM with MB. If it isn't too personal, can you share his mum's view about the situation? Thanks.
Thanks for your posts, MamaDukes. It would prove so helpful to many of us to learn more about DM's character in order to better understand his motivation in carrying out such serious crime(s). In your personal experience with him, did you ever notice anything about his behaviour that might have provided warning signs? Do you think his parents were aware of his capacity for extreme violence? Have you discussed the charges against DM with MB. If it isn't too personal, can you share his mum's view about the situation? Thanks.
I haven't seen his Mum since before DM was born. I have never seen DM. I remember my mum knitting or crocheting him an outfit when he was newborn, but I never actually saw him even then. MB's parents were my parents landlords, MB was my art teacher, her sister & brother-in-law (DM's aunt & uncle)were our landscapers, until the uncle got hired by Halton Police. DM's uncle is the vet of my sister, and a few of my friends - despite the fact that they live nowhere near his clinic - he's that nice of a guy. MB was my art teacher. These are all salt of the earth people. I have a bias here because I can not believe that MB raised a monster. I know the truck in MB's driveway and TB's body on the farm are very incriminating, but I was prepared to keep believing that there was some possible explanation. I can easily disregard AS's remarks about DB as someone jealous of what he saw as a spoiled rich kid. MB & her sibs had to put up with that all of their lives, and dealt with it really, really well. I don't think her parents were as rich as us kids believed, but there was a solid camp of kids who thought they were spoiled brats (they were nothing of the sort), and ostracized them, there was another type of kid who sucked up to them. All 3 of them navigated that very, very well. In addition to their family being more well off than most of the neighbourhood, all 3 kids were extremely good-looking. The uncle who is a vet was a terrific kid, great sense of humour, absolutely confident - but without a hint of arrogance. He worked as our lifeguard. When MB started giving art classes, my mum signed me up. I was pretty pissed off, as I suck at art, and I thought she was just sucking up to the landlady. I barely tolerated the classes. I was maybe 11 at the time. Looking back as an adult I have a really different perspective. MB designed her own curriculum (for 2 different age groups), taught us several different mediums, took us on a field trip to the AGO (from Rexdale - before there was a Bloor Subway). She had us put on a little art show, and helped every do an oil painting for their parents as a Xmas gift. She did all her own marketing and recruiting. She was all of 16 at the time. Her sister got married really young, and she and her husband had their own landscaping business. MB & her sister were THE most glamorous girls in Rexdale, but there was J in her sweats & T's and boots, gettin all muddy & bloody planting & mowing and stuff. Even though the parents were comfortably off, the kids all worked from a young age. As with all successful people, some people griped about there, but there was really nothing to legitimately criticize them for. MB's parents both worked for the company who owned our apartment/townhouse complex, mother was the property manager on our site, father worked at the head office, both spent their entire working life at the same company. No dishonesty, no affairs, no rumours of abuse, no flirting, no public drunkeness. No scandal at all. I would guess that MB is not at all equipped to deal with the scandal she finds herself now embroiled in. She came from a great family. They are all very close. I feel as badly for all of them as I feel for the Bosma's. LB's last phone call, and the subsequent incinerator purchase tipped the balance for me, and made me believe that DM may be guilty of all he is accused of (both by the police, and the twitterverse). It was uncomfortable for me to come to that realization, it will be agonizing for MB.
