The Doe Network, Part 2: Who is Princess Blue?

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I agree. icepickphil seemed like a nice enough guy. Anybody got the key to the cell? We'll let him go. :)
I agree. icepickphil seemed like a nice enough guy. Anybody got the key to the cell? We'll let him go. :)

Too funny, RKnowley:laugh:.

Icepickphil, if you are out there or ever read this, please accept my apology for making a joke about your hat. I meant no harm at all.

Afternoon, all. One more day of this shift and I can do some work. What's new? What needs to be done? Any word on the ME report?
Hi sleuther friends. The other day I emailed Sgt. with this possible match to either Princess or the other female Princess Doe(about 5' tall) found right near to where Princess was found. This young lady disappeared right near where both Princesses were found, and the height is right for both as well. Though, her hair has been reported as blond and her weight as 105 lb. I believe her hair is bleached blond, and she is clearly heavier than 105 LB in this picture. I cannot tell the shape of the face from this picture, but the height is right for either Princess. I also asked a couple more questions that are on our list. I haven't heard back from Sgt. Coffman since last week or so, though.

I have not heard back yet from the ME's office yet, and I haven't called them yet. When we get the report we may want to analyse it for consistencies. It was done long ago by an ME who does not specialize in evaluating skeletal remains. We may need to read between the lines a bit.


Texas Missing Persons Clearinghouse Online Bulletin

Missing Person Details


Name: Ginger Anne Sutherland
AKA: Ricki
Case Number: M8906002
Case Type: Endangered - Foul Play Possible
Last Seen in: Fresno (Fort Bend County)
Last Seen on: 6/16/1988
Height: 5' 0 "
Weight: 105 lbs.
Age Missing: 19
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Date of Birth: 6/11/1968
Race: White
Sex: Female
State Missing From: Texas
Country Missing From: USA
Circumstances: Ms. Sutherland has a tattoo on her upper left arm of a heart with the names Amanda and Robin inside the heart. She may have been headed to Panama City, Florida.

Ginger Anne Sutherland disappeared from Fresno and was 5 ft. tall. Fresno is right near CR 101 and CR 58 where Princess Blue and the other UID were found.

Investigating Agency
If you have any information concerning this case, please contact:
Texas Department of Public Safety
Off Topic: My dog, Falcon has been in intensive care at the vet since Tuesday morning. At first we didn't know what was wrong with him. It seems he has a massive infection that is going from organ to organ.

He became lethargic in a matter of hours, his spleen is enlarged, he is profoundly anemic, his hematochrit was 15%(very low), his white blood cell count was 50,000(very high), and his urine is as dark as root beer with a burnt orange tint. Yes, it is that dark, and it is the darkest they or I have ever seen in an animal. His kidneys don't look great, either, but it is not that melamine contamination thing.

It is a massive systemic infection that may have started with a bacterial prostatitis(infection and inflammation of the prostate). At first we didn't know what was wrong, and I called richandfamous to help me to research further. I cried my eyes out that whole first night. I don't know if I can stand losing another furry family member so soon after Spirit, and I all I can think about was how beautiful and healthy he was before all of this. He ran like the wind with the most beautiful, agile that takes my breath away. I hope he can recover from this.

The other day we ran many tests, including various blood tests, urinalysis', x-rays, and an ultrasound. When we were doing the ultrasound, Falcon cried with even the slightest pressure on his poor belly. I felt so bad for him.

His repeat blood tests/urinalysis was not much better by yesterday. However, he is now eating and drinking again, so hopefully the test results will yield better results today. I am waiting for them to call me back because when I called they had two emergencies at the same time and I couldn't speak with my vet. The receptionist said that she walked him around today and that he seemed to feel a little better.

Falcon is a show dog and is trained a little in SAR. He is a beautiful dog inside and out. He is a fanatic for puppies and kittens, and he loves to interact, nurture and play with them. I love just watching Falcon because of his fantastic personality and temperament. I hope he will make it through this, but I know that he might not. I can hardly stand to think of losing him so soon after losing Spirit.

I never picked up Spirit's ashes at the vet because I just couldn't deal with it. On Monday when I left Falcon with the vet I finally picked up Spirit's ashes. It felt so strange to be picking up Spirit's ashes and leaving my very sick Falcon there. I cried all the way home to the point where it was hard to see will enough to drive. Thank goodness my vet is close to where I live.

Dingo started a thread for Falcon and me on the Pet Corner. She is so kind. Since I work closely with you guys and care about each of you as friends I wanted to tell you what was going on. Thank you for listening.

Lion, I am so very sorry and I am sending the most powerful thoughts your way that he will pull through this!!! Hang in there, and if you need anything - even to vent - I'm here for you.
Thank you Jaded. I still don't have a progress report for today, so I hope they call me soon. If they don't call by 1:30 CDST I will call them back.

