The Department of Motor Vehicles.

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Sep 13, 2003
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Forgive me, I don't have a link to any news story but I do have two questions that perhaps our Websleuths members can help with.

Why is it that the Department of Motor Vehicles can make my driver's license picture look like an over fed prisoner of war? Really. If I hired an expensive photographer and said,

"Somehow, make me look like I have been held in solitary confinement for years, cut off from other human beings with no trips to the salon, fed bread and water only and yet, make my face look like I have been eating goose pate...." it couldn't be done.

I read recently about how the DMV's are trying to do better at pictures. I was wondering if any of you have read about this. Also, isn't there a website made up of really bad driver's license pictures? Or have I just come up with a million dollar idea.

The people at the DMV where I live are actually wonderful. Very nice and you can joke with them. I know they get a bad rap but it seems to me they are really making an effort to overcome their bad reputation. In fact I would venture to say my DMV is the best government agency I have dealt with in many years.

The photog at the DMV did offer to re-take my picture but at the time I thought I looked more like I had been in County jail for a week and been fed Kentucky Fried Chicken. In other words, looked like me. Then, when the license comes in the mail...OH HOLY PICTURES BATMAN.

Anyway, this is a bit off topic but if the owner bans me...oh well.

Have fun, tell us about your DMV pictures or experiences and if anyone can come up with any of the articles I mentioned that would be great.
I was listening to a radio show once and they were set up down at our local DMV.They were giving Glamour makeovers and taking glam shots for the DMV photos LOL.
People were really getting into it. i tried to get down there hoping to get one of those boudoir type photos on my dl but i didn't make it. i thought that would be helpful getting out of tickets and such.
When I received my license there was a photo of some old lady with orange hair on it. :eek:
I do mine by mail so they keep putting an old picture on my DL. That'll show them. LOL!
I do mine by mail so they keep putting an old picture on my DL. That'll show them. LOL!

Yeah, see, that's how they get you. Eventually, like me, you won't get a sticker in the mail. You'll have to go down and do the deed of getting your picture taken.

Why do they ask your weight? Isn't that rude. I put down the weight I KNOW I am going to be by next year. That's legal isn't it?
The DMV here in South Carolina will show you the photo and if you don't like it they will retake it a few times. The last time I did renewal I had a very bad cold with strep throat. I showed up in pajamas with severe bed head. A little bit of nice talking convinced them to use my old photo.

I thought people would make comments about wearing pajamas during the day. Not so. Nobody messes with a man that wears pajamas during the day. They'll twist their neck to stare but, pretend they are not. Speaking in a very crackly evil voice (throat) doesn't hurt either.
While we lived in GA, we learned that the photos at the DMV in our area were being taken by a visually impaired group. (There was a sign at the office indicating that.) I can't remember the name, but it was a state government program to give them jobs--they were legally blind. I guess the state figured everyone expects the pics to be bad and it's point & shoot anyway, sooooo. . . .
The last time I got my license renewed there it was through the mail and I just kept the same old picture.
My license has the best picture of me, ever!

I have no idea how I got so lucky, but since serious weight loss, it doesn't even look like me anymore =(

Waiting for my divorce to be finalized to kill two birds with one
Hahaha! I actually liked some of my pictures through the years. Now that I am getting older, when I look at my license I realize this will be the best it will ever be
Tricia, you crack me up! One of the last times I had my pic taken, it was the absolute best pic I ever had. I was so thrilled, but then I moved and had to get a new DL with my new address on it. For some reason, I had to have a new pic too, I don't know why. The poor girl taking my pic, even SHE knew it was bad. "Hey, honey, you want to try again?". We tried, I think four times and they all came out horrible. She had to give up. So now I have this horrible pic that keeps being renewed by mail. I just got a perm that was too tight and my bangs were too short, my eyes are looking towards the side and I have a horrible smile on my face. Ugg!
Yeah, see, that's how they get you. Eventually, like me, you won't get a sticker in the mail. You'll have to go down and do the deed of getting your picture taken.

Why do they ask your weight? Isn't that rude. I put down the weight I KNOW I am going to be by next year. That's legal isn't it?

Why do they tell you to smile when they take your photo? It's not like you're going to smile when the cop pulls you over!!

Personally, my next photo I'm going to go into the bathroom, wet my hair & face down, and totally go for the Nick Nolte look on my picture.

I went with my Mom to get her pic for hers. They got the camera and her all set up then the nice lady taking the pic directed Mom's attention to the realistic little stuffed animal stuck to the top of the camera saying cheerily 'Watch the mousie, dear" My Mom has an abject fear of mice in any shape or form! :eek: Her photo has her pale as snow, eyes wide in terror and mouth just ready to scream. Just perfect if arrested at the scene of some horrible crime! LOL!

Great thread, made me laugh at the memories of old photos
State DMVs have long used special cameras with unique morphing technology to make everyone look like Margaret Thatcher with a severe case of constipation--even us guys.

The last time I had my picture taken, the lady made me remove my tinfoil hat...Trying to claim the aluminum surface was reflecting the camera flash. Like I couldn't see right through that ploy.
State DMVs have long used special cameras with unique morphing technology to make everyone look like Margaret Thatcher with a severe case of constipation--even us guys.

The last time I had my picture taken, the lady made me remove my tinfoil hat...Trying to claim the aluminum surface was reflecting the camera flash. Like I couldn't see right through that ploy.

Oh ,I love this shadowangel. Especially the tinfoil hat.
I just came in here to read, cuz I seem to always have an issue of some sort with the 'workers' at the DMV. (I just quietly observe and go along with the gag on HOW they do their work)

I nearly always put down the weight that I once was, and wish I was on the day my pic is taken.

I just had a brain problem, I THINK I may have missed my renewal date, so will skuttle off to check the date on my lic. Birthday was Dec 3, so IF I have missed the date wonder IF there will be a fine, is there a 30 day rule, IF so I am in deep yogurt.

WE should demand that they hire professional photographers and get better cameras. Doing just that should make catching real criminals an easier task for the police and highway patrol. They do not train the police and highway patrol for photography interpretation, 'Is that you er'?
"Your hair is not the same color".

You could actually put down 300 pounds on the application, and the picture does not show your BODY. PLUS they donut weigh you either, why bother?

Take a full body picture and instruct the highway patrol and LE to make YOU get out of the VEE hickle. "You've lost weight" ? er,
"This donut look like your DMV pic".


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