I haven't seen his Mum since before DM was born. I have never seen DM. I remember my mum knitting or crocheting him an outfit when he was newborn, but I never actually saw him even then. MB's parents were my parents landlords, MB was my art teacher, her sister & brother-in-law (DM's aunt & uncle)were our landscapers, until the uncle got hired by Halton Police. DM's uncle is the vet of my sister, and a few of my friends - despite the fact that they live nowhere near his clinic - he's that nice of a guy. MB was my art teacher. These are all salt of the earth people. I have a bias here because I can not believe that MB raised a monster. I know the truck in MB's driveway and TB's body on the farm are very incriminating, but I was prepared to keep believing that there was some possible explanation. I can easily disregard AS's remarks about DB as someone jealous of what he saw as a spoiled rich kid. MB & her sibs had to put up with that all of their lives, and dealt with it really, really well. I don't think her parents were as rich as us kids believed, but there was a solid camp of kids who thought they were spoiled brats (they were nothing of the sort), and ostracized them, there was another type of kid who sucked up to them. All 3 of them navigated that very, very well. In addition to their family being more well off than most of the neighbourhood, all 3 kids were extremely good-looking. The uncle who is a vet was a terrific kid, great sense of humour, absolutely confident - but without a hint of arrogance. He worked as our lifeguard. When MB started giving art classes, my mum signed me up. I was pretty pissed off, as I suck at art, and I thought she was just sucking up to the landlady. I barely tolerated the classes. I was maybe 11 at the time. Looking back as an adult I have a really different perspective. MB designed her own curriculum (for 2 different age groups), taught us several different mediums, took us on a field trip to the AGO (from Rexdale - before there was a Bloor Subway). She had us put on a little art show, and helped every do an oil painting for their parents as a Xmas gift. She did all her own marketing and recruiting. She was all of 16 at the time. Her sister got married really young, and she and her husband had their own landscaping business. MB & her sister were THE most glamorous girls in Rexdale, but there was J in her sweats & T's and boots, gettin all muddy & bloody planting & mowing and stuff. Even though the parents were comfortably off, the kids all worked from a young age. As with all successful people, some people griped about there, but there was really nothing to legitimately criticize them for. MB's parents both worked for the company who owned our apartment/townhouse complex, mother was the property manager on our site, father worked at the head office, both spent their entire working life at the same company. No dishonesty, no affairs, no rumours of abuse, no flirting, no public drunkeness. No scandal at all. I would guess that MB is not at all equipped to deal with the scandal she finds herself now embroiled in. She came from a great family. They are all very close. I feel as badly for all of them as I feel for the Bosma's. LB's last phone call, and the subsequent incinerator purchase tipped the balance for me, and made me believe that DM may be guilty of all he is accused of (both by the police, and the twitterverse). It was uncomfortable for me to come to that realization, it will be agonizing for MB.