I still haven't heard back from the ME, have you?

Hugs to you (((((((((Lion)))))). I hope when you get a progress report on Falcon he is doing much better.
I am soooooo sorry to hear about your sweet dog, Falcon! This is all just too much at once. First Spirit, then then 3 babies, now his illness...I wish there was something I could do for him or you.:blowkiss: I had tears in my eyes when I was reading your story. How awful for you to have to witness him so sad and ill. It sounds like you love your dogs as deeply as I do mine, and that they are truly family members.

All of you are in my thoughts daily. Take care of yourself as well, okay?
Hi friends. The vet who specializes in doing ultrasounds came this morning and did my Falcon boy this morning, and he has a splenic torsion. They are going to get blood from the ER hospital, and then they will attempt to take his spleen out. This could kill him because he has already lost so much blood, he is so anemic, and he is so weak. But, there is no chance of survival if they don't do the surgery. A splenic torsion is a condition where his spleen actually fully twists. If you can imagine the pain that might cause.

I am very, very angry because on Tuesday after I left Falcon at the vet I called back because I had a gut feeling that he had a splenic torsion. I asked a particular vet tech to ask the vet to please check for a splenic torsion. She said she would call me back, and when she didn't I called her back. She told me that my vet did not think it was a splenic torsion. Today I confronted my vet and asked him how he missed the splenic torsion when I asked the tech to ask him to check for it.

He said this is the first he heard of it. The vet tech came in to work a bit later, and I called her on the fact that she lied. She cried and said she was sorry, and that she would work off the clock to care for Falcon.

Two things bother me. She lied and never asked him, and my vet didn't catch it on his own. That is something that happens often, though. I have figured out what a problem was with various animals and my daughter, and I am thankful I have been able to do that.

But, we have lost days because of this, and now Falcon stands little chance of surviving the surgery. My heart is broken all over again, and I am a mess. They are going to call me just prior to the surgery so I can see him before he goes in. It may or may not be the last time I see my beautiful dog alive.

So far the vet bill is around $2,000.00, and I don't care. How can I put a price on a beloved creature I love so much who also finds lost people, sometimes saving their lives?

I care about each of you as I have come to work with you, so that is why I am posting this here. And, I feel cared about and supported, too by you guys. I hope it is okay that I am posting so off topic.

I am glad you are keeping us updated. I would be mad as a hornet over the tech's dishonesty.

Sending good thoughts for your boy!! *hugs*
How are weights and heights determined by TXMPCH for unidentified individuals? I have been looking at case files from the Harris County Medical Examiner and also finding the same individuals on TXMPCH and I am not sure how the heck they come up with their estimates? For one man the ME has his height determined to be 4'8" and yet the TXMPCH has him as being between 5'9" and 5'11". These sort of things make me go HUH?? :confused:
Ok, I've got a lot of catching up to alot of homework to do also this weekend.

OT: I hope Falcon is ok..God Bless him!
Falcon made it through the surgeries! He is not out of the wood, yet. It was a 4 hour surgery, and he was so sick and weak, but he made it! He needed the full amount of his blood transfused back into him--he basically bled to the point of having no blood left in him. Without the extra blood put back into him he never would have made it. His spleen was twisted(splenic torsion) and ruptured with a 7 inch long gash in it. Unbelievable. He does also have a prostatitis, and he has bacteremia(blood poisoning).

Any one of these things, and that he nearly bled to death, could have killed him. It would have and should have killed him. And, for days he has been in this condition, and still he survived. He is cut from his sternum to his testicles--all the way up. They are keeping him sedated so he doesn't open up and bleed. They also need to monitor his heart and give him lidocaine if he develops a heart arrhythmia. But, all in all he seems to be doing okay.

One reason he survived so far is because he is in top physical condition--except for the little problems with bacteremia, a twisted and ruptured spleen, hemorrhaging, and a nasty prostatitis. He runs several miles a day(keep in shape for search training), and he is just innately a very strong and healthy dog. What happened to him is just a freak thing, and if he weren't o healthy he could not have survived this long.

And then there are the prayers that family and friends have been saying for Falcon. And, my friends at the hospital were kind and full of hugs, too.

Like I said Falcon is not out of the woods, yet, but at least he has a good chance now. I am thankful and grateful, and for the first time in days I will probably sleep well tonight. Thank you friends for helping me get through this. I will keep you updated.

One very relieved and thankful Lion
I'm relieved he pulled through the surgery. He's going to get through this, I just know it! Give him a big smooch from me and my boys and know that I am still sending positive thoughts your way for his speedy recovery.
Oh Lion! I am so happy to hear this news. I was thinking about you and Falcon and Jole' many times yest. and remembering what it is like to be the anxious "mom," waiting for the news and hoping they know what they're doing! I'm sure he was comforted to know you were there, even if he was out of it, he could sense you and smell you. Poor guy! He DOES have the will to live, doesn't he? What a magnificent animal!
Congrats, and my best wishes for him to continue to gain strength.
Get some rest for yourself as well,
How are weights and heights determined by TXMPCH for unidentified individuals? I have been looking at case files from the Harris County Medical Examiner and also finding the same individuals on TXMPCH and I am not sure how the heck they come up with their estimates? For one man the ME has his height determined to be 4'8" and yet the TXMPCH has him as being between 5'9" and 5'11". These sort of things make me go HUH?? :confused:
I hear your confusion! :crazy: I know, sometimes I wonder how these types of impt. mistakes could be made, so I actually looked into some of them and had them corrected, if in fact, I did discover a true mistake. These are some of the things I found out:

1. As awful an excuse as it sounds, the truth is, the organization is simply run by manpower (or "womanpower", if you will). It sometimes IS just an error that was tyed incorrectly. Have you ever noticed in the "Misc. section" of their summaries, there are often typos or grammar that doesn't match? I have, and it drives me crazy. I don't see why they can't proofread and/or have someone typing it in who writes correctly! (Not to say I don't make my own grammatical mistakes here, but at least it's not something as impt. as a MP or UID profile!:bang: )

2. MANY times, the profile gets put onto the MPCH site from the INITIAL info. sent by one of the first organztns. involved. It could be submitted by the SO, the PD, the ME...and it might be from the PRELIMINARY findings. The public and LE are always pressing for info. right away, so they give out preliminary findings. The problem is that once the more thorough exam is completed, they don't always go back to the media to update it (or in this case, to the website). That's what happened in P. Blue's case. The original 1990 autopsy report, as well as presumptions about her weight, were what was the info. given to the MPCH site and that newspaper article. 17 years later they have an intensive anth. work-up done on her remains that is more thorough and up to date, and then need to go back and make the changes to the site and to the media. They have updated the site, but have yet to update the public (media). I'm pushing to get that done, believe me!

This is why, also, there are so many entries that have some basic info., but NO FACE! That also is frustrating to me, bec. the public definitely needs SOME idea as to how this person appeared in life! But that process takes time, and they don't always get to it, believe it or not. I have been told though, that they DO get leads for cases (profiles) that are listed w/ just stats and not pictures, so something up on the site is better than nothing at all, I suppose.:confused:

But, four feet, eight inches for a man? That seems pretty short. Maybe it was supposed to be 5'8"? If you would like to tell me which one it is, I can see if I can look into his profie.

Thanks for your insightfulness, RKnowley!
Falcon made it through the night! He is doing well. His white blood cell count is down to 60,000 from 80, 000(still very high but better), he is still anemic(despite a complete blood transfusion), but he has a little color to his gums. He walked outside with a tech to go potty, so he is up. He won't eat yet, but I am going to go and try to hand feed him some yummy canned food later. He is on fluids, and they pumped the rest of the blood they got from the ER hospital. They are still keeping him sedated and he is on heavy duty pain killers.

I still can hardly believe he made it through. He is one tough dog, that's for sure. To be a search dog they have to be tough. I am just soooooo glad he made it through. I am normally a very optimistic person, but this was so bad I needed to be prepared. I refused to give up and told them to do everything they could to save him, but I had little hope. I know the prognosis is very poor when it gets as bad as it was with him. I've seen it before. Everyone there is surprised at how well he is doing, too.

I thought I would sleep well last night, but I woke up several times and couldn't go back to sleep for a while. But, who cares sleep is highly over rated anyway lol. Just kidding, there. I am smiling again for the first time in days, and I am so happy for my beautiful Falcon boy.

His mother's name was Lara, and his father's name was Vimo. Falcon and his brother, Fantom were born right before me, and they were both beautiful, healthy puppies. Raising them was a joy, and I was sad when Fantom went to his home in CA. Having Falcon has been a pleasure and a priveledge. I have done a lot of rescue work, and Falcon has this, "thing" for small animals. He adores them and spends much time grooming and tending to them when ever I have some orphaned kittens or puppies(either ones I have bred or stray little litters from rescue) here.

Big German Shepherd male dog, and what a wonderful dog he is to other animals. And, to us he is exceptionally affectionate. One thing he does often is to put his big paw on us. That is a sign of frendship in dogs. And, when we hug him, he hugs us back. He is a sweet, loving dog, and I am so happy he is still here.

I never knew that when they put their paws on you that is a sign of friendship. My dogs do that all the time, especially the boxer. He walks up and puts his paw on everyone's lap. LOL Thanks for sharing that.

I'm so glad he's doing better. I thought about him last night and sincerely hoped that we would get some positive news this morning. Hugs to Falcon!
Ah, then your dogs love you very much, Jaded:blowkiss:.

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