Thanks for sharing that information Mama, and you expressed yourself so well that I really feel like I got a good idea of the B family and they do sound lovely.

It's funny that the LB connection is what "tipped the balance" for you because it's actually one accusation that I believe he may not have had anything to do with even if he is guilty of the rest. According to her family, LB knew a lot of dangerous and undesireable people. Every day I walk by two different areas, one downtown and in the suburbs, where people with severe drug problems end up. And every day I think that LB could have very well ended up here and sadly, nobody would recognize her because by now she probably would look nothing like she looked in those pictures. And she'd be in too deep and maybe too ashamed to come back. Or it could even be worse than that. She was in a desperate situation and I think because of her mental health she may have willingly gone down a scary path.

Anyway, I guess if we are to continue the discussion on LB it should be moved to the LB thread.
Friendly reminder all

MB and other family members are off limits for sleuthing unless the info is from MSM.

We didn't have a pool there when I first moved in, the tenants wanted one, but the property company would agree to build one. Old Mrs B came up with a scheme, and got all the tenants to agree. For a period of time, everyone had a surcharge on their rent, and that paid for the pool, once it was open, people bought badges annually(to be sewn onto bathing suits) the badges cost $1, so you would buy as many badges as you had people in your household. This paid for lifeguards. It made for a lot of extra paperwork etc, for Mrs B, not to mention dealing with the contractors etc. The opening of the pool was covered in the newspapers as the first ever tenant built pool. When the tenants started a hockey pool Mrs B took it over, collected the money, ran of copies of the numbers on the office gestetner etc.
I haven't seen his Mum since before DM was born. I have never seen DM. I remember my mum knitting or crocheting him an outfit when he was newborn, but I never actually saw him even then. MB's parents were my parents landlords, MB was my art teacher, her sister & brother-in-law (DM's aunt & uncle)were our landscapers, until the uncle got hired by Halton Police. DM's uncle is the vet of my sister, and a few of my friends - despite the fact that they live nowhere near his clinic - he's that nice of a guy. MB was my art teacher. These are all salt of the earth people. I have a bias here because I can not believe that MB raised a monster. I know the truck in MB's driveway and TB's body on the farm are very incriminating, but I was prepared to keep believing that there was some possible explanation. I can easily disregard AS's remarks about DB as someone jealous of what he saw as a spoiled rich kid. MB & her sibs had to put up with that all of their lives, and dealt with it really, really well. I don't think her parents were as rich as us kids believed, but there was a solid camp of kids who thought they were spoiled brats (they were nothing of the sort), and ostracized them, there was another type of kid who sucked up to them. All 3 of them navigated that very, very well. In addition to their family being more well off than most of the neighbourhood, all 3 kids were extremely good-looking. The uncle who is a vet was a terrific kid, great sense of humour, absolutely confident - but without a hint of arrogance. He worked as our lifeguard. When MB started giving art classes, my mum signed me up. I was pretty pissed off, as I suck at art, and I thought she was just sucking up to the landlady. I barely tolerated the classes. I was maybe 11 at the time. Looking back as an adult I have a really different perspective. MB designed her own curriculum (for 2 different age groups), taught us several different mediums, took us on a field trip to the AGO (from Rexdale - before there was a Bloor Subway). She had us put on a little art show, and helped every do an oil painting for their parents as a Xmas gift. She did all her own marketing and recruiting. She was all of 16 at the time. Her sister got married really young, and she and her husband had their own landscaping business. MB & her sister were THE most glamorous girls in Rexdale, but there was J in her sweats & T's and boots, gettin all muddy & bloody planting & mowing and stuff. Even though the parents were comfortably off, the kids all worked from a young age. As with all successful people, some people griped about there, but there was really nothing to legitimately criticize them for. MB's parents both worked for the company who owned our apartment/townhouse complex, mother was the property manager on our site, father worked at the head office, both spent their entire working life at the same company. No dishonesty, no affairs, no rumours of abuse, no flirting, no public drunkeness. No scandal at all. I would guess that MB is not at all equipped to deal with the scandal she finds herself now embroiled in. She came from a great family. They are all very close. I feel as badly for all of them as I feel for the Bosma's. LB's last phone call, and the subsequent incinerator purchase tipped the balance for me, and made me believe that DM may be guilty of all he is accused of (both by the police, and the twitterverse). It was uncomfortable for me to come to that realization, it will be agonizing for MB.

Thank you for the stories of your old friends...I thought Dm's uncle was in France.... but must be another uncle. Sounds like you have some neat memories of them all..... nice post... :)
Thank you for the stories of your old friends...I thought Dm's uncle was in France.... but must be another uncle. Sounds like you have some neat memories of them all..... nice post... :)
His uncle the vet lives in France part of the time, and in Woodbridge the rest of the year. His wife and kids live there year round, and I expect that when her retires, he will live there year round too.
His uncle the vet lives in France part of the time, and in Woodbridge the rest of the year. His wife and kids live there year round, and I expect that when her retires, he will live there year round too.
Mama...your post gave me chills when I read the uncle was a vet in Woodbridge. IMO, there's eery similarities between all things DM and the PB/KH case. Now I wonder if DM ever had access to his uncles clinic?
I believe the rules for the proper handling of narcotics have changed greatly since the PB/KH case, even for veterinary clinics, if that is what is being hinted at, they are far more strictly controlled these days. Also, people who steal animal drugs usually do so because they cannot afford real human drugs, from what I know.
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